Your search for "" returned 1635' results.

Numerical Study Of Pulsatile MHD Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow With Heat And Mass Transfer Through a Porous Medium Between Two Permeable Parallel Plates


Mokhtar A.Abd Elnaby,Nabil T.M. Eldabe,Mohammed Y. Abou Zeid,



A runge-kutta-marson method and a Newton Iteration in shotting and matching technique are used to obtain the solutions of the government equation. These equations resulted from the unsteady motion of the magneto-hydrodynamic biviscosity fluid with heat and mass transfer through a uniform porous medium between two permeable parallel walls, taking into account obtained as a perturbation technique. During this work we calculate an estimation of the global error by using Zadunaisky technique . The effects of upper limit of apparent viscosity coefficient, Reynolds number, permeability parameter, Forschheimer number, magnetic parameter, the steady component of the pressure gradient, the amplitude of the pulsation, Prandit number, Eckert number, Schmidt number, Soret number and the time on the velocities, temperature and concentration distribution are depicted graphically.



non-Newtonian fluid, heat transfer,mass transfer, plates,

Surface Waves In Visco-Elastic Initially Stressed Solid


Sudipta Sengupta,Indrajit Roy,



The objective of this investigation is to study general surface waves and Rayleigh, love and stoneley waves as particular cases in visco-elastic solids under initial stress of hydrostatic tension or compression. Firstly, the general theory of surface waves in visco-elastic solids under initial stress has been formulated. The visco-elasticity of the solid medium involving time rate of stress and strain is considered to be of first order, The investigated problem and the wave-velocity equations are in fair agreement with the corresponding results of the classical problems in absence of viscosity and initial stress.


Surface wave,Visco-elastic solid,Initial stress,

Hydromagnetic Unsteady Free Convection Flow Past An Impulsively Started Vertical Plate





The unsteady free convection flow of an electrically conducting fluid past an impulsively stared verical plate acted on by a uniform transverse magnetic field has been considered. The solutions are obtained analytically and their natures are shown graphically for different values of the Hartmann number.


convection flow ,magnetic flow,vertical plate ,Hartmann number,

Thermal Stresses And Nonlinear Thermal Deformation Analysis Of Shallow Shell Panel


Bipi Karmakar,P. Biswas,R. Kahali,S. Karanjai,



using the Galerkin’s procedure, the problem of tharmal stresses and nonlinear tharmal deformation has been analysed for a shallow shell panel. The Variation of the central deflection for a square panel has been shown in tabular from.


thermal stress,thermal deformation,shallow shell panel,

A Note On The Propagation Of Small Disturbance In A Compressible Inviscid Magnetic Fluid


Kanak Kanti Das,



in this note, an attempt has been made to investigate the propagation of small disturbance incompressible magnetic fluid and the nature of the disturbance has been studied. It has been noticed that the disturbance velocity in magnetic fluids due to magnetic-striction pressure, is different from that in ordinary non-magnetic fluids.


magnetic fluid,propagation of small disturbance ,magneto-striction pressure,

On The Flow Of A Visco Elastic Oldroydian Fluid In A Circular Pipe


Khondokar Anowarus Sadat,



In this paper an attempt has been made to study unsteady flow of a visco-elastic Oldroydian fluid in a circular pipe. Using Laplace transformation technique the basic equations of motion and boundary conditions have been modified and using these modified equations and boundary conditions the solutions of the problem has been derived.


visco elastic Oldroydion fluid ,unsteady flow ,circular pipe,

Steady Flow Of A Micropolar Fluid Through Coaxial Circular Cylinders Under Constant Pressure Cradient


Supriya Panja,



The aim of this paper is to investigate the problem of steady flow of micropolar fluid  in an annulus bounded by two co-axial circular cylinders of radii a and b, b being greater than a. The annular flow takes place under the action of constant pressure gradient. The velocity and microrotatioin component as well as the rate of discharge of the fluid through the annulus and time of efflux have been derived analytically in closed froms. Numerical calculations have been  given to find out the velocity in viscous fluid and a percentage decrease in micropolar fluid and a persentage decrease in micropolar fluid over viscous fluid corresponding to this flow have been compared. The microrotation has also been calculated. It is clear from the numberical calculations that the fluid velocity is always less in micropolar fluid than in viscous fluid. Also the rate of discharge in micropolar fluid is considerably less than that of viscous fluid. In fact, all important results are less in micropolar fluid than the viscous fluid.


micropolar fluid,cylinder,steady flow,circular pipe,

Effect Of Radiation On Hydromagnetic Vertical Channel Flow With Zero Heat Flux On The Boundaries


D.C. Sanyal,R. Chattopadhyaya,



The effect of radiation on combined free and forced convection flow of an elactrically conducting viscous fluid through an open-ended vertical channel permeated by a uniform transverse magnetic field has been considered. The temperature in the wall has been supposed to very linearly with distance and there is no heat flux on the boundaries. Assuming optically thin limit, the experience for volocity, induced magnetic field, temperature and the non dimensional flow-rate are obtained and the influence of radiation on these quantities are observed either graphically or in tabulated forms.



Viscus fluid,Convection flow,Magnetic fluid,Heat flux,Radiation,

Radial Vibration Of a Non-Homogeneous Anisotropic Elastic Spherical Shell With Inclusion


Sudipta Sengupta,Indrajit Roy,H.S. Chakraborty,



The aim of this paper is to study the radial vibration of a non-homogeneous sherically anisotroplc elastic spherical shell with an isotropic elastic inclusion as the core. The non-homogeneous of the material is characteised by taking linear vibration with radial distance of elastic parameters and mass density. This property of non-homogeneity is assumed to be satisfied by the entire shell of the sphere, while the core of the spherical shell behaves like an inclusion of isotropic homogeneouselastic mass. Satisfying the appropriate boundary conditions, the frequency of vibration of the composite solid sphere has been determined. results obtained by other authors may be deduced from our more general result as special cases.


spherical shell,anisotropic elasti ,radial vibration ,elastic inclusion,

Numerical Solution And Global Error Estimation of Peristaltic Motion Of A Jhonson-Segalman Fluid With Heat and Mass Transfer In A Planer Channel


Mokhtar A. Abd El Naby,Nabil T. Mohammed El Dabe,



Runge-kutta-Marson Method and Newton Iteration in shooting and matching technique ware used to obtain the solutions of the system of the non-linear ordinary differential equations, which describe the two-dimensional flow of a Johnson-segalman fluid with heat and mass Transfer in a planer channel having walls that are transversely displaced by an infinite, harmonic traveling wave of large wavelength. Accordingly, we obtained the solutions of the momentum, the energy and the concentration distributions of the problem were illustrated graphically. Effect of some parameter of this problem such as, Weissenberg number W, total flux number F, Eckeret number, Prandtle number P, Soret number S, Schmidt S, Reaction number Rc, Reaction Parameter R, and reaction order m on these formula were were discussed. Also we estimate the global error for the numberical values of Solution by using Zadunaisky technique.


Johnson-Segalman fluid ,heat transfer ,mass transfer ,global error , peristaltic,

Three Dimensional Couette Flow With Transpiration Cooling Between Two Horizontal Parallel Porous Plates


R.C. Chaudhary,M.C. Ghoyal,Umesh Gupta,



The couette flow between two horizontal parallel porous flat plates with transverse sinusoidal injection of the fluid at the lower plate and it’s corresponding removal by constant suction through the upper plate has been analyzed when both the plates are in motion. Due to this type of injection, the flow becomes Three-dimensional. For small perturbation approximate, the analytical method is applied to obtain the expressions for the velocity and temperature fields. The effect of injection/ suction velocity on the flow field, skin Friction and heat transfer are reported and discussed with the help of graphs and tables.


porous plate, Couette flow,transpiration colling,

Nonlinear Vibrations Of Axisymmetric Thin Circular Elastic Plates Under Thermal Loadi


Utpal Kumar Mandal,Paritosh Biswas,



This paper studies Nonlinear free vibration of thin circular plates with clamped immovable boundary under thermal loading. A steady-state temperature, field, characterized by constant surface temperatures measured from stress free temperature, is considered. The basic governing differential equations have been derived in the von Karman sense in terms of displacement components and solved with the help of Galerkin Procedure. Parametric studies have been presented to understand the Nonlinear free vibrations of thin isotropic elastic circular plates under thermal loading. This study reveals some interesting Nonlinear dynamic features of such structures which may prove useful to the designers.


elastic plate ,vibration ,thermal loading ,surface temperature ,stress free temperature,

On The Generalised Order And Generalised Type Of Differential Monomials And Differential Polynomials


Sanjib Kumar Dutta,



In the paper we study he relation between the generalised order (generalised type) of a transcendental meromorphic function and that of a differental monomial by it. We also establish some theorems on the relationship between the generalised order ( generalised type) of a meromorphic function and that of a differental polynomial generated by it under  different conditions.


differential monomials,meromorphic function,differential polynomial,

Expansion OF A Spherical Cavity At The Center Of A Non-Homogeneous Sphere Of Ductile Metal Under Internal And External Pressures


L.K. Roy,



The aim of this paper is to investigate the distribution of stresses due to expansion of a spherical cavity at the center of a non-homogeneous metallic sphere of finite radius for an elasto-plastic solid under an increasing internal pressure, the external pressure remaining constant. The non-homogeneity of the elastic material is characterised by supposing that the lame constrants very exponentially as the function of radial distance. The case of ideal plastic solid has been deducted from this general case.


non-homogeneous sphere, ,ductile metal, ,internal and external pressure, spherical cavity, ,

Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii (KBM) Method For Fourth Order More Critically Damped Nonlinear System


M. Ali Akber,Md. Sharif Uddin,Mo. Rokibul Islam,Afroza Ali Soma,



Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii (KBM) method has been extended for sotaining of forth order more Critically Damped Nonlinear Systems. The results obtained by the presented KBM method show good coincidence with numerical results obtained by Runge-Kutta method. The method is illustrated by an example.


critically damped,non-linear system,KBM method,Runge-Kutta method,

Propagation Of Waves In A Microstretch Elastic Solid Layer


D.P.Acharya,Chaitali Maji ,



  • Starting from the fundamental equations of motion for liner homogeneous isotropic microstretch elastic solid media, two dimensional wave propagation in a microstretch layer has been investigated in this paper. Under suitable boundary conditions concerned frequency equations involving a eighth order determinant has been obtained. Expressing the determinant as a product of two fourth order determinants, several possibilities and the corresponding wave velocities have been found out in closed forms. Two interesting particular cases when the large of the wave is very small or large relative to the thickness of the layer have been discussed. Graphs have been drawn to highlight the effect of microstretch and micropolarty in the propagation of waves. It is found that the wave velocity increases with the increase of the microelastic parameter while the stretch character of the medium causes diminution of the wave velocity.


microstretch layer ,wave propagation ,micropolarity,wave velocity,

Iterative Solution For Pulsatile Flow Of Blood Through An Artery


A.K. Maity,



The effect of magnetic field on pulsatile flow of blood through an artery is considered treating blood be a suspension of small uniformly sizes spherical particles. Following an iterative scheme, the solution with three significant correction terms over the classical solution is obtained. The numerical computation of velocities (of the suspension and the particles) for varying radial coordinates and the wall shear strees for varying time are carrid out, graphed and discussed.


pulsalite flow of blood,spherical particle ,shear stress, artery ,

On Bitopological Spaces


Ajoy Mukherjee,Arup Roy Choudhury,M.K. Bose,



In this paper, we introduce weakly pairwise regular spaces and considering a weakly pairwise regular spaces, we prove a theorems on pairwise paracompactness as analogue of Michael’s characterized of paracompactness of regular spaces.


Regular space,Pairwise regular space,Paraconpactness,

MHD Flow And Heat Transfer Of Micropolar Visco-Elastic Fluid Between Two Parallel Porous Plates With Time Varying Suction


N.T.M. Eldabe,Mona A.A. Mohamed ,Mohamed A. Hagag,



Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow and transfer of an incompressible electrically conducting micropolar visco-elastic fluid between two infinite parallel horizontal non conducting plates is studied taking into consideration the action of a transverse magnetic flied that is perpendicular to the plates. The two plates are kept at different but constant temperatures. The solutions of equations which governing the flow are obtained by using perturbation technique equations and finite difference approximation. The effects of various physical parameters acting on the problem are discussed and graphical representation for the velocity, angular velocity, the induced magnetic field and temperature are also given.


MHD flow ,heat transfer ,micropolar Visco-elastic fluid ,plates,



Nirmalya Kr. Bhattacharyya,



The paper is concerned with the radial vibration of a spherial shell whose young’s modulus is a function of the radial distance from the sphere and the poisson’s ratio is taken to be constant. The frequency equations for the period of vibration has been determined by perturbation method considering the vibration parameters to be small.


spherical shell,radial vibration,period of vibration,



D. P. Acharya,Indrajit Roy,H. S. Chakraborty,



The aim of the present paper is to investigate the propagation of waves in a magneto­visco-elastic initially stressed electrically conducting plate of finite thickness involving time rate of strain and stress of higher order. The initial stress is assumed to be of the nature of hydrostatic tension or compression. The normal mode analysis is used to obtain the wave velocity equations for the waves propagated in the plate bounded by stress free plane boundaries. The wave velocity equations in different cases, obtained in this paper may be considered as more general in the sense that the results presented by other authors may be obtained as special cases in the absence of additional fields. Numerical computations are carried out and the effects of higher order viscoelasticity, magnetic field and initial stress on the phase velocity ratio are exhibited graphically.


visco-elastic plate,initial stress,magnetic fluid,wave propagation,



M Ali Akbar,M, S. Uddin ,Mo. Rokibullslam,



Krylov-Bogolov-Mitropolskii (KBM) method has been extended and applied to certain third order non-oscillatory nonlinear systems characterizing critically damped .stems, For different· set oj tnisia! Conditions as well as for different eigenvalues the solutions obtained by the extended (KBM), ·method show good coiricidetlce with those obtained by the numerical method. The method is iIIustrated by all example


microstretch layer,wave propagation,micropolarity,wave velocity,



P. C. Ghosh,



The paper is concerned with the investigation of the steady unidirectional flow of a Micropolar fluid of finite depth due to tangential stress applied at the surface. Numerically it is found that the velocity component (u) of the Micropolar fluid increases to a significant extent over the classical fluid.. The miocropolar effect increases the velocity of the classical fluid and rotation component a increases with the increase of the depth


micropolar fluid,unidirectional floe,tangential stress ,



Mokhtar A. Abd Elnaby,Nabil T.M. Eldabe,Hanaa A. Asfour,



  1. The problem of unsteady magneto hydrodynamic flow with heat transfer of a non-Newtonian fluid obeying power low fluid in a porous medium between two coaxial cylinders is investigated when the inner cylinder is at rest and the outer cylinder rotates with constant velocity, taking into account pulsation the pressure gradient and Darcy dissipation term. A Rung-Kutta-Merson method and a Newtown Iteration in a shooting and matching technique are used to obtain the solution of the system Equations of the problem. The velocity and temperature distributions are obtained as a perturbation technique. During this work we calculate an estimation of the global error by using Zadunaisky technique. The effects of behaviour index, Reynolds number, steady state part of the pressure gradient, the amplitude of the oscillatory part, the magnetic parameter, the permeability parameter, Forschheimer number, Prandtl number, Eckert number on the velocity and temperature distributions of Newtown and non- Newtown fluid are evaluated and depicted graphically.


Non-Darcain effect,Fluid flow ,Heat transfer,Rotating calender.,



A.De,M. Chaudhuri,



  1. The object of this paper is to study the torsional vibration of an in-homogeneous elastic cone. For in-homogeneous of the material considered it is assumed that the elastic constants and the density of the material very exponentially as the radial distance. Two broad cases of end condition have been taken into account. Displacements and stresses for a particular case have been obtained and are shown in tabular from and graphically for different values of radial distance.


Torrtion vibration,Elastic cone,In-homogeneous,Stress,



Rabindra Nath Mondal,Md. Sharif Uddin ,Md. Azmol Huda,Anup Kumar Dutta,



In this paper, development of secondary flow and unsteady by using the spectral method. Numberical calculations are carried out for the Grashof number Gr=1000 over a wide range of the Dean number,0≤Dn≤1000, and the curvature,0<ẟ≤0.5, where the outer well is heated and the inner wall is cooled. First steady solutions are obtained by the Newton-Raphson Iteration method. As a result, we obtain five branches of asymmetric steady solutions with one -two-four-six and eight-vortex Solution at the same Dean number. Then,time evolution calculations of the unsteady solutions are performed, and it is found that the steady flow turns into chaotic flow through periodic flows, no matter with the curvature is Finally, the complete unsteady Solution, covering the wide range of dn and ẟ are shown by a phase diagram.


Secondary flow,Curved duct,Chaotic flow,Vortex Solution,



D.P. Acharya,Indrajit Roy,H.S. Chakraborty.,



The aim of the present paper is to investigate interface waves (surface waves) of Earthquakes in second order thermo-viscoelastic solid media under the influence of gravity. The displacement components are expressed in terms of displacement potentials. The problem of surface waves, particularly, Rayleigh waves, Love waves and stoneley waves have been determined. All final results and Equations are in fair agreement with the corresponding classical results when the effect of temperature, viscosity and gravity are ignored.



Thermo-viscoelastic solid,Surface wave,Rayleigh wave,Wave velocity,,Gravity,



P.C. Bhattachryya,



In this paper dynamic stresses and displacements are calculated in a large thick composite plate due to Torsional vibration under sharing forces applied on the free plane boundary being in contact with a rigid foundation. The applied shearing force on the free plane boundary is expressed in terms of Four lier — Bessel integrals; in particular, case of Gaussian load has been treated in details to find distributions of stresses and displacements.


Torrtional vibration,Composite plate,Shearing force,Plane surface.,

An Asymptotic Method For Time Dependent Nonlinear Systems With Varying Coefficients


Pinakee Dey,M. Zulfikar Ali,M.Shamsul Alam,K.C. Roy,



An asymptotic method has been found to obtain approximate solution of a second of a second order Nonlinear Differential system based on the extension of Krylov-Bogoliubov-mitropolskii method, whose coefficients change slowly and periodically with time. Moreover a non-autonomous case also investigated in which an external periodic force acts in the system. The solutions for different initial conditions show a good agreement with those obtained by numerical method. The method is illustrated by examples.



Non-linear system, ,Varying coefficent,Periodic force,Asymptotic Method,



A.De ,M. Chaudhuri,



I. The abstract of this paper is Nowinski obtained the thermo-elostic stresses and displacements in spherical shells and solid spheres with temperature deyendent propreties. Following Gibson. The present author has obtained the thermo-elostic stresses in an in-homogeneous spherical shell where the poisson’s ratio, the co-efficieent of exponential thermal expansion very exponentially with the radial distance r from the centre of the shell.


thermal stress,spherical shells, thermo – electric stresses,



Utpal Kumar Mandal,



Large amplitude (nonlinar) free vibration analysis of thin shallow spherical elastic shalls of vairable thickness with tangentially clamped immovable edges has boon performed by using both (i) coupled governing differential equations derived in the Von Karman sense in trimes of displacement components as well as (ii) decoupled nonlinear governing differential equations on the basis of Berger approximation (i.e. neglection second strain invariant e2) derived from energy expression applying Hamilton`s principal and Euler`s variational equations. The governing differential equations are solved by Galerkin error minimizing technique incorporating clamped immovable edge conditions. A parametric study is presented to understand the effects of various parameters on nonlincear dynamic behavior of such structures and the same reveals some interesting features.


non linear vibration,spherical elastic shell,Berger approximation,Galerkin error ,



Goutam Chakraborty,Supriya Panja,



In this paper oscillatory Couette Flow of a visco-elastic Rivlin-Ericknes fluid thoruge a porous medium within two non-conducting paralled plates in presence of a transverse unifrom magnatic field in a rotating system has been studied.


hydromagnetic Couette flow, visco-elstic fluid,Rivlin –Ericksen fluid,



M.A.K. Azad,M.A.Aziz,M.S.Alam Sarker,



Following Deissler`s approach, the decay of MHD turbulence at times before the final period for the concentrantion fluotuations of a dilute contaminant undergoing a first order chemical reaction in a rotating system is studied. Here two and three point correlatoins between fluctuating quantitles have been third order correlations. The correlations equations are converted to spectrum over all wave numbers, the solution is obtained and this solution gives the Decay law of magnetic energy for the concentration fluctuations before the final period in a rotating system.


MHD turbulence, ,concentration fluctuations, ,energy spectrum, ,magnetic energy,



M.Ali Akbar,Anup Kumar Datta,Md.Eliyas Karim,



A fourth order nonlinear differention equation modeling an over-damped symmetrical system is considered. A perturbation technique is developed in this artical for obtaining the transient responsewhen the eigenvalues are in integral multiple. The results obtained by the presented technique agree with those results obtained by the numerical method nicely. An example is solved to illustrated method.


over-damped symmetrical system ,transient response,forth order non-linear differential equation,eigen values,



M.Zulfiker Ali,M.Asaduzzaman ,



In this paper, we find a more generalized contractive mapping that is applied to prove some convergence theorems of Mann Iteration Procedure. Our proof is comparatively easy. Actually, here we generalized some theorems of Rhoades(3), Qihou(1). Ganguly and Bandyopadhy(8) Kannan(12) to develop the concept on convergence of Mann Iteration Procedure.


Contractive mapping,Convergence theorems,Mann Iteration procedure,






The aim of the present paper is to investigate rotatory vibration of an isotropic  inhomogeneous elastic disk when the elastic constants and also the density of the material varies exponentially as the n-th power of the distance from the center and thinks such problem was not attempted before by any previous investigator and the corresponding results are shown graphically.


Rotator vibration,Isotropic,Inhomogeneous ,Elastic disk,



Sucharita Chakrabarti,Saibal Ranjan Ghosh ,Hiranmany Dasgupta,



In this paper, it is proved that the notions of point wise semi-continuity and quasicontinuity are the same even when the mapping is not globally semi-continuity. The concept of removable quasicontinuity at a point is introdeced with some of its applications [Theorem 4.1]. Finally, a set of sufficient conditions for a topological space to be a Baire space is formulated. In particular, it was shown that if every mappimg from a topological space X to an infinite T2 space is quasicontinuity  then X is a Baire space.


baire space,topological space,quasicontinuity,



Md. Abdul Kalam Azad,M. Ali Akbar ,M. Abdus Sattar,



An over-damped solution of a nonlinear system has been investigated by multiple time scale method when one of the roots of the roots of the unperturbed equation is much smaller then the outhers. The anymptotic solunion shows excellent agreement with the numerical solution. An example is givin to biological system.


multiple time scale,over-damped process biological system,



Nlrmalya kr. Bhattacharyya.,



The object of present praper is to investigate one- dimensional dynamical problem of coupled thermo- elasticity in a semi infinite elastic non – simple medium when its surface is under suddenly applied constant pressure. The solution of the problem has been deduced using Laplace transfrom in Bromwich integral from. The author determined the value of the surface displacements in  non – simple medium for small values of time t numerically and presented graphically.


thermo-elasticity,non-simple medium,surface displacements,



Prabir Chandra Bhattacharyya,



The object of the present paper is to investigate the propagation of waves in an elastic layer immersed in an infinite liquid and under the influence of gravity. The corresponding velocity equation has been derived. In the limiting case the wave velocity equation so obtained is in good agreement with the corresponding classical problem when gravitational effects are vanishing small.


elastic layer, propagation of waves,effect of gravity,






Following Deissler’s approach the decay for the concentration fluctuation of a dilute contaminant undergoing a first order chemical reaction in MHD turbluent flow at times before the final period in a rotating system for the case of multi-point and multi-time correlation equations is studied. Two-point, two-time and three-point, correlation eqyations have been obtained and to make the set of  equations determinate, the trams containing quadruple correlations in compraison with second and third order correlation terms. The solution obtained gives the decay law for the concentration fluctuations before the final period in a rotating system.


MHD turbulent flow, rotating system,concentration fluctuation,

MHD Free Convection Flow Of Fluid From A Vertical Flat Plate


S.F. Ahmmed,M.S. Alam sarkar,



A two dimensional natural convection flow of a viscous incompressible and electrically conducting fluid past a vertical impermeable flat plate is considered in presence of a unifrom transverse magnetic field. The governing equations are reduced to non-similar boundary layer equations by introducing coordinate transformations appropriate to the cases (i) near the leading edge (ii) in the region for away from the leading edge and (iii) for the entire regime from leading edge to down stream. the governing equations for the flow in the up stream regime are investigated by perturbation method for smaller values of the stream wise distributed magnetic field parameter. The equations governing the flow for large and for all have been investigated by employing the implicit finite difference method with Killer box scheme. The effect of prandit number pr and the magnetic filed parameter on the skin fricition as well as on the rate of heat transfer for the fluid of low prandtl number will be shown in tabular from. The effect of Pr and different level of velocity, in the boundary layer region, will also be shown graphically.


viscous incompressible fluid, convection flows,skin friction,heat transfer,



Anukul De,Doyal Debnath,



In this paper thermal stresses in an aeolotropic thin rotating annular disc under transient shearing strees applied on the outer edge are derived when the modulus of elasticity and the coefficient of thermal expansion very expansion very exponentially as the nth power of the radial distance from the center of the circular disk, corresponding result for homogeneous case are deduced as a special case and and found in agreement with the previous results. Numberical results are presented in a tabular from and graphically.


thermal stresses,thermal expansion,aeolotropic,shearing stress,



M.Alhaz Uddin ,M.Abdus Satter,



In this artical, an approximate technique has been presented for obtaining the analytical approximate solutions of second order strongly  nonlinear differential systems with small damping and slowly varying coefficients based on the He’s homotopy perturbation and the extended from of the Krylov-bogoliubov-Mitroppolskii method. An example is given to illustrate the efficiency and implementation of the presented method. The first order analytical approximate solutions obtained by the presented method show a good  agreement with the corresponding numerical solutions for the several damping effects.


doffing equation ,damping effect ,homotopy perturbation ,varying coefficients ,



Sujoy Saha ,Samar C. Mondal ,Prabir Chandra Bhattacharyya ,



The aim of the present paper is to investigate the influence of autofrettage on stress distribution and load bearing capacity of a thick spherical shell. Appling the maximum shear stress Theory and distortion energy theory an analytical equation for optimum radius c of elastic-plasic juncture, c(opt) is deduced in autofrettage technology. It revealed that the autofrettage increases the pressure inside the wall of a thing spherical shell that it can contain.


autofrettage,stress distribution,shear strees,elastic-plastic juncture,



Prabir Chandra Bhattacharyya,



The object of the present paper is to investigate the joint effect of couple-stress and gravity on the propagation of waves in an elastic layer. It is found that the velocity of propagation of waves in an elastic layer increases due to the presence of couple-stress and the effect of gravity has some effect on the wave velocity when the length of the wave is small compared with the thickness of the layer. It is clear from the phase velocity equation that joint effect of couple-stresses and gravity is superposing effect when this two are acting separately.


elastic layer,couple-stress ,gravity,wave propagation,



Moumita Das,M.M. Rahman,M.G. Arif,M.M. Hossen,A. Polin,



In our study we have analyzed the market volatility in stock prices in the Dhaka stock Exchange (DSE) during 2005-2008. Frist of all the row data is collected from DSE (Dhaka Stock Exchange Deperment). Then we have analyzed the data in two way, one is based on statistical measure and the other is curve fitting. We also explor the trend of general index of DSE in the from of differential equatiol with the  help of least square method.


time series,market volatility,stock price,statistical measure,



S.P.Nanda ,B.Basu Mallik,



The paper is devoted to a theoretical study for the distribution of axial velocity for blood flow in a branch capillary emerging out of a parent artery at various locations of the branch. The results are computed for various values of r and the angle made by the parent artery and the branch capillary. Also due attention is given to the variation of n (fluid index). The output is compared with the results in the previous similar investigations. A theoretical estimate for the velocity of blood for various non negative values of the fluid index parameter and yield stress in different locations of the branch capillary is presented.


branch capillary,artery,fluid index,yield stress,



Maitreyi. Roy ,Abir Chatterjee,



A novel techniques for the operation of analog ICs at low operational voltage has been presented in this paper. Cascode techniques has been chosen as it reduces ratio errors due to input and output voltage difference. Over and above this method provides constant current over wide output voltage swing.


analog ICs,operational voltage,voltage difference,voltage swing,constant current,



Anukul De , Ajoy Kanti Das ,



The object of this paper is to study the thermal stresses in a long in-homogeneous aelotropic cylinder with the variable thermal conductivity of the material varies as mthpower of the radial distance, the elastic constants and the coefficients of thermal expansion of the material vary as nth power of the redial distance.


the thermal stress, thermal expansion, redial distance,aelotropic cylinder,



M. A. Huda,Md. Harun-or-Roshid,A. Islam ,Mst. Mumtahinah ,



The main objective of this paper is to study the sensitivity of eigenvalues in their computational domain under perturbations, and to provide a solid intuition with some numerical example as well as to represent them in graphically. The sensitivity of eigenvalues, estimated by the condition number of the matrix of eigenvectors has been discussed with some numerical example. Here, we have also demonstrated, other approaches imposing some structures on the complex eigenvalues, how this structure affects the perturbed eigenvalues as well as what kind of paths do they follow in the complex plane.


sensitivity,eigenvalues, perturbations,complex eigenvalues,



Sanjib Kumar Dutta ,Tanmay Biswas,



In the paper we study the comparative growth properties of composite entire and meromorphic functions on the basis of th order ( th lower order ) and order ( th lower order ) where is a slowly chang-ing function and are positive integers and


composite entire function,composite entire meromorphic function,comparative growth properties,



L. Ershad Ali,2Md.Asraful ,S. Yeasmin,A. Polin ,M. G. Arif ,



In this paper, Fourier analysis began as an attempt to approximate periodic functions with infinite summations of trigonometric polynomials. For certain functions, these sums, known as Fourier series, converge exactly to the original function. Hereextending the result of R. Islam & M. Zaman (1999), a theorem on βνμλ,,,k summability of quadruple Fourier series has been established.


Fourier series,approximate periodic function,infinite summation,quadruple Fourier series,



Pinakee Dey,M. A. Mozid Pk,M.S.Uddin ,



Based on the Struble technique, a simple formula is presented for obtaining approximate solutions of over-damped nonlinear differential systems when one of the roots of the unperturbed equation is much smaller than the other roots. The method is easier than the existing perturbation techniques. An example is given to biological system.


over-damped,perturbation techniques,biological system,



Anukul De ,Doyal Debnath,



The natural frequencies of an annular plate of exponentially varying thickness under the action of a hydrostatic in-plane force have been studied on the basis of the classical theory of plates. The governing differential equation has been obtained and solved. The effects of in-plane force parameter, radii ratio and taper constants on the frequency parameter have been investigated for two different boundary conditions. Critical buckling loads have been computed for different values of taper constant and radii ratio for both the plates.


annular plate,critical buckling loads, taper constant,



Md. Zaidur Rahman,2Md. Abul Kalam Azad ,Md. Nazmul Hasan,



n most recent time worrying epidemic was HIV, Influenza, Tuberculosis etc. While there are many complicating factors, simple mathematical models can provide much insight into the dynamics of disease epidemics and help officials make decisions about public health policy in this subject matter. We shall discuss two of the classical and still much used, deterministic epidemiological models which are responsible for spreading diseases in an area. We shall then consider a reaction-diffusion model, Fisher’s equation, a new integro-differential equation model for the spread of an epidemic in space and to evaluate strategies to control an epidemic.


epidemiological models ,reaction-diffusion model, Fisher’s equation,public health policy,



Saktipada Nanda ,Ratan Kumar Bose ,



The mathematical analysis presents the study of heat transfer and magneto hydrodynamic effects on pulsatile flow of blood through geometrically irregular arterial system, and its effects on cardiovascular disorder and arterial diseases. Considering the influence of magnetic field on the steno- tic artery, the effect of transverse magnetic field and multi-stenosis on the blood flow in blood vessels is studied theoretically. The blood flow is considered to be axi-symmetric with an outline of the irregular stenosis obtained from a three-dimensional casting of mild stenosed artery, so that the physical problem becomes more realistic from the physiological point of view. The MARKER AND CELL (MAC) and SUCCESSIVE –OVER-RELAXATION (SOR) methods are respectively used to solve the governing unsteady magneto-hydrodynamic equations and pressure-Poisson equation numerically. The present observations certainly have some clinical implications relating to magneto-therapy. It may help reducing the complex flow separations zones causing flow disorder and leading to the formation and propagation of the arterial diseases and cardiovascular disorders.


stenosis,blood flow ,heat transfer ,magnetic field,



R.M.Hafizur Rahman ,



In this paper we introduce the notion of neutral convex sublattices of a lattice to generalize the concept of neutral ideals. Here we give several characterizations of these sublattices and include some of their properties.


lattice ,neutral ideals,neutral convex sublattices,



Snehasis Barman,Sanjib Ghosal ,Manjubikash Saha,



The present study shows that the most abundant species was Amblyseius largoensis (Muma) and Amblyseius pruni Gupta among predatory mites in all the plants (tulsi, mango, chili and papaya) in post monsoon period. During premonsoon period the most dominant species were Amblyseius largoensis, Amblyseius multidentatus, (Swirski & Sheeter), Amblyseius pruni, Amblyseius coccineae Gupta. Species diversity index and species richness index were determined for aforesaid species for the period of pre and post-monsoon period and it was represented in a tabular form.


predatory mites,crops,species diversity index,species richness index,



M. F. Hoque,R. C. Bhowmik,M. R. Kabir,D. M. Ali,



This paper introduce and study four concepts of R0 supra fuzzy topological spaces. We have shown that all these four concepts are ‘good extension’ of the corresponding concepts of R0 topological spaces and established relations among them. It has been proved that all the definitions are hereditary, productive and projective. Further some other properties of these concepts are studied


fuzzy set, ,topological spaces,, supra fuzzy topological spaces,



M. Abdullah Ansary ,Md. Ismail Hossain ,



By applying Parikh-Wilczek’s semi-classical tunneling method we obtain the emission rate of massless uncharged particle at the event horizon of non-accelerating and rotating blackhole with electric and magnetic charges. We consider the spacetime background dynamical and incorporate the self-gravitation effect of the emitted particles when energy conservation and angular momentum conservation are taken into account. We find that the emission rate at the event horizon is equal to the difference of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy before and after emission. We also find the Hawking temperature


uncharged particle,emission rate ,self-gravitation effect ,Bekenstein-Hawking entropy,Hawking temperature ,



Md. Zaidur Rahman ,A. S. A. Noor,



n this paper the authors have introduced the notion of modular elements in a nearlattice. We have included several characterizations of modular and strongly distributive elements with examples. We have also proved that an element in a nearlattice is standard if and only if it is both modular and strongly distributive.


modular elements,nearlattice,strongly distributive elements,



Sudeshna Mukharjee ,Sudipta Ghosh ,



In this paper we have developed a new technique to determine optimal solution to box pushing problem by two robots . Non-Dominated sorting genetic algorithm and Biogeography-based optimization algorithm are combined to obtain optimal solution. A modified algorithm is developed to obtain better energy and time optimization to the box pushing problem.


box pushing, robots ,Non-Dominated sorting genetic algorithm,Biogeography-based algorithm ,

Buckling of (2n+1) Layers Plywood Shell Under Two Way Compressions


Anukul De , Doyal Debnath ,



The object of this paper is to obtain all the stress resultants of an anisotropic (2n+1) layers plywood shell. The deferential equations of equilibrium of (2n+1) layers plywood shell under three simultaneous loads are obtained. The solution of the deferential equations for anisotropic (2n+1) layers plywood shell in case of two way compressions is obtained here. The stable region for a plywood shell in this case is obtained. Buckling diagram for five layers plywood shell and seven layers plywood shell are shown graphically as special cases.


an anisotropic layers,plywood shell, two way compressions,buckling diagram,

Some Characterizations of n-Distributive Lattices


M. Ayub Ali ,R. M. HafiZur Rahaman,A. S. A. Noor ,Jahanara Begum,



In this paper, we have included several characterizations of n-distributive lattices. Also we have generalized the prime Separation Theorem for an n-annihilator nJI⊥= (where J is a non-empty finite subset of L) and characterized the n-distributive lattices.


distributive lattices ,annihilator, prime Separation Theorem,

Forecasting Production of Food grain Using ARIMA Model and Its Requirement in Bangladesh


Lasker Ershad Ali,Masudul Islam,Md. Rashed Kabir ,Faruque Ahmed ,



We forecast the food grain requirement and its production in Bangladesh. Before forecasting, we examine different methods and find time series model i.e. ARIMA model in different order predict accurate values. Then we used autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models to forecast the future amount of food grain in different years in this study. For the accuracy checking, we take the difference between the actual amount of food grain in a specific year and the predicted or the forecasting amount of the food grain in that year.


forecast,food grain ,production,ARIMA model,

Distributive Join – Semi Lattice


Shiuly Akhter ,A.S.A. Noor ,



In this paper, we have studied some properties of ideals and filters of a join-semilattice. We have also introduced the notion of dual annihilator. We have discussed 1-distributive join-semilattice and given several characterizations of 1-distributive join-semilattices directed below. Finally we have included a generalization of prime separation theorem in terms of dual annihilators.


ideals,join-semilattice,1-distributive lattice ,dual annihilator,

Box Pushing Using Hybrid ABC-NSGAII Algorithm


Sudipta Ghosh,Sudeshna Mukherjee ,Gopal Pal ,



In this paper, we present a novel method of path optimization using box pushing method and implementing ABC algorithm in combination with NSGAII Algorithm to achieve optimization. Here, in this case a Multi-Objective Function Optimization is carried out using Bees Colony Optimization and NSGAII Algorithm.


boxpushing,ABC algorithm,NSGAII,BeesColonyOptimization,

On Semi Prime Ideals in Lattices


R. M. Hafizur Rahman,M. Ayub Ali ,A. S. A. Noor ,



Recently Yehuda Rav has given the concept of Semi-prime ideals in a general lattice by generalizing the notion of 0-distributive lattices. In this paper we study several properties of these ideals and include some of their characterizations. We give some results regarding maximal filters and include a number of Separation properties in a general lattice with respect to the annihilator ideals containing a semi-prime ideal.


semi-prime ideals,0-distributive lattices,annihilator ideals,

Method of Solution to the Over-Damped Nonlinear Vibrating System with Slowly Varying Coefficients under Some Conditions


Pinakee Dey ,



A simple analytical solution extended to certain damped-oscillatory nonlinear systems with varying coefficients. The solution obtained for different initial conditions for a second order nonlinear system show a good coincidence with those obtained by numerical method. The method is illustrated by an example


damped nonlinear systems,KBM method ,eigen-value,

Vibration of Orthotropic Circular Plate with Thermal Effect in Exponential Thickness and Quadratic Temperature Distribution


Anukul De ,D. Debnath ,



The object of this paper is to investigate the vibration problem of orthotropic circular plate with exponentially varying thickness in the radial direction subject to quadratic temperature distribution. The equation of equilibrium for the above mentioned plate is obtained. The differential equation of equilibrium is solved using the Frobenius method. The frequency equation for clamped plate and simply supported plate are obtained. For both the boundary condition the variations of deflection with radial distance are shown graphically for first mode of vibration.


orthotropic circular plate ,quadratic temperature distribution,Frobenius method,

Uncharged Massless Particle Tunneling from Kerr-Newman-NUT Blackhole


M. Abdullah Ansary ,MD. Ismail Hossain ,



By applying Parikh-Wilczek’s semi-classical tunneling method we obtain the emission rate of massless uncharged particle at the event horizon of Kerr-Newman-NUT blackhole. We consider the spacetime background is dynamical and incorporate the self-gravitation effect of the emitted particles when energy conservation and angular momentum conservation are taken into account. We find that the emission rate at the event horizon is equal to the difference of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy before and after emission.


Uncharged particle ,Kerr-Newman-NUT blackhole ,emission rate ,Bekenstein-Hawking entropy,

Emotion Detection using Fuzzy Logic


Sudipta Ghosh,Sanjib Ghosh,Arpan Dutta ,Gopal Paul,



Aim of this paper is providing a novel method for evaluating emotion ilicitation procedures based on emotion recognition. Attention should be paid to physiological signals for emotion recognition compared to audiovisual emotion channels such as facial expression or speech. This paper focuses on an idea to define emotion from different perspectives and explore possible causes and variations of different parameters. Here the authors determined the scope of fuzzy relational approach to human emotion identification from facial expression. Initially the facial features are extracted from selective regions which are fuzzified and mapped onto an emotion space. This has been implemented using Mamdani type relational model. In subsequent stages Max-min inverse fuzzy relation has been used to determine the fuzziness of emotions if values of facial expressions are known.


facial features ,emotion ,fuzzy relation,Mamdani type,

Some Properties of the congruences of a Near lattice


Mizanur Rahman,A.S.A.Noor ,



By a near lattice we mean a meet semi lattice with the property that any two elements possessing a common upper bound, have a supremum. In this paper, we have studied some properties of congruences in near lattices. For a near lattice S, if n is an upper and neutral then the set of all finitely generated n-ideals )S(Fnis a lattice. Here we have provided an isomorphism between the lattice of congruences ))S(F(Cn and )S(C.We also showed that if n is a central element of a distributive near lattice S, then ))S(F(I)S(Inn≅If and only if )S(Fn is generalized Boolean, where )S(In is the lattice of all n-ideals of S. Finally we include some equivalent conditions for the permutability of the smallest congruences )I(Θ containing the n-ideals I, when S is a distributive medial near lattice and n is an upper element.


near lattice,semi lattice ,congruences ,ideals,

On a Problem of Moments


Arvinda Banerjee ,Mihir B. Banerjee ,



The necessary and sufficient conditions for a point ),(21μμ in the −μμ21plane to be constituted of the first and second moment of a probability distribution have been established in the present paper. The main results are reported in Theorem 1 and Theorem 2.


probability distribution , first moment of a probability distribution ,second moment of a probability distribution ,

Generalized Magnetohydrodynamic Couette flow of a binary mixture of viscous fluids through a horizontal channel under Soret Effect


Animesh. Adhikari,



The Soret effect of temperature gradient on separation in generalized magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Couette flow of a binary mixture of incompressible conducting viscous fluids between two parallel plates has been investigated analytically in the case when one plane is subjected to zero heat flux while the other has prescribed temperature. The expressions for velocity, temperature and the concentration are obtained analytically and the behaviour of concentration is shown graphically. It is observed that the temperature gradient separates the binary mixture components and the lighter component gets collected near the moving wall.


magnetohydrodynamic,Couette flow,viscous fluids,heat flux ,temperature gradient,

A Circle Theorem in the Samuelson Domain


Mihir B. Banerjee,J.R. Gupta,R.G. Shandil ,Jyotirmoy Mukhopadhyay ,



In the subject matter of mathematical statistics, let the domain of mathematical activity that draws its inspiration from and nurtures the lead provided by the seminal paper of the American Economist and Nobel Prize (1970) winner P.A. Samuelson entitled, “How Deviant can you be?” and published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association in 1968, on the maximum and the minimum deviations, from the mean (denoted presently by m and ‘m respectively) in a set of n observations with given mean μ and standard deviation σ, be henceforth defined as the Samuelson Domain. The present communication is in the Samuelson Domain. A circle theorem in the −σmplane is rigorously established and exhibited step by step for the sheer delight of its simplicity and elegance. A crude first approximation yields a result that is inferior to Samuelson’s but a more precise investigation of the consequences of the circle theorem shows that Samuelson’s famous work on the existence of bounds, for a set of n real numbers, in terms of σμ, and n can be improved upon provided n exceeds a critical value.


Samuelson Domain ,mean ,standard deviation ,maximum and the minimum deviations,critical value,

Natural Convective Heat Transfer Transitory Flow in Presence of Induced Magnetic Field


M. M. Haque,M. A. Islam,M. S. Islam,R. Mahjabin ,



The effects of induced magnetic field on a free convective heat transfer transient flow of fluid past an infinite vertical plate through a porous medium have been investigated numerically. A mathematical model of the problem is developed from the basis of studying magneto-fluid dynamics(MFD) and the equations are solved by the finite difference method. The numerical values of non-dimensional velocity, induced magnetic field and temperature are computed for the different values of associated parameters in different times. In order to discuss the results, the obtained numerical values of flow variables are plotted in graphs. Finally the important findings of this work are concluded here.


magnetic field ,free convective heat transfer ,magneto-fluid dynamics ,non-dimensional velocity,

Weather Prediction by the use of Fuzzy Logic


Sudipta Ghosh,Arpan Dutta,Suman Roy Chowdhury ,Gopal Paul ,



In this paper, a Fuzzy Knowledge – Rule base technique is used to predict the ambient atmospheric temperature. The present study utilizes historical temperature as well as database of various meteorological parameters to develop a prediction process in fuzzy rule domain to estimate temperature. Daily observations of Rain, Atmospheric Pressure, and Relative Humidity are analyzed to predict the Temperature. The topic of Fuzzy Logic as a decision-making technique is introduced. It is recommended that applications of this technique could be effectively applied in the area of operational meteorology. An example of such an application, the forecast of the probability of temperature, is discussed and examples of the method are presented. Other possible meteorological applications are suggested. Additionally, a software package which aids in the development of such applications is briefly described.


Fuzzy Logic ,atmospheric temperature ,Atmospheric Pressure ,Relative Humidity ,probability of temperature,

Non-Similar Solution of Unsteady Thermal Boundary Layer Equation


Md. Saidul Islam,Md. Hasanuzzaman,M. A. K. Sazad ,M. A. Hakim,



To obtain this present study we studied basic equations. We studied the equation of continuity and derived the Navier-Stockes (N-S) equations of motion for viscous compressible and incompressible fluid flow. Boundary layer and thermal boundary layer equations are also derived. Then we studied similar solution of boundary layer and thermal boundary layer equations. We also performed unsteady solutions of thermal boundary layer equations. We used some non-dimensional variable to non-dimensionalised thermal boundary layer equations. The non-dimensional boundary layer equations are non-linear partial differential equations. To find out the non-similar solutions of unsteady thermal boundary layer equation we used finite difference method. The effect on the velocity and temperature profiles for various parameters entering into the problems are separately discussed and shown graphically.


the Navier-Stockes equations ,viscous compressible and incompressible fluid ,thermal boundary layer,finite difference method,

Facial feature extraction techniques for face detection: A review


Moumita Roy ,Madhura Datta ,



The researches in the area of face detection have made significant progress in the past few decades. The main challenge in this stage of face detection is to find a suitable effective method for finding facial features. Sub-areas under feature extraction methods are skin color and texture based segmentation, deformable template matching, snake models, feature searching and constellation analysis. In this paper we represented a review on some important contribution in the field of feature extraction for face detection.


face detection, skin color and texture,snake models, constellation analysis,

Fault Detection technique of electronic gadgets using Fuzzy Petri net abduction method


Sudipta Ghosh ,Arpan Dutta ,



Fuzzy technique using Petri net is a formal tool for describing a Discrete event system model of an actual system. The advantage of this technique is that concurrent evolutions with various processes evolving simultaneously and partially independently can be easily represented and analyzed. In local control applications conditions /events are used to describe the control sequences of elementary devices. Petri nets are made up of places, transitions and tokens. A state is represented by distribution of tokens in places. Various approaches can be used to combine Petri nets and Fuzzy sets. In this paper the authors speak about the fault finding technique of electronic networks with different illustrations.


Fuzzy sets,Petri nets,control sequences,technique of electronic networks ,

Pressure-Driven Flow Instability with Convective Heat Transfer through a Rotating Curved Channel with Rectangular Cross-section: The Case of Negative Rotation


Md. Zohurul Islam,Md. Sirajul Islam,Muhammad Minarul Islam,



Due to engineering applications and its intricacy, the flow in a rotating curved duct has become one of the most challenging research fields of fluid mechanics. A comprehensive numerical study is presented for the fully developed two-dimensional thermal flow of viscous incompressible fluid through a rotating curved rectangular duct of constant curvature1.0=δ. Numerical calculations are carried out by using a spectral method and covering a wide range of the Taylor number 02000<≤−Trand the Dean number 1000100≤≤Dn for the constant Grashof number100=Gr. A temperature difference is applied, that is the outer wall of the duct is heated while the inner wall is cooled. The rotation of the duct about the center of curvature is imposed, and the effects of rotation (Coriolis force) on the unsteady flow characteristics are investigated. Flow characteristics are investigated for the case of negative duct rotation. We investigate the unsteady flow characteristics for the Taylor number02000<≤−Tr and it is found that the unsteady flow undergoes in the scenario ‘steady-state→ periodic→ multi-periodic → steady-state’, if Tr is increased in the negative direction. Contours of secondary flow patterns and temperature profiles are also obtained at several values of Tr, and it is found that there exist two- and multi-vortex solutions if the duct rotation is involved in the negative direction.


thermal flow,viscous incompressible fluid ,duct rotation,Taylor number,Grashof number,

State Space Analysis of a Solar Power Array Taking a Higher Degree Of Non-Linearity into Account


Adhir Baran Chattopadhyay,Sunil Thomas,Aliakbar Eski,Ruchira Chatterjee ,



This paper develops a mathematical technique for the solution of a non linear state variable model of a solar array power system powering a non linear load. The significance of the technique lies in the fact that experimental complexities can be avoided to reach a desired conclusion regarding the design of the controller associated with a solar power array system. An iterative method has been used in which the initiating assumption has been made to consider the system to depend entirely upon its initial values at the instant t = 0 and taking the forcing function to be zero at that instant. In the next step we use the solution at t = 0 and plug it into the equation iteratively while having a non zero value of the forcing equation during the second iteration. The non linearity lies in the fact that the forcing function is a function of the state variable itself. We have applied the Maclaurin series to find the laplace transform of certain mathematical functions containing a singularity at the zero time instant. The time response is obtained and then it is plotted by using MATLAB and various graphs have been obtained.


solar array power system ,non linear state variable model, forcing function,laplace transform,time response,

Some Results on Normal meet Semilattices


Momtaz Begum,A.S.A.Noor,



In this paper we introduce the concept of normal semilattices in presence of 0-distributivity and include a nice characterization of normal semilattices. We also study the p-ideals in pseudo complemented meet semilattices. Then we give the notion of S-semilattices and prove that every S-semilattice is comaximal, although its converse in not true. Finally, we prove that every S-semilattice is normal, but the converse need not be true.


normal semilattices,0-distributivity, ideals,meet semilattices,



M. A. M. Talukder ,D. M. Ali ,



In this paper , we introduce the concept of partially α– shading ( resp. partially *α– shading ), in ahort, αp– shading ( resp. *αp– shading ) and partially α– compact ( resp. partially *α– compact ), in short, αp– compact ( resp. *αp– compact ) fuzzy sets and study their several features in fuzzy topological spaces.


fuzzy sets,compact fuzzy sets,fuzzy topological spaces,

Relation Between Lattice and Semiring


Kanak Ray Chowdhury,Abeda Sultana ,Nirmal Kanti Mitra ,A F M Khodadad Khan,



In this paper, connection between lattice and semiring are investigated. This is done by introducing some examples of lattice and semirings. Examples and results are illustrated. In some cases we have used MATLAB.


lattice,semiring, MATLAB,

Free Convective Mass Transfer Flow Through A Porous Medium In A Rotating System


M. M. Haque,M. Samsuzzoha,M. H. Uddin ,A. A. Masud,



An analytical investigation on a free convective mass transfer steady flow along a semi-infinite vertical plate bounded by a porous medium with large suction is completed in a rotating system. A mathematical model related to the problem is developed from the basis of studying Fluid Dynamics(FD). Non-dimensional system of equations is obtained by the usual similarity transformation with the help of similar variables. The perturbation technique is used to solve the momentum wiith concentration equations. The chief physical interest of the problem as shear stress and Sherwood number are also calculated here. The numerical values of velocities, concentration, shear stress and Sherwood number are plotted in figures. In order to observe the effects of various parameters on the flow variables, the results are discussed in detailed with the help of graphs. Last of all, some important findings of the problem are concluded in this study.


convective mass transfer,steady flow,shear stress ,Sherwood number ,

Fault Detection in Engineering Application using Fuzzy Petri net and Abduction Technique


Sudipta Ghosh,Nabanita Das,Debasish Kunduand,Gopal Paul,



This paper addresses onengineering application using fuzzy abductionandPetrinettechnique. The problems are introduced informallyabout the fault finding technique ofelectronic networks with different illustrations,so that anyone without any background inthe specific domain easily understands them.and easily find out the fault of thecomplicatedelectronic circuit.The problems require either a mathematical formulation ora computer simulation for their solutions. The detail outlineofthe solution of theengineering problem is illustrated here.


Fuzzy abduction ,Petri net,Relational matrix,Abductive Reasoning,

Some properties of 1-distributive join semilattices


Shiuly Akhter,A.S.A.Noor,M.Ayub Ali,



J.C.Varlet introduced the concept of 1-distributive lattices to generalize thenotion ofdualpseudo complemented lattices. A latticeLwith 1 is calleda 1-distributivelattice if for allLc,b,a,caba1imply1)(cba. Of course everydistributive lattice with 1 is 1-distributive. Also everydual pseudo complemented lattice is1-distributive.Recently, Shiuly and Noor extended this concept for directedbelow joinsemi lattices. A joinsemi latticeSis calleddirected belowif for allSb,a, there existsScsuch thatb,ac. Again Y.Rav has extended the concept of 1-distributivity byintroducing the notion ofsemi prime filtersin a lattice. Recently, Noor and Ayubhavestudied the semi prime filters in a directed below joinsemi lattice. In this paper we haveincluded several characterizations and properties of 1-distributive joinsemi lattices.Weproved that for a joinsub semi latticeAofS,Aasomeforax:SxA11is a semi prime filter ofSif and only ifSis 1-distributive.We also showed that a directed below join semi lattice with 1 is 1-distributiveif and only if for allSb,a,111)()()(dbafor someb,ad,Sd.Introducingthe notion of-filters and using different equivalent conditions of 1-distributive joinsemilattices we have given a ‘Separation theorem’ for-filters.


1-distributive joinsemi lattice ,Semi prime filter,Prime ideal,Maximal ideal,-filter,

Effect on Probabilistic Continuous EOQ Review Model after Applying Third Party Logistics


Shirajul Islam Ukil,Mollah Mesbahuddin Ahmed,Shirin Sultana,Md. Sharif Uddin,



This article explains how a company manages itsbusiness to gain minimuminventorycostandreaches itsbusiness success by usingThird Party Logistics.Applying Third Party Logisticsthe company may put its eyes on its production process and marketing smoothly.Thereby, the inventory cost might be reduced substantially.By applying this technique, mainlyit can reduce the clerical cost, security staff cost and depreciation costamong the variouscosts mentioned in the paper subsequently.And to get the optimum level the party usesits fewtools likedatabase software. Italso expressesamathematical framework to understand the performance of the company and put the argumentsthat inventory cost minimization methodis an approach that helps itto be competitive and success fulin the business arena.Toestablish a new modelin this paper,Probabilistic Continuous Economic Order Quantity(EOQ) Model isused as a baseline.


Inventory,Probabilistic Continuous EconomicOrder Quantity(EOQ),Review Model,fixed cost,variable cost,holding cost,Third Party Logistics,

Experimental Study on Shape and Rise Velocity of Small Bubbles in Stagnant Water


A Mitra,P Bhattacharya,S Mukhopadhyay,K K Dhar,



This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the shape andrise velocityof small bubbles risingin stagnant water. Bubbles, generated at the bottom of the chamberholding water, rise through it.A high speed camera (1000 fps, Kodak, Model 1000 HRC)together with a 90 mm Macro lens is placed at a height of 60 cm from the bottom of thechamber. It is linked with a PC. The commercial software Sigma Scan Pro 5.0 and AdobePhotoshop are used for image capturing and processing.Bubbles(diametersin the range0.0245-5.903 cm)aregenerated at the bottom of the chamber holding the water. We find thatbubbles have threesteady shapes, a sphere,an ellipsoidandspherical capin this diameterrange.The experimentally determined rise velocity of bubble in the present investigationagrees well with the data available in the literature


Bubble,Rise Velocity,Stagnant Water,Shape,

Numerical study and CFD Simulations of Incompressible Newtonian Flow by Solving steady Navier-stokes equations using Newton’s method


K. M.Helal,



Inthis paper, incompressible Newtonian flow is numerically studied byapproximatingthesolutionof the steady Navier-Stokes equationsin two dimensional case.Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)simulationsare carriedout byusing thefiniteelement method.Newton’smethodis applied to solvetheNavier-Stokes equationswherethe finite element solutions of Stokes equations is considered as the initial guess to obtainthe convergenceof Newton’s sequence.The numericalsimulations are presentedin termsofthe contours ofvelocity, pressure and streamline. All themeshes andsimulations areimplementedonthegeneralfinite element solver FreeFem++.Atwo-dimensionalbenchmark flow was computedwith posteriori estimates.It hasalsobeen established thatthe free accesssolverFreeFem++ can provide a reasonable good numerical simulationsof complicated flow behavior.


Navier-Stokesequations,CFD simulation,finite elementmethod,Newton-Raphsonmethod,

A Direct Analytical Method for Finding an Optimal Solution for Transportation Problems


M. Wali Ullah,Rizwana Kawser,M. Alhaz Uddin,



In this paper a direct analytical method is proposed for finding an optimalsolution for a wide range of transportation problems. A numerical illustration isestablished and the optimality of the result yielded by this method is also checked. Themost attractive feature of this method is that it requires very simple arithmetical andlogical calculations. Themethod will be very worthwhile for those decision makers whoare dealing with logistics and supply chain related issues.One canalsoeasily adopt theproposed method among the existing methods for simplicity of the presented method.


TP=Transportation problem,SS=Stepping Stone ,MODI= Modified Distribution,NCM= North-West Corner Method , LCM= Least Cost Method,VAM= Vogel’sApproximation Method,Numerical Example,



Momtaz Begum,



In This paper the author studiesthe Glivenko congruence R in a0-distributive meet semilattice. It isprovedthata meet semilattice S with 0 is0-distributive if and only if the quotient semilattice RS is distributive. Hence S is0-distributive if and only if (0] is the Kernel of some homomorphism ofS onto adistributive meet semilattice with 0.


Glivenko congruence,0-distributive semilattice ,distributive meetsemilattice,



D. C. Sanyal,



It is proposed to introduce some simple criteria regarding the existence of unique solutions of a class of nonlinear functional equations in supermetric and metric spaces followed by suitable examples. The results obtained may be of much useful to many physical problems arising nonlinear equations.


Supermetric space,metric space,functional equation,Hammerstein equation. ,



Nabanita Das,Sudipta Ghosh,Shilpi Samajpati,Balaram Kar4,Debasish Kundu,



With ever increasing energy consumption, rising public awareness of environmentalprotection, steady progress inpower deregulation and revolution of environment,transmission line obstruction is quite regular. For maximum benefit and improvement ofobstruction, proper position of distributed generators is very necessary. This proposed workidentifies the optimum location to connect distribution energy resources in distributednetwork to minimize the total reactive power loss. Here use a simple conventional iterativesearch technique by matlab software. Gauss-Seidel method of load flow study is implementedon IEEE 6bus and IEEE 30 bus systems.


Distributedgeneration(DG),Gauss-Seidel(GS),Objective function(OF),



Goutam Chakraborty ,Supriya Panja,



This paper is concerned with the flow of two immiscible visco-elastic fluidsthrough a rectangular channel. The flow takes place due to a time-variantpressuregradient whichis transient in character. The visco-elastic fluids are of Oldroyd type. Infinding solutions of the problem variable separation technique appropriate to theboundary conditions and pressure gradient is applied. In the bulk of the paper, someinterestingresults such as interface velocity, flux, skin-friction and mean velocity arepresented.





Asish Mitra,



A numerical algorithm is presented for studyinglaminar convection flow andheat transferat the lower stagnation point of a solid sphere.By means of similaritytransformation, the original nonlinear partial differential equations of flow aretransformed to a pair of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Subsequently theyare reduced to a first order system and integrated using Newton Raphson andadaptiveRunge-Kutta methods.The computer codes are developedfor this numerical analysis inMatlab environment. Velocity and temperature profiles for various values of Prandtlnumber and at a fixed conjugate parameter are illustrated graphically. The results ofthe present simulation are then compared with previousresults available in literaturewith good agreement.


Free Convection,Fluid Flow,Heat Transfer,Matlab,Numerical Simulation,Solid Sphere,Stagnant Point,



Debashish Dutta,Sudipta Ghosh,Arpan Dutta,BalaramKar,Debasish Kundu,



The sole aim of this paper is to calculate present value of periodical cash flows(fixed time interval)from an investmentconsideringthe effect of inflation,where cashflowis fixed (anordinaryannuity),orin a constant growth, or in a random nature.Incommon practice the discountingrateis equal to the expected rate of return of theinvestorfor calculating present value, but in reality this is not equal.The reason is thatthe expected rate of return is affected by the change of price level, that’s inflation,andthat’s whythisdirectlyaffectsthe purchasing power of moneyof the investor.Toprevent the purchasing power from the inflation, some adjustment is required forcalculating actual discounting rate. This paper providesthemethod of calculatinginflation adjusted discounting rateandc alculating adjusted present value of future cashflows. It also providesthecorrect investment decisions from various investment opportunities.


Present value of cash flows,Expected rate ofreturn ,Value of money,Inflation,Purchasingpower of money, Discounting rate, Annuity,



Asish Mitra,



In the present numerical study,laminar free-convection flow and heat transfer over avertical plate with constant heat flux is presented. By means of similarity transformation, the original nonlinear coupled partial differential equations of flow are transformed to a pair of simultaneous nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Then, they are reduced to first order system. Finally, Newton-Raphson method and adaptive Runge-Kutta methodare use dfortheir integration.The computer codes are developed for this numerical analysis in Matlab environment. Velocity and temperature profiles for various Prandtl number are illustrated graphically. Flow and heat transfer parameters are derived as functionsof  Prandtl  numberalone. The results of the present simulation are then compared with experimental data published in literature and find a good agreement.


Constant Heat Flux,Free Convection,Heat Transfer,Matlab,Numerical Simulation,Vertical Plate,



Md. Salauddin Khan,Masudul Islam,Md. Rasel Kabir,Lasker Ershad Ali,



Bangladesh bureau of statistics (BBS) publish a statistical year book in every year where comprehensive and systematic summary of basic statistical information of Bangladesh covering wide range of fields. BBS also forecast different sectors such aseconomics, weather, agriculture etc in different time in this country. In this paper we mainly concern on the wheat, rice and maize food grain which plays a vital role in economic development of Bangladesh. The main purposes of this paper as to compare which techniques are better BBS’s or statistical techniques for forecasting. There are different forecasting models are available in statistics among these we used Auto regressive (AR), Moving Average(MA), Auto regressive Moving Average (ARMA)and Auto regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models. For this reason, we clarify the stationary and non-stationary series by graphical method. On the basis of that,the stationary model is being set up asthe forecasting purpose. After analyze, we compare the forecasting result of our selective foodgrain and find that for ecasted valu esusing statistical techniques are nearest to the actual values compare to BBS’s project edvalues.





L.K. Roy,



The aim of this paper is to investigate the distribution of stresses due to expansion of a spherical cavity at the centre of a non-homogeneous  metallic sphere of finite radius for an elasto-plastic solid with effect of work-hardening under an increasing internal pressure, the external pressure remaining constant. The non-homogenecity of the elastic material is characterised by supposing that the Lame constrants very exponentially as the function of radial distance. The case of ideal plastic solid has also been deduced from this general case.





Asish Mitra,



A numerical algorithm is presented for studyinglaminar convection flow andheat transfer over an isothermal horizontal plate. By means of similarity transformation,the original nonlinear coupled partial differential equations of flow are transformed to apair of simultaneous nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Subsequently they arereduced to a first order system and integrated using Newton RaphsonandadaptiveRunge-Kutta methods.The computer codes are developed for this numerical analysis inMatlab environment. Velocity, and temperature profiles for various Prandtl number areillustrated graphically. Flow, and heat transfer parameters are derivedas functions of Prandtl number alone. The results of the present simulation are then compared withexperimental data in literature with good agreement.


Free Convection, Heat Transfer ,Isothermal Horizontal Plate, Matlab,Numerical Simulation,



Md. Abdul Hakim,Mohammad Anwar Hossen,M Sharif Uddin,



In this paper, we have developed an inventory model for deteriorating items withprice and time dependentdemand considering inflation effect on the system. Shortages ifany are allowed and partially backlogged with a variable rate dependent on the durationof waiting time up to the arrival of next lot. The corresponding problem has beenformulated as a nonlinear constrained optimization problem, all the cost parameters arecrisp valued and solved. A numerical example has been considered to illustrate the modeland the significant features of the results are discussed. Finally, based on these examples,a sensitivity analyses have been studied by taking one parameter at a time keeping theother parameters as same.


Inventory,deterioration,partially backlogged shortages ,permissible delay in payment,



Abhishek Kumar Kashyap,Binanda Kishore Mondal,Souvik Chatterjeeand,Sudipta Ghosh,



The position control system is one of the interesting term in control systemengineering. Now a days several control system algorithm have been applied in thatapplication. PID controller is a well known controller and widely used infeedbackcontrol in industrial processes. For position control system sometime pid controller is notaccurate for this application because of non linear properties. Therefore e in thisresearch the fuzzy logic controller is proposed to overcome the problemof pid controller.Fuzzy logic controller has a ability to overcome the problem of pid controller. Fuzzylogic controller has ability to control the non linear systems also because the algorithmused is concentrated by emulating the expert and implementedin language based on theexperimental result , the fuzzy logic controller designed, is able to improve theperformance of the position control system compare to the pid controller, in terms of risetime (Tr) is 50%, settling time Ts is 80% and maximum overshoot (M%) is 98%, and thatcan be reduced.


uzzy logic controller,PID controller, position control,DC servo motor,



Malay Kumar Sanyal,



Pulsatile flow of blood in an elastic circular tube with slip at the permeable walls is investigated in the present analysis solutions for axial and radial velocity has constructed. The volume tri crate of blood flow also measured in the axial direction. The expression for flow characteristic, velocity profile are obtained. Numerical results are shown in tabular form. The effect of slip velocity, size of the artery, viscosity on the flow are shown graphically and discussed briefly.




Md. Salauddin Khan,Masudul Islam,Md. Rasel Kabir,Lasker Ershad Ali,



Bangladesh bureau of statistics (BBS) publish a statistical year book in every year where comprehensive and systematic summary of basic statistical information of Bangladesh covering wide range of fields. BBS also forecast different sectors such aseconomics, weather, agriculture etc in different time in this country. In this paper wemainly concern on the wheat, rice and maize foodgrain which plays a vital role ineconomic development of Bangladesh. The main purposes of this paper as to comparewhich techniques are better BBS’s or statistical techniques for forecasting. There aredifferent forecasting models are available in statistics among these we used Auto regressive (AR), Moving Average(MA), Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA)and Auto regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models. For this reason, weclarify the stationary and non-stationary series by graphical method. On the basis of that,the stationary model is being set up asthe forecasting purpose. After analyze, we compare the forecasting result of our selective foodgrain and find that forecasted valuesusing statistical techniques are nearest to the actual values compare to BBS’s project edvalues.





Mohammad Wahiduzzaman,Runu Biswas,Md. Eaqub Ali,



MHD boundary layer forced convection flow along a shrinking surface withvariable heat and mass flux in the presence of heat source is studied. The flow isproducedowing to linear shrinking of the sheet and is influenced by uniform transversemagnetic field. The boundary layer partial differential equations of momentum, heat andmass transfer equations are converted into nonlinear ordinary differential equations bysimilarity transformation. Numerical solution of the resulting boundary value problem isobtained using Nachtsheim-Swigert Shooting iteration scheme along with the sixth orderRunge-Kutta method. The effects of different parameter on velocity, temperature andconcentration are shown graphically. Skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number andSherwood number are also for different values of the parameter are also involved in thestudy.





D.C. Sanyal,



A two dimensional problem of electrostriction with a hole in the of Pascal’s limacon is solvcd by complwx variable method. The distributions of stresses in an infinite dielection plate when the hole is filled up by air is subjected to an electric filed unifrom at infinity as well as it is acted on by appiled two dimensional tractions at infinity. The hoop stress is calculated on the boundary of the hole.





Soumya Das,Kusumika Kundu,P. S. Majumdar,



 In the present paper it is shown that shape invariance is not a necessary condition for exact solvability of a potential in Quantum mechanics .Our contention is established by considering Eckart and Morse II potentials.


Exact solvability,Shape independence,Eckart Potential,Morse II Potential,



Md. Hasanuzzaman,Akio Miyara ,



In this paper, the similarity solution of natural convective laminar boundary layer flow around a vertical slender body with suction and blowing has been investigated. Firstly, the governing boundary layer partial differential equations have been made dimensionless and then simplified by using Boussinesq approximation. Secondly, similarity transformations are introduced on the basis of detailed analysis in order to transform the simplified coupled partial differential equations into a set a ordinary differential equations. The transformed complete similarity equations are solved numerically by using Fourth order Runge-Kutta method as well as MATLAB. Finally, the flow phenomenon has been characterized with the help of obtained flow controlling parameters such as suction parameter, buoyancy parameter, Prandtl number, body-radius parameter and other driving parameters. The effects of dimensionless parameters on the velocity and temperature distributions are presented graphically. It is found that a small suction or blowing can play a significant role on the patterns of flow and temperature fields. 


Similarity solution,natural convective,vertical slender body,suction or blowing,



Biswarup Neogi,Sudipta Ghosh,Debasish Kundu,Bipasha Chakrabarti,Swati Barui,



EMG is the detection of the electrical activity associated with muscle contraction. It is obtained by measurement of the electrical activity of a muscle during contraction. EMG signals are directly linked to the desire of movement of the person. Robot arms are versatile tools found in a wide range of applications. While the user moves his arm, (EMG) activity is recorded from selected muscles, using surface EMG electrodes. By a decoding procedure the muscular activity is transformed to kinematic variables that are used to control the robot arm. This patent is the  innovative design of a new low-cost series elastic robotic arm. The arm is unique in that it achieves reasonable performance for the envisioned tasks with high DOF. There are numerous dimensions over which robotic arms can be evaluated, such as backlash, payload, speed, bandwidth, repeatability, compliance, human safety, and cost, to name a few. In robotics research, some of these dimensions are more important than others: for grasping and object manipulation, high repeatability and low backlash are important. To develop the articulated  innovative arm design of the robot with high DOF equations were developed for both forward and inverse kinematics. Forward kinematics gives the location of the end effector in the “universe” frame. The inverse kinematics gives the joint angles needed in order for the to the robot arm reach the goal frame. This high DOF based prosthetic arm operates according to EMG database. The EMG signal is obtained for different users for different arm  movements  using signal acquisition system. The EMG signals are used as input to the Microcontroller and converted to digital ones in the comparator. According to these signals the program built in the microcontroller make decisions to control the motors to drive the prosthesis arm.


EMG signals,Robot arm,high DOF,Microcontroller comparator,Prosthetic arm,



Md. Alamin Khan,Abu Hashan Md. Mashud,M. A. Halim,



This theoretical investigation is made in order to get the new exact solitary wave solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs).  The well-known Tan-Cot Function method is employed  to obtain the exact solutions of Joseph–Egri equation (TRLW), Sharma–Tasso–Olver equation (STO), mKdV (modified Korteweg-de Vries) equation with additional first order dispersion term,  and KdV (Korteweg-de Vries) equation with additional fifth order dispersion term,.  The results which have been found in this theoretical work could be applicable to understand the characteristics and elastic behavior of nonlinear structures including solitons as well as play an important role in wide range of physical applications


Nonlinear PDEs,Exact solutions,Tan-Cot function method,Joseph–Egri equation,Sharma–Tasso–Olver equation,mKdV equation with additional first order dispersion term,KdV equation with additional fifth order dispersion term, soliton solutions,



D.C. Sanyal ,



The paper is dealt with the problem of deformation of an aelotropic semi-infinite elastic plate with semi-cubical boundary. A part of the boundary near the vertex is under the action of normal pressure and the rest is free. The problem is solved by using complex variable technique and reducing the problem to that of solving Hilbert equation in a closed form.


Aelotropic medium,semi-cubical boundary,Hilbert equation,



Asish Mitra,



In the present numerical study, laminar convection over a vertical plate with convective boundary condition is presented.  It is found that the similarity solution is possible if the convective heat transfer associated with the hot fluid on the left side of the plate is proportional to x1/2, and the thermal expansion coefficient β is proportional to x-1. The numerical solutions thus obtained are analyzed for a range of values of the embedded parameters and for representative Prandtl numbers of 0.72, 1, 3 and 7.1. The results of the present simulation are then compared with the reports published in literature and find a good agreement.


Convective Boundary Condition,Laminar Convection,Matlab,Numerical Simulation,Vertical Plate,



Goutam Chakraborty,



This paper is concerned with the motion of a non-Newtonian fluid of Reiner-Rivlin type through an annulus with porous walls in presence of radial magnetic field. Here, the inner cylinder rotates about its axis with a transient angular velocity while the outer one is kept fixed.


Reiner-Rivlin fluid,Circular cylinder,Radial magnetic field,transient angular velocity,Hankel functions,



M.A.K Sazad,M.G. Arif,W. Ali Pk,



MHD free convection and mass transfer flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a continuously moving infinite vertical porous plate is made in the presence of joule heating and thermal diffusion where the medium is also porous. The corresponding momentum, energy and concentration equations are made similar by introducing the usual similarity transformations. These similarity equations are then solved by Matlab software with Shooting Iteration technique. The solutions are obtained for the case of large suction. The effects of the various parameters entering in to the problem on the velocity field are shown graphically.


MHD free convection,mass transfer flow,joule heating,thermal diffusion,



Saikh Shahjahan Miah,Ruhul Amin ,Harun-or-Rashid,



In this paper, we introduce two notions of  property in fuzzy topological spaces by using quasi-coincidence sense and we establish relationship among our and others such notions. We also show that all these notations satisfy good extension property. Also hereditary, productive and projective properties are satisfied by these notions. We observe that all these concepts are preserved under one-one, onto, fuzzy open and fuzzy continuous mappings. Finally, we discuss initial and final fuzzy topologies on our second notion.


Fuzzy Topological Space,Quasi-coincidence,Fuzzy T1 Topological Space,Good Extension,



Pravangsu Sekhar Das,



The objective of this research paper is to investigate the unsteady flow of general type Visco-elastic, fluid under the action of a periodic pressure gradient through a non-conducting rectangular duct. Firstly, the  general  investigation have been focused methodically to consider the unsteady flow of the fluid in presence of a periodic pressure gradient. Secondly, two  important  deductions  have been made for Maxwell Fluid of  first order model and ordinary viscous fluid model. Finally, the author investigates the velocity of the  fluid  numerically .


Unsteady Flow,Periodic Pressure Gradient,Basic Rheological Equations,Visco- Elastic Fluid ,Maxwell Fluid,Ordinary Viscous Fluid,



Asish Mitra,



In the present numerical study, laminar convection over a plate in a uniform free stream is investigated when the bottom surface of the plate is heated by convection from a hot fluid. It is found that the similarity solution is possible if the convective heat transfer associated with the hot fluid on the lower surface of the plate is proportional to x1/2. The numerical solutions thus obtained are analyzed for a range of values of the parameter characterizing the hot fluid convection process and for representative Prandtl numbers of 0.1, 0.72 and 10. The results of the present simulation are then compared with the reports published in literature and find a good agreement.


Boundary Layer,Convective Boundary Condition,Horizontal Plate,Matlab,Similarity Solution,



SK Azharuddin,S. Dorendrajit Singh,P. S. Majumdar,



A set of expressions are presented for the determination of activation energy of thermoluminescence peaks recorded with hyperbolic heating profile. Along with conventional half intensity points the peak widths at signal levels equal to 2/3 and 4/5 of peak height are used to determine the activation energy. A method of determination of order of kinetics of the peak by using its symmetry factor is also proposed. The present method is applied both to numerically computed and experimental TL peaks and encouraging results have been obtained.


Thermoluminescence,activation energy,order of kinetics,hyperbolic heating profile,



Md Abdul Hakim ,



In this paper, we have developed an inventory model for deteriorating item with permissible delay in payment. Demand function dependent on the selling price and frequency of advertisement cost. Partially backlogged shortages are allowed and backlogged rate dependent on the duration of waiting time up to arrival of next lot. The corresponding model have been formulated and solved. Three numerical examples have been considered to illustrate the model. Finally sensitivity analyses have been carried out taking one parameter at a time and other parameters as same.     


Inventory,deterioration,partially backlogged shortages,permissible delay in payment,

Development of a RGB-based model for predicting SPAD value and chlorophyll content of betel leaf (Piper betleL.)


Amar Kumar Dey,P. Guha,Manisha Sharma,M.R. Meshram,



Three different techniques were assessed for estimation of chlorophyll content from each leaf samples. In the first method SPAD-502 hand held meter was used to estimate SPAD values of leaf. In the second method flatbed scanner was used to acquire the sample leaf image for estimation of SPAD and Chlorophyll concentration. The third method was biochemical based spectrophotometric approach for estimating chlorophyll concentration.Extensive statistical analysis based on Information criterion theory was made for selection and evaluation of proposed RGB image processing based color model for estimating SPAD value and chlorophyll concentration. The resultsrevealed that image processing techniques has good potential in estimating SPAD and chlorophyll concentration values relative to biochemical method using spectroscopic technique and SPAD meter reading. The present study also pointed out the fact that for the SPAD value and chlorophyll concentration estimation using proposed image processing technique gives better results with dual color band as compared to single or triple color band.Furthermore, estimated SPAD value and chlorophyll concentration differ from Image processing technique (photometric) measurement of leaf samples by 5.538% (p<0.001) and 0.0185% (p<0.001), respectively.


Chlorophyll,SPAD,RGB,mage processing, AIC,BIC,

Families of exact traveling wave solutions to the space time fractional modified KdV equation and the fractional Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunovequation


M. Hafiz Uddin,M. Ali Akbar,Md. Ashrafuzzaman Khan,Md. Abdul Haque,



Thespace time fractional modified KdV equation and fractional Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov(KPP)equation models the unidirectional and bidirectional waves on shallow water surfaces, long internal wavein a density-stratified ocean, ion acoustic waves in plasma, acoustic waves on a crystal lattice. The fractional derivatives are defined in the modified Riemann-Liouville sense.In this article, we obtain exact solution of these equations by means of the recently established two variables(G1/G,1/G)-expansion method.The solutions are

obtained in the form of hyperbolic, trigonometric and rational functions involving parameters. When the parameters are assigned particular values, the solitary wave solutions are generated from the traveling wave solutions. The method indicates that it is easy to implement,computationally attractive and is the general form of theoriginal(G1/G)-expansion method.


Exact solution,fractional modified KdVequation,Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov equation,modified Remann-Liouville derivative,traveling wave solution,solitary wave solution,

A Hybrid Cryptography and Authentication based Security Model for Clustered WBAN


Aarti Sangwan,Partha Pratim Bhattacharya,



The communication in a clustered WBAN is performed at different levels through multiple nodes and controllers. This kind of multi-level involvement of nodes opens the nodes for security leaks. In this paper, a dual level security is integrated using hybrid cryptography method. A hybrid authentication and cryptography based method is defined for identity and information level security. The hybridization of security for clustered WBAN is achieved using RSA and hash key encoder. The RSA is here applied for node to controller for identification and verification whereas SHA is applied for reliable symmetric message encoding for node-to-controller and controller-to-controller communication. The proposed security model is applied in an integrated form to the clustered WBAN network to improve communication reliability. The proposed secure communication model has improved the performance of the network. The simulation is applied on clustered WBANs with different number of WBANs. The comparative simulation results show that the proposed model has effectively improved the packet communication and network life.


Body Area Network,Clustered,Secure, RSA,Hashcode,

Support to portable devices with Energy Generation by Lower Limb activities


Susmita Das,Sanjeev Kumar Ojha,Himanshu Rai,Moupali Roy,Swati Barui,Biswarup Neogi,



A big threat for the survival of mankind is the scarcity of power which is a serious matter to look into. Under this hard situation, the bioelectric energy is the most useful energy source instead of all the electronic power sources. Any electronic gadget can be activated with the help of bio-charger which is simple, portable and very much needed for the athletics. By recycling of energy and utilizing the energy conservation rule many problems related to energy consumption can be solved. The purpose of the research work is to make a bio-charger to preserve the bioelectric energy and to use it as the power source for any portable electronic gadget.


Lower Limb, Bioelectric Energy, Electromyography(EMG),Bio-charger,

Virtually Essence Effect Creator Prototype Development Effort- A Case Study


Zinkar Das,Himanshu Rai,Sudipta Ghosh ,Saswata Das ,Dipyaman Goswami ,Biswarup Neogi,



Introducing modern transmission technology, it is possible to transmit some human sensual theme (sound, video, and picture) with support of signal processing aspects. It is quite difficult to transmit aroma introducing signal processing effort. We attempt to contribute a short prototype, which create a virtual effect of essence in receiving section. This paper mainly focuses with a case study manner towards the prototype development in techno commercial features. The specific patent review in this field is added it’s important. In addition, art work representation to working model based approaches is presented chronologically with appropriate technical information. Developed prototype and image processing technology behind this project is presented. The involvement of several interdisciplinary facts is carried towards the development of this prototype. Overall, this paper presents a case study towards the performance of one challenging product based preliminary prototype generation.


Essence effect,Internet technology,Odour,Image,Prototype,

Neurobiological Function Analysis of Naturally Generated Seeds Optimization Using Evolutionary Techniques


Patrali Pradhan,Paromita Das,Sanjeev Kumar Ojha,Moumita Ghosh,Soumendu Ghosh,Biswarup Neogi,



An automated hybrid model, called the Plant Neural System Model (PNSM), is introduced in this approach. Plants can process biochemical signals throughcertain biological processes even they don’t have brains. Important biological processes, like seed germination, root growth, and nutrient absorption by the cell are considered as these are the foundations of neuron systems in plants. Neurobiological processes have been adapted to develop a hybrid black box model with time-dependent functions like Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and the use of some advanced optimization techniques. This model would be useful in the analysis of soil parametric relations with both seed germination and seed optimization in order to classify plant seeds.


Neurobiological,Plant Neural System, Artificial Neural Network,Hybrid model,

Computational Modeling of Boundary-Layer Flow of a Nanofluid Past a Nonlinearly Stretching Sheet


A Mitra,



In the present investigation, steady two dimensional laminar natural convection flow resulting from non-linear stretching of a flat horizontal plate ina nanofluid is studied numerically. Boungiorno model [I] is employed that treats the nanofluid as a two-component mixture (base fluid plus nanoparticles), incorporating the effects of Brownian motion and thermophoresis.By appropriate similarity variables, the governing nonlinear partial differential equations of flow are transformed to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Subsequently they are reduced to a first order system and integrated using Newton Raphson and adaptive Runge-Kutta methods. The computer codes are developed for this numerical analysis in Matlab environment. Dimensionless stream function (s), longitudinal velocity (s′), temperature (θ) and nanoparticle volume fraction (f) are computed and illustrated graphically for various values of four dimensionless parameters, namely, Lewis number (Le), stretching parameter (n), Brownian motion Parameter (Nb), and thermophoresis parameter (Nt). The effects of the physical parameters on the rate of heat transfer(-θ́(0)) and mass transfer (-φ́(0)) is given in tabulated form.The results of the present simulation are in with good agreement with the previous reports available in literature.


Brownian motion,Boundary layer,Nanofluid,Non-linear Stretching,Thermophoresis,

E-Shape Patch Antenna For Mobile Phone, S-Band and C-Band Applications


Mehr-e-Munir,Khalid Mahmood,M.Waqas Khan,



Patch miniaturization is an ongoing trend in modern communication technology nowadays. In this paper functional behavior of E slotted patch is presented. With additional ground irregularities multi resonating frequency response is attained at range of 1-8GHZ resulting at most gain of 3.43dB -4.71dB, directivity in 3.68dBi-5.66dBi range with good impedance bandwidth. With use of fractal patch technique FR4 is chosen as substrate bases. With help of implementing shortening pin technique reduction of antenna is accomplished to 60.60%. By changing location of shortening pin only different desired bands resonation can be achieved. This type of microstrip antenna has applications in mobile phone for, S-Band and C-Band applications


Miniaturization,Fractal patch, Gain, Directivity,Microstrip patch,Slot cutting,

Effect of TCO, BSF and Back contact Barrier on CdS/CdTe solar cell: Modeling and Simulation


K Sarkar,K K Ghosh,N K Mandal,



We have commenced an in-depth study through modeling and simulation to
investigate the performance of a CdTe solar cell at different Schottky barrier heights
for different combinations thicknesses of BSF as well as window layer and front
contact oxide layer (TCO) .The inter relation between BSF layer and back contact
schottky barrier height has been focused. Effect of the BSF layer regarding the
tunneling of charges has been investigated. In the present paper, we achieved in our
study the highest ƞ of 18.39%, Voc of 0.591 volt, Isc of 0.411 amp for 0.1 µm absorber
and 1nm BSF layer thickness in presence of higher schottky barrier (0.6eV) with
higher doping concentration of absorber layer. Thinning of the layers have always
been better in terms of performance and cost. But it brings pinhole formation
problems what we excluded here in our present work.
Keywords : Thin film solar, CdS/CdTe, TCO, Window layer, Schottky
Barrier, Back Surface Field (BSF).


Thin film solar,CdS/CdTe,TCO,Window layer,Schottky Barrier,Back Surface Field (BSF),

Closed form solutions to the coupled space-time fractional evolution equations in mathematical physics through analytical method


M. Nurul Islam,M. Ali Akbar,



In this article, we consider the space-time fractional coupled modified
Korteweg-de-Vries (mKdV) equations and the space-time fractional coupled
Whitham-Broer-Kaup (WBK) equations which are important mathematical model to
depict the propagation of wave in shallow water under gravity, combined formal
solitary wave, internal solitary waves in a density and current stratified shear flow
with a free surface, ion acoustic waves in plasma, turbulent motion, quantum
mechanics and also in financial mathematics. We examine new, useful and further
general exact wave solutions to the above mentioned space-time fractional equations
by means of the generalized -expansion method by using of fractional
complex transformation and discuss the examined results with other method. This
method is more general, powerful, convenient and direct and can be used to establish
new solutions for other kind nonlinear fractional differential equations arising in
mathematical physics.
Keywords: Coupled mKdV equations; coupled WBK equation; nonlinear evolution
equations; fractional differential equations.


Coupled mKdV equations, coupled WBK equation,nonlinear evolution equations,ractional differential equations,

Reliable Best-Relay Selection for Secondary Transmission in Co-operation Based Cognitive Radio Systems: A Multi-Criteria Approach


J S Banerjee,A Chakraborty, A Chattopadhyay,



Selection of Relay for unlicensed transmission in cooperation based cognitive
radio systems is an essential area of research which ensures the transmission
performance of the secondary system & at the same time maintains the transmission
behavior of the licensed network with respect to the quality-of-service (QoS).So far we
have studied Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) of a relay node as the sole
parameter to judge the BEST relay in the existing research works. This time we have
proposed few other important parameters like Reliability and Relative Link Quality
(RLQ) of a relay node as seen from the receiver, in order to select the Reliable BEST
relay in a more accurate manner from the rest of the lot as the authors believe that for a
faithful transmission, the selected best relay should be reliable along with other
parameters. We have carried out ample simulation study to find out the reliable best
relay applying our proposed fuzzy logic-based scheme. The implementation of the
suggested system is verified with the earlier proposed schemes, i.e., fuzzy logic-based,
SINR based and without relay have been studied holistically through the Secondary
Outage Probability & Bit Error Rate (BER) simulation results.
Keywords : Best Relay selection, Relay node, Cognitive radio Systems, Decision
making, Fuzzy logic.


Best Relay selection,Relay node,Cognitive radio Systems,Decision making, Fuzzy logic,

Mechanical Prosthetic Arm Adaptive I-PD Control Model Using MIT Rule Towards Global Stability


Sudipta Paul,Swati Barui,Pritam Chakraborty,Dipak Ranjan Jana,Biswarup Neogi,Alexey Nazarov,



The development of prosthetic arm in accordance with the stable control
mechanism is the blooming field in the engineering study. The analysis of Model
Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) for Prosthetic arm utilizing Gradient
method MIT rule has been presented using controlling system parameters of the
D.C motor. Adaptive tuning and performance analysis has been done for
controlling hand prosthesis system using Adaptive I-PD controller constraints
rationalized time to time in response with variations in D.C motor parameters to
track the desired reference model and application of Gradient Method MIT-Rule.
Further on, Lyapunov rule has been implemented towards closed loop asymptotic
tracking to ensure global stability on nonconformity of plant parameters because
adaptive controller design based on MIT rule doesn’t guarantee convergence or
stability. Computer-aided control system design (CACSD) and analysis has been
done using MATLAB-Simulink towards adaptive controller design and estimation
of adaptation gain.



Mechanical Prosthetic Arm,Model Reference Adaptive Control(MRAC),Adaptive I-PD control,Gradient method MIT rule,Lyapunov rule,

The exact traveling wave solutions to the nonlinear space-time fractional modified Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation


Md. Tarikul Islam, M. Ali Akbar,Md. Abul Kalam Azad,



In this paper, the analytical solutions to the space-time fractional modified
Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (mBBM) equation involving conformable fractional
derivative in science and engineering are examined by using the proposed fractional
generalized (D G/G)-expansion method, the Exp-function method and the
extended tanh method. The suggested equation is converted into ordinary differential
equation of fractional order with the aid of a suitable composite transformation and
then the methods are applied to construct the solutions. The methods successfully
provide many new and more general closed form traveling wave solutions. The
obtained solutions may be more effective to analyze the nonlinear physical
phenomena relevance to science and engineering than the existing results in
literature. The performance of the proposed method is highly noticeable and this
method will be used in further works to establish more entirely new solutions for
other kinds of nonlinear fractional PDEs.


The fractional generalized (D G/G)-expansion method, the expfunction method,the extended tanh method,nonlinear fractional PDEs,conformable fractional derivative, composite transformation,closed form solutions,

A Novel Best Relay Selection Protocol for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Systems using Fuzzy AHP


J S Banerjee,A Chakraborty,A Chattopadhyay,



In cooperative transmission selection of relay is considered to be the crucial factor for reliable transmission where multiple parameters are there for decision making. Again, many existing research works highlighted the problem, but none of them considered the vagueness & uncertainty of the decision makers. Currently, Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) proves to be an advantageous scheme for multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) in fuzzy conditions. This paper provides FAHP-based relay node selection scheme that prioritizes the fuzziness of the decision makers during the relay node selection procedure. Numerical examples and simulation study, both are carried out to find out the best relay. The simulation study reveals the fact that the proposed scheme outperforms the existing systems.


Best Relay selection,Relay node,Cognitive radio Networks,Decision making,analytical hierarchy process,Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process,

Computational Modelling of Boundary-Layer Flow of a Nano fluid Over a Convective Heated Inclined Plate


A Mitra,



This paper deals withsteady two dimensional laminar convection flow of nano fluid over aconvective heated inclined plate.Boungiorno model [VI] is employed that treats the nanofluid as a two-component mixture (base fluid plus nanoparticles), incorporating the effects of Brownian motion and thermophoresis.Byappropriate similarvariables, the governing nonlinear partial differential equations of flow are transformed to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Subsequently they are reduced to a first order system and integrated using Newton Raphson and adaptive Runge-Kutta methods. The computer codes are developed for this numerical analysis in Matlab environment. Dimensionless stream function (s), longitudinal velocity (s′), temperature (θ) and nano particle volume fraction (f) are computed and illustrated graphically for various values of thedimensionless parameters relevant to the present problem. The effects of the angle of inclination on longitudinal velocity (s′), temperature (θ) and nano particle volume fraction (f) are discussed. The results of the present simulation are in with good agreement with the previous reports available in literature.


Brownian Motion,Boundary Layer,Convective Boundary Condition,Inclined Plate, Nano fluid,Thermophoresis,

Technical Advancement on Various Bio-signal Controlled Arm- A review


SudiptaPaul,Sanjeev Kumar Ojha,Swati Barui,Soumendu Ghosh,Moumita Ghosh,Biswarup Neogi,Ankur Ganguly,



In the recent time,the research and development have been blooming in the field of the prosthetic system,especially on the prosthetic arm.Thispaper emphasizesa precise study of continues advancement of the prosthetic arm. The latest expansions of the prosthetic arm are renovated with implementations of biomedical innovations. Different novel approaches are reflected in a sort of research works with technical progress considering the diverse aspect of complexity, cost, size, material, dexterity, the degree of freedom. A Systematic research and development work on the prosthetic arm and Electromyography(EMG) controlled prosthetic arm devices, Electroneurographysignal (ENG) driven prosthetic arm and devices are deeply specified in this paper. The innate efforts of the scientists and researchers of this field as well as accumulated erudition from various research papers, books and patents areenlightened and assisted in this attempt of drawing a complete overview of arm prosthesis.


Prosthetic Arm,Bio-signal,Electromyography (EMG),Electroneurography (ENG), Electro-Mechanical Arm,

A novel high speed 0.17mw pseudo divideBy 32/33 dual modulus prescaler


Uma Nirmal,V.K. Jain,



n this paper, we implement divide by 32/33 dual modulus prescaler(DMP) using I-ETSPC based: divide by 2/3prescaler and divide by 4/5 by prescaler at 180nm CMOS technology. The divide by 32/33 dual modulus prescaler using 2/3 prescaler and 4/5 prescaler consumes 1.03mW and 0.85mW power from 1.2V and 1V respectively. To further improve speed and reduce design complexity with low power consumption a pseudo divide by 32/33 dual modulus prescaler is proposed. According to simulation results the pseudo divide by 32/33 dual modulus prescaler reaches a maximum 9.2 GHz working frequency at 1V with a 0.17mw power consumption. This prescaler is compared with Proposed I-ETSPC based divide by 32/33 using 2/3 and 4/5 prescalers and also with other recently published divide by 32/33 prescalers.Compared with previous conventional divide by 32/33 DMPs, this design contains fewer transistor numbers.


2/3 prescaler, 4/5 prescaler, divide by 32/33 prescalers, I –ETSPC,Sleepy Keeper Approach,

Observing the effect of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based PID Controller


Akash Maitra,Arnob Senapati,Souvik Chatterjee,Bodhisatwa Bhattacharya,Abhishek Kumar Kashyap,Binanda Kishore Mondal,Sudipta Ghosh,



Observing the effect of PSO algorithm on the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller is an advanced approach for getting a stable and linear response of any system. From few decades conventional PID tuning rules are used for analyzing any complex system. But these rules did not give always a satisfactory result as our requirement. That’s why a better algorithm was introduced which is actually based on Evolutionary Computation method. This methodology provides a very high accuracy in the response in comparison with other tuning rules.From thevery past, PID controller has been very popular and is being used in maximum industries. So, there’s always a need to control the accuracy and efficiency of the controller because depending on this controller the whole industry might be functioning. If any large error occurs in the controller (PID), the functioning of the industry might be hampered. That’s why using PSO algorithm for determining the PID parameter is a good idea to get an efficient and accurate output. This approach may help in future to improve the performance of PID controller and also may help to reduce errors encountered in the industries.


Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO),Evolutionary Computation Method,PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller,Ziegler-Nichols tuning method,

Some Problems in Thermoplasticity


Lakshmi Kanta Roy,



This paper is concerned with some radially and axially symmetric problems of Thermoplasticity of perfectly plastic and work-hardening material. The case of circular cylinder, circular beam of rectangular cross-section and hollow sphere of perfectly plastic and linear work-hardening material satisfying thermoplasticity equations have been investigated


Lakshmi Kanta Roy,Perfectly Plastic material,Linear Work-hardening material,

Similarity solution of heat and mass transfer of a thin liquid film over moving saturated porous medium in presence of thermal radiation


Rabeya Akter,Md. Hasanuzzaman,Akio Miyara,



Similarity solution ofheat and mass transfer in a thin liquid film over amoving saturated porous medium in the presence of thermal radiation has been considered. By using shooting technique, the governing coupled nonlinear partial differential equations are transformed into coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations in MATLAB.The flow phenomenon has been characterized with the help of obtained flow controlling parameters such asPrandtl number, Darcy number, Schmidt numberand other driving parameters. The effects of dimensionless parameters on the boundary layer velocity, temperature and concentration profiles are presented both analytically and graphically.Moreover, the physical parameters such as skin friction, local Nusselt number as well as local Sherwood number are presented both analytically and graphically.


Numerical solution,moving sheet,porous medium, thermal radiation,thin liquid film,

Biomethanation – A source of clean alternative fuel for Electric Power Generation and sustainable development in rural India


Sujit Dhar,Biswajit Dutta,Pradip Kumar Sadhu,Debabrata Roy,Ankur Ganguly,



Biogas is obtained from biomethanation of biomass waste. The present work aims at a detailed discussion of the different factors affecting the perforation of biomethanation process. Some case studies have been presented to show the techno-economical feasibility of different plants, based on different locally available biomass. In most of the cases plants are installed against adequate financial support with subsidy, but the performance of the plants is being affected due to lack of technical knowhow. Effects of different process parameters such as PH-value, temperature, C/N ratio on biogas generation, needs to be taken care of to ensure maximum generation rate with highest yield. Since biomass is locally available, harnessing energy from it may be a probable solution to end the energy crisis in rural areas which are remote from the power grid, thereby providing immense potential for electrification, application to a large number of industries and last but not the least domestic purpose using Biogas.


Non-conventionalenergy,Bio-methanation,Bio-gas plant,Economic analysis,

Steady State Stability Analysis of a CSI-fed synchronous motor drive using Digital modeling


Shazia Hasan,A.B.Chattopadhyay,Mohammed Abdul Jabbar,Sunil Thomas,



This paper develops a digital model of a current source Inverter fed three phase synchronous motor drive system from the view point of steady state stability aspect. The motivation lies in the fact that to control any electrical drive system digital controller is needed. To develop the software and hardware of such controller, a suitable digital model of the original drive system becomes necessary. Approach to develop the model in s-domain has been outlined and then z-transform has been applied. Different aspects of the model like the stability assessment using pole-zero mapping, Jury’s test, range of coefficients of characteristic equation for stability etc., have been computed leading to various graphical plots. Furthermore perturbation of machine design parameters have been modeled from the view point of stability assessment with necessary computational results.


CSI fed Synchronous Motor,Z transform,Jury‟s test,mpulse response, stability analysis,

Frequency Diversity Improvement Factor Using Different MIMO Techniques for Rain Fade Mitigation in South-East Asia


Trilochan Patra,Sanjib Sil,Manabendra Maity,



Signal attenuation due to rain is an important barrier in the Microwave Communication field. In the terrestrial region like South-East Asia the microwave signals operating at higher frequency ranges are attenuated due to rain and other atmospheric obstacles like water vapor, ice particle etc. In this paper we have used different MIMO techniques like 2×2, 3×3 and 4×4 and also constructed a model. We study the frequency diversity improvement factor for the developed model for different fade margins using 4X4 MIMO techniques. Then we compare this study with ITU-R model. We have got the better result for prediction model using 4×4 MIMO techniques for the frequency range 50-90 GHz.


Frequency diversity,Diversity improvement factor,Rain fade mitigation,MIMO Techniques,

Rprop Based Noble Blind Channel Equalization Algorithm for QAM Signal


Prakhar Priyadarshi,C. S. Rai,



In this paper, authors have considered the issue of slow convergence and moderate Bit Error Rate (BER) of Constant Modulus Algorithm used for channel equalization. Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA), an extensively used gradient descent based unsupervised algorithm for QAM Signal, suffers from the poor convergence property as well as poor BER. Two novel blind equalization algorithms have been proposed which overcomes the problem of slow convergence and poor BER associated with CMA. Proposed algorithm incorporates modified CMA-like error function based on mean forth error criteria into Rprop frame work. Matlab Simulation of the proposed Rprop Based Improved Constant Modulus Type (RICMT) algorithm offers better result in terms of convergence, inter symbol interference (ISI) and bit error rate (BER) in a linear channel as well as for nonlinear channel in comparison to the CMA Equalizer for noisy environment.


Equalization,CMA,Mean Forth Error,Rprop,Convergence, Low BER,

To Negate the influences of Un-deterministic Dispersed Generation on Interconnection to the Distributed System considering Power Losses of the system


Muhammad Aamir Aman,Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi,Murad Ali,Akhtar Khan,



Now a days, the rapid need for electrical energy all over the world has put electrical power system under great stress. Due to day by day decrease in available conventional energy sources, researchers are shifting towards non-conventional energy resources or Dispersed generation (DG). DG is becoming a feasible alternative to overcome the power deficiency due to reduction in power losses, system reliability, and availability of power at consumer’s premises. With this need of DG, it’s important to analyze the adverse impact of DG on distributed power system. This research analyzes the effects of induction generator and synchronous generators on distribution system. The main outcome and objective of this research is to find optimum type, size and placement of DG to be injected in distributed system in order to have minimum impact on power losses of the system. By using globally renowned and modern software Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP) and taking Rahman Baba electricity distribution network as a test case. After analyzing, the results show that injecting DG has positive impacts on power losses at certain buses while 30% of power losses were decreased when induction generator as a DG unit was integrated with the distribution network in the optimum location. Also positive impacts of DG unit on power losses has been seen by injecting undeterministic small amount of synchronous generator as a DG unit and by increasing cross-sectional area of the conductor has showed much improvement in power losses.


Dispersed Generation,Power losses, Radial Distributed System,Synchronous generator,Induction generator,

A new co-ordinated hybrid fuzzy logic and particle swarm optimization based PID controller for speed control of DC servomotor


Arnob Senapati,Akash Maitra,Saswata Das,Souvik Chatterjee,Binanda Kishore Mondal,Abhishek Kumar Kashyap,Sudipta Ghosh,



The speed control is an interesting and important term in control system engineering. Speed of the DC servomotor has to be varied according to application requirement. According to requirement suitable controllers and algorithm are use to achieve best control over speed. PID controller is a well known controller which is used in feedback control in industrial application. But in some industrial application the speed control with PID controller is not able to achieve the perfect control due to non linear element present in the system. Therefore in this research the Particle Swarm Optimization based PID controller and Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Controller are use to overcome this problem. Fuzzy logic control offers an improvement in the quality of the speed response concentrated by emulating the expert and implemented in language based on operator’s experience. Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm on the PID controller is an advanced approach for getting a stable and linear response of any system. PSO is a population based stochastic optimization technique is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. A comparative analysis of performance analysis both the controllers have been done.


Speed Contro,DC Servomoto, PID,PSO,Fuzzy,Hybrid Fuzzy,

A Novel Architecture for Low Power Equiripple Half-Band FIR Filter using GDI Based Dual Edge Triggered Flip-Flop


Biswarup Mukherjee,Aniruddha Ghosal,



In this paper, a technique for implementing low-power equiripple half-band FIR filter using GDI based Dual Edge Triggered Flip Flop (DETFF) is introduced. Dual edge triggered flip flops has many advantages in low power VLSI compared to SETFF. The Proposed low power FIR filter using DETFF is implemented and compared with conventional design at same simulation conditions. CAD tool based simulation and comparison between proposed design with the conventional design shows that the proposed design reduces power dissipation by 32% reducing the no. of transistors used while keeping the same data rate.


Half-band FIR filter,Dual Edge Triggered Flip Flop (DETFF), GDI ,Multiplexer, Low power VLSI ,

Design approach to a wound rotor induction motor towards optimization


Pritish Kumar Ghosh,PradipKumarSadhu,Amarnath Sanyal,Debabrata Roy,Biswajit Dutta,



About 88% of the driving power is produced by 3-phase and single-phase induction motors. In most part it is by squirrel-cage motors, only a small fraction by the slip-ring or phase-wound type. It is because the cage-type motors are relatively inexpensive. But they suffer from low p.f. operation and low starting torque which cannot be manipulated by inserting resistance in the rotor circuit. Also, this type of induction motors is not easily speed-adjustable. Though a little more expensive, the slip-ring type induction motors do not have these disadvantages. Therefore, they are used as speed-adjustable drives and for drives where heavy duty starting is involved. The design of any kind of power equipment should be made cost-optimally in the present day competitive market. A new approach to reaching optimal solution has been shown in this paper by the method of sequential searching with respect to the chosen design variables. Also, another design has been made following a hybrid of analytical and synthetic approach. The design variables have been chosen from designers’ experience. In contrary to the popular belief that there is no need for going in for complexity of optimal design, the quasi-optimal solution may be obtained by the designer from his accumulated experience, we find that the idea is wrong. The optimal design approach saves a lot of money.


Analytic design,synthetic design,hybrid design, optimal design,sequential searching, development of electrical engineering, Electrical applications,

Photovoltaic (PV) System Feasibility for Urmar Payan a Rural Cell Sites in Pakistan


Muhammad Aamir Aman,Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi,Hamza Umar Afridi,Mehr-e-Munir,Jehanzeb Khan,



Exponential growth in cellular services has fueled the penetration of
telecommunication industry in rural areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). However,
the scarcity of electricity at such localities has limited the growth and operation of
network operators. One solution to overcome the problem includes utilization of
diesel generator along with grids for continuous supply. However, this solution
requires high fuel consumption, extensive maintenance and elevated delivery cost,
which makes its operation less efficient. Photovoltaic (PV) systems are anticipated to
solve the problem by providing necessary power at increased reliability and
performance. This paper proposes the use PV system along with grids at rural areas
of KPK to increase the operation and reliability of base stations (BTS’s). Feasibility
of the proposed design is checked via Hybrid Optimization Model for Electrical
Renewable(HOMER) Software. It is shown that the proposed PV grid hybrid system
is more efficient as compared to the diesel and standalone PV system at the rural cell
sites in KPK, Pakistan.
Keywords:Cellular networks, Base station, Photovoltaic (PV) system, Feasibility.


Cellular networks,Base station,Photovoltaic (PV)system,Feasibility,

Designing A Hybrid Full Adder Circuit Based On The Combination Of Cmos And Set Transistors


Seyed Mohammad Jalal Rastegar Fatemi,Nasim Goudarzi,Morteza Rostami,



Single electron devices are new in Nano-electrics and are able to control
currents on the scale of a single or multiple electrons. Relying on this ability, these
devices have a potential capacity for mitigation of circuits’ energy consumption.
Nevertheless, it is anticipated that in a near future the manufacturing technologies
will advance and these devices would become of extensive application in integrated
circuits. The working basis of these devices is electron tunneling in a structure with
Nano dimensions. The present paper firstly states the control mechanism of single
electron displacement in a tunnel bond and secondly, investigates the manner of
application of this mechanism in the most important single electron structures.
According to the results, a hybrid full adder circuit has been simulated using the HSpice
software. Overall, the results have shown that compared to previous works, the
proposed hybrid circuit is advantageous in terms of power consumption and PDP.
Key words: single electron devices, tunnel bond, coulomb blockade, full adder


single electron devices,tunnel bond, coulomb blockade,full adder,

Improved Distance Measuring Using Laser Light


Mehr-e-Munir,ShahidLatif,Muhammad Aamir Aman,Waleed Jan,Jehanzeb Khan,



Distance measuring without physical contact and long distance measuring
is always a challenge. Distance measuring using laser beam light is an effective
way but it causes too much distortion due to back of signal from destination. To
preserve the level of distortion a photovoltaic cell is used to measure the intensity of
laser beam light. This paper emphasizes on design of a circuit which uses
photovoltaic cell and multi-meter. This paper shows the improved long distance
measuring technique using photovoltaic cell.
Keywords: Beam laser light, distance, photovoltaic cell, solar cell, effective
distance measuring


Beam laser light,distance,photovoltaic cell,solar cell,effective distance measuring,

Approximate Solution of Strongly Forced Nonlinear Vibrating Systems Which Vary With Time


Pinakee dey,Nasir Uddin,Md Asaduzzaman,Sanjay kumar saha,M. A. Sattar,



Based on the combined work of extended Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii
method and harmonic balance (HB) method an analytical technique is presented to
determine approximate solutions of nonlinear differential systems whose coefficients
change slowly and periodically with time. Furthermore, a non-autonomous case also
investigated in which an external force acts in this system. Formulation as well as
determination of the solution is systematic and easier than the existing procedures.
The method is illustrated by suitable examples.


Asymptotic solution,Forced nonlinear oscillation, Varying coefficient,Unperturbed equation, KBM method, HB method,

Design and Comparison of PI and Back-Stepping Control for Single Phase Two-Stage Grid Connected PV System


Syed Qaiser Ahmad Shah,Khalid Mahmood,Syed Shafiq Ahmad Shah,Mehr-e-Munir,MuhammadAamir Aman,



In grid connected two stage PV system some Control technique are applied to get maximum power point, voltage adjustment of boost converter , inverter voltage , DC link voltage control, grid current control, power factor improvement and reduction in total harmonics distortions. In this paper the two control techniques like back-stepping control and PI control are designed and their results are compared. The output behavior of the PV array is non-linear, there is a continuous change in output power, due to change in the temperature and change in irradiations. Due to this nonlinear behavior of PV the maximum power point is affected. To achieve maximum power point a special type of tracking system is used. In this paper the main objective like dc-link voltage control, grid current control, power factor improvement and reduction in total harmonics


Maximum power Point tracking (MPPT),Photovoltaic (PV),stepping Control (BSC), Total Harmonics Distortion (THD),

On the Suitability of Peak Shape Method for the Analysis of Thermoluminescence in Different Models


Sk Azharuddin,B Ghosh,S Ghosh,P.S.Majumdar,



In the present paper we have adjudged the suitability of widely used Peak
Shape method for determination of activation energy by considering computer
generated thermoluminescence (TL) peaks obtained by using One Trap One
Recombination (OTOR) model and Interactive Multi Trap System (IMTS) model. We
have found that in both OTOR and IMTS models these methods fail when the trap
occupancy approaches saturation. Finally we have considered the application of
these methods to experimental TL peaks of  -irradiated Albite.


Thermoluminescence (TL),One Trap One Recombination (OTOR),InteractiveMulti Trap System (IMTS),ctivation energy,

Automatic Control of Hypnosis in Propofol Anesthesia Administration based on ISTSMC


Muhammad Ilyas,Mehr-e-Munir,Jehanzeb Khan,Raja Ali Riaz,



Propofol infusion in anesthesia administration requires continual adjustment in manual drug delivery system to regulate the hypnosis level. Such regulation of hypnosis in multi-tasking surgical scenario become more challenging and risky, directs to automation in anesthesia. This paper proposes a nonlinear control based on Integral Super-twisting Sliding Mode Control (ISTMSC) of Propofol administration. The patient model is derived using pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics modelling based on clinical parameters, like age, height, and weight. The controller response is investigated to regulate the hypnosis level between 40 and 60 on Bispectral Index Scale (BIS). The plasma drug concentration in different compartments of the boy shows the metabolism of drugs within body. The hypnosis level is plotted for different patients shows the cortically activity of the brain required for general surgery.


Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamics mode,Sliding mode control,inear observer,sigmoid model,hypnosis,

Kink and Periodic Solutions to the Jimbo-Miwa Equation and the Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff Equation


Md. Dulal Hossain,Ummey Kulsum,Md. Khorshed Alam,M. Ali Akbar,



In this article, we form the exact wave solutions of the Jimbo-Miwa equation and the Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff equation by applying the new generalized (G’/G)-expansion method. We explained the new generalized (G’/G)-expansion method to look for more general traveling wave solutions of the above mentioned equations. The traveling wave solutions attained by this method are in terms of hyperbolic, trigonometric and rational functions. The graphical representation of the obtained solutions is kink soliton, singular kink soliton, singular soliton and singular periodic solution. This method is very significant for extracting exact solutions of NLEEs which habitually occur in mathematical physics, engineering sciences and applied mathematics.


Exact traveling wave solutions,Jimbo-Miwa equation,Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff equation,new generalized(G1/G) -expansion method,

Power Generation from Piezoelectric Footstep Technique


Muhammad Aamir Aman,Hamza Umar Afridi,Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi,Akhtar Khan,Muhammad Salman,



The production of electric power from the foot step movement of the peoples and the pressure exerted during walking which is fritter away, is the main theme of this paper. The mechanical power transformation into electrical power as the pressure exerted by the footstep and by using transducers is basically called as “Foot step power generation system”. Power is produced by the power generating floor and it is basically the production of electrical energy from kinetic energy. As today electricity demand is increasing and it is unable to overcome this global issue by using the traditional power generating sources. Demand and supply gap is the major issue of energy crisis.
The main aim is to overcome the power crisis throughout the world although it is not enough to fulfill over excessive demand of electrical energy but it will be able to change and decrease reliance on old method of generating electricity. We can generate 1 megawatt of power if we have a 100 floor, as we are able to model a power production floor which can generate up to 1000 watt on just twelve footsteps means one unit and it is capable to generate 10000w power for just 120 footsteps. It can be installed on road side footpath, parks and jogging tracks and many other public place, airport etc. and have great impact of this and will create great difference in the electrical power generation system.


Energy Crisis,Supply and demand,Renewable Energy,Piezoelectric,Piezoelectric,Footstep power generation system,

Blockchain Based E-Stamp Procurement System with Efficient Consensus Mechanism and Fast Parallel Search


Nikita Singh,Manu Vardhan,



Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) is fast growing as solution to various financial applications that require secure and temper proof transactions system. The blockchain based system is a decentralized system for storing the information in consistent and virtually centralized environment. This paper proposes blockchain based application for e-stamping facility along with new consensus algorithm and optimized search algorithm. To achieve consensus for the newly mined block, it is proposed that only trusted nodes are selected for voting. This reduces broadcasting overhead to multicasting to about 50% of nodes. The proposed fast parallel search algorithm reduces the overall search time by 1/5 as compared to the existing algorithms. This is done on a subset of block chain against complete blockchain. Finally, the system can be adopted for the digitalization of the e-stamp facility and process where the stamp duty is required. The government authorities can also authorize private organization for selling the e-stamp to generate the revenue. The system can be able to detect any fraudulent activity.


Blockchain,Consensus Mechanism,Block Search,Trust, P2p ,

Field Investigation of Modified Asphalt Mix in Pakistan


Abdul Farhan,Nadeem Anwar Qureshi,Arshad Hussain,M. Bilal Khurshid,Hassan Farooq Afridi,



Pavement distresses such as Rutting, fatigue, Potholes and moisture induced damage are common Pavement distress that causes the pavement failure at early design life of pavement which causes huge financial constrain to national exchequer. Since developed countries are adopting pavement preventive technique as compared to pavement reconstruction. This strategy of pavement prevention can be beneficial for developing countries to enhance serviceable life of Pavement, which can save huge amount of Cost. In this research four different Pavement section were selected based on the type of treatment applied on that specific section along Islamabad-Lahore motorway (M-2), Pakistan. The first pavement section was a blend of 15 percent Rap and 7 percent crumb rubber (Rap 15%, CR 7%), the second pavement section was a blend of asphalt with crumb rubber modified bitumen as binder (Rap 0%, CR 7%), the third Pavement section was a blend of 15 percent Rap with grade 60-70 bitumen as binder (Rap 15%, CR 0%), the fourth section was asphalt concrete wearing course with grade 60-70 bitumen as binder(Rap 0%, CR 0%). Cores were extracted from the selected four section which were further evaluated at laboratory for pavement distresses such as fatigue and damage induced to pavement due to moisture at lab. It was concluded that section one performance against fatigue was substantially better than other pavement sections while section one performance against moisture induced damages was lesser as compare to other section. Moreover, it was observed that resistance against moisture damage was considerable in section 3.


Crum Rubber,Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP),Indirect Tensile Fatigue Test (ITFT),Tensile Strength Ratio Test (TSR),Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (ACWC),

Investigation of Fouling and its Impact in Heat Exchangers


Ashis kumarDey,Partha Sarathi Das,Smruti Ranjan Pradhan,Govind Sahu,



As heat transfer device, heat exchanger has gained wide applications across different areas of domestic and industrial set-ups. Various studies have been carried out to analyze and predict its performance. However, one major problem that limits heat exchanger performance is fouling effect. Based on this, different studies and approaches have been employed by different researchers on reduction and mitigation of fouling. The following review paper furnishes the different major analysis carried out by different researchers on the effect of fouling of shell and tube type of heat exchanger. The study found that despite of the existing models developed towards understanding fouling, there is no single model that has provided an accurate prediction of fouling in tube and shell type heat exchangers. Further to this, majority of the study results only pointed to small scale laboratory test schemes and there is absence of sufficient data that predicts actual (real life) service performance.


Heat Exchanger, Heat Transfer,Energy System, Fouling model,Mitigation,

Transmission Lines Monitoring from Satellite Images


Abdullah Zain,Samad Baseer,Mehr-e-Munir,



This paper presents a technique for the identification of the transmission line in improving the vegetation management for the maintenance of vegetation corridor along the transmission line. A satellite image is scanned pixel by pixel to identify the transmission tower in the image. After successful detection of towers, area of interest is interpolated in the image. This area of interest, only contain the right of way of transmission line in vegetation field. Timely vegetation management can reduce outages. Outages occur due to encroachment of trees. These encroachment cause substantial damages and become reason of electric outages for residential and Industrial areas. The objective of this paper is to enhance vegetation monitoring system based on satellite image. The final outcome is to reduce substantially the amount of information to be processed for vegetation management along the transmission line, especially for remote area where the co-ordinated information is difficult to obtain.


Transmission line,encroachment,satellite images,google image,vegetation management,area of interes, right of way,

Power Generator Automation, Monitoring and Protection System


Muhammad Aamir Aman,Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi,Akhtar Khan,Waleed Jan,Mehr-e-Munir,



The aim of the article is to develop a system, which uses microcontroller as central part to control the system and monitor the electrical parameters of power generator. In this project microcontroller take the value of frequency and voltage from Analogue to digital converter (ADC) which is interfaced with Potential Transformer(P.T). For counting the frequency, the output of operational amplifier will be measured through microcontroller, in case the value of current shows any abnormal behavior the system will first display the load cut off reason on LCD and then cut off the load for the sake of protection through relay. Another feature of this project is the Auto transfer switch (ATS). If the power from utility companies is available then the generator will be in off state and whenever electrical power from the utility company is suspended, the ATS system will automatically turn on the generator and transfer the load to generator and as the power will be restored from utility company the generator will be automatically turn off and the load will be transferred to the mains line.


Power generator,Protection system, Auto transfer switch,Potential Transformer,Current Transformer,LCD,Analogue to digital converter,Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA),

Noble methods to Prevent pounding between Adjacent Buildings


Geetopriyo Roy,Pallab Das,



Pounding refers to the collision of adjacent structures during strong ground motions. Actually when an earthquake occurs, the structures which are having different dynamic properties vibrate out of phase and collide with each other resulting in heavy damage of life and property. The main reason behind pounding between structures is the insufficient separation distance provided between the buildings. Different countries having different codes provide different rules and regulations regarding the separation distance that needs to be given between the structures to prevent pounding but the insufficient land area and high land prices especially in metropolitan cities, the separation distance is bound to be given very less in order to have effective use of land area during construction. So, in order to prevent the structures from colliding with each other, some cost effective mitigation measures like RCC cross bracings and RC shear wall have been discussed in this study. SAP2000 v19 software has been used for modelling and analysis of the structures. This study includes two types of frame structures i.e. (i) bare frame structure and (ii) structure having infill walls in the form of diagonal strut in it. The mitigation methods such as use of shear wall and bracings proved to be effective in all the cases. Also the best location of bracings and shear wall has been studied by placing them at various locations in the structures and observe the amount of displacement that is being reduced.


Pounding,diagonal strut,SAP2000 software,RCC Bracings,Shear wall,

Prevailing Pakistan’s Energy Crises


Muhammad Aamir Aman,Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi,Hamza Umar Afridi,Khushal Muhammad,Mehr-e-Munir,



The important facts that causes the shortfall in the supply of electrical energy in Pakistan is discussed in this research work. The basic causes due to which the decline in supply and a review about the energy potential in Pakistan were analyzed. It is also investigated that how much important is to utilize the renewable energy and how it will be useful to tackle the shortfall. The solution for that problem is given i.e. to construct small hydro- electric power station on the run of river. This paper will be very helpful for minimizing the shortfall of electricity in Pakistan. To tackle the energy crisis different solutions were given, that is further divided into three terms. Short term solution, Medium term solution, and Long term solution .In short term solution ,the line losses will be reduced, and Power generating capacity will be improved. In medium term solution, the renewable energy resources will be installed. And in long term solution, the thermal power fuel, the myth of Thar coal, stand-alone power projects will be replaced and also the national grid will be dismantled to overcome these crisis.


Power generating capacity,Energy Crisis,Supply and demand,Renewable Energy,Energy Sources,

Similarity Based Feature Weighting for Inter Domain Classification of Text





Intra domain supervised classification of online reviews is vastly analysed by current studies. At the same time, the level of performance declines when training is performed with one domain and testing with reviews of a different domain. The main fact behind this reduction is the domain distribution difference and the feature vector difference. Also the semantic of each word in a corpus differs based on its usage in domains. The objective of this study is to propose a new similarity based feature weighting technique for text reviews for enhancing the accuracy of inter domain classification. Different training and testing domains are weighted by proposed probability based statistical techniques for the classification by Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Transductive Support Vector Machine (TSVM). TSVM performs much better for this cross domain classification. The fact behind the performance of TSVM is its Transductive learning even with the small training set. The correlation between source and target domain and its influence on classification accuracy are analysed in detail using the outcome of existing feature weighting and proposed weighting techniques.


Text processing,Feature weighting, Transductive Support Vector Machine,Cross domain classification,

Investigation of Self – Dithering Technique on MASH 1-1-1 and Third Order Error – Output Feedback Modulator


Sohail Imran Saeed,Khalid Mahmood,Mehr-e-Munir,



Digital delta sigma modulator (DDSM) is integral part of the divider of PLL based fractional –N frequency synthesizer. The output of DDSM is notorious for spurious tones in its output. Generally, the inherent periodicity of DDSM is considered the main reason for generation of these tones. The recent researched focus on the role of linear feedback shift register (LFSR) based pseudorandom dither which is added with input of DDSM to break its periodicity. Since, an ideal random sequence cannot be realized; the periodic nature of LFSR dither itself is considered a sour to energize these spurious tones appearing at the output of synthesizer. The self-dithering technique is claimed to perform the efficient dithering of the input of DDSM without using LFSR. In this paper we investigate the use of self-dithering technique with MASH 1-1-1 & EOFM mash that is claimed to be as effective as LFSR dither.


Power generating capacity,Energy Crisis,Supply and demand,Renewable Energy,Energy Sources,

An Improvised Recommendation System For Mobile Plans Using Similarity Fusion


Neetu Singh,V.K Jain ,



Recommendations help humans in making decisions and hence contribute in increase of user satisfaction. For good recommendations; the recommender should be more precise. From past decades, Collaborative Filtering (CF) has been explored by researchers because of its efficiency and effectiveness. The main objective of CF is to find most similar items using various similarity measures. This research paper proposes improvised mobile recommender that significantly increases accuracy for recommended right plans for mobile users using similarity fusion. Experimental results show that the proposed recommender using similarity fusions provide better recommendation quality.


Recommender System, Cellular networks,Similarities,data plans,Similarity fusion,

Challenges been faced by Mobile Operators in Pakistan for transition from 2G to 3G & 4G Mobile Services


Shahid Latif,Mehr-e-Munir,



Mobile communication has been transformed in Pakistan by issuance of Third Generation (3G) and Fourth Generation (4G) licenses. Introduction of new technologies has changed the mobile users existing lust for more data and at an extremely high transmission rate. The third and fourth generation technology transitions have enormously improved network performance as compared to old and legacy Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technology. Especially, the Long Term Evolution wireless network brings all set to convert the existing mobile networks into end-to-end IP networks. In this review paper, it will be considered what challenges have been faced by the mobile companies in Pakistan for migration of mobile wireless networks from existing technology to 3G CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and 4G LTE (Orthogonal frequency division multiplex) networks. The main challenges faced by managers for shifting from existing 2G infra-structures to new 3G and 4G infra-structures are network planning and achieving Quality of Service (QoS) parameter’s for this transition.


Second Generation,Third Generation,Fourth Generation,wireless network planning,Long Term Evolution,Internet Protoco,Code Division Multiple Access,Quality of Service,

Accident prevention by detection of Drowsiness using Heart rate and body temperature sensing


ParomitaDas,Soumyendu Bhattacharjee,Biswarup Neogi,



Fatigue or sleep is a crucial factor in traffic accidents especially for long distance journeys. In this article, an innovative module depicts for automatic driver drowsiness detection based on heart rate and skin temperature. This system aims towards detecting and alert the driver to prevent accidents. Bothsensor performance has been utilized and modulated through the Arduino microcontroller and produce output. Achieve better accuracy for detecting sleep, a new method that is the combination of the heart rate sensor, as well as body temperature sensor, is proposed. Also, the proposed system can monitor the heart rate and body temperature continuously for detecting the health status of the driver also. Experimental results show high accuracy in each section which makes this system reliable for driver sleep detection and alarm system.


Driver drowsiness detection,Accident prevention,Heart rate sensor,Body temperature sensor,

A New Image Steganography Method using Message Bits Shuffling


Prithwish Das,Kushal Chakraborty,Sayak Sinha,Atanu Das,



Steganography has been considered as a technique of message hiding within another carrier multimedia data. Messages in the form of image (with embedded handwritten or typed texts) are often embedded in several ways within another image in image steganography. DCT based schemes are undertaken in the frequency domain methods in addition to usual plain text message embedding. Most of the message image hiding techniques embeds image bit string without considering any shuffling schemes to deal with the said string before embedding. Present work targeted to incorporate message hiding essentially with shuffled and re-shuffled bit strings in different ways prior to DCT operation. A new method has been proposed with these shuffling schemes to enhance the security level of the encryption. Investigations with the proposed image steganography method show that the new methods performed better than normal image steganography techniques without shuffling schemes. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated using Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE). Results show that the shuffling bit steganography method outperformed the common DCT based schemes without shuffling.


Image Steganograph, DCT,Message Bit Shuffling,

Free-Space Optical channel turbulence analysis based on lognormal distribution and stochastic differential equation


TayyabaGul Tareen,Shahryar Shafique,Mehr-e-Munir,



An Optical wave propagating through a free-space optical channel may severely experience the intensity fluctuations that can result in channel gain fluctuations and fading. This paper provide a model that can analyze the influence of inevitable turbulence effect on a free-space channel which is based on the stochastic differential equation to synthesis lognormal distributed samples with a corresponding correlation time. The numerical analysis of theoretical model is presented and compared for performance evaluation. To examine the resemblance between numerical and theoretical analysis, two properties of free-space optical channel is considered including the probability density function and auto-covariance property. The model showed distinctive performance results when modelling typical channel situations.


Auto-covariance,Free-space optica,lognormal distribution,stochasticdifferential equation (SDE),Turbulence effects ,



Phong Thanh Nguyen,Thu Anh Nguyen,Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To Nguyen,Vy Dang Bich Huynh,



Building Information Modelling (BIM) has made considerable progress over the past few decades regarding information technology applied in the construction industry. In developed countries, governmental organizations and private companies had published many valuable and quality academic studies regarding BIM. However, few studies have mentioned the application of SWOT modelling to develop a strategy for applying the BIM 360 Field in construction and engineering companies. This paper presents an overview of the BIM 360 Field application in construction quality management. Suitable strategies could be used to enhance the quality assurance of construction project management.


Relationship between Organizational Environment and Teacher’s Citizenship Behaviour


Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi,Dr. Shehzad Ahmed,Dr. AsifIqbal,Sabahat Parveen,



The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between organizational environment and teachers’ citizenship behaviour. The research study was quantitative and correlational design was used. Survey technique was used. The population of the study comprises Elementary School Teachers (ESTs) of Mathematics. Multistage random sampling was used to select four districts (Faisalabad, Multan, Sargodha and Jhang). Further, 20 schools (10 males & 10 females) and 4 teachers from each school were randomly selected. The data from selected sample were collected using survey method. SPSS version 24 was used to analyze the data. Pearson r and ANOVA were used. The analysis revealed that there exist significant and positive relationship between organizational environment and teachers’ citizenship behaviour.


Organizational environment,Citizenship behaviour,Multistage random sampling,



Vy Dang Bich Huynh,Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To Nguyen,Phuc Van Nguyen,Phong Thanh Nguyen,



The positive impact of social capital on job search success has been supported in the literature, however the research community has not reached a consensus because social capital is not always good, especially in terms of bonding. This paper explores the role of bonding social capital on several dimensions of job search success. The partial least square structural equation model was used with input data from 400 undergraduates, obtained from a field survey in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The results confirm the positive role of bonding social capital on acquired job quality, job search cost, and job search convenience. Keywords: education, job search success, partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM), social capital





Muhammad Hasnain,Adeed khan,Saqib Shah,Muhammad Majid Naeem,Marvan Raza,



Developed economies have realized construction health and safety issue and have improved the working site condition by continuously emphasizing on the issue. Sadly, the case is different in developing countries particularly in the Indian subcontinent where the injury and death rate is high due to poor health and safety conditions. The paper examines the current health and safety practices, legislations and the management of Health and safety of Pakistan, a country in the Indian subcontinent. The data reviewed is organized around developing countries and the culture affecting health and safety in these countries is discussed. Moreover, the secondary data focuses on health and safety management system, behavioral aspects of the stakeholders, general health conditions of workers associated to the construction industry and the construction industry of Pakistan is also discussed. For the achievement of objectives, both, qualitative and quantitative methodologies are adopted (i-e questionnaire survey and interviews). The questionnaire and the interviews mainly focus on the contractors, workers, designers and the clients. The findings from these methods indicates that majority of the respondents have a poor degree of health and safety awareness. It also reveals that there are general health problems faced by the workers, people are hesitant to record and report the accident at site and showed the key behavioral aspects affecting the health and safety.



Complexity Based Approach for Architecture Evaluation


Maushumi Lahon,Uzzal Sharma,



Architecture Evaluation is a means to reduce risk and save cost. It holds the key to success of the system being developed. Various evaluation methods exist which have specific objectives and basis and all contribute to enhance product quality. In this paper a Complexity UML Based Architecture Evaluation (CUBAE) approach is proposed to evaluate the architecture of a system built using CBSD approach. . The proposed approach estimates the complexity of the architecture from the UML representation of different views of the architecture. Earlier works on complexity measures of UML representations found in literature are used along with proposed measures for complexity calculation. This complexity measure may be used to assess and compare architecture representing the same system along with other measures like modifiability and different quality attributes used for evaluating the architecture.


CBSD,Architecture evaluation,UML,Complexity,Metrics,

Prediction of Heating and Cooling Load to improve Energy Efficiency of Buildings Using Machine Learning Techniques


Srihari J,Santhi B,



Global warming has been a severe threat to humanityand greenhouse gases emitted from power plants is one of the major causes of global warming. In this paper, we use machine learning to incorporate energy efficiency techniques to buildings by predicting the Heating and Cooling Load using eight input features.Heating load is the amount of heat per unit time that a building needs to maintain the temperature at an established level whereas Cooling load is the amount of heat per unit time that must be removed. Heating, cooling, and ventilation systems are used to handle heating and cooling load. We train four regression (linear regression, Lasso, Ridge, and Elastic-Net) and three gradient boosting models (GBM, XGBoost, and LightGBM) and test them to compare their performance using 768 rows of data of residential buildings. We observe that the gradient boosting models perform significantly better than the standard regression models for both Heating Load and Cooling Load. XGBoost achieves the highest R-squared score of 0.99 for Heating Load and 0.99 for Cooling Load. From the results of this study, we conclude that machine learning techniques can predict Heating Load and Cooling Load with high accuracy. The obtained Heating load and cooling load values can be used to install efficient heating, cooling and ventilation systems and thus reduce both energy consumption and money.


Energy efficiency,Heating Load,Cooling Load,Machine Learning,



Adil Afridi,Atif Afridi,Farhan Zafar,



Pervious concrete pavement could be a distinctive and effective thanks to capture storm water and permit it to course into the bottom therefore recharging groundwater, reducing storm water runoff, and meeting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) storm water laws. this technique has been counseled by independent agency and geotechnical engineers as a Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the management of storm water runoff. This pavement technology creates additional economical land use by eliminating the necessity for retention ponds, swales, and alternative storm water management devices. receptive surface treatments retain the water sub-surface because it bit by bit infiltrates into the soil; holding the storm water in multiple air voids or cells conjointly aiding in water quality through degradation of hydrocarbons into greenhouse emission and water, and retentive metals within the structure keeps them from the groundwater table Despite the employment of receptive systems for nearly thirty years within the USA, not tons of analysis has been performed on the long run absorption of contaminants within the concrete microstructure. many studies showcase the removal potency of those pavements within the 1st few years of service, stating it’s shown higher than seventy five p.c potency in removal of contaminants, this investigation targeted on varied receptive concrete treatments decisive optimum strength, voids, infiltration and voids. in addition geochemical work on trace metal sorption, major component adverse effects and water quality edges was performed on existing tons on MTSU field.


concrete pavemen, water runoff,optimum strength,

An inventory model of flexible demand for price, stock and reliability with deterioration under inflation incorporating delay in payment


Sudip Adak,G.S. Mahapatra,



This paper presents an inventory model for deteriorating items with a constant rate of deterioration and the demand rate is flexible which depends on the price, stock as well as the reliability of the products. This model allowing the shortage under inflation, and delay in payment is also taken into account. We consider situation of the credit period is less than or greater than the cycle time for settling the account. Numerical example is given for different cases and sensitivity analysis is carried out to analyze the effect of the parameters on the optimal solution.


Deterioration,Reliability,Credit period,Inflation,Delay payment,

Random Prediction in Metric Space


Hind Fadhil Abbas,



There are different classes of the graph generation. Node is one of the important parts in graph which is associated with the metric space. The elements of the set are placed very close to each other. These elements are similar to each other having minor or unobservable difference. Hence, it is difficult to find them in a given set in several of applications. The application area finds at many branches like multimedia, computer science and pattern reorganization. Here, we are focused on metric space and its prediction. Also, we have discussed some methods with some examples and the view of all known proposals to organize metric spaces. There are a large number of solutions are available. The notations of a random metric space and tried to prove that space was isometric. The study is focused on universal and random distance matrices. The properties of universal metric space with the properties of distance metric were correlated. Latent metric was also considered. This review includes the different scenarios of metric space with the basic concepts and mathematical formulae.


Random objects,Random prediction,Metric space,Space theory,



Dr.Muhammad Shabbir Ali,Dr.Shafqat Rasool,Dr. AsifIqbal,Sabahat Parveen ,



Induction training program plays vital role for all new mathematics teachers who are recruited. It helps them to increase efficacy level to adhere to the educational life and facilitate the organization with effective performance. This study is the part of wider research to help to investigate evaluation of induction training program for mathematics teachers with the main objective of predicting future modality of professional development on the bases of induction training process. 150 participants, who experienced for induction training program, were selected for this study. These 150 teachers were having vast experience and background in mathematics and statistics. The data were gathered through questionnaire and observation to explore the approaches of induction program for development and its effectiveness. Data were analyzed through statistical techniques of t-test, correlation, ANOVA and regression. The analysis showed significant effect of induction training program on teachers’ development as whole. Induction training program found positive relation with professionalism and strongly predict the professional development of educational organization.


Induction Program,Professional Development,Training of Teachers,Future Modality,

Real-time Data Streaming using Apache Spark on Fully Configured Hadoop Cluster


Kashi Sai Prasad,S Pasupathy,



Data plays a major role in today’s Internet world.Analyzing historical data became easy due to advancement of analytical tools. Gathering data from social networking websites is a great challenge for today’s data scientists. Many advancements and research has been conducted to gather streaming data(data generated every second) .Hadoop has provided acomponent called Apache Flume to ingest data into HDFS for processing using MapReduce. It has its own benefits,which made many analysis easy for social networking data,but Apache Flume requires a depthknowledge on configuration files and administration.
Our work proposes a framework for real-time data streaming of Twitter data. Apache spark which is an enhancement of Hadoop in terms of speed and faster processing provides much more insight than Apache flume.Spark is an in-memory distributed computing engine to increase processing speed over MapReduce, Spark is considered one of the most advanced ecosystem component for Batch and near-real time processing. We in our paper are explaining in detail about data ingestion using Apache Spark and Scala IDE. In our work the data will be directly ingested from Twitter website through tokens and access keys provided,which will be explained in chapter 3,4. Our GUI can also help a user to tweet into Twitter directly without moving on to Twitter website. We have also provided an option to categorize tweet of specific persons using ‘#’ tags.The data thus obtained can be used for statistical analysis and generating reports.


Apache Spark,Big Data,Flume,Hadoop,Map Reduce,Twitter data ingestion,

Arduino Based Safety System for Blind People


Rima Nayek,Debapriya Ghosh,Krishanu Bhattacharjee,Sudipta Ghosh,



The Blindness is frequently used to describe severe visual deterioration with or without residual vision. According to WHO (World Health Organisation) 30Million people are blind. In India only 6.8 Million people are blind, 46.2 Million people have low vision and 5.3Million people are visually diminished. There is a great dependency for any type of movement or walking within area or out of the particular area, they use only their natural senses such as touch or sound for identification. To gift a simplified and independent life for blind person, this project proposed which is light weight , compact , cost efficient and easy to handle.


ArduinoUNO,Ultrasonic sensor,Fire sensor,Rain sensor, Blind Stick,

Overhead Transmission Lines Analysis Considering Sag-Tension under Maximum Wind Effect


Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi,Muhammad Aamir Aman,Akhtar Khan,Mehr-E-Munir,



Grid stations get generated power from power stations that are ordinarily far; continuous consumption or use of electric power has expanded in most recent couple of years. Transmission system is the system by methods for which power is transmitted from place of generation to the consumers. Overhead wires or conductors are the medium used for transmission of power. These wires are visible to wind, heat and ice. The efficiency of the power system increases if the losses of these overhead wires are minimal. These losses are based on the resistive, magnetic and capacitive nature of the conductor. It is necessary to create or make proper design of these conductors accompanied by proper installation. To balance the working and strength of overhead transmission line and to minimize its capacitive effect the conductors must be installed in catenary shape. The sag is required in transmission line for conductor suspension. The conductors are appended between two overhead towers with ideal estimation of sag. It is because of keeping conductor safety from inordinate tension. To permit safe tension in the conductor, conductors are not completely extended; rather they are allowed to have sag. For equal level supports this paper provides sag and tension estimation with two different cases under maximum operating temperature 45 °C. To calculate sag-tension estimation of ACSR (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced) overhead lines twoe different cases are provided with no and high wind speed effects. Four different span lengths are taken for same level supports. ETAP (Electrical Transient and Analysis Program) is used for simulation setup. The results shows that wind effect has great impact upon line tension and with addition of wind speed the sag of line remains same while tension altered.



Analysis of Synthesized Ka-Band Linear Array Antenna for Beam Steering Applications


S.S.S. Kalyan,K. Ch. Sri Kavya,Sarat K. Kotamraju,



As beam steering antennas are being an ideal solution for many satellite applications, this paper is concerned on the design of a 16-element linear array antenna, using an RT Duroid substrate at 20.2 GHz for Ka-Band satellite communications. The design is initiated with single element and thereby incremented in steps to 2, 4, 8 and 16 elements. An optimum inter element spacing of 0.73λ is considered for the purpose of fulfilling the desired scanning requirement. Performance analysis of the proposed antenna is analyzed mainly in terms of Relative Side Lobe level (RSLL) and Beam steering. To synthesize the antenna, weights of the antenna are considered according to Taylor’s amplitude distribution along the antenna aperture to attain a relative side lobe level of -25dB. The proposed 16-element linear array antenna achieved a maximum gain of 19.5dB and the main beam direction can be switched up to 50o (±25o) without introduction any grating lobes. In addition to, other relevant antenna parameters such as reflection coefficient, VSWR, gain and efficiency of single, 2, 4, 8 and 16 element antennas are compared. The proposed linear array antenna is designed using Ansoft HFSS.


Linear array antenna, Beam steering, Relative Side Lobe Level,Ka-Band,Satellite Communication Links, Taylor’s Amplitude distribution,

The unique symmetric positive solutions for nonlinear fourth order arbitrary two-point boundary value problems: A fixed point theory approach


Md. Asaduzzaman,Md. Zulfikar Ali,



In this paper, we explore the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions
for the following nonlinear fourth order ordinary differential equation
       (4) u t  f t,u t , t a, b ,
withthe following arbitrary two-point boundary conditions:
ua  ub  ua  ub  0,
where, a, b are two arbitrary constants satisfying b  0, a 1 b and
f Ca,b0,,0,.Here we also demonstrate that under certain
assumptions the above boundary value problem exist a unique symmetric positive
solution. The analysis of this paper is based on a fixed point theorem in partially
ordered metric spaces due to Amini-Harandi and Emami. The results of this paper
generalize the results of several authors in literature. Finally, we provide some
illustrative examples to support our analytic proof.


Arbitrary two-pointboundary conditions,Nonlinear fourthorder ordinary differential equation,Unique symmetric positive solutions,Fixed point theorem,



B. Madhuravani,B. Rama,N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy,B.Dhanalaxmi,V. UmaMaheswari,



In the present internet world, Security is a prime vital concern and the secure hash function is one of the ideal alternative means to guarantee security. In this paper we made a study on different nonlinear dynamical systems – Chaotic maps and introduced a novel hash scheme based on integrated chaotic maps. The experimental outcomes shows that the proposed model satisfies all cryptographic properties of secure hash functions such as resistant to collisions, high level of sensitivity to initial conditions, high confusion and diffusion, high randomization etc. The suggested model is fast and accurate in terms of speed and security is concern. In this model, multiple chaotic maps are integrated as a single chaotic system to generate an n-bit digest value, where the length of digest is flexible in terms of security is concern.


Access Control,Authentication,Chaotic Maps,Complex Chaotic Maps,Integrity,



AnsamGhazi Nsaif ALBU_Amer,



Mathematical treatment for numbers and arrays in the field of functional analysis need special interest. In the present paper, we will focus on a new alternative approach of greedy summation approach of unordered numbers and arrays. A theoretical background is firstly presentedregarding the numbers and arrays and their importance in the field of functional analysis, then the alternative approach for the greedy summation based on absolute values is presented. Some theoretical proofs regarding the relation between theoretical greedy summation and the Dirichlet series is presented in brief details. At the end of the present paper, some important conclusions are listed due to their importance and their effect for the upcoming research works.


Numbers,Arrays,unordered sum,Numerical arrays,Greedy sum of numbers,Greedy sum of arrays,convergence of series,Dirichlet series of array,

Effluents of Hayatabad Industrial Estate and Its Impacts on Human Health and Environment


Muhammad Sheeraz,Muhammad Nadeem Khan,MuhammadZeeshan Ahad,Fawad Ahmad,Mehr-e-Munir,



Portable water is a gift of God, which is used by human beings both for domestic and industrial purposes, but when it is polluted by certain reasons it become useless and adversely effects human health, aquatic life and threats the ground water. There are many sources of water pollution and Industrial pollution is one major source and concern for today’s world because toxic substances and chemicals used as raw products in industries is being discharged as residual to the water bodies if not treated. The HIE is no exception, where different industries are indiscriminately releasing their untreated effluents to open nallah, which ultimately makes its way into river Kabul while passing through urban and rural areas of Peshawar. The river Kabul water is widely used for irrigation purposes and is affecting the human and marine life because of the untreated toxic effluents.
The study deals with the estimation and characterization of pollutions load discharged by the HIE and possible solutions to control these effluents at source i.e. at individual industrial level or at a Combined Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP). The study concluded that toxic effluents with high BOD, COD and TSS along with number of other heavy metals are released untreated. These effluents cannot be treated at source due to high cost and non-availability of land in existing developed industries. Also it is not advisable to install individual treatment plants due to lack of technical knowhow and high maintenance costs. The solution for this is to install a CETP at a suitable location on common benefit and maintenance cost mechanism.


Industrial estate, Combined Effluent Treatment Plant,Human health,Healthy Environment,



MOHAMMED M. Fayyadh,R. Kandasamy,RADIAH Mohammed,JAAFARAbdul Abbas Abbood,



Nanotechnology has enticed a good attention in boosting base fluid such as crude oil. A mathematical model is investigated to study MHD Carreau crude oil based nanofluids. Analysis over stretching sheet surface is illustrated that include consideration of nanoparticles shape with high (E1=5.0) and low (E1=0.0) electric field. Depending on nanoparticle shape, deferent expects of nanofluids flow such that the shapes as (sphere, cylinder, lamina) to boost the heat and mass transfer. Employing convenient self-similar transformation, the set of partial differential equation converted to dimensionless system. These equations has numerically solution by apply Runge-Kutta Fehlberg form plus so-called shooting technique and solving algebraically in Maple 18. Effect of relevant parameters on all concerned profile are incurred to examine the heat and mass transfer properties. For thermal radiation and heat generation parameters the profiles are on negative worth of temperature, is seen in the out of boundary region all these physical behaviours are due to the combined effects of the viscosity and density of the crude oil. The result obtained that heat generation, Brownian motion and magnetic field hit a dominant role on  Al<sub>2</sub> O<sub>3</sub> Crude Oil. The investigation revealed that there is no important role for nanoparticle shapes on Al<sub>2</sub> O<sub>3</sub> Crude Oil.


MHD Carreau mode,crude oil-AL2O3,nanoparticle shapes,

Exact wave solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation with special types of nonlinearity


Sk. Tanzer Ahmed Siddique,Md. Dulal Hossain,M. Ali Akbar,



In this article, we investigate the traveling wave solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation in (2+1)-dimension with special types of nonlinearity. The types include quadratic, cubic and polynomial nonlinearity. The Klein-Gordon equation assumes significant role in numerous types of scientific investigation such as in quantum field theory, nonlinear optics, nuclear physics, magnetic field etc. To investigate the aimed traveling wave solutions, we execute the (𝐺′/𝐺)-expansion method. The attained solutions are in the form of hyperbolic, trigonometric and rational functions. The results acknowledged that the applied method is very efficient and suitable for discovering differential equations with various types of nonlinearity considered in optics and quantum field theory. The solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation with quadratic, cubic, and polynomials nonlinearity play a significant role in many scientific measures notably optics and quantum field theory.


Klein-Gordon equation,nonlinearity,travelingwave solutions,

Correlation between Compressive Strength and Split Tensile Strength of GGBS and MK Based Geopolymer Concrete using Regression Analysis


B. Sarath Chandra Kumar,Sadasivan Karuppusamy,K. Ramesh,



In this study, the compressive strength and split tensile strength were performed on totally 264 laboratory made Geopolymer Concrete cubes and 264 laboratory made Geopolymer Concrete cylinders. Regression analysis using R software was carried out. A simple relationship was determined and correlated between compressive strength and split tensile strength. The concrete cubes were prepared with various mix proportions that yield cube crushing strength within the range of 20 to 60 Mpa.


Compressive Strength,Split Tensile Strength,GGBS,Metakaoline,Regression Analysis,



Muhammad Aadil,Sheeraz Ahmed,Muhammad Zubair,M.Saeed Hussain kakar,Muhammad Junaid,Ata-ur-Rehman,



Wireless Body Area Sensor Network (WBANs) are used to measure the biological parameters of a human body in a critical health situation. Sensors use an antenna and electromagnetic radiations to drive the response towards the sink node. Our research focuses on the overheating problem of body tissues due to the electromagnetic field generated by electromagnetic radiations. When sensor nodes continuously send and receive the data, it not only influences the communication between the nodes by stimulating high attenuation for signal transmission, but also conduits various health problems. These health issues may include reducing blood flow, affecting the enzymatic reactions, brain tumor, damaging the sensitive tissues and leading to tissue cancer. The exposition of such issues are addressed in our research called iBTTA (Improved Body Tissue Temperature Aware)routing scheme, where not only the temperature of a body tissues is controlled under the threshold value but significantly improves the performance in terms of its throughput, end- to- end delay and transmission loss. The scheme is an extension of our previously published scheme BTTA. The validation of our scheme iBTTA is done through comparison with already existing techniques SIMPLE (Stable Increased-throughput Multi-hop Protocol for Link Efficiency in WBANs) and LAEEBA (Link-Aware and Energy Efficient scheme for WBANs). In iBTTA we have improved the problem of the body tissues temperature, utilization of battery power and load balancing techniques in WBANs.


Tissues temperature,Attenuation,WSNs,Load balancing,Network Lifetime,residual energy,

An Efficient Camera Identification Technique using Krawtchouk Moment Invariants


Megha Borole,Prof. S. R. Kolhe,



In late years, camera identification methods have drawn attention in the area of digital forensics. To detect the source camera through which the picture is caught, Photo-Response Non uniformity (PRNU) noise is utilized as a camera, impression, as it is a particular component that recognizes pictures taken from the comparable cameras. This paper introduces a camera identification technique which is based on Krawtchouk Moment invariant features. The Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) noise is a type of sensor finger impression, which permits to extraordinarily distinguish the camera that took an image. It is estimated from the denoised images using a denoised filter. Then estimate the Krawtchouk Moment invariants from the PRNU noise pattern. The Krawtchouk Moments are invariant to scaling, translation, rotation, and shear. These invariants are fed to Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network with Compensatory Neuron (FMCN) and by performing ten-fold cross-validation technique, verification is made out. The experimental results show that the proposed technique achieves an average accuracy of 93.3% for first experiment and 98.3% for the second experiment.


Camera identification,photo response non-uniformity (PRNU),Krawtchouk moments,fuzzy min-max neural networkwith compensatory neuron (FMCN),

Influence of Lime on Low Plastic Clay Soil Used as Subgrade


Adnan Asad,ArshadHussain,Abdul Farhan,Adeel Ahmed Bhatti,Mehr-E-Munir,



Weak clayey soil can cause premature failure in subgrade so their removal or proper treatment is necessary for the efficiency of structure. Soil stabilization is an excellent choice and economical in many circumstances for treatment and proper behavior of weak subgrade soil as recommended by many researchers. Lime is the oldest and well known additive for stabilization of many type of soils. This paper presents geotechnical investigation of low plastic clay soil being used as subgrade stabilized with lime. The low plastic clayey subgrade soil was stabilized with different percentages of lime and results show that soil can be satisfactorily stabilized with the addition of 6% lime. The Atterberg’s limit, compaction characteristics and strength tests including unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and California bearing ratio (CBR) tests were performed. Results indicate that addition of lime reduce plasticity index. An increase in OMC was observed with the decrease in maximum dry density (MDD). CBR and unconfined compressive strength of soil (qu)values improved significantly with the addition of lime.


Soil Stabilization,Lime,Subgrade Stabilization,Low Plastic Clay,

Analysis of Effect of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete using Destructive and Non-destructive Tests


Tarun Yadav,Jatin Singh,Sandeep Panchal,Md. Mohsin Khan,Shilpa Pal,



Ground granulated furnace slag is a waste material which is rich in Calcium. Aim of this study is to observe the effect of mixing of ground granulated blast furnace slag as a replacement of cement in concrete. The study is conducted on M-30 grade concrete. The cement is replaced partially by the ground granulated blast furnace slag to obtain a cost-effective mix. The concrete mixes are prepared by replacing the cement by 15%, 30%, 45%, 60% and 75 % ground granulated blast furnace slag. The tests are performed to know the compressive strength, flexural strength and workability of concrete. Non-destructive tests like rebound hammer test and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests are also performed to understand the post hardening characteristics of the concrete. It is found that the replacement of cement GGBFS reduces the initial strength of concrete but increases the ultimate strength if mixed in optimum amount. The optimum percentage of ground granulated furnace slag in M-30 concrete is found to be 45%. The workability increases as the amount of GGBFS is increased in the mix. The post hardening tests show the better performance of concrete at 30% and 45% mixing of GGBFS in concrete.


GGBFS,waste management,concrete,flexural strength,compression strength ,

A Modification of the Generalized Kudryashov Method for the System of Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations


H. M. Shahadat Ali,M. A.Habib,M. Mamun Miah,M. Ali Akbar,



In this study, a comparatively new technique named the generalized Kudryashov method (gKM) has been effectively implemented to explore the exact traveling wave solutions to some nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs) in the field of nonlinear science and engineering. The effectiveness of the new functional method has been demonstrated by investigating single as well as coupled equations with arbitrary parameters explicitly the coupled Higgs field equation, the Benney-Luke equation, and the Drinfel’d-Sokolov-Wilson (DSW) equation. As a matter of fact, the solution attained in this article thrust into the abundant wave solutions which includes kink, singular kink, periodic and solitary wave solutions. Moreover, the characteristics of these analytic solutions are interpreted depicting some 2D and 3D graph by using computer symbolic programming Wolfram Mathematica. The computational work ascertained that the employed method is sturdy, simple, precise, and wider applicable. Also, the prominent competence of this current method ensures that practically capable to reducing the size of the computational task and can be solved several nonlinear types of new complex higher order partial differential equations that originating in applied mathematics, computational physics and engineering.


Thegeneralized Kudryashov method,Coupled Higgs field equation,Benney-Luke equation,DSW equation, Traveling wave solution,Solitary wave solution,Exact solution,

Towards Risk Adjusted Performance Appraisal of Indian Mutual Funds


Atanu Das,



This paper is based on the study of mutual funds in India which is understood to be one of the most vibrant in the money market. This paper analyses a set of representative schemes from heterogeneous group of different fund houses. There are well established criteria to judge their performance absolutely and also in relative terms. This paper deals with the analysis of risk-returns parameters of different mutual fund schemes and the relation between the risk preference of the investors and the risk adjusted performance (RAP) measure based on real time data. Various tests are applied to evaluate the performance of mutual funds based on well established measures and those tests have been used to rank the funds accordingly. Some hypotheses are constructed and tested to find out whether there are significant differences in their absolute and RAP. The paper also proposed an easy and practical path to solve an optimal portfolio problem containing the various mutual fund schemes. The analysis is carried out with the help of William Sharpe’s single index model and result could of use to substantial investors who are choosing an optimum portfolio of various mutual funds.


Mutual fund,Risk adjusted performance,Sharp index,Optimal portfolio,

An Enhanced Data Access Control and Privacy Preserving Mechanism in Cloud Using Uncrackable Cipher Dynamic Double Encryption Standard


P. Jhansi Rani,Dr. M. Akkalakshmi,



Cloud computing is the evolving paradigm that provides the services in which cloud consumers can remotely save their data into the cloud and access the on-demand high-quality applications. In the existing technique explained an Extendable Access Control System procedure supposed that the authority is the trusted party, but in many cases, they may perform an illegal action which causes the data loss. The proposed work encrypted the data through Uncrackable Cipher Dynamic Double Encryption Standard (UCDDES). Generally, the UCDDES contains the key length of 32, 40 and 48. To randomly select the key length reduced the data security issues. After dynamically selecting the key length the data governor sent the key request to the authority. Then based on the obtained key length the data governor generated the partial secret key. It is further used to decrypt the data and stored in the cloud storage. The results improve the security of cloud and access control. It reduces the issue of unauthorized user/ hackers accessing data. It increases the cloud security and prevents from dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, collision attacks, and so on.


Cloud computing,data security issues,UCDDES based data encryption,cloud network security,

Demystifying Deep Learning Frameworks- A Comparative Analysis


Divyanshu Sinha,JP Pandey,Bhavesh Chauhan,



Deep learning is a rapidly growing field of machine learning which finds the application of its methods to provide solutions to numerous problems related to computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, and others.
This paper gives a comparative analysis of the five deep learning tools on the grounds of training time and accuracy. Evaluation includes classifying digits from the MNIST data set making use of a fully connected neural network architecture (FCNN). Here we have selected five frameworks— Torch ,Deeplearning4j, TensorFlow, Caffe & Theano (with Keras), to evaluate their performance and accuracy. In order to enhance the comparison of the frameworks, the standard MNIST data set of handwritten digits was chosen for the classification task. When working with the data set, our goal was to identify the digits (0–9) using a fully connected neural network architecture. All computations were executed on a GPU. The key metrics addressed were training speed, classification speed, and accuracy.


Deep Learning, Feedforward MLP,Keras,Tensorflow,Theano,Caffe,Deeplearning4j,Torch,



Akhtar Khan,Azazullah Khan,Muhammad Aamir Aman,Fazal Wahab Karam,



This study is targeted for reducing the power losses for a branch of Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO), a small electric power grid in Pakistan, starting from Shahibagh and ending at Hayatabad substation. This study evaluates the current configuration of the transmission network, and then by using Particle Swarm Optimization, the best possible configuration that will ensure maximum throughput and minimum transmission and distribution losses is determined. The study is verified using Newton Raphson Method. Newton Raphson method is used to find the state of the mentioned network and then after the new configuration is proposed, the state estimation is done again to evaluate various parameters of the network and confirm its feasibility. The reconfiguration resulted from the PSO and NR methods have shown electric power losses minimization of the selected grid with 15.021%, amounting to a total of 0.3MW power loss minimization.


Power systems, Power system measurements, Power grids,Power system planning,Power transmission,

Summarization of 3D-Printing Technology in Processing & Development of Medical Implants


Ganzi Suresh,M. Harinatha Reddy,Gurram Narendra Santosh Kumar,S. Balasubramanyam,



3D-printing technology is otherwise called added substance assembling or fast prototyping, is an advanced manufacturing technique which builds 3D parts directly in layer by layer from the computer aided plan model in raster way with minimal wastage of material. Rather than in conventional manufacturing process where material is removed by the hard tool to bring the 3D component in desired model, 3D printing is completely contrast to it where material is added in sequence parts are built in layer by layer, it doesn’t require any post processing as in conventional process. 3D printed parts are more performing under different loading conditions and easy to build and repair parts any stage of design cycle. Due its flexibility of manufacturing, it shows its applications in auto ancillaries, aerospace and medical filed. 3D printing technology showing it influencing in making medical implants. Manufacturing of medical implants in conventional process is very expensive. As these implants vary patient to patient, and it is difficult to make tailor made implants in conventional manufacturing processes. Hence 3D printing technology can overcome this issue with minimal cost for making tailor made implants for individual patients


Additive manufacturing,bio-materials,medical implants,

A Cross Layer Protocol to Improve Energy Efficiency and QoSin MANET


U. Srilakshmi,Dr.Bandla Srinivasrao,



Limitations of Wireless nodes are the battery power and storage capacity, while plotting a MANET, these are to be considered. By improvising battery life, the energy used by nodes shall be increased such that network is operational. To move data packets efficiently the network, MANET uses smallest Hop Count routing protocol. Most power is used by data transmission process. Key challenges in Ad Hoc networks are the recurring changes in network topology. Network topology changes happen due to motility and finite battery power of the mobile devices. Mostly links are not available in the network as depletion of power source may cause early unavailability of nodes. This paper discusses about the protocol that incorporates link failure prediction at network layer and Power Control Protocol at MAC layer to improve network performance. Performance enhancement in regards to total power transmission, energy regulation and consumption per node along with throughput of our proposed cross layer routing protocol is shown by simulation results when compared to AODV.





Dinesh N.Kamble,Ashish M.Umbarkar,



The venturi scrubber has been used as air pollution controlling device. These
scrubbers are promising device for cleaning the contaminated gases. It is found in the
literature that the performance of venturi scrubber (i.e. collection efficiency), is
significantly influenced by droplet distribution, pressure drop, disintegration of liquid,
droplet sizes and injection methods. Effect of submergence height, multi-stage
injection, position of the orifice, diameter of orifice, throat length and angle of
convergence and divergence of venturi scrubber is found scarce and these
parameters are affecting collection efficiency drastically. Therefore, it is necessary to
study their effect to improve the performance of self-priming venturi scrubber. This
article is the review of numerical and experimental study of the performance in
venturi scrubber.


Venturi Scrubber,Self-Priming,CFD Modelling,Collection efficiency,

Robust Algorithm for Telugu Word Image Retrieval and Recognition


Kesana Mohana Lakshmi,Tummala Ranga Babu,



The most challenging task is searching Telugu script from the database because of difficulty in differentiating the Characteristics of the Telugu word or scripts. In this, we introduced robust approach for Telugu script retrieval using transformation-based methodology. Non-subsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) is utilized for texture classification which will function based on Non-subsampled pyramid filter bank (NSPFB) and Non-subsampled directional filter bank (NSDFB). Spatial dependence matrix is utilized to extract the texture features. In addition, image statistics is computed to enhance the retrieval performance further. Finally, hamming similarity metric is calculated which calculates the distance between trained and test word templates, which an effective distance metric over conventional Euclidean distance. In order to test, missing segment, noisy, corrupted and occlusion effected words are used as an input and taken into consideration multi conjunct vowel consonant clustered word images for showing the robustness of presented algorithm. In the substantial simulation analysis gives the presented technique finds most similar word images from database although if it is under testing conditions. Our presented scheme has superior performance compared to the traditional approaches described in the literature with respect to mean Average Precision (mAP) and mean Average Recall (mAR).


Telugu script,texture features,statistical properties,non-subsampled contourlet transform,statistical parameters,feature vector and hammingdistance metric,

Transportation Cost Effective named Maximum Cost, Corresponding Row and Column minima (MCRCM) Algorithm for Transportation Problem


M. A. Hossen,Farjana Binte Noor,



Transportation model provides a powerful framework to meet the Business challenges. In highly competitive market the pressure is increasing rapidly to the organizations to determine the better ways to deliver goods to the customers with minimum transportation cost. In this paper we proposed a new algorithm based on Least Cost Method(LCM)for finding Initial Basic Feasible Solution(IBFS) to minimize transportation cost .Our proposed algorithm provides a IBFS which is either optimal or near to the optimal value with minimum steps comparatively better than those obtain by traditional algorithm or method .For the validity of this algorithm we considered a numerical transportation problem and comparative study has been made minimum cost with graphically.


Transportation Cost, Least Cost Method, Supply,Demand, Initial Basic feasible Solution,Optimum solution,

A High Miniaturaized Antenna for Wi-Max and Small Wireless Technologies


Saad Hassan Kiani,Sohail Imran,Mehr-e-Munir,Mujeeb Abdullah,



This letter presents a single feed novel miniaturized patch antenna for WiMax applications and small wireless technologies. Antenna is fabricated on FR4 substrate with 1.6mm thickness and copper sheet of 0.035mm. The miniaturization of 82% is achieved by etching a Fork shape slot in ground plane as response is observed at 3.4GHz. Simulated and measured results shows acceptable gain of 3.4 to 3.6dB and efficiency ranging to 82% with 260MHz bandwidth. The proposed antenna is simulated in Computer Simulation Technology 2015. The measurement results demonstrate that the proposed antenna provides acceptable radiation performances with directional radiation patterns at desired frequency.


Miniaturization,Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA),directivity,gain,bandwidth,Slots,Computer Simulation Technology (CST),

Authentication and Privacy Challenges for Internet of Things Smart Home Environment


Riaz Muhammad,Dr.Samad Baseer,



This study is a very good approach to find the solution of secure authentication for IOT based smart home environment and its appliances. The study aims to compare the different authentication methods with respect to smart home environment and trying to identify its limitation. After analyzing the existing authentication methods its limitation and core issues then targeted the message authentication for SHE. Presently SHE authentication is based on Exchange of six message authentication techniques in Enhance authentication and key establishment scheme 6LOWPAN (EAKES6Lo) which is advance version of secure authentication and key establishment scheme (SAKES). This authentication method cause much high end to end delay, energy consumption, overall throughput of the system, complexity and poor security approach. By simulation of EAKES6Lo and SAKES scheme found some results, in contrast to these results, there may be another solution to access any SHE lights, fans, refrigerators, air condition, geezer, door lock, microwave oven, television and water pump, HVAC control and security alarms etc remotely with better security, better complexity, minimum energy consumption, better key length, better throughput and minor end to end delay named two step authentication (TSA). The proposed model also helps to monitor accessing system by comparing security codes and its complexity.


Internet of Things(IOT),Smart Home Environment (SHE),Version 6 Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN),Enhanced Authentication and Key Establishment Scheme for 6LoWPAN (EAKES6Lo),Secure Authentication and Key Establishment Scheme(SAKES),Two Step Authentication(TSA),

Design and Analysis of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Controller for PV System


Muhammad Yousaf Ali Khan,Faheem Khan,Hamayun Khan,Sheeraz Ahmed,Mukhtar Ahmad,



With the passage of time, the demand of electricity is increasing day by day. The conventional electricity resources are getting depleted because of limited reserves of coal, natural gas and oil. Also most of the electricity resources are not environmental friendly. There was a need to design a mechanism that can be used as an alternative resource for the production of electricity that can be environmental friendly as well as a cheap source of generation. In the last couple of years, it is indicated that energy obtained from the sun can be the best alternate resource for energy.
In this research work, the system design approach based on the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Controller has been designed. This approach is utilized for extracting maximum available power from PV module through simulation in protius software. This system is quite efficient, effective and has high performances. Buck and boost converter have been utilized for better efficiency.


Electricity,Renewable Energy,Solar Charge Controller, Maximum Power Point Tracking,

Improved and Effective Artificial Bee Colony Clustering Algorithm for Social Media Data (I-ABC)


Akash Shrivastava,Dr. M. L. Garg,



Social media data made real world like a web of data which is highly categorical in nature. Data having categorical attributes are omnipresent in existing real world. Clustering is an effective approach to deal with categorical data. However, partitional clustering algorithms are prone to fall into local optima for categorical data. A novel approach of ABC K-modes has been proposed to address this issue but acceleration issue of this algorithm was still a challenge for it. In this paper, we address this challenge to reduce the acceleration factor of algorithm and proposing a novel modified ABC K-modes approach which we refer as N-ABC K-modes approach. In our approach, unlike existing ABC K-modes we introduces different attribute matrix for each data sets. In further step, we apply XOR operation to combine the matrix of similar attributes. In last phase, dissimilar data would form a cluster and we apply clustering follow by searching on this cluster. The performance of New ABC K-modes evaluated by a series of tests and experiments over real time streaming social media data like twitter and facebook in comparison with that of other popular algorithms for categorical data.


Big data,Twitter,Clustering,Big data Analysis,Artificial Bee Colony(ABC), Data classification,

The Dynamics of SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) Epidemic Model in Greater Noakhali for Pneumonia and Dysentery


Jamal Uddin,Md. Jamal Hossain,Mohammad Raquibul Hossain,



We study the SIR model for the mathematical modeling of diseases of greater Noakhali. This model describes the spread of infectious diseases in which an individual may move from susceptible to infected and to recover. We discussed the mathematics behind the model and various tools for judging effectiveness in a certain territory. We completed the paper with an example using the infectious diseases, Pneumonia and Dysentery, commonly the children are infected. The current results of this paper are greatly instructive for us to further understand the epidemic spreading and design some fruitful prevention and disposal strategies to fight the epidemics.


SIR Model,Effective removal rate,Basic reproductive ratio,Effective reproductive ratio,

The Generalized Kudryashov Method: a Renewed Mechanism for Performing Exact Solitary Wave Solutions of Some NLEEs


M.Mijanur Rahman,M. A. Habib,H. M. Shahadat Ali,M. Mamun Miah ,



The present study deals with the applicability and effectiveness of the algorithm of generalized Kudryashov method (GKM), which is one of the most workable methods to constitute the exact traveling wave solutions of non-linear evolution equations (NLEEs) in physical and mathematical science. The recent paper, we enucleated this method for each of the following Couple Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equations system, DSSH equation and fourth-order nonlinear Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur (AKNS) water wave dynamical equation. The prominent competence of this method is to naturalize the way of solving systems of NLEEs. Moreover, we can see that when the parameters are ascribed to the particular values, obtain solitary wave solution from the exact travelling wave solution. The obtained new solutions have a wide range of inflictions in the field of physics and other areas of applied science. To perceive the physical phenomena, we have plotted coupled with some 2𝐷 and 3𝐷 graphical patterns of analytic solutions obtained in this study by using computer programming wolfram Mathematica. The worked-out solutions ascertained that the suggested method is effectual, simple and direct and can be exerted to several types of nonlinear systems of partial differential equations.


The generalized Kudryashov method, Couple Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equations, DSSH equation, fourth-order nonlinear AKNS equation,travelingwave solution,exact solution,

Performance Enhancement of Intermediate Temperature SOFC Cathode by Nano-Composite Coating


Saim Saher,Kamran Alam,Affaq Qamar,Abid Ullah,Javed Iqbal,



The La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) is categorized as a mixed ionic-electronic conducting oxide has found significant attention as cathode material in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operating at intermediate temperatures, 500-850oC. The performance of LSCF electrode is limited by the oxygen ion transport process at the surface, which is the rate determining step of oxygen reduction reaction. To enhance the oxygen surface exchange process of LSCF electrode, a nano-composite electrolyte is introduced at the surface, which substantially improves the electrochemical performance. The electrical conductivity relaxation technique (ECR) has been used to study the oxygen surface exchange kinetics of bare LSCF and coated with a mixture of Ce0.8Sm0.2O2-δ (SDC) and ZrO2.Y2O3 (Yttria-stabilized zirconia -YSZ) nano-powders in three different weight ratios, SDC:YSZ = 0.5:1, 1:1, 1:0.5. The chemical oxygen surface exchange coefficient kchem of surface modified specimens were derived with a one-parameter fitting process. The results show that the oxygen surface exchange kinetics of LSCF is affected by the SDC-YSZ coating and the average kchem values of SDC-YSZ coated LSCF increases by a factor 2 to 8 from 650 to 850 oC, respectively. It has been concluded that the high ionic conductive oxide coating improves the oxygen surface exchange kinetics of underlying LSCF mixed conducting oxide and consequently enhances the performance of electrochemical device such as solid oxide fuel cell.



Ultra Stable and Highly Efficient Nickel Nanotube Catalyst for PEMFC Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction


Saim Saher,Kamran Alam,Affaq Qamar,Abid Ullah,Waqas A. Imtiaz,



The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) having sluggish kinetics at cathode side requires highly active and low cost catalyst. Conventionally, platinum (Pt) is considered to be the most feasible and active catalyst for ORR at cathode, however,it’s far expensive to meet the demand for commercialization. Herein novel non platinum group metal (N-PGM) nickel (Ni) nanotubes were prepared by using solvothermal method using transition metal precursor forming Ni ZeoliticImidazolateFramework (Ni/ZIF). Ni nanotubes were obtained after carbonizing Ni/ZIF at 850oC under inert nitrogen atmosphere. The morphology and motif were extensively studied by conducting XRD and SEM. The electro-catalytic performance of Pt/C catalyst, pristine Ni/ZIF and Ni nanotubes were investigated by Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV) performed with Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE) in alkaline medium. The Ni/ZIF shows a current density of -1.4 mA/cm2and Ni nanotubes depicts current density of and an over potential of -0.27V Vs Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE). RDE Results were obtained at 400, 800, 1200 and 1600 rpm in 0.1M KOH solution. The evaluation shows that Ni nanotubes own extraordinary electro-catalytic behavior towards ORR activity and Ni nanotubes has potential to be used for PEMFC application.


Ni ZeoliticImidazolateFramework(Ni/ZIF),Ni nanotubes,Oxygen Reduction Reaction,Linear Sweep Voltammetry,

Influence of Dual Layer Silica Nanoparticles Coating on the Performance Enhancement of Solar PV Modules


Saim Saher,Kamran Alam,Abid Ullah,Affaq Qamar,Javed Iqbal,



The Porous silica nanoparticles deposited on the glass as well as bare silicon wafer substrate to obtain super hydrophilicity and antireflectivity. The coating is performed by using aerosol impact deposition system using silane, air and helium as precursor gases. The desired coating thickness over the substrate surface is achieved by tuning the RF power, pressures ratio of reaction to deposition chamber and maneuvering of silane flow rate, helium and air mixture. Scanning electron microscopy reveals the particle size of 12.6 nm, whereas, atomic force microscopy (AFM) is deployed to study the coated film surface topology. This indicates outstanding antifogging and super-hydrophilic properties due to surface roughness and nano-porosity. Moreover, the coated surface graded index increases the transmissivity from 90% to 99.2%. Such enhancements are much favorable for the solar PV applications.


Nanoparticles, Antireflectivity,erosol deposition,Solar PV,SEM,AFM,

Smart Grid Leading to Demand Side Management: A Perspective in terms of Categorizations and Limitations


Ali Raza,Sheeraz Ahmed,Zahid Farid,Najeeb ullah,Abdul Hannan,Junaid Ahmed Inam,



In order to fulfill all demands of the customers, related to energy, the capacity of the Grid is designed in such a way that, it satisfies not only the average power demand, but also the peak power demand. In this paper, Demand Side Management (DSM),programs which play a vital role in near future Smart Grid (SG) has been considered.DSM aims either at reducing or shifting consumption to shape users’ energy consumption profile. In the energy zone, the country is facing severe short fall from the last two decades, and hence effecting not only the economic growth, but also the industrial development. The main goal of DSM is usually to encourage the consumers to use less energy during peak hours or to move the time to use energy in the off-peak hours.


Smart Grid (SG),Demand Side Management (DSM),Peak-to Average Ratio (PAR),

The Effectiveness of Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit in Teaching and Learning in 21stCenturies for Topic Addition and Subtraction


R. N. Farah,N. Bahirah,R.L. Zuraida,



This article presents the effectiveness of Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit in teaching and learning of topic addition and subtraction. The methods used in the research weredescriptive analysis. The sample consist of two hundred and forty-six(246)standard one students of 3 primary school in total in the state ofSelangor and Perak. Samples were divided into groups and the Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit was distributed to each group.The researcher applied the Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit in the classroom during their teaching and learning process of topic addition and subtraction in primary education. The instrument used by researcher is questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 21 questions which include the figure, the reliability, the endurance of Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit. The student’s answers wereanalyzed. The result showed that Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit had a significant positive impact among the students, and the latter preferred Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit rather than using the traditional method of teaching addition and subtraction in standardone. The findings of the current study encouraged teachers and students to use Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit in their teaching and learning process.


addition and subtraction,Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit,teaching manipulative,

Vulnerability Assesment For Advanced Injection Attacks Against Mongodb


Vrinda Sachdeva,Sachin Gupta,



Nosql database is also known as not only sql database. For real time web application and for large set of distributed data, nosql database gaining popularity to handle big data. Nosql database has enormous function to handle big data. In contrast to this, nosql database also supports auto sharding, auto replication and many other feature making it suitable to be used as storage mechanism.
Nosql database is used to store data in an unstructured way, when more attention is paid to Performance and real time access rather than consistency, then nosql databases seems to be more appropriate. However, research on the security of nosql database is very limited. Although, there are many research benefit in nosql database like scalability, faster data access and availability as compare to rdbms. But nosql database has some security issues. The experimental testing on advance nosql injections is performed. The demonstration of advance nosql injection attack against a nosql database is performed with php and JavaScript. It shows the client’s data. Method are discussed to prevent this type of security problems from happening again. This paper also shows how to create a security layer of nosql application to prevent nosql injection. In this paper, we will demonstrate, advance nosql injection attack and propose defense method to secure the nosql database. Hence nosql database programmer be aware of the nosql injection attack mechanism and build a more secure database to store huge data.



Sensitivity enhancement and comparison of MEMS/NEMS cantilevers


Anuj Kumar Goel,B.Hari krishna,S.Poongodi,



MEMS, macroscopic devices posses characteristic length of less than 1μm and integrate mechanical and electronic components on a single chip. Sensitivity is the major concern in existing MEMS/NEMS devices which are mostly made of elastic cantilever beam. In this work porous MEMS cantilevers are designed using Silicon dioxide, Polysilicon, Silicon nitride & Aluminium. The designed cantilevers are in the micrometer range with optimized dimension as l=120, w=10 and t=1.5 (all are in micrometers). Sensitivity is measured on Silicon dioxide based cantiliver with different type of hole on fixed end as rectangle, circle and ellipse. The ellipse hole gives better result (maximum resultant stress 1767.5 N/m2) in terms of sensitivity of the device. Futher elliptical hole parameters (position, number and dimension) are varied in order to achieve maximum stress and in response maximum deflection of microcantilevers. The optimized design achieved is implemented with two more materials viz. polysilicon and silicon nitride for comparison.


MEMS,Microcantilevers,COMSOL Multiphysics,

Risk Resilient Supply Chain Management using IoT and Big Data Analytics


Kamal Gupta,Dr.Bineet Sinha,Dr. Bhoomi Gupta,



In the context of Supply Chain Management (SCM), Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) play a significant role in the evolution and success of a data intensive application and its respective security concerns. The aim of the research is to assess the suitability of IoT and BDA to strengthen and enhance SCM network. There have been independent research on IoT and Big Data in this domain; however no conclusive systematic study has been done to gather knowledge and expertise in analysis of SCM with respect to a combined application of IoT and big data analytics. The research in the literature has been put to documentation and recommendations for practitioners of SCM in industry have been addressed for future scope of IoT and data analysis.


SCM, Internet of Things (IoT),Data Analytics,

A Secure and Efficient Scheduling Mechanism for Emergency Data Transmission in IOT


D.Subba Rao,Dr. N.S. Murti Sarma,



Internet of things (IOT) enables electronic gadgets to communicate with the server and each other, enabling them to share crucial information. With the advancement in the technology, more and more devices are added to the network of IOT every day. In the era of smart cities, the amount of data being transmitted is immense. While transferring such a huge amount of data, the system has to prioritize the data being sent based on the importance, such as medical and fire safety information. Lack of efficient scheduling algorithms leads to inappropriate delivery of emergency packets, thus rupturing the functionality of the system. Also, the data sent over the network has to guardagainst attacks over the channel. To overcome these drawbacks, a scheduling algorithm named Efficient data emergency aware packet scheduling scheme (EARS), enhanced with data security using Elliptic curve cryptography is proposed in this paper. In EARS, each packet has a description of its priority and the deadline before which it has to reach the sink. This enables easy identification of the emergency nodes. Further, in order to reduce the total number of transmissions in the network, the normal data packets can be network-coded and sent to the destination. This will reduce the congestion in the network. The proposed method is compared with the existing state of the art techniques and the results produced outperformed the exciting methods.


network of IOT,efficient scheduling algorithms, Elliptic curve cryptography,emergency nodes, transmissions in the network,

Two Step Verification technique For Detection of Malicious Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks


Mandeep Kumar,Jahid Ali,



The wireless sensor network is the application oriented network which performs task of monitoring and object tracking. The wireless sensor node has the architecture which involves wireless interface for the communication. The design of the wireless sensor network depends upon the significant of application, cost and type of hardware. The architecture of WSN is dynamic due to which security and energy consumption are the major constraints. The Sybil attack is the attack which is possible in wireless sensor networks and it affect network performance. The attacker node generates multiple identities to attract network traffic and leads to denial of service in the network. In this research work, two step verification technique is proposed for the detection of malicious nodes from the network. In the two step verification technique, the cluster heads detect the node as untrusted if its energy consumption is abnormal. The extra observer nodes are deployed in the network, which observe network traffic. On the basis of network traffic observations, the node is declared as trusted or untrusted. When the cluster head and observer node both declare on node as untrusted node, then that sensor node will be considered as malicious node. The experiment is conducted is NS2 by considering certain simulation parameters. It is analyzed that two step verification technique detect malicious nodes successfully and it also leads to improve network performance in terms of Delay, PDR and Packetloss.


wireless sensor network,sensor node,Sybil attack,malicious nodes,observer node,network performance,

Performance Analysis of sub interleaver for turbo coded OFDM system


M Rajani Devi,K Ramanjaneyulu,B T Krishna,



4G LTE / 5G is the high speed communication system developed for smart phones and other mobile devices in the recent era. The current level of mobile device usage and data exchange over the internet has raised the need for such a fast and secure communication system. One of the important feature in an LTE system is the use of OFDM technique, owing to its advantage namely robustness to multipath fading and interference. This paper proposes an improved OFDM based 4G LTE system fused with turbo code encoding technique to further reduce the bit error rate over noisy real-time channels. The proposed turbo codes system has a hybrid two stage interleaver which is a combination of 3GP interleaver and block interleaver. This interleaver reduces the time required for interleaving processing while maintaining the BER criteria up to the levels. The traditional decoder has been replaced with a threshold-log-MAP algorithm based interleaver for improved noise tolerance. The proposed system has been tested over various channels like Rayleigh, rician and nakagami channels. The experimental results prove that the performance of the stem has improved in comparison by the addition of turbo codes.


turbocode,interleaver,ofdm,decoder,performance of the stem,

Flag Com: Energy Efficient Secure Routing Protocol


Alok Srivastava,Dr Rajeev Ratan,



Mobile communication has become all pervasive in the present day scenario and has gained ubiquitous importance in everyday life. The radio spectrum, which form foundation of mobile communication is a physically limited resources, and is already reaching the threshold of saturation. Co-Operative communication is expected to be the next big change in mobile communication systems. The radio spectrum scarcity, which is prescribed to be reality sooner than we may realize, needs immediate addressing and cooperative communication provides hope of offering solution towards resolution. While looking at radio spectrum scarcity co-operative communication is a hope to resolve this problem. There are however, lot of issues like security, energy consumption, instability of nodes etc, which should be resolved before execution of co-operative communication. In this paper we suggest a protocol Flag-com, which may take care of all these issues. This protocol has been designed in such a way that the major portion of packet processing is done only on source and destination node. This will resolve not only security issue but will also reduce consumption of power at the relay nodes. It will also keep a tab on the movement of relay nodes so that proactive measures like searching and selection of new relay nodes can be done before the relay node moves out of the range.
Path selection is another major issue in co-operative communication. Since the transmitted power from any node is very low so effect any type of attenuation will affect the communication. Attenuation in a wireless or mobile network can be divided in two parts (i) attenuation due to nature (ii) attenuation due to interference. Attenuation due to nature cannot be reduced. In this paper we have dealt with both, Markov model has been used to predict the effect of nature on transmitted data packets and tabu search is used to find the path having lowest interference.


Flag Com,Energy consumption, Markovmodel,Tabu search,

Color and Edge Oriented Histogram for Real-Time Costume Image Retrieval


Dr. Raja Murali Prasad,



Costume based real-time image retrieval is challenging task to accomplish. Such an applications is used in many fields like digital photography, multimedia analysis etc. the proposed method uses color and shape features for image feature extraction. The color features are extracted using histogram and shape features are extracted using edge oriented histogram. The proposed algorithm extracts the features accurately and classification is done using SVM classifier. The results prove that the proposed algorithm works well on real-time images.


image retrieval,color histogram,edge oriented histogram,SVM,

Characterization of tensile properties of the hybrid composite of epoxy resin reinforced with oxidized poly(acrylonitrile)


Abdul Malik Rehan,Zamir Ahmed,



Oxidized poly(acrylonitrile) fibers (OPF) upon thermal treatment of poly(acrylonitrile) has been achieved and has been used as raw material to produce carbon fibers. The influence of fibers on the mechanical properties of the composite of polymer matrix reinforced by fabric were analyzed in this study by using three types of advanced fibers. For this purpose, 13 composites of epoxy matrix reinforced by fabrics of carbon fiber, Kevlar and Glass fiber with OPF were prepared by manual padding of 4 layers with different arrangements. For the preparation of composite epoxy resin Bisphenol F and polyamine as a hardener were used with resin to fiber ratio of 60:40. The tensile properties and the fractured surface of the composite samples were studied. Results of the study showed that by increasing the ratio of OPF to carbon, to Kevlar and to Glass fabric, the tensile strength decreases but for the samples in which OPF is more than 50% the fracture strain is increased. The results of cross-sectional fracture showed that composite made with a carbon fiber fabric, Kevlar and Glass fabric with OPF have lateral, explosive and edge delamination failure mode occurs on the other hand by increasing the OPF content to composite transverse failure mode happens.


Oxidized poly(acrylonitrile) fibers,Tensile properties,Epoxy composite ,Failure modes,

Effect of Synthesis Oil Palm Mesocarp Fibre (PM) Biopolyol Incorporated with PM Waste Filler on Properties of Polyurethane Foam


Shaharuddin Kormin,Anika Zafiah M. Rus,M. Taufiq Zaliran,M. Shafiq M. Azahari,Nur Munirah Abdullah,



Biopolyols have been synthesized from Oil Palm Mesocarp fibre (PM) as monomer feedstock to be crosslinked as polyurethane, PU foams (PMF). This study is conducted to determine the effects of PM as waste fibre filler on the performance of PU foam. A ‘one-step method’ technique is used to crosslink the monomer and disperses the PM waste filler with vigorous stirred and left to cure at room temperature in an open cylindrical mould. Increasing the PM waste filler percentage from 1% to 9% on PU foams namely as PMF1 – PMF9 respectively have shown dramatic enhancements in physical, thermal and mechanical properties over the neat PMF without compromising foaming kinetic, density, porosity, and processibility. The compressive strength of PMF slightly increased as the increments of the waste filler percentage content. TGA result indicated that PMFs displayed almost the same trend in thermal stabilities and thermal degradation temperature. As comparison with PMF, the PMF1 – PMF9 were markedly increased the degradation temperature at three different decomposition stages as neat PMF. In addition, fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis revealed that the incorporation with PM waste filler did not changed any chemical group of polyurethane.


Biopolyols,Polyurethane Foams,Fibre Fille,

Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Sediment Yield Potential in Cameron Highlands Watershed, Malaysia


Abdulkadir Taofeeq Sholagberu,Muhammad Raza Ul Mustafa,Khamaruzaman Wan Yusof,Ahmad Mustafa Hashim,



Erosion is globally identified as one of the most significant threats to land and water resources. An integrated approach therefore requires quantitative assessment for identification of sediment sources for efficient watershed management. This will be helpful to prioritize the critical erosion zones for implementation of best management strategies. The present study is aimed at examining the spatial and temporal sediment yield distribution potential and to identify the critical erosion prone zones within Cameron Highlands watershed, Malaysia using Soil and Water Assessment Tool interfaced in GIS. The results indicated that the average sediment yield from the watershed was 175.6 ton/ha/yr with critical erosional locations (sub-basins) spatially distributed in the western region of the study area. Temporally, sixty-four percent (64%) of sediment yield generated in the watershed occurs in the four months of February to May. The land-covers found in the watershed are predominantly Evergreen Broadleaf Forest occupying 60% of the whole area followed by 25% of irrigated cropland while soil types are predominately loamy-clay occupying about 55% of watershed area. Also, the model indicated that 65.8 % of the watershed area has their slopes above 10%. The results of this study will be helpful for the evaluation of temporal and spatial distribution of sediment yields within the watershed and to identify the critical zones for sustainable and cost effective management.


Sediment Yield,Spatial,Temporal,MWSWAT,

Design and Implementation Challenges of Digital Controlled DC-DC Converters


Oladimeji Ibrahim,Nor Zaihar Yahaya,Nordin Saad,



DC-DC converters are used at the front stage of multiple stage inverters for multiple energy sources integration and voltage regulation. The design has been dominated by conventional analogue techniques until recently that decline in the price to performance ratio of digital signal processor arose interest in digital control. Digital control offers high flexibility, programmability, less part number, monitoring and auto diagnosing capability. This paper presents a technical overview and design constrains of digitally controlled DC-DC power converter towards achieving fast and improved system dynamics. An insight is provided on the limitations of practical implementation of digital control DC-DC converters which includes the digital PWM resolution, the ADC sampling delay and limited control bandwidth of digital compensator.


Dc-Dc Power Converter,Digital Control ,Digital PWM,Distributed Generation, Voltage Regulation,

Stylistic Features of European Architecture of Xx – Beginning Of Xxi Century In The Light Of Current Trends of the Time


Irina V. Portnova,Tatiana V.Portnova,



This paper assesses new trends in the European architecture of the 20th – early 21st centuries, reflecting the idea of ‘cosmism’ in contemporary times. The premises for meaningful changes, appearing at the turn of the centuries in different forms of figurative art, had crystalized in the 20th century in the concepts of universalistic Avant-Garde. Avant-Garde in painting and Post-Modernism in architecture celebrated a certain philosophy of an artist’s view on art’s being in various forms of expression, and mirrored the need of a man-creator for everything anew. The architecture of large macrocosmic spaces has been regarded under the ecological aspect, suggesting creation of a comfortable life sphere for a person.


Architecture,Expression of Style,Technologies,Modern Age,Postmodern Society,

Government Fiduciary Ownerships and Yield Spreads


Noriza Mohd Saad,



The presence of active institutional investors in monitoring and controlling the management decision making are focus towards public listed firms invested by government fiduciary bodies (Top-6). Institutional investors who are purchased and held the corporate bonds and sukuk rather than individual investors might be a significant factor to bond performance especially on yield to maturity (YTM). As institutional ownerships, supposed they will actively involve in monitoring and pressure more sensitive towards performance of conventional bonds and sukuk. By considering to this issue, the objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of equity ownerships towards bond performance particularly on its yield spreads. Data are obtained from firm issuers’ annual reports, Bondinfo Hub of Malaysia Central Bank, Department of Malaysia Statistics and Bloomberg for the period of 2003 to 2014. Unbalanced Panel data approach is utilized for multivariate regression model covers for OLS, fixed effects and random effects. Results revealed that the presence of top-6 institutional investors have a significant negative impact towards yield spreads. Debt issuers are recommended to offer high bond issuances to this investor since their presence could mitigate cost of defaults by active cost monitoring and controlling which support the agency cost of debt theory.


Government ,Fiduciary Bodies ,Conventional Bonds ,Sukuk ,Yield Spreads,

Effect of Fibers and Matrix Related Parameters on Workability and Compressive Strength


Muhammad Zahid,Nasir Shafiq,Muhammad Ali,Mohd Fadhil Nuruddin,Asif Jalal,



Geopolymer (GP) is a new generation of binder material in construction industry. Production of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) utilizes extensive energy as well as it emits large amount of CO2 into the atmosphere when compared to GP production. This paper focuses on the effect of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers, sand/fly ash and water/ geopolymer solids ratios on the workability and compressive strength of fly ash based geopolymer composite. Curing temperature, NaOH molarity and Na2Sio3/NaOH were kept as 60ᵒC, 8M and 2.5 respectively. Total of 2% (v/v) PVA fibers with cut length of 8mm and diameter of 0.04mm were utilized. Furthermore, sand/fly ash and water/ geopolymer solids (W/GP) ratios were varied in a range of 0-0.8 and 0.22-0.26 respectively. Results were evaluated with the help of response surface methodology. Reduction in workability was observed with the addition of fibers in matrix. Moreover, increase in sand/fly ash ratio caused decrease in workability and vice versa for the increase in water/ geopolymer solids ratio. Furthermore, Inclusion of fibers did not show considerable change in the compressive strength of geopolymer, however, when the workability of the matrix mixture kept relatively low, abrupt decrease in the compressive strength was observed with the addition of fibers. Increase in the sand/fly ash ratio contributes in the compressive strength up-to a certain limit. Additionally, increase in the W/GP solids ratio caused reduction in the compressive strength. Finally, multi-objective optimization technique revealed that the mix having W/GP solid =0.228848, and Sand/Fly ash =0.120947 would give optimized value.


Geopolymer, ,Fly Ash,Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Fibers,Compressive Strength,Workability,

Application of Combined Mixture Process Design for Enhancement of Methane Production Using Co-digestion of Chicken Manure and Napier Grass


Supawadee Yodthongdee ,Panomchai Weerayutsil,Kulyakorn Khuanmar,



This research is aimed at application of Combined Mixture Process Design by Design Expert program in order to enhance the efficiency of methane production by co-digestion of chicken manure and Napier Pakchong 1 grass (Pennisetum purpureum. Schum), which enables deduction of operation time and cost for methane production. In addition, the impact of co-digestion in terms of C/N ratio was studied. The experimental result indicated that the Combined Mixture Process Design by biogas and methane yield as response variables were significantly appropriate based on the R2 at 93.99% and 93.67%, respectively. It also indicated the factors that enhance the maximum production of methane, i.e., the ratio of inoculum: chicken manure: Napier grass of 59.70: 6.02: 34.28%TS at the total solids of 2.5% of the working volume, pH 8, and 46°C. Such optimum conditions could yield accumulated biogas and accumulated methane of 920.88 ml/gVS and 492 mlCH4/gVS or 73.19%. Comparing to the individual digestion and the co-digestion, it was found that methane production presented the higher methane yield from the co-digestion of chicken manure and Napier grass.


Biogas,Methane Gas,Co-Digestion ,Chicken Manure,Napier Pakchong ,Combined Mixture Process Design,

Treatment of Tilapia Wastewater by Using a Biofilter for Reuse in a Closed Recirculation Fish Culture System


Prapruet Thinpru,Panomchai Weerayutsil,Surapol Padungthon,Kulyakorn Khuanmar,



Ammonia treatment in a tilapia pond is considered of great significance, for cleaning and changing water in the pond can cost substantially while ammonia has a high toxicity to aquatic animals. In the experiment of the treatment of tilapia wastewater, a 10 L column reactor and a 10 L baffle reactor were employed. Two biofilter materials included bioball and fiberglass while two types of wastewater were synthetic wastewater and authentic wastewater. From experimenting on synthetic wastewater, it was found that on the same surface area of biofilter media, the baffle reactor could treat ammonia most effectively, yet the water was not reusable for tilapia culture. Therefore, the experiment was further conducted to enhance efficiency in the wastewater treatment for aquaculture. In the same-volume reactors, the surface area of fiberglass could be increased owing to fiberglass having higher void percentage. In contrast, the surface area could not be increased in the case of bioball because of their rigid shape and lower void percentage. Thus fiberglass was used instead in the experiment to enhance the efficiency in wastewater treatment. It was discovered that the biofilter system with the fiberglass used as the biofilter media on the 2.4 m2 could remove the ammonia in the wastewater, specifically decreasing it to 0.2 mg/L, which contributed to the reuse of water for a closed recirculation tilapia culture system.


Biofilter ,Ammonia removal,Column reactor ,affle reactor,

Wastewater Treatment from Textile Softening in Finishing Process by Aluminum Electrocoagulation


Jaturun Anukulprasert,Kulyakorn Khuanmar,Panomchai Weerayutsil,



In textile industry, there is always wastewater which is hard to treat. It is usually caused from fiber softening in finishing process. In this experimental study, electrocoagulation technique was employed with 6 types of softeners with different features and functions. The wastewater was synthesized by dissolving softeners in the treated wastewater from textile factory to manipulate the characteristic of synthesized wastewater so that its matrix became close to real wastewater. In examination of the removal efficiency, COD and TOC were water quality indicators. The experiments revealed that COD and TOC treatment efficiency was not dependent on the softeners’ features and functions, but the efficiency could be indicated by testing the sludge based on SEM and EDX techniques. According to the analysis of the elements in the flocs from electrocoagulation process by EDX, the amount of Al in the flocs was high, which means the synthetic wastewater could be effectively treated. In addition, the analysis from SEM showed morphology of sludge, which could be classified into 3 groups: powder, chunk, and flat sheet. Note that the flat-sheet flocs were well precipitated.


Softening in finishing process,Aluminum electrode ,Electrocoagulation,COD removal,

Achievement of Course Outcome And Level Of Bloom Taxanomy In Pre-final Test Questions


N. Lohgheswary,Z. M. Nopiah,A. A. Aziz,E. Zakaria,N. A. Ismail,



For every five years, the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, a public university in Malaysia will update the structure of the undergraduate education curriculum in order to improve and enhance its teaching and learning methods. One important feature of this effort is the result of updating the mapping of the course outcome, the programme outcome and the level of Bloom Taxanomy. In this study, the achievements of the course outcome, prograame outcome and Bloom Taxanomy for Vector Calculus subject for semester 1 session 2015 / 2016 were assessed using the pre-final method. The pre-final test was conducted in the 14th week of the semester. A total number of five questions were given provided that each measures the level of understanding of Bloom Taxanomy from level 1 (knowlwdge) to stage 6 (creation). A total of 42 first year students from the departments of Electrical, Electronic and System Engineering programs participated in the pre-final test results were analyzed using the Reasch measurement model. The study found that all the questions fulfill the real purpose of the assessment. The conclusion of the study is that the pre-assessment of the achievement of both the course outcome and programme outcome should be made to ensure that the assessment tool for course outcome and programme outcome, in this case the exam questions, really evaluates what needs to be assessed.


Pre-final,Course Outcome,Vector Calculus ,Bloom Taxanomy, Rasch Measurement,

An Improved Technology of Implementation of Foundations in the Rammed Pits


MakhmudKharun,Alexander P. Svintsov,



Implementation of foundations in the rammed pits allows to provide the construction of buildings on soft loess and subsidence soils, as well as on clay and loam grounds. Principle of the proposed pit ramming under foundation consists in the fact that a weight of 2.5-15 tons drops from a height of 6-12 m in a same spot. As a result of soil compaction the hollow is formed, in which the reinforcing rebar skeleton is installed and concrete is poured. Foundation in rammed pit, which created in this way, can hold the bearing capacity of up to 10,000 kN. Machineries based on the tractor, the crane-excavator or the ramming machine are used for pit ramming under the foundation. The main strike element is the rammer that falls under its own weight along the guiding rail trunk or the guiding rail road. Using of such machineries and foundation implementation in rammed pit can significantly reduce the volume of excavation work, material consumption and the complexity of implementation.
Pit ramming in the soil with water-saturated layer (aquifer) is associated with some technical difficulties. The softened soil collapses into the pit bottom. Water at the pit bottom contributes to the creation of vacuum, during the removal of rammer, which generates the effect of its suction. It makes the pit ramming without any special measures quite problematic. And at the same time it is necessary to prevent the entry of water into the pit cavity for foundation implementation in the soils with water-saturated layer. A way to successfully cross the water-saturated layer and to implement the foundations in rammed pits is proposed. The developed technology has been repeatedly tested in the constructions of industrial and livestock buildings.


Rammed Pit,Water-Saturated Layer,Foundation ,Technology of Pit Ramming,

Forecasting the Compressive Strength of Thermal Treated Self-Compacting Concrete during Cast-in-Situ Construction


Makhmud Kharun,Issa Shooshpasha,Dmitry D. Koroteev,Vera V. Galishnikova,



Thermal treatment (TT) of concrete can significantly accelerate the strength growth during cast-in-situ construction. Forecasting the compressive strength of thermal treated self-compacting concrete (SCC) is one of the pillars of the technical safety of buildings. To this end we carried out a study of strength development issue of SCC during TT. For our study, we used SCC of grade C25. Test samples were cured with TT by infrared radiators for 7, 9, 11, 13, 16 and 24 hours. Then warmed samples were tested for compressive strength after 0.5, 4, 12 and 24 hours of cooling period. Study was carried out on the basis of analyzing, generalizing and evaluations of experimental data. A mathematical model for determining the compressive strength of SCC after one day of curing of SCC with TT is proposed, which allows to forecast the concrete behavior in a real cast-in-situ construction of SCC structures immediately after one day of curing with TT. This paper also presents a technology of TT of structures for cast-in-situ construction with SCC. The proposed technology can be used for mass cast-in-situ construction. Application of this technology allows to reduce the turnover of formwork, the labor costs for construction, and the construction period.


Self-Compacting Concrete ,Thermal Treatment ,CompressiveStrength,

Analysis of Physical-Mechanical Characteristics and Advantages of Bakelite Plywood as Constructional Material


Dmitry D. Koroteev,Farid A. Boytemirov,



Waterproof plywood as product of the wood reprocessing has the number of advantages for civil engineering, such as: ability to form curved surface; transportability and possibility of quick erection; relatively large size and similar physical-mechanical properties in lengthwise and crosswise direction; resistance against chemical and biological influence. Bakelite plywood is one of the prospective types of waterproof plywood.
The effective introduction of bakelite plywood into civil engineering slows down because of insufficient knowledge of influence of the range of factors on strength and deformability of the bakelite plywood structures. Taking into account the above, the research work is devoted to study physical-mechanical properties of bakelite plywood as orthotropic material. The aim of the research is to obtain the results, which can be used for design of the bakelite plywood structures.
Samples with size 30x30x120 mm, made by bonding the required number of 9-layers plywood sheets with the use of phenol-formaldehyde glue, were used to determine mechanical-physical characteristics of bakelite plywood. The sheets with thickness of 10 mm were used in the research work. Every sample was tested by sixfold loading and unloading with measurement of deformations in the process of loading.
The research results of physical-mechanical properties of bakelite plywood as orthotropic material are shown in the article. They are necessary for practical calculations of tensions in the adhesive joints by methods of elastic theory of anisotropic materials. The possibility of using the obtained research results for practical calculations is shown on the example of the overlapping adhesive joint.


Bakelite Plywood ,Orthotropic Material,Physical-Mechanical Characteristics,Adhesive Joint ,Modulus Of Elasticity,

Assessment of Economic Advantages of Solar Energy for Manufacturing of Concrete Elements


Dmitry D. Koroteev,Makhmud Kharun,Tatiana A. Suetina,



One of the main guarantees of sustainable development of the civilization nowadays is settlement of the energy problem. People will encounter the crisis, connected with the reduction of the modern rate of production due to the depletion of fossil fuels without introduction of energy-saving technologies and renewable energy resources.
The research work is devoted to reduction of the fossil fuels consumption in manufacturing of concrete elements and replacement them by solar energy, which can be used for heat treatment of concrete. Transformation to the renewable energy resources is associated with economic costs, which seem unjustified without taking into account its social and ecological aspects.
The aim of the research work is to develop the methodic of economic assessment of the solar energy use for the manufacturing of concrete elements, taking into account its social and ecological advantages.
The developed methodic includes equitation for determination: of the cost of yearly saving of fuel and energy resources during operation of solar energy equipment; the nonrecurring cost of production and installation of the solar energy equipment; ecologic and social components of the converted economic costs.
The economic assessment shows that yearly replacement of fossil fuels by solar energy is 40-60% in dependence on the geographic area of manufacturing of concrete elements. The yearly economic benefit from replacement of fossil fuels is 60-85 tons of oil equivalent for the plants with manufacturing capacity of 20000 m3, 150-200 tons of oil equivalent for the plants with manufacturing capacity of 50000 m3.


Solar Energy,Renewable Resources, Concrete Elements ,Heat Treatment ,Economic Assessment,

The importance of integrating Internet of Things, big data and cloud computing into linguistic landscapes


Fahad Algarni,



Although the Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging research area which has brought significant advantages for smart homes and smart building applications on the whole, these implementations are still very rare for linguistic landscapes (LLs). Based on a comprehensive literature review, this paper aims to contribute towards narrowing the gap between the employment of the IoT advanced technologies and their proper integration into smart LLs. The analysis focuses on IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing, LLs, and the challenges and existing solutions, in order to effectively integrate cloud-centric IoT for smart LLs. The paper additionally proposes a framework which involves three main levels comprising different components from IoT, the big data and cloud computing literature that are mostly required for IoT-based smart LLs solutions. Finally, suggestions for the successful integration of IoT into LLs are presented together with future directions for research in this area. The key rational behind this study is to improve the quality of life for people utilizing IoT tools and techniques


Internet of Things,IoT, Linguistic Landscape,LLs ,Big Data,CloudComputing,

Relationship Between The Psychosocial Learning Environment To The Achievement of Form Four Additional Mathematics


Mazlini Adnan,Nur Haslisa Isa,



This study aimed to determine the relationship of psychosocial learning environment with the Additional Mathematics achievement. The study also aimed to identify psychosocial differences in the learning environments by gender and school type in achievement. Quantitative approaches with a survey design were used for this study. A number of 205 form four Additional Mathematics students from 13 secondary schools in Setiu district were chosen using strata sampling methods as studied subjects. Research instrument were employed which is ‘What is Happening in This Classroom’ (WIHIC). Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis describe the level of perception about psychosocial learning environment while inferential analysis involved the MANOVA and Spearman’s Rho correlation test. The findings showed that the students’ familiarity had the highest level of level of perception. The results also showed that students from Boarding Schools are concerned with the aspects of relationship with each other compared the students in other schools. Spearman’s Rho correlation analysis showed that was significant relationship between psychosocial learning environments with achievement of Additional Mathematics. As a conclusion, psychosocial learning environment is the elements that need to be attention to enhance the achievement of these subjects. The implicates of the study are the psychosocial environment learning is the elements that need to be addressed in order to improve the achievement of this subjects.


Psychosocial Learning Environment,Additional MathematicsAchievement,

Engineering Trainee Characteristic: How Does This Affect Modern Apprenticeship Training In Malaysia?


Ridzwan Che Rus,Zaliza Hanapi,Mohd Azlan Husain,Arasinah Kamis,Suriani Mohamed,Che Ghani Che Kob,



Modern apprenticeship training systems require trainees to have the capability to become highly skilled workers. However, most studies only deal with high-skill and knowledgeable terms without deliberating in depth what skills are required in the high-skilled intentions. Thus, this study is conducted to examine the characteristics of the trainers to form the model of modern apprenticeship trainer characteristics to develop highly skilled workers. Modern apprenticeship system should combines elements of mixed trainee ability. Previous study showed that most trainees enter public training institutions due to poor academic results. This creates the view of public vocational training institutions as second-class education. Study using grounded theory method was to identify the factors behinds successful trainees and how they manage their learning process. A total of 32 respondents were interviewed comprising trainees, industry supervisors, and employers. The results showed that there are eight factors that contribute to the success of the trainees in training institutions and also through industrial training before being appointed as an employee. This clearly shows that the success of the apprenticeship training system not only depends on the training system itself but also on the trainees’ characteristics model that are natural or formed by the working environment.


Modern Apprenticeship,Vocational Education,Grounded Theory, Skills Acquisition ,Engineering Trainee,

Impact of Carbon Dioxide Emission Growth by Energy Consumption in Malaysia


Farah Liyana Muhammad,Noriza Mohd Saad,



This paper attempts to investigate the impact of CO2 emissions and energy consumption on energy sector in Malaysia using ordinary least square (OLS) method for the period from year 1978 to 2015. The empirical evidence indicates significant positive impact of CO2 emissions on energy consumption for industrial sector and commercial sector. Transport sector has a positive relationship with carbon dioxide emission but insignificant impact on carbon dioxide emission. The coefficient of determination (R-squared) is signal that shows how many percent the independent variables explain the variation on dependent variables. Based on this study, found that that commercial sector and industrial sector is the most sector that give towards the increasing of carbon dioxide emission in Malaysia. the R- squared is 0.990219 @ 99.02% of independend variables of energy consumption explains the movements in carbon dioxide emission, only 0.98% is not explained by independent variables because maybe there is other variables more important than variables that already test.


Carbon Dioxide Emission ,Energy Consumption ,Ordinary Least Square,Energy Sector,

Mixed Convection Casson Fluid Flow over an Exponentially Stretching Sheet with Newtonian Heating Effect


Kartini Ahmad,Zaharah Wahid ,Zahir Hanouf,



This paper deals with mixed convection of Casson fluid which flows over a heated surface that has been stretched exponentially. The governing equations that govern the fluid flow are reduced to ordinary differential equations by imposing suitable similarity variables. Numerical computational was carried out to solve for the f “(0) and θ (0) for some arbitrary values of the mixed convection parameter λ, Biot number Bi and Newtonian fluid parameter β when Pr =7.


Mixed Convection ,Newtonian Heating ,Non-Newtonian Fluid,

A Goal Programming Approach to Peninsular Of Malaysia Electricity Tariff Structure


Noriza Mohd Saad,Zulkifli Abdullah,Nora Yusma Mohamed Yusof,Norhayati Mat Husin,Ahmad Lutfi Mohayiddin ,Mohamad Taufik Mohd Arshad ,



Tariff design is the key mechanism used to allocate electricity generation and distribution costs to customers. The designing process can be very complex not only due to the regulatory policies surrounding it but also due to the need of satisfying various parties such as the electricity distributor and the different types of electricity customers. Therefore, it is the aim of this study to formulate an optimum tariff structure for Malaysia that can deal with multiple objective functions. Utilizing secondary data gathered through various energy related sources and a goal programming approach, a new optimum tariff structure has been proposed specifically focused on domestic customers and others in general. The findings show, in the case of domestic users, having only two bands of domestic customers instead of the current practice of five, may have already helped to achieve an optimum tariff structure. The findings also show that for other types of users Malaysian current tariff structure may have yet to achieve its optimum level. While these findings are subjected to few limitations, it is notable that the findings can be used to evaluate the existing tariff structure of Malaysia.


Goal Programming, Electricity,Tariff Structure,Optimization,

The Enhanced Extraction Conditions for Phenolic and Flavonoid Compounds from the Underutilized Red Pitaya Peels Using Response Surface Methodology


Ramya Vijayakumar,Siti Salwa Abd Gani,Uswatun Hasanah Zaidan,



In this study, response surface methodology (RSM) was augmented to determine the effects of independent variables, namely extraction temperature (45-65°C), ethanol concentration (70-90%) and extraction time (80-120 min) to optimize the retained antioxidant compounds of the red pitaya peels through responses which were total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC). Regression analysis showed that more than 90% of the variation was explained by the second-order polynomial models of the different responses and the experimental values displayed that the extraction conditions had significant effect (p<0.001) on the TPC and TFC respectively. The optimized conditions were ethanol 82% for 103 min at 56°C with values of 172.01 mg/g for TPC and 7.45 mg/g for TFC respectively, which were in a good agreement with those predicted, thus indicating the suitability of the employed model in optimizing the extraction conditions of the red pitaya peels and similar natural functional product optimization.


Response Surface Methodology,Red Pitaya Peels,Antioxidant ,TotalPhenolic Content,Total Flavonoid Content,

Photo-Protective and Anti-Oxidative Potential in the Leaves of Three Different Melastomataceae Family Species


Nur Fauwizah Azahar,Siti Salwa Abd Gani,Uswatun Hasanah Zaidan,Paiman Bawon,



Melastoma is the family of Melastomataceae species which consists of total more than 4000 species and the most common are Melastoma malalabthricum, Clidemia hirta and Melastoma decemfidum. Continues exploration from the leaves of melastoma plant has been extensively probe for its therapeutic value. Therefore, this work aimed to investigate the photo-protective ability and antioxidant potential using DPPH-free radical scavenging assay, total phenolic content and FRAP-reducing power assay. The results show all Melastoma family species have wide range of absorbance such as UVA, UVB and UVB radiation and exhibit good SPF number where Clidemia hirta leaves extract ethyl acetate recorded to have highest SPF value among others. Meanwhile, the three of antioxidant assay shows that Clidemia hirta ethyl acetate displays higher antioxidant activity against DPPH radical and contain higher phenolic and FRAP value as compared to other Melastoma species. Therefore, it can conclude that Melastoma especially from Clidemia hirta species could be one of the potential source of antioxidants as sunscreen products and also for utilization for cosmeceutical, neutraceuticals and medicinal use in the future to overcome various diseases.



Melastomataceae,Photoprotective ,Antioxidant ,Sun ProtectionFactor ,Leaves,

The Nonabelian Tensor Square of a Bieberbach Group with Point Group C2 X C2 of Dimension Three


Rohaidah Masri,Nor Fadzilah Abdul Ladi,Nor’ashiqin Mohd Idrus,Tan Yee Ting,Nor Haniza Sarmin,



A Bieberbach group is a crystallographic group. This group is an extension
of a finite point group and a free abelian group of finite rank. In this paper, a
Bieberbach group with point group 2 2 C  C of dimension three is chosen where its
polycyclic presentation is shown to be consistent. The nonabelian tensor square of
group is a specialization of more general of the nonabelian tensor product of group.
The nonabelian tensor square of group is one of the homological functors which can
reveal the properties of the groups. Also, the nonabelian tensor squares are one of
the important elements on computing homological functors of groups. The main
objective of this paper is to compute the nonabelian tensor square of a Bieberbach
group with point group 2 2 C  C of dimension three by using the computational method
for polycyclic groups. The finding showed that the nonabelian tensor square of the
group is abelian and be presented in terms of its generators. The findings of this
research can be used to compute the other homological functors of this group.


Bieberbach Group, Polycyclic Groups,Nonabelian Tensor Square,

Central Composite Design (CCD) for Parameters Optimization of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) by Response Surface Methodology (RSM)


Y. Kah Yung,H.S. Chua,M. J. K. Bashir,F.Y.C.Albert,Sunil Govinda,



This paper focus on the CCD with RSM optimization of parameters. Design of Experiment (DoE) hardware was developed with P&O MPPT algorithm to measure Input A: Input Voltage (VIN), Input B: Input Current (IIN), Input C: Duty Cycle, Input D: Irradiance and output power. The optimization of process parameters was successfully identified from the experimental design and CCD results. The coefficient of determination of R2 is shown 99.89% which is a good fit in the model. The adequacy prevision of 89.437 indicated an adequate signal and noise was negligible. The optimization of a set of experimental parameters and observed results were VIN: 18.82 V, IIN: 0.65A, Duty Cycle: 85% and Irradiance: 883.79 W/m2. Overall, we concluded that input voltage is the most significant term influencing output power, following by input current, duty cycle and irradiance. All results were validated by experiments, simulations and theory calculation. The validation error results between predicted and experimental output power were shown that a maximum error at +3.65% and a minimum error at 0.00%, which had validated the accuracy of the prediction.


Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT),Perturb and Observe (P&O),Central Composite Design (CCD),Response Surface Methodology (RSM), Design ofExperiment (DOE) Optimization of Parameters,

Assessment of Ponderability of Parameters of Platform Joint on Reliability by Method of Linearization


Vera V. Galishnikova,Ashot G. Tamrazyan,Denis S. Dekhterev,



In the process of the study of platform joints of panel buildings, it was established that the most significant contribution to the reliability of the joint is provided by a number of parameters which have specialty randomly. The distribution of these parameters is described by a normal principle that does not have a simple numerical solution. To determine the probability of failure of the connection in the conduct of probabilistic calculations, method of linearization is used, which is based on the method of expanding the initial function in a Taylor series. The work assesses the impact of structural parameters of the horizontal platform joint of panel buildings on the reliability of the connection. The coefficients of ponderability of the investigated parameters are determined in estimating the probability of joint failure. The practical value of the obtained research results is to increase the reliability of the node of interface panel.


probability of failure reliability linearization,platform jointLaplace function,

Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Space Trusses with Large Displacements





Analysis of spatial bar structures is a labor-intensive and complex task, and it must be carried out taking into account all possible limiting states in various operating conditions of structures. The aim of this paper is to give an insight into elastic-plastic analysis that enables determining the ultimate load of space trusses with large displacements. A direct method is treated in this investigation to gain insight into the computational effort required for the method. The algorithms for the direct methods are obtained by modifying the algorithms for incremental geometrically nonlinear analysis developed by one of the authors to account for yielding and plastic deformation in the bars of the truss. A Java software application has been developed based on the algorithms and the analysis of the space arch truss has been performed. The example demonstrates that direct limit analysis of space trusses with large displacements can be implemented successfully on the Java platform. The computer application is suitable as a test platform for a broad spectrum of investigations into elastic-plastic truss behavior.


Steel Space Trusses,Geometrical Nonlinearity,Elastic-Plastic Analysis,Limit State ,Direct Method,

Elastoplastic Deformation of Clay Brick Masonry under Biaxial Stresses and Mechanisms of its Performance


Makhmud Kharun,Oleg V. Kabantsev,Ashot G. Tamrazyan,



Plasticity properties of the masonry appear to be key requirements in order to predict seismic response from masonry construction. On the grounds of the experimental research results, the system of mechanisms of local damage in masonry elements (brick, mortar and contact nodes thereof) is formulated and justified. It is revealed that the state of interaction nodes of basic masonry materials under increasing stress is not irreversible: when the stress state of the node changes, the discrete transition from one state to another becomes possible. The proposed system of mechanisms of local damage and the tools to analyze the state of masonry elements serves grounds for elaboration of a structural model of clay brick masonry as piece-wise homogeneous multimodule composite environment. Based on the results of numerical studies of behavior of the clay brick masonry structural model with the proposed destruction mechanisms as well as on the grounds of the strength criteria system, an accurate prediction of the elastic and plastic deformation phases can be made to determine the plasticity characteristics of the masonry under biaxial stresses.


Brick, Masonry Joint ,Destruction Mechanisms,Strain-Stress State,Elastoplastic Deformation,

Experimental Study of Timber-Steel Arch with the Support Joints on Glued-in Steel Rods


Dmitry D. Koroteev,Farid A. Boytemirov,Makhmud Kharun,



Vital problem, occurring in the operation process of bearing timber structures, is improvement of their durability in conditions of aggressive environment. Another aspect of this problem is the increase of fire resistance of timber-steel structures. One of the possible design solutions of this problem is given in the research work.
The aim of the research is study of experimental arch with support joints on glued-in steel rods. The arch was developed based on typical timber-steel arch with span length 11.8 m. Geometric shape and sizes of the arch were kept without changes, but steel elements were replaced by timber elements. Design features of the arch and calculation methods, taking into account bearing capacity of the joints on glued-in steel rods, are given in the research work.
The experimental arch showed enough reliability during the test and stiffness during transportation and mounting. The arch loading was carried out in laboratory bench by using hydraulic jacks. The load increased until the arch destruction. Deflection and deformation of glued-in steel rods were measured during the test.
Information about vertical deformation in the arch and stretching tensions along the length of the rods under the load were obtained in the test results. The results show that shear tensions in the joints spread along the bonding length unevenly and they have maximum value on the surface of timber elements. The arch showed perceptivity of practical using in the mild chemical-aggressive conditions and bearing structures with high requirements of fire resistance.


Timber-Steel Arch, Corrosion Resistance ,Fire Resistance ,Bearing Capacity, Steel Rods,

Arrangement and technological solutions for construction of quick-assembling single-storey houses


Dmitry D. Koroteev,Makhmud Kharun,Nadezhda A. Stashevskaya,Galina E. Okolnikova,



Quick-assembling single-storey houses are one of the possible design solutions if we want to get ready-made houses in short time. It is especially important in locations where new factories and plants, fields of the fossil fuels extraction are developed, various catastrophes occurred and there is a necessity to carry out recovery works. However, the spread of quick-assembling single-storey houses slows down because of design, arrangement and technological complications, which should be settled comprehensively.
The aim of the research work is to provide competiveness of such houses by improving their manufacturing level, which includes design, arrangement and technological solutions, reducing price and time of getting ready-made houses. The manufacturing level is determined by labor input, time and cost parameters.
The research results show that the design solution, improving manufacturing level, is the use of prefabricated flat packets of sandwich-panels, which transform into design position during the assembling process due to transformable joints. The transportation of the flat packets can be carried out if their size allows transporting them by road transport.
The arrangement and technological sustainability of the construction system includes the following stages: selection of separate arrangement and technological conditions of the system; determination of groups of arrangement, technological and economic factors, which influence on sustainability of each condition of the construction system, determination of rational spheres of influence of arrangement and technological factors on cost of the transformable houses.
The developed solutions can reduce cost and time of the assembling process and improve manufacturing level of single-storey houses.


Transformable Quick assembling,Single-storey house,Sandwich-panels,Construction process,

Tangential Developable Surfaces and Shells: New Results of Investigations


Sergey N. Krivoshapko,Iraida A. Mamieva,Andrey D. Razin,



After publication of a monograph Geometry of Ruled Surfaces with Cuspidal Edge and Linear Theory of Analysis of Tangential Developable Shells (Krivoshapko, 2009) with 386 references, new papers, devoted to geometry, application and strength analyses of thin shells with the middle developable surface were published. Some results of investigations have newness and definite scientific and practical in-terest but some works improve methods presented before or propose new variants of application of tangent developable surfaces. In a paper, new results derived past the last 10 years and connected with needs of engineer practice and architecture of man-ufactured articles, structures, and erections, are analyzed. The analyses of the whole spectrum of investigations of torse surfaces and shells presented in the publications till present time will help researchers concerned to plan further investigations and to economize their time not repeating a conclusion of theorems, equations, and proposi-tions the well-known already.


Tangential Developable,Design of A Torse,Geodesic Curve,ParaBending,Tangential Developable Shell Geometric Modeling,Stress-Strain State ofthe Shell,

Statistical Assessment of Use of Labour Force in the Countries of Western Europe


Andrew N. Zharov,Nadezhda А,Stashevskaya,



One of the most important factors of economic development of any country is labour force. Thanks to this factor, it is possible to obtain surplus value. The article is devoted to analysis of the labour force in nine countries of Western Europe. The analysis was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, we analyzed the dynamics and structure of the basic indicator of the country’s GDP. The second stage was devoted to the analysis of the size and composition of the labour force. Third – the assessment of the impact of the labour force and its productivity on the change of gross domestic product. The study showed the greatest number of labor force is concentrated in Germany and the UK. The main share of the labour force has higher education. GDP growth was described as increase in the labour force and labour productivity.


Economy, GDP ,Productivity Of Labour Force,

Using Parametric Blocks for Construction of Flat Algebraic Curves in AutoCAD by the Example of Cassini Ovals


Tatyana V. Timofeeva,Marina A. Nesterenko,



Designing surfaces of complex shape is in demand in various industries. Forms of such surfaces are flat curves. However, the variety of these curves remains unclaimed by constructors, architects, designers due to the lack of tools for the rapid construction of these curves in modern graphical systems AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit, KOMPAS, etc. The article suggests a convenient and generally available method for constructing any curves defined by mathematical methods in AutoCAD by creating parametric blocks. For example, the lines obtained by the section of the torus by a plane parallel to the axis are chosen (curves of the fourth order are Cassini’s ovals). In the process of investigation, the features of fourth-order curves are analyzed as a result of the intersection of the torus by planes parallel to the rotation axis of the torus, the shape dependence of the shape of the curves on the ratio of the parameters. We consider the problem of reconstructing the toric metric and forming a model of a spatial object along the contours of the obtained sections by the methods of descriptive geometry and using 3-d modeling. On the basis of the obtained curves, surfaces with generators or guides, which are Cassini ovals, are constructed.


Parametrization,ParmetricBlock ,Cassini Ovals ,Autocad,

Teaching Foreign Students Studying Graphic Disciplines in an Innovative Educational Environment


Tatyana V. Timofeeva,Natalia V. Kazennova,Galina N. Oskina,



RUDN University is the most multinational and internationally focused University of Russia. Every year students from more than 145 countries of the world enjoy this University to study and get a degree. Their life and studies in Russia may be really challenging for them due to a number of issues that certainly influence the level of their achievements and quality of the gained educational skills. It’s very important to create comfortable and friendly atmosphere for foreign students studying in Russia because it increases the rating of Russian education abroad. In this article you will find analysis of the academic progress of both Russian and Foreign students, the analysis is based on 3 graphic disciplines: descriptive geometry, engineering graphics and computer graphics. We have consolidated a practical experience of teaching foreign students graphic subjects that involved using of information and communicative technologies in the University of Technical Sciences. The Influence of such factors as integration of descriptive geometry and computer graphics courses, implementation of the telecommunication learning resource system developed on the Moodle platform, the use of control system with tests and “cloud” technologies of AutoCAD A360 on increasing quality of the educational process organization is identified. The training function of this testing system is accurately examined. We have also enlightened the role of mobile versions of information and communication technologies for self-studying process organization.


Descriptive Geometry ,Computer Graphics,Information And Communication Technologies,Cloud Technologies,

Cancer Relapse Prediction from Microrna Expression Data Using Machine Learning


Eliza Razak,Faridah Yusof,Raha Ahmad Raus,



Cancer is a major deadliest disease globally that involve uncontrolled cell growth and invasion-metastasis events. It accounts for around 13% of all deaths worldwide. Statistical reports have pointed out that the cancer occurrence rate is increasing at an alarming rate in the world. Furthermore, cancer relapse rate is also rising mostly due to late cancer diagnosis. Some cancers can recur at the site of origin or the distant site after years of anti-cancer treatment. Therefore, cancer relapse prediction process is of paramount important so that early specific treatments can be sought. Nevertheless, conventional methods for diagnosing cancer relapse rely on invasive and labor intensive biopsy examinations. Circulating miRNAs have gained great interest in medical field because of their higher sensitivity, specificity and potential for minimally invasive sampling procedures. Furthermore, miRNA expression profiling from body fluid samples using high-throughput approaches is a promising technology that could predict cancer relapse. This paper describes a machine learning based approach called one-dependent estimator to predict cancer relapse from miRNA expression data. The proposed framework will predict whether a particular cancer will relapse within cancer recurrence time frame, which is usually 5 years. To select relevant cancer recurrence associated miRNAs, we employ an entropy-based miRNA marker selection approach. This proposed system has achieved an average accuracy of 92.82% in predicting cancer relapse over three datasets, namely glioblastoma, ovarian cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The experimental results exhibit the efficacy of the proposed framework.


Mirna,Cancer Relapse Prediction,Marker Selection,

Identification of Genes in Soft Coral Scleronephthya Gracillimum Using Next Generation Sequencing


Seonock Woo,Seungshic Yum,



The soft coral Scleronephthya gracillimum is a colonial azooxanthellate coral being dominant in Seoguipo, Jeju Island, Korea (33°24’N, 126°32’E). This coral contributes to the survival and maintenance of the overall biological community in this area by offering a wide variety of habitats for benthic marine animals. Ultimately we aimed the construction of cDNA chip from this soft coral species for the health assessment using its transcriptional changes and we identified the soft coral genes using next generation sequencing (NGS) and searched their gene functions using BLAST algorithm and classified the functional categories based on KOG classification.


Soft Coral ,Scleronephthya Gracillimum, Gene ,Cdna Chip ,Next Generation Sequencing,

An EPQ Model of Delayed Deteriorating Items with Price And Inventory Level Dependent Demand under Markdown Policy


NurzaharaAtika Kamaruzaman,Mohd Omar,



This paper developed a delayed deteriorating inventory model with price and inventory level dependent demand that applies markdown policy. In this study, we showed that markdown caters the necessity to balance the need to maximize annual profit with the need to clear end of life inventory Utterly deteriorated items are allowed to carry under markdown policy. The salvage value is incorporated to the deteriorated units. We establish a model that gives the best markdown time and at the same time maximizes annual profit. We also discover the relationship between demand depending factors and markdown policy. A mathematical formulation for the model by using differential equations is developed. Numerical exampleis used to illustrate the effectiveness of the model


Inventory Model,Deteriorating Items,Delayed Deterioration, Price and Inventory Level Dependent Demand,Markdown Policy,

Influence of Reinforcement of Contour High-Strength Reinforcement without Adhesion to Concrete on the Deflections of Monolithic Beams


A.S. Markovich,V.S. Kuznetsov,Yu. A. Shaposhnikova,M.I. Abu Mahadi,



Excessively large deflections in the center of the slab are one of the most significant drawbacks that prevent the spread of monolithic flat ceilings during spans of more than 7 m. The influence of the application of contour prestressed reinforcement (in a shell) without adhesion to concrete on the deflections of plates with the aspect ratio a/b=1÷2 is considered in the article. In the work presented, the rope laying path in the slab is represented by a part of the parabola passing through the supports, with a height that is equal to the deflection, and the length of the rope’s diagonal is equal to the distance between the column axes. Knowing the initial equation of the curved axis of the rope, it is possible to calculate the values of the repulsive forces by integrating this parabola equation and obtain a formula for determining the intensity of the repulsion at any point along the length of the rope. With the help of the finite element method, the deflections of a cell of a flat plate were obtained, where the deflection was taken into account in the form of concentrated forces applied at the nodes of the grid of finite elements along the cell contour. According to the results of the study, it is established that the use of a contour high-strength prestressed reinforcement without adhesion to concrete can reduce the deflections of the slab of overlap up to 15% or more. When prestressing only on one side of the cell, it is possible to advise on the installation of prestressed ropes only on the long side of the slab with a ratio of sides a/b=1.3 or more, because the installation on the short side is not advisable.


Monolithic Flat Overlap,Monostrend ,Tensioning Armature, Deflection ,Contour Prestressed Reinforcement,

The Problem of Numerical Analysis of Rigidity in Binded Reinforced Concrete Elements


M.I. Abu Mahadi,A.S. Markovich,K.S. Akifyeva,D.A.Miloserdova,



As the main method of calculating reinforced concrete structures for strength the modern Russian standards have been using the method of limiting equilibrium, which contains some contradictions. In recent years, a discussion has been developing on the transition to the deformation model of the resistance of reinforced concrete used by European code. However, there are a limited number of studies confirming the consistency of the proposed deformation model. We calculated the deformation of a slab on the basis of the Russian standards for theoretical and deformational model. The calculation was carried out by the finite element method using the model of nonlinear deformation of concrete. Then the analysis of the obtained results and their comparison with the results of calculation according to the theoretical provisions of the norms were performed.


Method of Limiting Equilibrium,Theory of Concrete Deformation,Physical Nonlinearity,Finite Element Method,Bending Elements,

Generalized Darcy’s Law for Filtration Processes in Porous Media


Yuri P. Rybakov,Nataliya V. Semenova,



The liquid flow in a porous medium is considered for the axially-symmetric case. The generalization of the Darcy’s filtration law is suggested and the explanation of the so-called “near-wall” effect is given. The filtration efficiency is estimated for
filters of two possible geometries: cylindrical and radial ones. As an illustration we consider also the case of the cylindrical filter with a bi-layer filling.


Darcy's Law, Filtration,Porous Medium,Transverse Diffusion,

Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes in a Chiral Model of Graphene


Yuri P. Rybakov,Medina Umar,Muhammad Iskandar,



Taking into account the 2 sp -hybridization effect for valence electrons in carbon
atoms, we introduce a unitary matrix U as an order parameter and suggest a scalar
chiral model of graphene for the description of carbon nanotubes. We consider both
single-walled and two-walled carbon nanotubes, analyze corresponding solutions to
the model equations and estimate the Young’s modulus. We discuss also the possible
extension of the model in question to describe fullerenes as three-dimensional
hedgehog structures (skyrmions). We find the corresponding Lagrangian density for
the spherirically-symmetric chiral angle. The other extension of the model concerns
spin and magnetic excitations of graphene-based configurations. To this end, the 8-
spinor field should be introduced as a new order parameter (Rybakov, 2015).


Chiral Model,Chiral Current ,Grapheme ,Young’s Modulus ,CarbonNanotubes,

Surface Electromagnetic TM Waves along the Boundary between Two Nonlinear Anisotropic Dielectrics


Yuri P. Rybakov,Bijan Saha,



It is shown that the Maxwell’s equations for surface electromagnetic TM
waves, propagating along the plane boundary between two nonlinear dielectrics with
arbitrary diagonal tensor of dielectric permittivity, depending on
2 | | E 
, can be
integrated in quadratures. For the TM plane wave the magnetic intensity has only the
transverse component, but the electric intensity has both transverse and longitudinal
ones. This fact permits one to find the first integral of the Maxwell’s equations and
eliminate the magnetic intensity. The resulting equations for the electric intensity can
be simplified and integrated, if one uses the transverse permittivity as the independent
variable. Finally, we consider the Kerr dielectrics, with the permittivity being a
quadratic function of the electric intensity. In this case the quadratures can be
reduced to the elliptical integrals.


Maxwell’s Equations,Surface Waves,Dielectric Permittivity ,KerrDielectrics,

On the Deflection of Light by a Charged Rotating Black Hole


M. L. Fil’chenkov,Yu. P. Laptev,



The Kerr-Newman, Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordström, Kerr and Lense-Thirring metrics have been presented. The deflection of light by Kerr–Newman’s black hole has been evaluated. Expressions for the law of motion and trajectory of light have been obtained. The black hole is assumed to be slowly rotating. The light impact parameter is considered to be much superior to the gravitational radius and classical radius of the black hole. The deflection of light is both due to attraction by the black hole mass and due to repulsion by its charge and specific angular momentum.


Kerr–Newman Black Holes ,Relativistic Deflection of Light,

Simulation of Quantum Cryptographic System


Zar Ni Aung,ChanMyae Hein,T.F. Kamalov,N.V. Samsonenko,



Quantum key distribution protocols and the questions of their protection were studied. There were estimated mutual influences between legitimate users and for any types of cracker attack. For example, BB84 protocol is shown to be unconditional security protocols using photon polarization between outlying channels. Secret keys share between spatially separated (removed or remote) legitimate users. A simple method of generating a dichotomy signal has also been accomplished. In fact, this method can open the way of probabilistic quantum states. We argue that quantum cryptographic systems can be partially simulate on a classical computer with finite degrees of freedom. Quantum entanglement is a basic tool of communication and processing of the information.


Quantum Cryptography ,Entangled State,

Analysis of Abrikosov Vortices by the Superconductivity Model at the Twin Boundaries


V.A. Chizhov,V.L. Bychkov,F.S. Zaitsev,N.V. Samsonenko,



The work is devoted to the study of Abrikosov vortices using the superconductivity model at the twin boundaries (MSC-TB) proposed in the works of V.А. Chizhov. The new model allows a deeper understanding of the mechanism of formation, evolution, and destruction of Abrikosov vortices and associated creep currents. A quantitative comparison of theoretical estimates of MSC-TB with experimental data is carried out. A good correspondence is shown. Methods of fighting with the creep current are sug-gested. Materials are described, including new ones, which, in accordance with the theory of MSC-TB, should have improved properties of superconductivity of the second kind. Perspective directions of further research are formulated.


Superconductivity,Abrikosov Vortices,Fluxoids,Twin Boundaries,

The Numerical Solution of the Rayleigh-Plisset Equation for Spark Cavitation and Calculation of the Maximum Temperature and Pressure in a Cavity


Nikolay Yu. Kravchenko,



We study the processes typical for liquids under the influence of powerful impulses of electric current. The maximum temperature and pressure arising in cavitation bubbles at such processes are calculated. To this aim, the main equation of cavitation (Rayleigh – Plisset’s equation) is solved numerically. The maximum amplitudes of fluctuations of temperature and pressure in a cavity are calculated during a collapse. The analysis of the process shows the existence of the extreme value of pressure above which the cavitation is not observed. Before the limiting pressure being achieved, the cavity increases several times, collapses and comes back to the initial radius, oscillating near it. The increasing of the maximum value of the bubble radius yields, therefore, the increasing of the extreme values of temperature and pressure in a bubble at a collapse. It is established that the maximum amplitude of a bubble during spark cavitation can reach values of the order 200. This fact gives the evidence of large local pressure and temperature in the cavity at the time of a collapse. These temperature and pressure have been calculated in this work. The main conclusion is made that in a liquid metal’s phase the intensive cavitation, with local increasing temperature and pressure in a cavity, is possible. Therefore, the process in question can initiate reactions of nuclear fusion in a liquid metal’s phase.


Spark Cavitation ,Rayleigh's Equation,Cavity,

Bi-variational Evolutionary Systems and Approximate Solutions


Vladimir M. Savchin,Svetlana A. Budochkina,



The use of variational methods for the construction of sufficiently accurate approximate solutions of a given system requires the existence of the correspondent variational principle – a solution of the inverse problem of the calculus of variations. In the frame of the Euler’s functionals there may not exist variational principles. But if we extend the class of functionals then it could allow to get the variational formulations of the given problems. There naturally arises the problem of the constructive determination of the corresponding functionals – in general non-classical Hamiltonian actions – and their applications for the search of approximate solutions of the given boundary value problems. Its solution may not be unique. In particular, there can exists a bi-variational system, i.e. generated by two different Hamiltonian actions. The main aim of the paper is to present a scheme for the construction of indirect variational formulations for given evolutionary problems and to demonstrate the effective use of the non-classical Hamiltonian actions for the construction of approximate solutions with the high accuracy for the given dissipative problem. In the paper there are used notions and methods of nonlinear functional analysis and of modern calculus of variations.


Bi-Variationality,Potentiality ,Hamiltonian Action,Dissipative Systems,Approximate solutions,

Modeling the Accumulation Kinetics of Anionic Photo-sensitizers in Tumor Cells with Different Trans-membrane Potentials


Kamila Z. Askarova,Galina I. Morozova,Andrey A. Anoshin,



The accumulation of photo-sensitizer (PS) mainly in tumor cells (TC) is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (PDT). The purpose of this work is the modeling of the accumulation kinetics of anionic PS in TC differing in energy metabolism and trans-membrane potentials (TMP). The kinetic model (KM) including a system of linear differential equations describing the accumulation of PS in some model system based on Nernst theory, is suggested. This system consists of four parallel-sequential compartments separated by permeable membranes with different electric field gradients. These potentials include negative plasma and the mitochondrial TMP as well as energy-dependent positive TMP of the nuclear membranes. The model in question accounts for the phenomenon of reduction of plasma and mitochondrial TMP in TC due to their more rapid division in comparison with normal cells. The KM is constructed for TC of tumor areas sites under hypoxic or oxygen conditions. We conclude that the accumulation kinetics of anionic PS (chlorin E6) in the tumor cells mainly depends on the relationship between the transfer rate constants through their plasma and mitochondrial membranes, these constants being functions of TMP.


Photodynamic Therapy,Kinetic Model,Photo-Sensitizers-Anions,Tumor Cells,Trans-Membrane Potential,

Discharge Curves Q=f(H) as an Active Factor of Riverbed-Forming Processes


Evgeniy K. Sinichenko,Ilya I. Gritsuk,Fedor V. Rekach,Leonid E. Schesnyak,



The discharge curve Q=f (H) is a complex characteristic of run-of-river mode, which takes into consideration both: peculiar properties of the river bed and peculiar properties of the riverbed-forming activity. The discharge curve Q=f (H) is on the one hand the basis for the transition from levels to discharges and calculation with the help of them of all flow characteristics, on the other hand a kind of integral characteristic of the river channel mode.
This article deals with the actual issue of constructing a curve, establishing relation between discharges and levels for shots of rivers when there aren`t or there are few hydrological field observations.
The article analyses the peculiarities of the hydrological and run-of-river mode of Russian rivers and are defined the generalized characteristics for construction of discharge curves. The relation of the generalized indicator αF/αM with the type of river channel regime is established.


Discharge Curve ,Run-Of-River Mode,Riverbed-Forming Process ,

Schematization Methods of Project Thinking


Olga Kalinina,Natalia Kalinina,



The article presents researches of the thinking activity of project schematization. Often, work on the project is done without understanding the problem. The solution appears accidentally and unconsciously. The quality of the result depends on the algorithm of conscious plans. Techniques of thought schematization allow us to more consciously approach design. This technique has been tested in design practice by three project teams. We investigated the technique of schematization of thought on five educational projects. The research was carried out in three project groups using the example of training projects. The results of the research showed the best effectiveness in the group, which conducted a reflexive analysis and worked with the technique of the schematization described in the article. The results of the group that worked on this technique were better than the rest. One of the basic concepts is reflexive analysis, which allows both identifying and mastering the actualization of the design process. The group that made the reflexive analysis also showed better results. This is part of the methodology of schematization, which is described in the article. The algorithm of thought activity and the actualization of the techniques of schematization in project thinking are disclosed.


Scheme,Schematization,Project Thinking, Reflection,

Development of design education in Russia: history and contemporary problems


Anna V.Solovieva,Tatiana S.Semichevskaya, Oleg V.Bik,Elizaveta S. Terekhina,



The article discusses particularities of the development of design education in modern Russia. The necessity of interrelation between classical art and design, academic art and engineering education, traditional craft and applied art was identified and represented by variety of opinions of Russian and foreign researchers. It shows the evolution of opinions on the methods of formation a creative vision in the process of professional training of future designers. Article contains a detailed analysis of the history of educational activities and creative concepts of innovative design trends and activities. It shows the specific place and role of art universities, as well as the contribution of individual masters in the development of modern design education. Today in Russia, the graduate preparation of designers is determined by the federal state standard, but the alternative system of design education on the basis of non-state private educational institutions is becoming more competitive. The results of the analysis show that the formation of a creative vision in the process of professional training of future designers implies the multidimensionality and unity of design education.


design history,design education,russian design,professional competency,professional training,

The Importance of Academic Education in Contemporary Architectural and Sculptural Practice


I.V. Portnova,T.V. Portnova,



The subject of the article is to consider the importance of academic education which played a key role in the history of architecture and fine arts. Academic traditions based on the ancient classics as the perfect art which during the XVIII and XIX centuries developed stable norms and paragons, and found the reflection in the concept of a modern architectural and sculptural image. The article considers historical factors, the situation of the postmodern epoch contributing to the concentration of artists efforts to reflect the key themes and images, namely, a man, his place in the universe. As before, a person and the spiritualized world of phenomena and objects get an interpretation in the new graphic aspects, techniques and methods of the younger generation masters works.


architectural image,plastic, principles of imitation, pattern classic,

Hydraulic Characteristics of the Locking Element in the form of a “Curved Drop” for Water Supply Fittings


Alexander P. Svintsov,Nikolay A. Konoplev,



The efficient design of valves for the water supply system requires knowledge of the parameters and regularity of change in the hydraulic characteristics of the locking pair. The article contains the results of a study of regularity of change in the hydraulic characteristics of the locking element in the form of a “curved drop” for plumbing fittings.
The numerical values and the patterns of change in the hydraulic characteristics of liquid outflow through the hole in the form of a “curved drop”, made in a thin wall defined. The patterns of change in water discharge identified, and the comparison of characteristics for different bore shape.
The ability to adjustment the flow of water depends on the shape of through hole. The values and regularity of change in the hydraulic characteristics of the locking element in the form of a ” curved drop” for water reinforcement obtained on the basis of theoretical and experimental studies. The results of the study are of interest in the theoretical and practical aspects for the design and manufacture of valves for water supply.
The results of theoretical and experimental studies show that the form of “a curved drop” for plumbing fittings allows to have a linear change in water consumption depending on the opening tap. The coefficients allow us to design the plumbing fittings valve type with a high regulating capacity.
The use of the locking element with a hole in the shape of a “curved drop” allows to reduce the loss of tap water of drinking quality. Water savings for the house for three persons is 12-15% compared to valves of other types.
The study is in the continuation.


Water fittings,Valve,Water flow (discharge),,Closure member -disc pair,Hydraulic characteristic,

Geometrical Aspects of the Equilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics


Yuri G. Rudoy,Olga I. Chekmareva,



The geometrical approach due to Gibbs in the equilibrium phenomenological, or Clausius, thermodynamics (CTD) is generalized for the statistical case (STD), which is naturally stipulated by the stochastic nature of the thermal contact between the TD-object and the external surrounding (thermostat). To this end the probabilistic measure p is introduced into the affine space of finite-dimensional space of basic TD-variables, which is parametrized by means of the intensive variables of the thermostat. For the case of strongly additive extensive TD-variables the measure p possess the exponential, or canonical Gibbs form. The ordinary Clausius TD-variables are then Gibbs TD-variables averaged with the measure p and of primary interest are the relevant spontaneous fluctuations; in particular, they determine the accuracy of Zeroth Law of TD fulfillment.


Gibbs theory,Fisher−Rao−Cramer theorem ,Information theory ,

Magnetization Dynamics at Elevated Temperatures: Beyond the Molecular Field Approximation for Critical Points


Olga A. Kotelnikova,Vladimir G. Morozov,Yuri G. Rudoy,



Some refinements to the values of magnetic critical points are proposed in order to improve the applicability universal molecular field approximation (MFA) which usually describes the equilibrium, or static, part in the non-equilibrium equations of magnetization dynamics. We show the results for the Curie and some other critical points calculated within the random phase approximation (RPA) for anisotropic Heisenberg models.


magnetic friction, critical point,

Contribution to Refined Basalt in Modern Nigerian Civil and Structural Engineering


Vera V. Galishnikova,Paschal C. Chiadighikaobi,



This paper looked into the effectiveness of refined basalt in the Nigerian civil and structural engineering world. Current technology has been in search in the development of new type of composites which are made to measure the required conditions. A general problem of new types of structures made from high performance materials is their behavior in certain specific conditions and situations. Temperature in Nigeria keeps increasing every season. The specific gravity, tensile strength, elastic modulus, rupture strain and melting point of basalt materials are the properties in consideration for the use of the basalt material listed below in use. This increase in temperature has been an issue of concern to scientists and engineers. This concern brought about the use of basalt made materials in the construction of utilities and buildings. Basalt which is a natural resource with the ability to contain high and low temperature was looked into in this paper. The three basalt formations discussed in this paper out of other formations found in Nigeria are: Bachit Basalt Rock Formation, Kahwang Rock Formation and Ikom Columnar Basalt. Basalt fiber wool, rebar, sandwich panels, roving and roofing sheet are the basalt materials discussed in this paper for proper utilization in the Nigerian structural construction.


basalt rock,refined basalt,high performance material,basalt for construction,

Formation of Latin American Baroque Architecture


Andrey Ivin,Salem Khalabi,Vasiliy Shuvalov,Olga Plotnikova,



This work explores the ways that brought the development of Latin American architecture to the highest extent of morphologic complexity. Understanding the evolution of forms and fusion of different traditions we can research the possibility of the progress of classical forms and ways of further possible development of the architecture and culture overall. An objective of this work is to prove that the formation of the Latin American Baroque was not an accidental combination of influences but a conscious elaboration of a universal architectural concept enabling convergence of East and West and confluence of the most various cultures in one unity. The main emphasis is put on the correspondence between the processes happening in Latin American and in Russia featuring the Eurasianist principles of cultural formation in both cases. The similar circumstances that induced the generation of progressive architecture are investigated in order to figure out the universal formation principles applicable to any kind of architectural innovation.


Baroque architecture,Latin America,Churrigueresque,Mineiro Baroque,

Modern Approaches to Preservation and Reconstruction of Historical Industrial Facilities


Salem M. Khalabi,Dmitry S. Chayko,Olga G. Plotnikova,Massimode Maria,Aleksandr S. Chikunov ,



This article discusses the problems of reconstruction and integration of historical monuments of industrial architecture and production facilities apart from the monuments. The problem of preservation and utilization of industrial projects, their integration into the urban environment is particularly acute in modern cities not only of Russia but of the whole world. Simultaneously, the changes in the social, political, and economic spheres of society occurring in the last decades mean a necessity to develop new positions in understanding of the effectiveness and appropriateness of the use of all that huge building, scientific-technical, technological and cultural potential, created in the period of formation and development of industrial companies. Increasingly there is a tendency of growth of any consideration of the production facility from the point of view of not only material but also social and aesthetic values. The article provides examples of both Russian and foreign practices of preservation and integration of industrial facilities explaining in details how this problem is solved in the course of experimental design by students of Russian architectural universities.


Integration,Humanization,Industrial Architecture,Social-Cultural Problems,Reconstruction of Industrial Heritage,

Use of Calcium and Magnesium Salts for Wastewater Treat-ment of Textile Enterprises


E.V. Alekseev,A.P. Svintsov,S.L. Shambina,



Wastewater from water softening stations contains a large amount of calcium and magnesium salts. The results of studies aimed at using these waters as natural solutions of calcium and magnesium ions in the processes of reagent purification of other categories of wastewater are presented. The conditions for the formation of sparingly soluble calcium and magnesium compounds during their alkali treatment using potentiometric titration were studied. According to the results of potentiometric titration of solutions of magnesium and calcium salts with alkali, the ranges of the active reaction of the medium are established, corresponding to the formation of pre-cipitates in the form of hydroxides for magnesium and calcium. The potentiometric titration curves have sufficient selectivity for the quantitative evaluation of the com-pounds formed with acceptable accuracy. It is established that the interaction of pollu-tants of real sewage with freshly formed precipitation of calcium and magnesium hy-droxides occurs according to the adsorption mechanism. Data on the sorption proper-ties of calcium and magnesium hydroxide precipitation in relation to pollutants of textile enterprises are presented. The greatest efficiency of water purification is achieved by solid dispersed impurities absorbed by hydroxides at the time of structure formation and by dyes. The extraction of hydrocarbons, such as petroleum products and surfactants, does not exceed 40%.


water softening,wastewater,Ca and Mg salts, sediment formation, purifi-cation,



Alexander P. Svintsov,Svetlana L. Shambina,



One of the most important ways to increase the thermal and energy efficiency of buildings is to improve their thermal insulation. Thermal insulation of external walls is relevant not only for climatic conditions with a cold period of the year, but also for climatic regions with increased heat input into the premises. At present, the insulation of external walls with placing of cladding on some distance from the wall (ventilated facades) is increasingly used to improve the thermal efficiency of the enclosing structures of buildings intended for various purposes. Using of thermal insulation of external walls with placing of cladding on some distance from the wall allows to get significant reduction of energy costs not only for heating buildings in winter, but also for their cooling during the summer period of the year. It is most expedient to check the effectiveness of thermal insulation with the use of thermal imaging equipment. This allows us to obtain actual data on the thermal radiation of the enclosing structures. As part of thermal imaging survey of the building’s facade is determined the heat-and-energy efficiency of the made insulation of the enclosing structures was determined. Also areas with increased thermal radiation due to the poor quality of the heat-insulation works were identified. As a result of the thermal imaging survey, the assessment of the thermal energy efficiency of the insulation with placing of cladding on some distance from the wall was made, and areas with increased thermal radiation were identified.


thermal radiation, heat losses,insulation,thermal insulation,enclosing structures,

Emergent Physics of Graphene


Elena F. Sheka,



The paper presents an overview of graphene electronic structure in light of a general concept of emergent phenomena that result from the quantum phase transition caused by continuous symmetry breaking. Spin symmetry breaking of graphene, provided by a drastic enhancement of pz odd electron correlation, is complemented with time symmetry breaking. Taking together, the two issues give a clear vision of emergent spin peculiarities of graphene chemistry and predictably point to occurrence of emergents related to graphene physics, such as ferromagnetism, superconductivity and topological non-triviality.


Dirac fermions,topological insulator,high temperature ferromagnetism,interfacial superconductivity,graphene, time inverse symmetry,

Study of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Indirect Reinforcement of Compressed Zone in the Form of Cross Welded Mesh


Ashot G.Tamrazyan,Ivan K.Manaenkov,Dmitry D. Koroteev,



One of the design solutions, saving materials and increasing strength and deformation characteristics of concrete, is the use of indirect reinforcement. The volume of research devoted this problem for bending elements in comparison with compressed elements, is rather low. The aim of the research work is to analyze the influence of the indirect reinforcement on strength and deformation characteristics of the reinforced concrete beams.
The test results of three batches of the beams with indirect reinforcement of compressed area in form of cross-welding mesh are given in the research work. Each batch consisted of the sample without mesh and two samples with various coefficients of the indirect reinforcement of compressed area. The batches were different from each other by the area of longitudinal reinforcement.
The pattern change from brittle to plastic destruction of the samples was identified in the results of research. In this case, the limit deformability increases considerably with saving the high residual bearing capacity.
We noticed that the influence of the indirect reinforcement on the beams work depends on not only coefficient of indirect reinforcement but also the area of longitudinal reinforcement. We explain it by growth of large deformation in concrete of the compressed area in the limit condition and, therefore, more effective inclusion of the indirect reinforcement. The bending reduction is 7.2-14.4% for the samples with mesh, the increase of the bending moment, satisfying the beginning of the concrete destruction of the compressed area, is 11-33%.


Indirect reinforcement,Welding mesh,Plastic destruction,Deformability,Four-point bending,

Some Ways to Create Canonical Surfaces using Computer Graphics


Marina A. Aygunyan,Elena A. Mironova,Elena S. Gorshkova,



The comparative analysis of formation of canonical surfaces in a graphics editor AutoCAD and traditional classical course in descriptive geometry is offered in the present article. The terminology used in computer graphics and descriptive geometry is different. The source data (determinant) and the law of formation of the same surfaces are also significantly different. Some of the surfaces in the general case cannot be formed in AutoCAD. In modern courses of descriptive geometry and computer graphics it is necessary to carry out connection between methods of formation of surfaces in computer and traditional variant for better understanding of properties and structures of surfaces.


descriptive geometry,surface,computer graphics, AutoCAD,

Static Two-Beam Surface Plasmon Interferometer of the Terahertz Range


A.K. Nikitin,I.Sh. Khasanov,O.V. Khitrov,T.A. Rijova,



A new scheme of static surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) interferometer of the terahertz (THz) range is described. The interference pattern is formed due to interaction of two converging SPP beams that have run different distances. The original SPP beam is splitted and reflected by a flat beam splitter and a mirror disposed of the waveguiding surface and normally to it. By varying the distance spacing the splitter and the coupling element one can change the pattern period. Execution of the pattern enables one to determine both the real and imaginary part of the SPPs refractive index, which is uniquely related to the dielectric constant of the surface and the optical characteristics of its transition layer. The operating time of the interferometer is determined by the photodetector time constant, which is extremely important for studying fast processes on a conducting surface. The interferometer can work with broadband THz radiation sources (such as synchrotrons or pulsed lasers) as well.


surface plasmon polaritons,terahertz radiation,static interferometers,plasmon sensors, thin film spectroscopy,

Spin 1/2 Particle with Two Masses in External Magnetic Field


E.M. Ovsiyuk,O.V. Veko,Y.A. Voynova,V.M. Red’kov,V.V. Kisel,N.V. Samsonenko,



Equation for spin 1/2 particle with two mass states is investigated in presence
of magnetic field. The problem reduces to a system of 4 linked 2-nd order differential
equations. After diagonalization of the mixing term, separate equations for four
different functions are derived, in which the spectral parameters coincide with the
roots of a 4-th order polynomial. Solutions are constructed in terms of confluent
hyper-geometric functions; four series of energy spectrum are found. Numerical study
of the spectra is performed. Physical energy levels for the two mass fermion differ
from those for the ordinary Dirac fermion.


spin 1/2 particle,two mass parameters, external magnetic field,

Mathematical Modeling and Optimization Of A Three-Phase Saturable Reactor


Evgeni I. Zabudskiy,Galina I. Balandina,



On the basis of Maxwell’s field theory and the finite element method, a generalized mathematical model and its software implementation have been developed that make it possible to study the “anatomy” of electromagnetic devices with adjustable inductivity and to determine correlations between their structural and circuit features and differential and integral characteristics. The space-time distribution of the magnetic field in typical designs of controlled reactors with a pulsating and rotating field and their characteristics are determined, design solutions for devices optimization are adopted. The results for a three-phase saturable reactor are presented.


Saturating Reactor,Magnetic Field,Finite Element Method,Mathematical Model,

Water Hammer Decrease by Introduction of Pipes with Low Speed Pressure Waves Propagation


Fedor V. Rekach,Svetlana L. Shambina,YuriV. Belousov,FiborJ. Tan,



The article presents the results of analysis of pressure fluctuations in a pipe in which the maximum amplitude of the pressure decreases due to the introduction of pipeline sections with low speed of propagation of pressure waves.


hydraulic schemes,pressure fluctuations, the speed of sound,

Adsorption of Methyl Violet by Flake Chitosan: Predict Isotherm for Wastewater


Malika Rojkongsub,Ying Arman,Kowit Piyamongkala,



The adsorption of methyl violet was studied by flake chitosan (commercial grade) as an adsorbent. Batch studies were operated to test the effect of initial concentration on the adsorption of methyl violet. The adsorption isotherms were studied in range of 13.1 – 117.6 mg/L of methyl violet. It was found that the adsorption capacity was increased by increasing of adsorbate from 20.1 – 127.2 mg/g, respectively. Langmuir isotherm was found to fit for methyl violet adsorption onto flake chitosan. Operating line from Langmuir isotherm can be applied for industrial wastewater very well.


Adsorption,Methyl violet,Flake chitosan,Isotherm,

On The Problem of Determining the Basic Calculation Schemes for Building Structures and Their Elements


Andrey D. Razin,Fedor G. Rekach,Svetlana L. Shambina,



The paper considers one of the most difficult problems of determining the de-sign schemes for architectural designs. The analysis of existing methods of compiling calculation schemes is carried out depending on the composition of structural ele-ments, the material of the structure and its configuration. The criteria for the corre-spondence of the design scheme of the real structure and its elements are revealed. The results of the study make it possible to conclude that the criterion of conformity is introduced by the quantitative index for the mass of the structure and its elements. It is proposed to introduce the mass of the structure or its elements as the main set pa-rameter for determining the calculation system in the stretching or compression zone.


Calculation Schemes,Structural Elements,Mass Of The Structure,Ten-sions,

Risk Assessment and Thermal Hazard Potential of Hydrogen Peroxide by DSC


Kowit Piyamongkala,Suranee Anothairungrat,



The thermal data of onset temperature, peak temperature and enthalpy of reaction of hydrogen peroxide at 35% w/w was tested by differential scanning calorimetry. The increasing of heating rate in the range of 2-8 °C/min increases the onset temperature from 76.9-84.0 °C, respectively. The activation energy of hydrogen peroxide was 57.6kJ/mol. The adiabatic decomposition temperature rise and time-to-maximum rate were 231.7 K and 32.3 sec, respectively. The thermal hazard potentials were estimated by the critical half thickness, the critical temperature and the time-to-thermal-runaway. The result confirmed that hydrogen peroxide is highly oxidizing hazardous material. Thus using in laboratory and industry must be act carefully.


Risk assessment,Thermal hazard potential,Hydrogen peroxide, DSC,

A Study of the Roofing Tiles Product Properties Manufactured From Natural Fibers Residues


Arkom Pasilo,Umphisak Teeboonma,



The objective of this work is aimed to study the roofing tiles product manufactured from natural fibers residues. The natural fibers residues in this work are kenaf fiber, corn cob fiber and palm fruit bunch fiber. Urea formaldehyde resin adhesive was selected as the binder. The properties of study were physical based on JIS A 5908-2003, mechanical based on TIS 535-2540 and ASTM D 256-2006a, thermal conductivity based on ASTM C 117-2010 and SEM technique was used to investigate the microstructural characteristics. Consequently, this work shows a compared to the properties of commercial roofing tiles in Thailand. The study results revealed that physical, mechanical, thermal conductivity and microstructural characteristics of the roofing tiles product are accordance with the standard test requirements. Finally, it was found that the roofing tiles product properties manufactured from natural fiber residues in this work are similar to commercial roofing tiles in Thailand.


Roofing Tiles,Natural Fiber Residues, Roofing Tiles Properties, SEM Technique,

Thermal Performance of Solar Air Heater with Porous Material


Teeboonma U,Boonthum E,



This paper presents an experimental thermal performance of flat plate solar air heater with and without porous material. The steel wool was selected as porous materials for this work. The solar radiations was simulated by halogen lights and dimmers and variac were used for regulating intensity. The couple of solar air heaters were constructed for with and without porous material. The experiments were conducted on both of solar air heaters at same location, simultaneously. The experiments were carried out the following conditions: solar radiation of 400, 600 and 800 W/m2, air mass flow rate of 0.01, 0.015 and 0.02 kg/s and porous material which having porosity of 0.92 and 0.94. The criteria to comparatively study of the thermal efficiency of solar air heater with and without porous material. The experimental results revealed that temperature difference between inlet and outlet of solar air heater increased with increment of solar radiation. Furthermore, the thermal efficiency of solar air heater having porous material was higher than solar air heater without porous material. Thermal efficiency of solar air heater was increased with air mass flow rate increased. In addition, the thermal efficiency will be enhanced because of increasing of heat transfer area due to porous material.


Solar Air Heater,Thermal Efficiency,Porous Material,Experimental,

Healthy Routes To School (HRTS) For Overweight and Obesity Children


Zaharah Mohd Yusoff,Dasimah Omar,Yusfida A.Abdullah,Adilla Nordin,Hafiz Arif,Sarah Kamaruddin,



The trend of overweight and obesity cases in developing countries in recent years have been particularly alarming as the cases are consistently on the rise. Improving the economy rate has resulted to the increasing number of overweight and obesity cases among adults and children in a family. Overweight and obesity have commonly been known to associate with eating habits and this belief is assimilated into the people for many years. However, recent studies suggest that the factors to the issue are extended to the convenience and comfort that modern technologies have provided which affects our lifestyle due to passive mobility. Therefore, it is important that the awareness of practicing healthy lifestyle is incorporated in young children. Although there are efforts towards this campaign such as organizing physical activities in school as a part of the curriculum, it is insufficient to burn enough calories. Thus, Healthy Routes to School (HTRS) concept is introduced as a strategy to cope with this issue by encouraging childhood walking so its positive effects on health can be benefited. The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) in this research is to monitor the distance and BMI classification, and to calculate the appropriate time taken for each mobility mode. The results were classified into four categories which are walking, public transport, parent vehicle, and cycling. Children that use parent vehicle and public transport contributed to 82.35% of overweight and obesity class while 17.65% were normal and underweight. In order to promote the HRTS concept, the distance and time taken were calculated to determine the most suitable and comfortable distance for walking and cycling to school.


Obesity,Healthy,Route to School,GIS,

Urban Built-Up Effects to Land Surface Temperature


Nur Adilla Nordin,Zaharah Mohd Yusoff,Nor Aizam Adnan,Ainon Nisa Othman,



Shah Alam is one of the regions which has a dense population and high level of urbanization in Malaysia. The study assumed high urbanization leads to the increase of temperature. The aim is to study the trend and relationship between Land Surface Temperature (LST) with built-up areas and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in three different years (1997, 2007, 2017) in Shah Alam, Selangor. This study used Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing software to process satellite imagery data (Landsat 5 TM, 7 ETM+, 8 OLI). Built-up area was processed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) from Landsat 8 (OLI) while the land use land cover was processed using Supervised Classification method. The results were analyzed using linear regression analysis in the Statistical Package of the Social Science (SPSS) to describe the relationship of the LST with built-up area and NDVI. The highest LST distribution of 35.717ºC is recorded in 2017. This indicates that built-up area gives more impact to the increase of LST in Shah Alam despite NDVI having the highest correlation relationship as shown by the values of R² which are 0.557, 0.533, and 0.585 for year 1997, 2007, and 2017 respectively. This paper focused on the changes of land use land cover for built-up area (i.e. residential and industrial area) which have increased from year 1997 to 2017. In year 1997, the percentage of built-up area is 36.69% and it has increased to 44.36% in year 2017. The study can conclude that urban built-up is one of the major factors in the increasing LST.


Built-up, LST,and use land cover,Linear regression ,

Two Level Security Approaches System Architecture for Secure XML Database Centric Web Services against XpathInjections


ziah Asmawi,Lilly Suriani Affendey,NurIzura Udzir,Ramlan Mahmod,



Web services are deployed using eXtensible Markup Language (XML), which is an independent language for easy transportation and storage. As an important transportation for data, Web services has become increasingly vulnerable to malicious attacks that could affect essential properties of information systems such as confidentiality, integrity, or availability. Like any other application that allows outside user submission data, Web services can be susceptible to code injection attacks, specifically XPath (XML Path Language) injection attacks. This kind of attack can cause serious damage to the database at the backend of Web services as well as the data within it. To cope with this attack, it is necessary to develop effective and efficient secure mechanism from various angles, outsider and insider. This paper addresses both outsider and insider threats with respect to XPath injections in providing secure mechanism for XML database-centric Web services. We propose the two level security approaches for the ultimate solution within XML database-centric Web services. The first approach focuses on preventing malicious XPath input within Web services application. In order to address issues of XPath injections, we propose a model-based validation (XIPS) for XPath injection attack prevention in Web service applications. The second approach focuses on preventing insider threat within XML database. In order to deal with insider threat, we propose a severity-aware trust-based access control model (XTrust) for malicious XPath code in XML database.


Web Services,Web Services,Blind Xpath Injection,Model-Based,Hotspot,

Mortality Trends of Male Elderly in Malaysia: Comparison between Lee-Carter model and Heligman-Pollard model


R.I.Ibrahim,N.Ngataman,W.N.A.Wan MohdAbrisam,



Human life expectancies have shown remarkable improvement and this leads to significant reductions in mortality rates across all age groups, genders and countries. In Malaysia, mortality rates have been declined significantly due to the increases of life expectancies of an individual. Thus the proportion of the elderly in Malaysia is increasing. This study examines the mortality trends for male elderly of age group 60-64, 65-69, 70-74 and 75-79. The mortality trends analysis is done by discussing the pattern of mortality rate for the past 35 years period and 10 upcoming years resulted from Lee-Carter Model and Heligman-Pollard Model. Since these models involves nonlinear equations that are explicitly difficult to solve, the Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) software will be used to estimate the parameters of the models. Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) procedure is applied to acquire the forecasted parameters for both models as the forecasted mortality rates are obtained by using all the values of forecasted parameters. It was found that the declining trend of mortality in each age group although there is a fluctuation along the past 35 years. However, the estimated mortality rates for both mortality models move along with the actual rate.



The Basics of Special Relativity are the Same: It is A Deliberate Attempt for Conceptual Modifications Only. Space – Time is A Curvature (Complete Closed Loop) for Fermions only And Space – Time is A Curvature (Semi – Elliptical) for Bosons.


Prasenjit Debnath,



A defining year in physics was 1905 when great Einstein first postulated a great theory in physics: the special theory of relativity. Very few understood the theory that time and even fewer believed in this theory. Keeping all the basics of that theory intact, it is just a deliberate attempt to introduce some conceptual modifications in the special theory of relativity. This paper also focuses on space – time as a curvature (Complete Closed Loop) for fermions and space – time is a curvature (Semi – Elliptical) for bosons. The assumptions are made that mass and velocity of a particle or antiparticle cannot go negative. A revision on the mass – energy equivalence equation is proposed in this paper and theoretical relationships of space – time for fermions and bosons are proposed with some conceptual modifications in the special theory of relativity in the light of particle and antiparticle pair production and annihilation. In this paper, conceptual modifications are arranged in such a way to justify conclusion.


The special theory of relativity,Space –time, Particle and antiparticle pair,Annihilation,Mass –energy equivalence equation,

Elasto-damage Modeling of Concrete Subjected to Proportionate and Non-proportionate Multiaxial State of Stress


Asad-ur-Rehman Khan,Tatheer Zahra,



This study focuses on the improvement of predictive capabilities of elasto-damage model, initially proposed by Khan et al., for concrete subjected to multiaxial state of stress. The critical energy release rate 𝑅𝑐, which was initially assumed constant, is defined as a function of 𝑓𝑐′, and 𝐸𝑜 in the present study. Parameters 𝛼,𝛽 and 𝛾 used in effective compliance matrix, are redefined for the proposed form of 𝑅𝑐 by regressing against available experimental data to obtain better estimates. The computer code for implementing the model is modified such that it is able to predict the response of concrete under both proportionate and non-proportionate loadings. The predictive capability of model to simulate stress-strain response of concrete subjected to multiaxial stresses and confining pressures is shown to have improved. The model is able to predict essential phenomenological behavior of concrete which relate well with the experimental results.


Multiaxial stresses,Elasto-damage modeling,Confinement,Damage accumulation,Proportionate loading, Non-proportionate loading,

The two variables (G’ /G,1/G) – expansion method for investigating exact solutions to nonlinear medium equal width equation


Md. Azmol Huda,M. Ali Akbar ,Md Samsuzzoha,



In this article, the (G’ /G,1/G) – expansion method, an extension of the (G’/G) -expansion method, is applied to searching further general closed form traveling wave solutions of the nonlinear partial differential equations viz. the medium equal width (MEW) equation. This equation comes out in many physical applications and is used to model for nonlinear dispersive waves. The obtaining exact solutions are expressed in terms of hyperbolic, trigonometric and rational functions. This method represents a wider applicability for solving different nonlinear wave equations and demonstrates power, reliability and efficiency.


Nonlinear PDEs,Closed form traveling wave solutions,nonlinear evolution equations,medium equal width equation(MEW),



Kosalendra.Eethamakula,V.Sridhar,K.V.Ranga Rao,Sudipta Ghosh,



The structure of supportable wireless-sensor-network’s(W/S/N’s) is an extremely testing matter From single perspective, vitality compelled sensors are relied upon to run self-sufficiently for extensive stretches. Be that as it may, it might be cost-restrictive to supplant depleted batteries or even outlandish in threatening situations. Then again, in contrast to different systems, WSNs are intended for explicit applications which run from little size medicinal services reconnaissance frameworks to extensive scale natural checking. Along these lines, any WSN sending needs to fulfil a lot of necessities that contrasts starting with one application then onto the next. In this unique circumstance, a large group of investigate occupation have been directed so as to suggest a wide scope of answers for the vitality sparing issue. This exploration covers a few zones going from a top-down review. Here we plan a design for WSNs utilizing turbo decoder. We deteriorate the LUT-Log-MBCJR design into its most essential add/compare/select (A/C/S) tasks also execute them utilizing a novel low-multifaceted nature ACS component. At that point we present another order of energy preservation strategy found in the ongoing writing, trailed by a deliberate discourse concerning how these plans struggle with the particular prerequisites. At long last, we study the methods linked in W/S/Ns to achieve exchange off flanked by a variety of prerequisites, for instance, multi-target streamlining.


Energy-efficient,error-correcting code (ECC), Log-MBCJR algorithm,turbo codes,

Study on Utilization of Different Lightweight Materials Used in the Manufacturingof Lightweight Concrete Bricks/Blocks


Jowhar Hayat,Saqib Shah,Faisal Hayat Khan,Mehr E Munir,



Conventional clay bricks are heavier in weight which increase the overall dead load of the structure. Its formation creates smoke, loss of agricultural land and high energy consumption. To avoid these problems, Lightweight concrete is used in the construction due to its applications such as reduction of dead loads, seismic loads, environmental pollution and labor cost. In this study, the lightweight concrete is used to make lightweight concrete bricks/blocks. The lightweight materials used are; shale aggregate, expanded polystyrene and gypsum, paper pulp. The compressive strength and weight test of the samples were carried out. The papercrete was selected because of its lightweight, reasonable price and local availability. The results indicate that the papercrete bricks are 15% lighter in weight than conventional clay bricks. Due to low compressive strength these bricks are acceptable only for non-load bearing walls and are potentially ideal material for earthquake prone regions


Lightweight Concrete,,Dead Loads,Compressive strength,Papercrete,Non-load bearing walls,



Azmatullah,Adil Afridi,Atif Afridi,Inayatullah Khan,



Pakistan annually produces approximately 50 Million tons of sugar cane and most of it is used for production of sugar. The industrial waste of sugar cane, known as bagasse, is mostly used as fuel for power generation in the same sugar industry. We have to study the properties of sugar cane bagasse ash in concrete, the main variables in this study are the amount of sugar cane bagasse ash (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 percent by weight of cement) as a partial replacement of cement in concrete. We conclude that to improve the quality and reduce the cost of construction material. The importance of this work is to make sugar cane bagasse ash (SCBA) as a construction material.


Artificial Pozzolan,SCBA,Compressive tests,

Identification of Risk Management in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project Peshawar


Adeed Khan,Asif Subhan,Asif Subhan,Mohammad Adil,Muhammad Amar Rafiq,Mehre Munir,



Around the world, governments at all levels take part very important roles in organizing the safety and comfort of public transportation systems in the form of BRTs. Huge Construction projects such as BTR are initiated in intricate and dynamic conditions bringing about conditions of high vulnerability and risk, which are compounded by challenging phase restrictions. Constructions of BRT’s have reformed suggestively from the past numerous years. It is a structure obsessed primarily by govt. Sponsors. It is exposed against the several specific and trade risks that habitually speak to more remarkable publicities than those that are conventional. In this manner risk assessment requires develops. Risk taxation is an apparatus to classify those hazards in a task and direct it as requirements be with suitable management. Risk assessment is considered in this research as a strategy that expects to distinguish and appraise those important risks which are related to design, financial and management. The common procedure of this research rest on to a great extent on the review survey which was collected from the client, consultant and contractors of projects. A careful literature review was directed to distinguish the risk issues that influence the enactment of BRTs in general. The inspection questionnaire was designed to investigate the cross sectional behavioral arrangement of construction risks related to the BRT Peshawar. This research wants to classify and evaluate the risks and to improve a hazard supervision framework which the clients/ consultants/ contractors can implement when tightening BRT work in Pakistan.


BRT,Risk Identification,risk Assessment,

A Study on Maintainability and Availability Parameters using Code Metrics


Varun K L Srivastava,Dr. Anubha Shrivastava,N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy,



Programming support is a foremost characteristic from claiming programming improvement existence cycle; henceforth prior close estimation from claiming fill in to maintainability assumes a vibrant part. For large portions quite some time now, product professionals bring been gathering measurements from source book clinched alongside a exertion on superior see those product they would Creating alternately evolving. Maintainability list (MI) will be a composite metric that incorporates an amount for universal source book measurements under a solitary amount that demonstrates relative maintainability. Similarly as initially recommended the mi is comprised of weighted Halstead measurements (effort or volume), McCabe’s Cyclamate Complexity, lines for code (LOC), & number about remarks [1, 2]. Two equations were presented: person that viewed as remarks & particular case that didn’t.
The improvement about Open Source system(OSS) is generally unique in relation to that proprietary product. In the OSS improvement situation an absolute designer alternately assembly of developers composes those source book for those initially adaptation of the product & make it uninhibitedly accessible through the web. After that different developers are welcome to help the existing code to its next discharge. Settling on that source book of the product accessible on the web permits developers around the reality to help code, include new functionality, change of the existing source book and submitting bug fixes of the present discharge. Over such a product improvement situation the upkeep of the open sourball product may be a culprit errand. Creating an OSS framework infers an arrangement from claiming incessant upkeep deliberations for debugging existing purpose & including new purpose of the programming framework. Those transform for settling on the adjustments should programming frameworks after their main discharge is known as support procedure. Those haul maintainability may be nearly identified with those programming upkeep on account of maintainability implies those effortlessness to perform upkeep of the framework. Suggested agenize based approach is give acceptable those cosset effective, productive Also exact answers for assess the programming (web application) RMA measurements including the screening to cloud registering administrations that methods “Testing/Debugging Similarly as An administration Evaluation”. Proposed system has performs faster and produce more accurate results to assure the quality of the software related to the non-functional metrics such as RMA (Reliability, Maintainability and Availability). Obtained result are outperform as compared to existing methods.


Code Metrics,Lines of Code Agent, Availability,Cloud Computing,Maintainability, Reliability,RMA,T/DaaS,Open Source Software,Maintenance,code lines,Halstead-Volume,Cyclomaticintricacy,Maintainability Index,



Phong Thanh Nguyen,Phuong Thanh Phan,Phu-Cuong Nguyen,Ngoc Bich Vu,Loan Phuc Le,



Labor productivity is among the most critical factors that heavily impact the achievement of a construction projects. In construction sites, construction techniques, construction organization, human resource management, working conditions and worker personal characteristics have significant effects on the labor productivity. Formwork, among others, is a common task in every construction project. This paper presents the measurement of labor productivity by work sampling method for floor and beam formwork of high-rise buildings in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The research identifies the proportion of time consumption for effective tasks, supportive tasks, and ineffective tasks of formwork as follows: 32%, 35%, and 33% respectively. In other words, the change in the proportion of ineffective work over periods of time through a working day enables a conclusion that the labor productivity of floor and beam formwork workers begins low, then


Formwork,construction projects,labor productivity,work sampling,

On the applicability of Initial Rise and Peak Shape methods for Thermoluminescence peaks recorded under hyperbolic heating profile for OTOR and IMTS models


SK. Azharuddin,B. Ghosh,Ananda Sarkar,Sukhamoy Bhattachryya,P. S. Majumdar,



In the present paper we have studied the applicability of Initial rise (IR) and Peak shape(PS) methods for calculation of activation energy for saturated and unsaturated thermoluminescence peaks in the frame work of OTOR and IMTS models. This peaks correspond to hyperbolic heating profile. It is shown as in the linear heating scheme that both IR and PS methods tend to underestimate the activation energies for TL peaks resulting from OTOR and IMTS models with increasing filling ratio.


Thermoluminescence (TL),One Trap One Recombination (OTOR),Interactive Multi Trap System (IMTS),Initial Rise(IR) method,Peak Shape (PS),

A High Miniaturaized Antenna for Wi-Max and Small Wireless Technologies


Mehr-e-Munir,Shahryar Shafique,Zahid Farid,Jehanzeb Khan,Tayyab Khan Kakar,



This study presents a U shape wideband antenna for small wireless applications. With half ground plane the patch antenna is slotted into U shape which resulted a wide bandwidth response with gain ranging from 4.1dB to 2.5dB. A patch antenna was constructed and was introduced with slots and was modified into monopole with half ground plane. The antenna has been simulated into CST 2015. The U shaped antenna with different parameter results showed its efficient structure. The proposed antenna can be used for GSM, WiMax and other small wireless applications.


Gain, Directivity,U shaped,partial ground plane,efficiency,



Liaqat Ali,Abdul Farhan,Faisal Hayat,Yaseen Mahmood,Fawad Ahmad,



A huge quantity of waste material are produced i-e marble powder, shredded rubber, fly ash, stone dust, lime stone dust etc. from different sources. Modification of asphalt with such type of additives not only proved as cost effective and environmental friendly but can also improve asphalt properties. As asphalt is one the most expensive material used in the construction of flexible pavement and modification of asphalt with additives can make the pavement construction more economical. In this research an effort is made for the utilization of some waste materials such as fly ash and shredded rubber as an additive to improve the properties of asphalt i.e. ductility, penetration grade, flash and fire point of asphalt and marshal stability of asphalt mix. The asphalt was partially replaced with fly ash and shredded rubber in different percentages i.e. 0% (control) 3%, 5% and 7% by weight to bitumen. Total 90 specimen were prepared and were taken into laboratory for further investigation.
The results showed that addition of 0% (control), 3%, 5% and 7% fly ash had no effect on flash and fire point of bitumen otherwise the addition of 3%, 5% and 7% of shredded rubber increased the flash point of bitumen from 191cº to 195cº, 200cº and 204cº and fire point from 198cº to 206cº, 208cº and 212cº respectively. The penetration test result showed that addition of fly ash and Shredded rubber up to 7 % decreases the value grade but the overall grade of the bitumen remained same, which was 60/70. Moreover the ductility value decreases with increase in percentage of fly ash and shredded rubber. Marshall Stability value of asphalt mix also increased with increase in percentage of fly ash and shredded rubber.


Shredded Rubbe,Fly ash, Ductility test,Flash and Fire point of bitumen,Marshall Stability test,



Muhammad TufailKhalil,Johar Hafeez,Muhammad Hasnain,AdeedKhan,Mohammad Adil,MehreMunir,



Building information modelling (BIM)Building information modelling (BIM) is a new way of approaching the design and documentation of building projects. The objective of BIM is not only to model and manage graphics, but also information – information that allows the automatic generation of drawings and reports, design analysis, schedule simulation, facilities management, and more – ultimately enabling the building team to make better-informed decisions. This thesis documents the modelling of a real life structure (Qayyum Stadium) as well as implies interoperability checks between BIM tool and SAP2000 analysis software.
The Pavilion of Qayyum Stadium is located in Saddar, Peshawar. The data like plans of the structure was acquired. The structure was modeled in BIM tool, Tekla Structures v20. The structure was then exported to SAP2000 for analysis. In SAP2000 Gap analysis was performed to determine the structural elements which were not translated by SAP2000 like curved slab, column beam joints. The component catalog option is an important asset in BIM tool, Tekla Structure, making it easy to counter various flaws during the reinforcement placing. The reinforcement detailing of the structure are done using Tekla Structures, Drawings are generated, quantity take offs are done, Clash Detection tool was applied, which is one of the important tool in Tekla Structure (BIM).
Nowadays the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector has the intentions to deliver a product through formal procedures, which will not depend on design process. With the development in technology, many sectors(production and business) other than construction industry of production and business (outside of construction) are being modified and refurnished, due to which the construction industry lays behind. Presently construction process is same as it previously hundred years before, from the set of drawings. Mostly these drawings have errors and limitations which ultimately results in delays, increase in project cost and delay in project completion. These limitations and errors can be improved through Building Information Modelling tool.


Building information modelling (BIM),design analysis,(AEC) sector,SAP2000 analysis software,Tekla Structure,



Indu Chhabra,Gunmala Suri,



Current trends in software development have shown a strong move towards autonomous and rational mechanism for the human societal growth. Customer behavior analysis and its knowledge have always been given its due importance in research community to develop real life practical solutions. In this scenario a real-world phenomenon of customer buying habits is tested through observations lying in the database and is experimented and validated through association mining. On the flip side of the coin, the development of intellectual and evolutionary data mining tool for retail industries through the machine learning algorithm has always been proved to adequately respond to environment changes and improve its behavioral rules to derive intelligent quotient. A case study of Market basket analysis is simulated to imitate customer behavior in the dynamic environment to predict about rational and intelligent behavior for future business expansion.


Customer behavior analysis, Data mining, Intellectual Management,Neural Networks,Genetic algorithm,Retail industry,

Gas Leakage Alerting System


K.V.Ranga Rao,G.Ravi kumar,R.Kumaraiah,Sudipta Ghosh,



A standout amongst the most well-known kinds of vitality source utilized in residential is propane in which condensed gas contains. Despite the fact that the wellbeing issues are considered, spillage of gas has turned out to be basic mishap which can make harm human lives and property. This Paper displays a minimal effort, control effective brought together Gas Leakage Alerting System. The framework has two principle gadgets: the gas identifier and the alert unit. The gas finder that is found near the gas utilization point gas chamber is a battery worked gadget. There can be more than one locator in the frameworks, which can be independently distinguished in the framework. The caution unit distinguishes the alarms sent by the indicators and discharges the alert. And furthermore it sends messages to indicated people. The segments of the gadget have been picked thinking about the power utilization and the time interims have been determined concerning the present utilization.


Vitality Source,Alerting System,Control Utilization,Current Utilizati,

Cross-Modal Retrieval using Random Multimodal Deep Learning


Hemanth Somasekar,Kavya Naveen,



In multimedia community, cross modal similarity search based hashing received extensive attention because of the effectiveness and efficiency of query. This research work contributes large scale dataset for weakly managed cross-media recovery, named Twitter100k. Current datasets namely Wikipedia, NUS Wide and Flickr30k, have two main restrictions. First, these datasets are deficient in content diversity, i.e., only some pre-characterized classes are secured. Second, texts in these datasets are written informal dialect, that leads to irregularity with practical applications. To overcome these disadvantages, the proposed method used Twitter100k dataset because of two major points, first, it has 100,000 content-image pairs that are randomly crawled from Twitter and it has no importance in the image classifications. Second, text in Twitter100k is written in informal language by the clients. Since strongly supervised strategies use the class labels that might be missing in practice, this paper mainly concentrates on weakly managed learning for cross-media recovery, in which only text-image sets misused during training. This paper proposed a Random Multimodal Deep Learning (RMDL) based Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for cross-media retrieval. The variety of input data such as video, text, images etc. are used for cross-media recovery which can be accept by proposed RMDL in weakly dataset. In RMDL, the various input data can be classified by using RNN architecture. to improve the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method, RMDL uses the specific RNN structure i.e. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). In the experimental analysis, the results demonstrated that the proposed RMDL-based strategy achieved 78% of Cumulative Match Characteristic (CMC) compared to other datasets.


Cross modal similarity search,witter dataset,class labels,strong supervised methods, NUS Wide,Random Multimodal Deep Learning,

Stability analysis of finite difference schemes for two-dimensional hyperbolic equations using Fourier transforms


Dadabayev Sardor Usmanovich,Mirzaahmedov Muhammadbobur Karimberdiyevich,



In a lot of papers the main focus is given to study finite difference schemes for one dimensional hyperbolic equation. Since this idea is valid for one dimensional hyperbolic equation, one can also consider finite difference schemes for two dimensional hyperbolic equations. It is convenient to apply Fourier transform to check stability analysis. The present paper studies stability analysis of finite difference schemes for two dimensional hyperbolic equations with constant coefficients [IV].


Hyperbolic equation,fourier transform,difference schemes, stability analysis ,

Effect of Lime on the Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Mixtures Using RAP in Pakistan


Muhammad Aemal Khan,Arshad Hussain,Afaq Khattak,Abdul Farhan,Hassan FarooqAfridi,



This study investigates the dynamic response | E*|, rutting susceptibility and fatigue resistance of the virgin HMA and HMA blended with RAP and further RAP with hydrated lime mixtures. Optimum binder contents were obtained using Marshal Mix design method and the samples for performance testing were prepared. The Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) was used. The samples were then cored and trimmed to the specified dimensions. Using Asphalt mixture performance tester (AMPT), test was conducted at four different temperatures (4. 4, 21. 1, 37. 7 and 54. 4) and six different frequencies (0.1, 0.5,1,5,10 and 25). And flow tests were conducted at only one temperature of 54.4 C. The viscous properties of the mixture and the dynamic response indicators were brought into account to obtain the fatigue parameters to evaluate the fatigue resistance and from flow tests the rutting susceptibility was evaluated and the results showed that RAP and lime has weak resistance to fatigue but are less susceptible to permanent deformation. Master curves for all the mixtures were developed. HMA blended with RAP are very cost effective and environmentally friendly. The flow number results revealed that the virgin HMA accumulated more strains at less loading cycles as compared to the other mixes.


Dynamic Modulus,Superpave,Flow numbe, RAP, Lime, HMA,

Prediction of Soil pH using Smartphone based Digital Image Processing and Prediction Algorithm


Utpal Barman,Ridip Dev Choudhury,



Soil pH is one of the major factors to be considered before doing any cultivation. Farmers always tested their soil pH either in soil pH laboratory, soil pH color chart or sometimes with the help of an expert. But these methods need time, labor and expertness. In this paper, a digital Smartphone image-based method is presented which predicts the soil pH in a simple and accurate way. Soil images are captured with the help of Redmi 3S prime Smartphone and store all the images as soil dataset. Soil images are processed through the different steps of digital image processing including soil image enhancement, soil image segmentation, and soil image feature extraction. During the feature extraction, Hue, Saturation and Value of the soil image are calculated and store Saturation and Hue plus Saturation as an index for the feature vector of the soil images. Prediction of soil pH is done with the help of Linear Regression, Artificial Neural Network, and KNN Regression. The coefficient of the linear regression is 0.859 for the Saturation feature of the soil image. Again, the coefficient of linear regression is 0.823 for Hue plus Saturation. The regression coefficient for ANN is 0.94064 with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and 0.92932 with Scaled Conjugate Gradient Backpropagation Algorithm. The regression coefficient of KNN is 0.89326 for K=5 with an RMSE value 0.1311. It is found that ANN always gives a better result as compare to another one.


Soil pH, K Mean,HSV,Linear Regression, KNN,ANN,

Gasification of Solid Waste


Aman Khan,Adil Afrdi,



With an increasing demand for electrical energy, it is certain that the production will also increase, especially in rapid developing countries like Pakistan. Rapid industrialization is carving for more electrical energy, investment and suitable space for its infrastructure. But this development has to be sustainable keeping in mind the increasing global temperature due to pollution. Pakistan is the six largest populations in the world and hence produces a lot of waste daily. As of now, most of the waste goes to the landfills and gets burnt there or decomposed, either way releasing greenhouse gases in the process and degrading the environment. The municipal waste management is a challenging process in developing countries because of non-availability of proper infrastructure. There are some methods to manage this waste, such as scientific landfills, Incineration, Biomethanation, Gasification, Pyrolysis and Plasma Arc Gasification. By gasification the solid waste is converted into synthesis gas which can be used for chemical industries, power generation, transportation and industrial heating etc. This process shrinks the solid waste to slag or ash which can either be used to manufacture eco bricks or can be disposed of on landfill. Thus saving a lot of place from land filling and if used for power generation it does not release any considerable harmful gases into the environment making it a sustainable process and partially renewable source of energy. This project will estimate the cost and procedure to setup gasification plant. In the study, the generation, composition, treatment and energy potential of solid waste have been studied. The technologies for waste-to-energy conversion have also been studied and the feasibility comparison of two leading technologies has been done.


Municipal Solid Waste,Gasification,aste-to-Energy,

Detection and Classification of Kidney Disorders using Deep Learning Method


Vasanthselvakumar R,Balasubramanian M,Palanivel S,



The main objective of this work is to detect and classify the chronic kidney diseases (CKDs) particularly kidney stone, cystic kidney and suspected renal carcinoma. CKDs make a ground for developing several numbers of diseases other than urinal system. It will cause the pervasiveness of Coronary heart diseases, stroke, cardiomyopathy, pulmonary hypertension, and heart valves diseases, Early prediction of chronic kidney disease will save life from worse diseases, Ultrasound imaging is widely used diagnostic method for abdominal studies. In this proposed system chronic kidney diseases have detected using a framework containing Histogram of oriented gradient feature and Adaboost Algorithm. Convolution Neural Network (CNN) multi layered architecture has trained for kidney diseases classification, Batch prediction method is evaluated for prediction of chronic kidney diseases. The performance accuracy for detection of kidney disease is given as 96.67% The accuracy for the classification of CKD ultrasound using CNN is given by 85.2 %..


Adaboost,Chronic Kidney Diseases, HOG,Convolutional Neural Network,Ultrasound image,

Comparison on Performance of Grid Connected DFIG-WT System using B2BC and NSC


Subir Datta,Subhasish Deb,Ksh. Robert Singh,



This paper presents a comparative study of the performances of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based grid connected wind turbine (WT) system using back-to-back converter (B2BC) and nine-switch converter (NSC). The time domain simulink results of the system variables, under varying wind velocity, are presented and analyzed all the results in details. Results show that the B2BC- used with DFIG-WT system can be replaced by NSC under any wind speed.



Exponentially backlogged shortage inventory model for deteriorating item with linear selling price of the product


M. Mijanur Rahman,



This paper deals with an inventory model for deteriorating items with linear price and frequency of advertisement dependent demand and exponentially backlogged shortages. The deterioration rate follows three-parameter Weibull distribution. The corresponding non-linear problem have been formulated and solved. Numerical example has been considered to illustrate the model and the significant features of the result are discussed. Finally, we have performed the sensitivity analysis taking one or more parameters at a time.


Inventory,Weibul distributiondeterioration,linear price dependent demand,Partially backlogged shortage,

Parameter Estimations of Stochastic Volatility Model by Modified Adaptive Kalman Filter with QML


Atanu Das,



To determine the parameters of Stochastic Volatility Model (SVM), a
modification to the Quasi Maximum Likelihood (QML) scheme has been proposed by
employing (modified) Adaptive Kalman Filter (AKF). AKF allows optimization over
lesser number of parameters as the variance ( 2
v  ) of the noise in the volatility state
equation is determined by the AKF. The adaptive method, instead of a constant 2
v  ,
allows it to be time varying. Before applying the methodology on market data, the
proposed method is characterized here by synthetic data through simulation
investigations. Numerical experiments show that the performance of SVM based QMLKF
and novel QML-AKF are comparable to that of more popular GARCH family based


Adaptive Estimation, Noise Covariance Adaptation, Modified AKF,Stochastic Volatility Model,Quasi-Maximum Likelihood,

Impact of Counterfeiting On Quality In Construction Industry In Peshawar


Aimal Khan,Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad,Imtiaz Khan,Fawad Ahmad,



During the studying and job author noticed that in construction industry, the counterfeit items, are many and becoming a high reason of concern for the population. Further digging out the subject, exploring the other parallel industries of neighboring economies shows that the counterfeit items are produce in such manner that it become an industry itself. And it has penetrated the other national and international trades of all sorts, where civil work industry is also not speared keeping that its growing day by day and profit margin is higher for the opportunist of the counterfeit material manufactures and distributors. China, Turkey, Taiwan are the main lands of these manufacturer to produce the counterfeit items where Honking, Malaysia, UAE are the main distributing hubs for these counterfeit products due to weak law enforcement or flexible business rules. The impact and presence of counterfeit material in civil industry Peshawar region, 150 participants were selected in three subgroups such as Contractors, client and consultants to collect data through open and closed ended questionnaires, interviews, discussion, physical inspection visits of manufacture, warehouses and deliveries regarding the availability, use and volume of the counterfeit products in the Peshawar market. This data was further analyzed and evaluated with SPSS. The outcome of the data evaluation on the subject exposes the enormous increase of counterfeit material in the industry special in wood work, water sanitation, electric items and civil works as these items were the target of this research. Most factors are the unawareness, low price, scarcity of original product in market that these items exist in substitute product.


Automatic Parcel Sorting System based on PLC


Zahoor Ahmed,Tayyab Khan Kakar,



The objective of this research paper is to explain the process of PLC based sorting of different parcels in companies. Automatic parcel sorting systems are essential for courier companies with a high distribution capacity and short time-to-deliver and courier companies need to increase the quality and reliability of their services as the Customers demand quicker deliveries of goods. In many courier companies parcel sorting and placing on their particular location is done manually which seems complex and takes time so we have decide to provide ease to courier companies by implementing a system which does all these work without the interference of human being. Our proposed project automatic parcel sorting system based on PLC is one of the useful projects for couriers companies; we used the technique of RFID for the identification of different parcel the solution that we are providing to the courier companies


RFID,PLC,reliability,short time delivery,

Identity-Based Directed Signature Scheme without Bilinear Pairings


R. R. V. Krishna Rao,N. B. Gayathri,P. Vasudeva Reddy,



P. Vasudeva ReddyThe most important contribution of modern cryptography is the invention of digital signatures. Digital signature schemes have been extended to meet the specific requirements for real world applications. A directed signature scheme is a kind of signature scheme intended to protect the privacy of the signature verifier. In directed signature schemes, a signer signs the document/message for a designated verifier so that only the designated verifier can verify the validity of the signature and others cannot do. Thus the restriction of verification is controlled by the signer. Such directed signature schemes are applicable in many situations where the signed message is sensitive to the receiver such as signature on medical records, tax information etc. However all the existing directed signature schemes in ID based setting uses bilinear pairings over elliptic curves. Due to the heavy computational cost of pairing operations, these existing ID based directed signature schemes are not much efficient in practice. In order to improve the efficiency, in this paper, we present an efficient Identity-based directed signature scheme without pairings. The proposed scheme is proven secure under the assumption of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem is hard. In addition, this scheme improves the efficiency than the existing directed signature schemes in terms of computational cost.


Digital signature,Directed Signature,Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem,Identity-based Framework,Random Oracle Model,

Codes of Polynomial Type


Mohammed Sabiri,



In this work we try to introduce the concept of codes of polynomial type and polynomial codes that are built over the ring A[X]/A[X]f(X).It should be noted that for particular cases of f we will find some classic codes for example cyclic codes, constacyclic codes, So the study of these codes is a generalization of linear codes.


Cyclic codes,dual code,Polynomial code, principal polynomial code,codes of polynomial type,

Optimal Image Compression based on Hybrid Bat Algorithm and Pattern Search


V. Manohar,G.Laxminarayana,



In this paper, multilevel image thresholding for image compression is proposed for the first time using Shannon entropy and Fuzzy entropy, which are maximized by the nature-inspired hybrid Bat algorithm and Pattern Search (hBA-PS).The ordinary thresholding method gives high computational complexity, but while extending for multilevel image thresholding, the optimization techniques are needed in order to reduce the computational time. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and FA (Firefly Algorithm) undergo instability when the particle velocity is maximum. It is evident that Bat Algorithm (BA) is good in exploitation whereas Pattern Search (PS) is good in exploration. We hybridized the BA and PS based on their strengths and weaknesses. The proposed technique (hBA-PS) is compared with Differential Evolution (DE), PSO and BA for which the experimental results are compared in terms of Standard deviation, Computational time, Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Weighted PSNR and Reconstructed image quality. The performance of the proposed algorithm is found to be better with Fuzzy entropy compared to Shannon.


Bat algorithm,Pattern Search,Image compression,Thresholding,Shannon entropy,Fuzzy entropy,



Muhammad Shoaib Khan,Mohammad Adil,Adeed Khan,



In Pakistan, lack of adoption of modern automated designs tools have kept the drafting, designing and construction industry, unintegrated. Almost all draftsman provide their architecture design in AutoCAD with a lot of limitation. These limitation tends to create hurdles for structural engineer while designing. After design detailing in AutoCAD and preparation of BOQ and cost estimation in a non-interoperable software is a tedious work and require time. The Architecture Engineer and Construction (AEC) trades needs such techniques to drop project rate, delivery time and increase quality, efficiency and productivity. Building Information Modeling technology can be used as a choice to get above mention parameters in which an accurate BIM model is constructed in software which is used for planning, designing and construction of the facility. In this paper BIM tools Revit and Robot structural analysis professional software are used for design and analysis of structure and in ETABs software for cross check. Detailing, BOQ and cost estimation reports are prepared at the end.


Building Information Modeling,,BIM model,Robot structural analysis,cost estimation,



CH.S.N.Sirisha Devi,B.Vijayakumar,Sudipta Ghosh,



5G is the latest time of remote correspondence framework. It achieves something the 4G LTE-A, Wi-Max, 3G (UMTS, LTE) and 2G (GSM) structures. 5G execution targets high data rate, condensed inertness, essentialness saving, cost lessening, higher structure limit, and tremendous contraption arrange. The essential time of 5G judgments in Release-15 will be done by Apr-2019 to oblige the early business sending. The second stage in Release-16 is relied upon to be done by Apri-2020 for convenience to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as a contender of IMT-2020 advancement. The ITU IMT-2020 assurance demands quickens to 20 Gbps, reachable with wide channel information exchange limits and colossal MIMO. third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) will submit 5G NR (New Radio) as its 5G correspondence standard recommendation. 5G NR can consolidate lower frequencies (FR1), underneath 6 GHz, and higher frequencies (FR2), more than 24 GHz and into the millimetre waves expand. In any case, the speed and idleness in early associations, using 5G NR programming on 4G gear (non-autonomous), are simply possibly better than anything new 4G systems, evaluated at 15% to half better. Here we completed fast, low dormancy, RAN based putting away advancement. This proposed work is named as LRC, and it is used for % 5G and higher development like 6G, 7G….. Etc.


Low latency,high speed, caching,5G-technology,75GHZ-frequency,

Investigation of Water Consumption Pattern in Students Hostels


Abdul Sattar,Adil Afridi,Atif Afridi,Inayatullah Khan,



To investigated the per capita demand and water consumption pattern using Ardino acquisition system and flow meter sensor. The water flow sensors were installed in the outlet pipe from water storage tank to hostel. The Ardino flow meter records the water flow for every moment. Also the student attendance on daily basis were also recorded each day during the survey period. The survey results were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2016 and Minitab 18. The study results shows that the per capita consumption varies considerably each day the average per capita consumption was found 99.65 ± 21.79.There was a strong correlation found between the number of student available per day and the total water consumed in LPD having The R2 value was 0.8978.which shows that the students are the major consumer and the other categories of water consumption uses very low amount. There was no correlation found between the per capita water consumption in LPD and the maximum and minimum temperature humidity wind speed. There was no effect of humidex found on water consumption per capita LPD. The average water consumption pattern per capita per day shows some random peaks in the graph which mean that there is difference in routines of students. They have different class, sleeping, and wake up timing. The two major peaks observed one in morning time and one in evening time the water consumption. The morning peak between 08:00 to 09:00. While the evening peak starts from 13:00 to 14:00.the morning peak is higher than evening peak but the evening peak is broader than morning peak. Three types of peaking factors were calculated from the study data which are for 15 minutes, hourly and daily factors. In 15 minutes water consumption interval per capita per day average highest peaking factor found in the morning between 8:45 and 9:00 which was 3.0 and in average hourly peaking factor the highest peak factor found between 13:00 and 15:00 which was 2.4.while in average week days water consumption per capita per day the average consumption was high on the Saturday having peak factor of 1.15.


tudent hostel, water consumption pattern, per capita demand, Arduino flow meter,peaking factors,

Theoretical Analysis and Performance Comparison of OFDM and GFDM Signals for 5G Cellular Networks: A Review


Nagarjuna Telagam,S.Lakshmi,K.Nehru,



The mobile networks in 5G must deliver high data rates with less latency. This paper presents the review of theoretical and comparative analysisbetween Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)and Generalised frequency division multiplexing (GFDM)waveformsfor 5G networks. GFDM is one of the promising candidate waveforms for 5G. This waveform supports multi-carrier system with malleable of pulse shaping filter. It supportsMultiple input and Multiple output(MIMO)and provides a high diversity gain. It meets the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) also called as smart factory requirements in with low Out-Of-Band (OOB) emissions. The GFDM transceiver is implemented on national instruments LabVIEW USRP devices and tested successfully for high data rates. The purpose of this paper is to discuss different research areas and evaluate different approaches for 5G Networks. This paper mainly focuses on some research areas such as peak to average power ratio (PAPR), Precoding techniques, index modulations, channel estimation and applications of the signal. The simulation results show that the GFDM outperforms OFDM for5G candidate waveform race. We conclude with several promising directions for future research of GFDM waveform in this paper.


I4.0,OOB, MIMO,GFDM,OFDM,5G,PAPR,Index Modulation,Precoding,

Solution of Linear System of the First Order Delay Differential Inequalities


Eman A. Hussain,*SabreenSaad Hussain,



In this paper, we will present the existence of necessary and sufficient conditions for linear systems of the first order delay deferential inequalities and equations to have oscillatory, eventually negative solutions and has ultimately positive solutions. Also, some illustrative examples of each case are given.


Delay, Differential,System, Eventually,Positive,Negative,Oscillatory,Equation,Inequality, Bounded,Solution,

An IOT based Novel approach to predict Air Quality Index (AQI) using Optimized Bayesian Networks


Krishna Chaitanya Atmakuri,Y Venkata Raghava Rao,



As the size of the air quality data increases, it is difficult toforecastthe air quality metrics due to the non-stationary and randomization form of data distribution. Air quality prediction refers to the problem of finding the air quality by using statistical inference measures. However, traditional air prediction models are based on static fixed parameters for quality prediction. Also, it is difficult to classify and predict the air quality index for both rural and urban areas due to change in data drift and distribution. PM2.5 is one of the major factor to predict the air quality index (AQI) and its severity level. Due to high noisy and outliers in the PM2.5 data, it is difficult to classify and predict the air quality by using the traditional quality prediction models. In order to overcome these issues, an optimized Bayesian networks based probabilistic inference model is designed and implemented on the air quality data. An IOT enabled Air pollution monitoring system includes a DSM501A Dust sensor which detects PM2.5, PM1.0, MQ series sensor interfaced to a Node MCU equipped with ESP32 WLAN adaptor to send the sensor reading to Thing Speak cloud. In the proposed model, the data is initially gathered from the ICAO records of Safdarjung weather station and pre-processed.An improved discrete and continuous parameter estimation and bayes score optimization are implemented on the air quality prediction process. Experimental results show that the present optimized Bayesian network classify and predicts the air quality data with high less computational error rate and high accuracy. Further the proposed optimized model is applied on the real data which is gathered using IOT enabled gas sensors and the model is giving best results in predicting the air quality Index.


Bayesian Classification Algorithm,IOT,Air Quality Index,Data Pre-processing,

Blockchain in Supply Chain: Journey from Disruptive to Sustainable


Mr. Vinay Kumar Saini,Dr. Sachin Gupta,



“Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the center. Instead of putting the taxi driver out of a job, blockchain puts Uber out of a job and lets the taxi drivers work with the customer directly.” — Vitalik Buterin, co-founder Ethereum and Bitcoin Magazine Blockchain has evolved to be the most discussed and potentially disruptive technology and is expected to become a driving force for technology-based business innovations. Although blockchain is still in infancy in terms of technological maturity, experimental adoption and customization are already in progress. One of its’ early adopters, Supply chain Management is expecting to find fascinating solutions for its most pressing issues like confidentiality and trust, along with those of the inability to share information between supply chain partners, limitations of IT systems and lack of data standards. This paper is an attempt to seek the applicability of blockchain technology in the business process of Supply Chain Management. The Paper provides a comprehensive map for technical feasibility of a blockchain based supply chain through the distributed concepts including proof of work, consensus, and smart contracts.


Blockchain,Supply Chain Management,Decentralized Applications,

IoT Security: A review of vulnerabilities and security protocols


Ravi Kiran Varma P,Priyanka M,Vamsi Krishna BS ,Subba Raju KV,



Internet of Things (IoT) technology is ubiquitous. In the past decade there was an exponential growth in IoT deployments, so as the potential danger of attacks and threats using IoT devices. The privacy of an individual can be breached and the sensitive information can be disclosed if proper security measures are not in place in the IoT device. A patient monitoring system using an IoT device is vulnerable to many such threats. Even centrifuges and atomic reactors were fallen victim of an industrial security breach caused by popular malware like slammer and Stuxnet. Vehicular and personal gadgets are vulnerable to IoT vulnerabilities that may lead to a leak of information to potential insurance companies and thereby increase of premiums. Our own homes including energy meters, IP cameras, and security monitoring systems may be taken control by hackers if there exist vulnerabilities in the IoT devices. This paper, discusses on IoT vulnerabilities by surveying several sectors of IoT and proposes several security measures that can be implemented to minimize those vulnerabilities.


Internet of Things,IoT,Vulnerabilities,,ecurity Issues,Protocols,IoT Security,

Modelling South Kamrupi Dialect of Assamese Language using HTK


Ranjan Das,Uzzal Sharma,



This paper addresses the fundamental issues of developing a speaker independent, dialect modelling system for recognizing the widely spoken, colloquial South Kamrupi dialect of Assamese language. The proposed dialect model is basically designed on Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) is used here as the building block for feature extraction, training, recognition and verification for the model building process. A primary corpus is built as a prerequisite for the empirical study. Altogether, 16 people (9 male, 7 female) are volunteering in the primary corpora building process. The corpora are comprised of one training and two testing sets of recorded speech files. The whole corpora are made up of around 2.5 hours of recordings. The proposed dialect model is trained on South Kamrupi dialect training corpora. A comparative test recognition is carefully designed and carried out which exhibit a recognition correctness of 87.13% for South Kamrupi dialect and 68.52% correctness for the Central Kamrupi dialect. Thus, the findings of this paper evidence that the dialect modelling with proper training has recognized a dialect with better precision.


Dialect Modelling,,Automatic Speech Recognition, Corpora Building,Feature Extraction, HTK,

Development of Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan using SWOT Model


Ehsan Oveisi,Mohammad Barikani,



In strategic management it is necessary to step forward with a strategic approach. One of the important steps in using water resources strategies is to determine and formulate them; there are different methods and models for this purpose, each of which has a specific concept and insight, and the technique and instructions specially follows. Among them, the SWOT matrix that evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and system threats is more common and popular. Therefore, in the present study, for the purpose of strategic management of water resources, using the SWOT strategy development method, we will develop appropriate strategies. In this regard, the use of Hurricane method, which is one of the group decision making methods, has been used to extract SWOT matrix factors and then, by examining the importance factor and rank of these factors, using the quantitative strategy planning matrix of the well-known superior strategies group and its strategies will be extracted. In this research, in order to extract strategies for water resources management, a SWOT strategy has been used. Using a quantitative strategy planning matrix, the best group of strategies is selected by examining the internal and external factors affecting the four groups of watersheds. Slowly To this end, at first weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats have been extracted by experts and experts in the water area, as well as a review of the studies in that area, the method of storm and group decision making, and then the coefficient of importance and rank of each One of the factors was determined in the assessment matrix. According to the results, the weaknesses overcome the strengths and also water resources are more threatened than opportunities. Hence, strategies of the WT group (defensive strategies) were identified as selected strategies in this way, which allows them to achieve the goals and prospects of water resources.


Waterresources management,strategic analysis,SWOT matrix,and brainstorming,

Full Factorial Design (2k) for 45 Degree of Wall Angle in Anisotropic Wet Etching Process


Alonggot Limcharoen Kaeochotchuangkul,Pathomporn Sawatchai,RungrueangPhatthanakun,Komgrit Leksakul,



This research aims to discover the optimal anisotropic wet etching condition in order to reduce hillocks that occur on the etched surface or reduce roughness and increase etch rate for 45 degree of wall angle (micro-mirror) of a silicon substrate by adopting a design of experiment (DOE) technique and the factorial 2k. Three potential factors which are an ultrasonic mode, a speed motor and a sample orientation, are employed in the factorial design. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a p-value significance level of 0.05 is used to assess the significance of the factors on an etch rate and a surface roughness (Ra). The silicon substrates were etched in 20 wt. % sodium hydroxide (NaOH) with Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) at 60 ͦC of solution temperature. An experiment with 24 runs, eight conditions and three replications for each condition, was performed and it was found that the ultrasonic mode was a significant factor which affected the etch rate. An ultrasonic mode and a speed motor were significant factors influencing the surface roughness (Ra). The optimal conditions of 45 degrees of wall angle of a silicon substrate, which were the maximum etch rate and the minimum roughness, were investigated by using a desirability optimization technique in sense of a soft mode of ultrasonic, a speed motor of 5 rpm and a vertical orientation with a desirability value of 0.7619. Finally, the optimal conditions were verified with experimental result


Anisotropic Wet Etching,Silicon and Silicon dioxide, Hillock,ltrasonic Agitation,45 ̊ Wall Angle,Design of Experiment,

Effects of very thin CdS window layer on CdTe solar cell


Koushik Sarkar,Seerin Jahan,Bhaskar Dutta,Sreelekha Chatterjee,Souvik Gain,Sreyashi Ghosh,



The work is based on the simulation fabrication of a CdS/CdTe thin film solar cell where the benefits and limitations of very thin window (CdS) layer have been investigated. The comparison between with and without pinhole effects for various CdS thicknesses have been analysed. We used highly resistive ZnO layer to overcome the pinhole problem that we had to face due to the consideration of very thin CdS layer to enhance the short circuit current (ISC) and open circuit voltage (VOC) as well. In this paper, the work is mainly concerned on the degradation of the performance of the solar cell due to pinhole effect and its remedy to enhance the efficiency of the cell. . It has been noticed that, the inclusion of a ZnO layer has positive effect on the performance of cell. For very thin CdS layer(50 nm), we observed a poor efficiency of the cell (8.48%) due to pinhole effect. But after insertion of the ZnO layer we recovered the efficiency (19.64%) and overall performance of the cell appreciably.



Corrosion Reduction for Brass Alloy by Using Different Nano-Coated Techniques


Hussein Y. Mahmood,Khalid A. Sukkar,Wasan K. Mikhelf,



In the present investigation the corrosion resistance of brass tubes heat exchanger that used in Midland Refineries Company-Iraq were improved dramatically by using nanocoating of brass substrate. two nanocoating techniques were used to coat the brass alloy (B-111): Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) and Pulse Laser Deposition (PLD). Copper (Cu) and aluminum (Al) metals were selected to be the coating material for the brass substrate. The nanocoating specifications and characterization of surface have been tested by using many measuring tests; SEM, AFM, and XRD. From AFM results, it was observed that the nanocoated particle dimeter of brass substrates in the range of (60 – 90) nm. From XRD results it was concluded that the PLD technique represents the best nanocoating process for the brass and it was showed high crystalline thin films. On the other hand, the SEM results showed that the PLD techniques with Copper nanocoating is good comparison with other PVD technique and aluminum nanocoating material. After identifying the characterization of brass substrate, it was studying the corrosion potential, open circuit potential, and corrosion current density that used to estimate the corrosion rates in sodium chloride solution. The results indicated the minimum weight loss with copper nanocoating with PLD technique was 4.48*10-2 mm/year.


corrosion;Nano-coating, characterization,

Dual Energy “X Ray” Image Enhancement Using Hybrid Approach


Muhammad Fahad, Sheeraz Ahmed,Burhan Ullah,Malik Taimur Ali,Said Khalid Shah,Najeeb Ullah,Mehr-e-Munir,



“X Ray” images upgrade is acting as an imperative job in the location of unstable or illicit items. “X Ray” image review capacity is as yet a testing work. To decide the wrongs of foundation commotion, fogginess, and acuity in corrupted “X Ray” pictures, the story and productive upgrade approach dependent on X ray photo synthesis utilizing the proposed approach is discrete wavelet transform in this research. Today, “X Ray” innovation is generally utilized for stuff review. Be that as it may, “X Ray” images are as yet boisterous, obscure and with low differentiation. The “X Ray” image commotion impacts the edges of the item and force estimations of pixels which make vulnerability for the framework to segregate objects and for the administrator in basic leadership process also. Brimful endeavors are being made in this examination for improving component upgrade particularly the decrease of foundation commotion. By utilizing Discrete Wavelet Transform and Region of Interest (ROI) Enhancement Approach, the examination work gets acceptable outcomes. The proposed Wavelet based methodology is converged with ROI approach to deal with accomplishes capable outcomes. We cannot merge the two different sizes “X Ray” pictures for post handling. ROI approach is utilized to upgrade the particular area in dual energy “X Ray” images. Our proposed structure extremely helps the review framework while segregating threats and the entire screening process as is clear from the analysis results.


Region of Interest,X-Ray Images,Delay,Throughput,Stability period,Discrete Wavelet Transform,

A Comprehensive Explanatory Derivation from an Equation of the Special Theory of Relativity; Doppler Effect is a Property of Space – Time


Prasenjit Debnath,



Einstein was pioneer in his work of the theory of special relativity and the theory of general relativity. This paper took a famous equation from the theory of special relativity to have a comprehensive explanatory derivation from the equation of the theory of special relativity. This paper also explains why there is always constancy of the speed of light, the universal speed limit of the Universe, disregard of movement in or away of source that transmits light and the movement in or away of body that receives light. This paper also shows that Doppler Effect is a property of space – time. The Doppler Effect can explain why there is the constancy in the speed of light.


The theory of special relativity,the theory of general relativity,the space – time,Doppler Effect, the speed of light–the Universal speed limit of the Universe,

Behaviour of Full Scale Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM)


Fawwad Masood,Asad-ur-Rehman Khan,



With increase in use of fibres for strengthening of Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams, Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) is becoming a popular choice among the researchers and scientists. While Carbon, glass and PBO fibers have shown encouraging results for structural strengthening, use of basalt fibres have not been much explored for strengthening other than masonry. Limited small-scale data exists for the use of basalt fibres in TRM strengthening but data for full scale beams is scarce. This paper presents an experimental study of six full scale RC beams tested with a varying shear span to depth (a/d) ratio 3 through 6, where three beams served as control beams for various a/d ratios while the remaining three beams were strengthened with TRM using basalt fibres. TRM was provided at the tension face of the beams for strengthening in flexure along with U-shaped wraps. Results showed that TRM using basalt fibres is effective in improving the performance of RC beams in terms of serviceability, crack and deflection control, load carrying capacity, initial and post cracking stiffness, and ductility.


Reinforced concrete,Full scale beams, Strengthening,Textile Reinforced Mortar, Load-Deflection,Performance,

Mathematical, Numerical and Experimental investigation of low energy impact on Glass Fiber Reinforeced Aluminum Laminates


Alireza Sedaghat,Majid Alitavoli,Abolfazl Darvizeh,Reza Ansari Khalkhali,



GLARE belongs to a family of fiber-metal laminates composed of alternate layers of prefabricated reinforced composites with unidimensional glass fibers and Aluminum 2024 sheets first invented for aeronautical applications.The dynamic response of structures, which are subjected to impact loading can be studied by employing equivalent mechanical systems consisting of springs and masses. It is then possible to derive the differential equations of motion using the equilibrium of forces, which are applied on the masses. In this research, a mathematical model of low velocity impact loading on Glass Fiber Reinforeced Aluninum Laminates was derived and simulated , as well as the dynamic effect of low energy impact with the simulation of finite element method (FEM) of on 4 types of GLARE were performed. Low velocity impact tests were conducted with drop-weight impact tower and the = central plate’s deflection, force- time history, velocity- time history and energy-time diagrams obtained from the mathematical model and simulation of finite element analisys were compared with the experimental data obtained from the drop weight impact tower. The comparison of the results shows that the results of simulation of finite element are 4% and the results of the 8% mathematical model differ with experimental results and mathemathical model can use for low velocity impact modelings.


Glare, low velocity impact,mathematical model,experimental tests,finite element model,

Lexical Approach: Overcoming Vague Skills Procedure and Early Mathematical Terminology based on the Prosodic Semantic Theory


Anida Sarudin,Raja Noor Farah Azura Raja Ma’amor Shah,Husna Faredza Mohamed Redzwan,Zulkifli Osman,Wan Mazlini Othman,Intan Safinas Mohd Ariff Albakri,



This study aims to identify and examine early mathematical concepts based on mathematical terminology and early mathematical skills among children and teachers of the National Child Development Research Centre (NCDRC). This study also investigates the pedagogical practices by the teachers on how to overcome vague terminology and children skills procedure in the teaching and learning of early mathematics. The study focuses on the teaching and learning of early Mathematics topics such as match, gather, separate and compare. Eight teacher participants are involved in 4 selected PERMATA Anak Negara Centres: Bercham, Besout 1, Teluk Intan and Sg. Siput. The findings have revealed that the children are given the opportunities to explain, defend, conclude, predict and suit their ways of understanding the mathematical concepts related to the chosen topics: match, gather, separate and compare. The children are also encouraged to show their understanding through various different ways including the critical thinking skills. As a result, this study has produced the Lexical Kit based on the Prosodic Semantic Theory for the learning and early Mathematics facilitation for pre-schools in Malaysia thus help teachers to make children understand the terminology concepts and early mathematical procedures clearly.


Children,lexical approach,mathematics terminology,procedure skills,PERMATA Anak Negara Centre,Prosodic Semantic,

An Implementation of Area Optimized Low Power MAC


P. Ashok Babu,



The objective of the paper is to develop an Area optimized Low power digital circuit for MAC (Multiply and Accumulate) operation. We developed implementations of the MAC to avoid using multipliers and prefer to use the combinational circuits like multiplexers. We analyze all the MAC digital circuits to find out the best digital circuit which consumes minimum area and power. MAC is basic building block of many Digital Signal Processing Applications like Noise Cancellation Circuits, Speech Processing, Image Processing, Video Processing, Artificial Neural Networks etc. We also give some suggestions on the system level solutions based on the MAC. The digital circuit which is developed by us will be compatible to FPGAs, as it is developed by the industry standard Synthesis tool i.e. Synopsys Synlipy pro synthesis tool. The MAC which we are developing can be placed in the FPGA Fabric and it can be interfaced to any processors like Cortex M3, Cortex M0, 805 1etc. The overall throughput decreases due high latency and increase in the processing time. So, all the MAC operations must be performed in the hardware by the MAC block developed by us as it is low power, low area and fast hardware.


Digital Signl Processing,MAC,

An Efficient Approach for Secured E-Health Cloud System Using Identity Based Cryptography Techniques in Cloud Computing Environment


Shikha Mittal,Paramjeet Singh,Rahul Malhotra,



Nowadays, cloud computing is an interesting research area among the researchers. It is an internet-based pool of heterogeneous resources. Cloud environment is very much reliable to make availability of resources when required to online users. Reliable computing services can be handled without any own infrastructures, so it would be considered as an alternate cost effective technique. Most of the organizations utilized the technique of cloud computing to host their applications. The service of the health care unit is the most essential service for the people. There is a necessity to store the sensitive information related to the patient’s medical history in a secure way. Therefore, the research and development in the Personal Health records and Electronic Health records is negligible area. Thus the most robust encryption and decryption should be encountered. One among the advanced technology in cloud computing is the maintenance of Electronic Health Records (EHR). The main objective of this paper is to propose and implement a methodology to exchange the health information about a particular person in a secured cloud environment. The medical information about a patient from distributed manner is also maintained in EHR by cloud environment. The stored information of the user provides the facility of collecting, sharing, exchanging and organizing that information through users. Therefore, an efficient approach for securing e-health cloud system using identity based cryptography techniques is presented in this research study.


Cloud computing,EHR,Data Privacy,Key Management,

Parameter based non linearity in a state variable model of a practical system: A case study


A.B.Chattopadhyay,Shazia Hasan,Sunil Thomas,



The small perturbation method is widely used in attempting to model non-linear systems. Many systems nowadays in different domains exist as adaptive-parameter type models, where the control effort is not applied as in input to the system (as is usually the case) but as a change to the parameter within the system itself. This paper attempts to analyze a non-linear adaptive-parameter type system, using the small perturbation method for linearization. The Ward-Leonard DC Motor with thyristor field control is used as a “test bench” here as it is suited for being an adaptive parameter system. The results and inferences from this study can easily be generalized to a wide variety of systems in applied mathematics, general control systems, power systems, robotics etc.


Non-linear adaptive-parameter,Small perturbation approach,DC drive,Thyristorized W-L method,silicon-controlled rectifier,

Modelling and Forecasting of GDP in Bangladesh: An ARIMA Approach


M. M. Miah,Mimma Tabassum,M. Shohel Rana,



This paper aims to model and forecasting on GDP data of Bangladesh for the period of 1960 to 2017. To test the stationarity of the series graphical method, correlogram and unit root test were used. The time series plot of GDP shows a non-stationary pattern and overall this is like exponential curvature shape. Hence the data have been differenced twice to convert the data from non-stationary to stationary. From the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) we obtain the order of the time series model. The chosen model was autoregressive integrated moving average ARIMA (1, 2, 1). The model has been fitted on data to estimate the parameters of autoregressive and moving average components of ARIMA (1, 2, 1) model. For residual diagnostics, correlogram, Q-statistic, histogram, and normality test were used. Also, Chow test was used for stability testing. Using model selection criterion and checking model adequacy, wesee that the model is suitable in shape. It is found that the forecast values of GDP in Bangladesh are steadily improving over the next thirteen years.


GDP,ARIMA Modeling,Forecasting,Bangladesh,

State Estimation using Active elements for Electrical Distribution Network


Habib Ullah,Muhammad Aamir Aman,Waleed Jan,Ehtesham-ul-Haq,Mehre Munir,



As the world thrives for its need to complete its energy demand and supply challenges, the state estimation in distribution systems remains a key factor at online observing and controlling in Energy Management Technology. As the world is advancing towards an advance era in order to fulfill its energy supply different sources whether traditional or renewable online monitoring of Distribution of state estimation is becoming more challenging and demandable. In this letter, a concept for state estimation is offered. The accountability for SE is surrogate to indigenous means in secondary substations. By means of past statistics and probabilistic models the substation bad statistics charts knowledge is gathered. Topology and observability analysis as well as bad data identification are performed Data not performing well is identified using topology tools is accomplished with a perfunctory that crosses the secondary substations of the primary substation feeders.


Electrical Distribution Network,Active elements,routing packets,Secondary substation, Primary Station,

Power and Energy Storage of Wind Energy in Distributed Generation Network


Alamzeb Shahzad,Waleed Jan,Muhammad Aamir Aman,Ehtesham-ul-Haq,Mehr E Munir,



Power is a necessary tool for modern civilization. All the modern achievements and technology have made man achieve more and more day by day but use of fossil fuels tends to be limited. On other hand, technologies and techniques are being developed to use natural renewable sources in order to full fill power and energy demand. Distributed Generation is part of new renewable energy trend in which different grid resources are added to meet user end requirements. This paper presents an approach to limit the power storage from wind energy while working with voltage levels. The study is performed in mainly two levels. First the wind profile is studied with load requirements and then detailed control is performed for optimal power flow (OPF). It is found that storages can be changed via user requirement while also depending upon threshold of DG network.


Wind Energy,Energy Storage, Distributed Generation,Wind Energy Farm,Power Generation,Power flow,

Deep Learning Approach: Emotion Recognition from Human Body Movements


R. Santhoshkumar,M. Kalaiselvi Geetha,



Analysis of human body movements for emotion prediction is necessary for social communication. Body movements, gestures, eye movements and facial expression are some non-verbal communication method used in many applications. Among them emotion prediction from body movements is commonly used because it convey the emotional states of person from different camera view. In this paper, human emotional states predict from full body movements using feed forward deep convolution neural network architecture and Block Average Intensity Value BAIV feature. Both model can be evaluated by emotion action dataset (University of YORK) with 15 types of emotions. The experimental result showed the better recognition accuracy of the feed forward deep convolution neural network architecture.


Emotion Recognition,Non-verbal communication,Body Movement,Human Computer Interaction (HCI),Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN),BAIVfeature,

Approximation of large-scale dynamical systems for Bench-mark Collection


Santosh Kumar Suman,Awadhesh Kumar,



In this contribution,We present a benchmark collection Inclusive of some needful real-world examples, which can be used to assessment and compare numerical methods for model reduction. In this paper the reduction method is explored for getting structure preserving reduced order model of a large-scale dynamical system, we have considered model order reduction of higher orderLTIsystems) with SISO and MIMO [XXXII] that aims at finding Error estimation using Approximation of both system. This enables a new evaluation of the error system Provided that the Observability Gramian of the original system has once been considered, an H∞and H2 error bound can be computed with negligible numerical attempt for any reduced model attributable to The reduced order model (ROM) of a large-scale dynamical system is necessary to effortlessness the analysis of the system using approximation Algorithms. The response evaluation is considered in terms ofresponse constraints and graphical assessments.the application of Approximation methodsis offered for arisingROMof the large-scaleLTI systems which includes benchmark problems. It is reported that the reduced order model using compare numerical methods is almost alike in performance to that of with original systems.all simulation resultshave been obtained via MATLAB based software (sssMOR toolbox).


Benchmarks Example,Order reduction,Error estimation,Krylov,Balanced Truncation,Modal method,

Face Recognition using Machine Learning Algorithms


Amirhosein Dastgiri, Pouria Jafarinamin,Sami Kamarbaste,Mahdi Gholizade,



Face recognition is one of the most challenging issues in analyzing images. Face recognition technology is one of the fastest technologies that do the identification process without having the slightest disturbance to the person. Face recognition today has found many applications that can be used for faces recognition, military issues, legal issues, image retrieval, identification of protagonists, video images, and so on. Face recognition is considered as one of the smart computer analysis scenarios. There are always improvements in this area that make these improvements accurate in identifying facial expressions. Accordingly, the present paper seeks to study facial recognition using machine learning algorithms. Time information has useful features for recognizing facial expressions. However, a lot of effort is needed to manually design features. In this paper, to reduce these factors, a machine learning technique is selected, which is an automated tool that extracts useful features from raw data. Using machine learning methods can be considered as a more effective way. In this paper, a method based on machine learning algorithms for face recognition is presented. The proposed algorithms perform the unknown image by comparing it with known and stored images in databases and also obtaining information from a person familiar with the process of face recognition. The results show that the proposed method has high accuracy compared to other previous methods.


face recognition, machine learning al gorithms,image process,

Human Gait Recognition using Neural Network Multi-Layer Perceptron


Faisel Ghazi Mohammed,Waleed khaled Eesee,



The wide separation of using camera video surveillance and increasing the depending on these video to identify human identity. One of trending method to achieve this task is human gait recognition. In this paper, human gait recognized using three features include gait energy image (GEI) human body height and width. Features are easy to extract and archived high correlation to target class. Neural network Multi-Layer Perceptron used to build a recognition model to achieve 90 % accuracy.


human gait recognition,gait energy image,Neural network Multi-Layer Perceptron,

Control System Based Modeling and Simulation of Cardiac Muscle With Optimization Using Performance Index


Soumyendu Bhattacharjee,Aishwarya Banerjee,Biswarup Neogi,



Because of the prolong use of the system, the performance (Output parameters of the system) can change and output of the system may start deteriorating from the desired value. If the performance of a system, based on control theory is not up to the expectations as per the desired specification, then some changes in the system are required to obtain the desired performance. The control system can be represented with a set of mathematical equations called system model which are used to answer questions via analysis and simulation. A model is a precise representation of a system dynamics which are the arrangement of physical elements and that physical elements are analyzed to make governing equations. Cardiovascular muscle senses the force generated due to the contraction and expansion of muscle wall .This can be well understood by the analytical approach of the transfer function generated by using a mechanical model of force displacement analogy. The efficiency of the work also lies in the measure of the movement of cardiovascular factors in the system. The mass of heart muscle varies with different age groups both for male and female. This work is based on the glimpses of changing transfer function with different age groups due to the variation of mass of heart muscle. Viscous drag has also been calculated considering different values of damping coefficient for a particular value of mass. For attending the optimality in the performance of the system one designed controller is used along with the derived transfer function in cascade arrangement. To get more stability of the system, damping coefficient is chosen for the system model considering less settling time and steady state error. The open loop transfer function in the forward path is simply the product of derived transfer function and designed transfer function of controller. The design emphasizes on the optimality in operation of the control process which has been determined by the performance index (PI) of the total process using integral square method.


Transfer Function, Steady State Error, Performance Index,Integral Square Error,

Hydrological Modeling of Upper Indus Basin Using HEC -HMS.


Muhammad Ismail Khan,Saqib Shah,Jowhar Hayat,Faisal Hayat Khan,Mehre Munir,



One of the most frequently used mechanism to estimate the basin’s hydrological response due to precipitation is Hydrological modeling. In the paper to pretend the rainfall-runoff processing Upper Indus Basin, Pakistan the HEC-HMS model is used. The development of most of hydrological methodologies is done before 1990. But the advancement in GIS technologies and the management of spatial data has assisted repetitious processing tasks for high resolution datasets improving efficiency and spatial variations. Although large amount of data are often required but the preprocessors in GIS helps hydrological modeling through the semi-automated spatial analysis. We used HEC-HMS for hydrological modeling of Upper Indus Basin. To estimate the watershed discharge over time, the HEC-HMS routes a runoff hydrograph through the stream network. It produces the event based storm hydrograph which can be used in urban drainage design, water management, reservoir design, land use impact studies, flood forecasting and floodplain mapping To cover seven years (2005-2011) data Rainfall-runoff simulation is done using random rainstorm measures of these years. Selected events are used for model calibration and the remaining are used for model validation. The statistical tests of error function like root mean square error (RMSE), Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (NASH), mean biased efficiency (MBE), R-square between the observed and simulated data are conducted for calibration of the model. The results show values of R-square of 0.855, and the values of RMSE between the observed and simulated data were indicated as 7.83 and the value of NASH is 0.91 similarly, the value of MBE is 1.5 between the observed and simulated discharge for calibration of the model, respectively. The results indicate values of R-Square is 0.856 and value of RMSE is 9.54 and value of NASH is 1.5 and, the value of MBE is 1.5 among the experimental and simulated discharge for validation of the model, respectively. For validation and calibration of model select sub-basin of Upper Indus Basin, precipitation and discharge data from 2005 to 2011 is used in modeling.


Hydrological,Rainfall-runoff simulation,Upper Indus Basin,model calibration,model validation,

To Negate The Power Losses In Grid System By Selecting Case Study Of Malakand Divison


Hamza Mustajab, Muhammad Aamir Aman, Fazal Wahab Karam,Muhammad Mustajab Khan,



Electricity frame has constantly changed over the past decades but there has
not been quite improvement on increasing the production capability. Keeping in view
of the increased movement of population from the rural to urban and ever increasing
load of the industrial and agricultural areas the need for electrical power has sky
rocketed. There is not only problem with the production side but also with the
transmission to the consumer end which makes the problem even more serious and
needs to be addressed vigilantly. The load demand of Chakdara and other grid
station was calculated as 550 MV. The available source for Mardan to Chakdara
could cater load = 270MW load shered and Dargai, Golan gol and Bahrain
Powerhouse equal to 60MW. Load demand to be covered =550-(270+50) =
220MVA. By energizing 220 kV grid station Chakdara the load shered = 240 MW,
load shedding vanished. This research paper brings us to this conclusion that the
system is facing issues like identification of problems, proper management, and
inability of the government to take appropriate action, lack of investing parties and
also highlights and point out the areas that need improvement.


Power Losse, Grid System, Power Hous, Renewable Ener,Piezoelectric,Electrical Energy,

A comparison of Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Special Moment Resisting Beam-Column Joints vs. Weak Beam Column Joints Using Seismostruct


Usama Ali,Naveed Ahmad,Yaseen Mahmood,Hamza Mustafa,Mehre Munir,



This paper focusses on a numerical model of a Reinforced Concrete Special
Moment Resisting frame beam-column joint. The software chosen for this purpose is
Seismostruct. The experimental models chosen for this purpose; referred to as
Model-1 (Code Compliant), and Model-2 (Non-code complaint), are two-story twobay
frames based on experimental model scaled at 1:3, and tested in University of
Engineering and Technology Peshawar. Link elements that follow a distinct predefined
constitutive law based on Kim (2012) and Takeda (1970) have been
introduced at beam-column joint interface to simulate the failure mechanism in joint
panel. Roof displacements, base shear and local damage mechanism of the numerical
analysis are compared with the experimental results for the verification of the
calibrated numerical models. The results showed close similarity of experimental
data with numerical results with a percentage error of less than 5 percent and
showed a very close resemblance of local damage mechanism. The numerical models
obtained is further used to perform the seismic evaluation of code compliant and
code deficient models and results like drift profile and inter-story drift ratio are
calculated. Furthermore the response of both models against DBE and MCE is also
determined and results shows that beam-column joints in code compliant as well as
code deficient models behave in an inelastic manner and hence considering a beamcolumn
joint element as a rigid panel in MCE analysis is not a valid assumption. In
addition to shear cracking, bar slip mechanism was also generated in code deficient
model which caused in an increased story drift, which can be prevented by adequate
design of beam-column joint assemblage providing confinement for the concrete strut
mechanism and proper bond anchorage to avoid bar slip mechanism.


Weak beam-column joint, exterior joint,Seismostruct, local mechanism,Drift ratio,Seismic loading,Frame,Special moment resisting frame,

An application of Z-N Tuning method with PID controller to optimize the system performance of cardiac muscle modeland it’s practical implementation using OP AMP


Aishwarya Banerjee,Soumyendu Bhattacharjee,Biswarup Neogi,



The control system consisting different components mainly regulates,
manages as well as senses the behavior of another system and gives the desired
output. The properly tuned controllers are used widely in different industrial
applications. This paper concentrates on the work based on the PID tuning by
applying Z-N rule to get the optimized performance of control system based modeling
of human cardiac muscle. The another aim of this paper is the addition of pole at
origin in plant along with PID controller to increase the type of open loop transfer
function of plant as steady state error for any input test signal reduces with the
increment of type of a system. Due to addition of pole, transient part may get
deteriorated as order increases with the increment of type of plant. To balance this
fact, a proper PID controller has been introduced and designed by applying Z-N
tuning rule to get an output with better dynamic and static performance of the total
system. At the end of this work an OP-Amp based practical implementation of PID
controller has been done to calculate the controller parameters in terms of resistance
and capacitance for real life application.


PID controller, Addition of pole,Z-N tuning rule,Op-Amp.,

A Deliberate and Comprehensive Derivation from an Equation of the Special Theory of Relativity


Prasenjit Debnath,



A remarkable year was 1905 in physics and astronomy when Einstein first
proposed the special theory of relativity. This theory is the foundation of modern
astronomy and astrophysics. This theory was also the foundation of the theory of
general relativity proposed by Einstein in 1915 to incorporate gravity into the system.
Thus, the special theory of relativity already became of supreme importance in
physics since the beginning of nineteenth century and it continues to be the right from
the word go theory in modern physics. An attempt is made in this paper for a
deliberate and comprehensive derivation from an equation of the special theory of
relativity. The derivation is made with an aim to look deep inside of the theory of
special relativity to conclude a comprehensive conclusion. Also some conceptual
modifications are arranged to justify the conclusion. The physical time, mass and
velocity are related in some equations in this paper.


The special theory of relativit, the general theory of relativit,the physical time,mass and velocity,the velocity of light,relativistic mass,

Factors Affecting the Performance of Construction Projects in Pakistan


Muhammad Iqbal,Imtiaz Khan, Fawad Ahmad,Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad,Mehre Munir,



There is a French dictum “when the construction industry prospers
everything prospers”. Construction, a term that encompasses activities related to the
creation of physical infrastructure and related activities, plays a crucial role in the
economy of any country with estimated share of 40-60 % in gross fixed capital
formation and having linkage of more than 60 other associated industries. Today,
construction is the second largest sector in Pakistan’s economy after agriculture.
Roughly 30-35% of employment is directly or indirectly affiliated with the
construction sector.
In Pakistan, a Construction Project can be categorized as high risk as it is
very complex and involves a variety of stakeholders looking after their own interests.
In order to make sure that the projects are completed within the key measures of
budgeted cost, allocated time and required quality, identification of causes affecting
the project performance is very much necessary so that stakeholders can take
proactive steps to avoid such situations and manage effectively and systematically to
achieve the project performance objectives of time, cost and quality.
The purpose of this Paper is to investigate the major obstacles and
constraints in the performance of construction projects in Pakistan. In this paper a
local construction project case study and facts which I observed during my 16+ years
of experience in dealing with construction projects are taken into account to
document the bottlenecks. The case study is the construction of Earth Dam Project in Tribal region of KPK, where I worked as a Resident Engineer. The project
performance has been suffered adversely equally by roles played by the design
consultant, the Employer, the supervisory consultant, the Contractor and country
political situation and regional security. Finally, main recommendations with
discussions are presented that will help to overcome the related obstacles and
hindrances in project performance in construction industry of Pakistan.
Similar methodology is adopted in Document of the World Bank Discussion
Paper Series: Technical Note:9 LOCAL CASE STUDIES November 2007, where
case studies of several past infrastructure projects in different sectors including
roads, airport, motoway and irrigation were reviewed to document the bottlenecks
which occurred during the various processes involved in the life cycle of
infrastructure projects. Identifying such processes allows a better understanding of
the capacity constraints in planning, designing, programming, procurement, contract
administration, financing and budgeting, execution and other stages in a project


Construction Project, the project performance objectives, planning,designing programming,infrastructure projects,

Reliability Application Using Discrete Gamma Distribution


Zainab Falih Hamza,Thaera N. Al-Ameer, Firas M. Al-Badran,



This research dials with discrete counter-part of continuous gamma
distribution. In fact, the statistical and reliability properties of this distribution are
discuss and some interesting interrelationships. Furthermore, an estimation of the
underlying parameter and reliability for this distribution are utilized using different
samples sizes, that’s done through different simulation experiments by use (R3.5.1)
program, the simulation outputs proved that the Maximum likelihood method gives
small bias estimators. An application done at two Soap production machines belongs
to the Vegetable Oil Plant. The results show that the second machine which follows
DGD (3) is more reliable from the first one.


Discrete Gamma distribution, Maximum Likelihoo, Reliabilit function,

A Rice Quality Analysis with Image Classification using Sobel Filetr


Nouf Saeed Alotaibi ,



In agricultural industries grain quality evaluation is very big challenge.
Personal satisfaction control is extremely critical for sustenance business as a result
then afterward harvesting, In view of caliber parameters nourishment results would
arranged Also graded under different evaluations. Grain caliber assessment will be
carried manually at it is relative, the long haul consuming, might a chance to be
changing effects and expensive. With succeed these restrictions What’s more
deficiency image transforming systems will be the elective result can be utilized to
grain personal satisfaction examination. Rice caliber may be nothing yet the
blending of physical and more concoction aspects. Grain span and shape, chalkiness,
whiteness, processing degree, greater part thickness and dampness content would A
percentage physical qualities same time amylase content, gelatinization temperature
Furthermore gel consistency are compound aspects of rice. The paper displays an
answer for evaluating What’s more assessment about rice grains on the foundation of
grain size also state utilizing image transforming techniques. Particularly edge
identification calculation may be used to figure out the area of limits for each grain.
In this technology we discover those end- focuses about every grain and after
utilizing caliper we could measure the length Furthermore broadness of rice. This
technique obliges least time Also it will be low previously, expense.


Grain Evaluation, Image processing,MATLAB,Rice characteristics,Grain quality,

Mechanical behavior of concrete having springs at different zones


Imtiaz khan,Intikhab Ahmad,Fawad Ahmed,Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad,



Concrete durability, strength, manageability, and economy have made it the
world’s most generally utilized development material. The term Concrete alludes to a
blend of totals, normally sand, and either (rock or smashed stone) coarse aggregates,
held together by a binder of cementitious paste. Concrete has great compressive
quality however almost no rigidity, subsequently constraining its utilization in
development. . Thus it needs assistance in opposing pliable anxieties caused by
twisting forces from connected burdens which would bring about breaking and at last
disappointment. Due to the increasing demands of concrete strength & ductility in
our modern day construction, increases the demand to address the importance of this
concept once again. As many techniques/researches has been carried to improve the
strength of concrete prior which has been successful to some extent but still increase
in the strength of plain cement concrete considered to be a future challenge. In this
research the focus on increasing the strength of concrete is by embedding steel
springs phenomena in the different zones of concrete samples are studied. Tension
and compression steel springs attached to base plate embedded in the concrete
samples, and are tested for compressive and tensile strength of the concrete. Results
shows that steel springs can be effective in the strength of concrete at specified zones.
Hence it is recommended using steel springs in the concrete at effective zones to
increase the strength of concrete.


Mechanical behavior of concrete,twisting forces, concrete strength & ductility,Tension and compression steel springs,

Energy Efficient Backend Cluster Head and Fault Tolerance model for Wireless Sensor Networks


Ch. Rambabu, V.V.K.D.V. Prasad,K. Satya Prasad,



Fault Tolerance and energy consumption are the constraints in designing
Wireless Sensor Network’s (WSN’s) while most of the Base station’s designed are
based on energy usage whereas medical care systems need fault tolerant systems. In
previous works, numerous clustering procedures are intended for network clustering.
There doesn’t exist any recovery methods in the clustering procedures in case if CH
node fails. Since the load is enlarged at the CH nodes, the energy depletion occurs
more quickly which results in CH failure. Centered on the proposed technique,
distance and residual energy are the two parameters that are considered to select
BKCH. This BKCH which act as CH aggregates the data and send them back to the
BS when there occurs a failure in the elected CHs. For solving the problems
produced by faults of Cluster Heads, an Energy efficient Backup Cluster Head Fault
tolerance (EE-BKCH-FT) is offered. We present two strategies to find the optimal
position of BS’s: 1) low energy usage while transmission 2) low energy usage when a
CH fails. Considering weight factor and the above conditions the position of a CH is
decided as fault tolerance is highly recommended as to increase network lifetime
which can sustain in any environmental conditions even if CH failures happen.
Simulation results given by NS2 software are utilized to verify the efficiency of
proposed method compared to the surviving approaches.


WSN, Routing,Fault Tolerance,Clustering, Backup cluster head, Node failure,Relay node,Coverage, Network lifetime,

The Natural Logarithmic Transformation and its Applications


Emad Kuffi,Elaf Sabah Abbas,



In this paper, a new integral transformation is proposed, where the transformation kernel is the natural logarithmic function 𝑙𝑛(∝ 𝑥), ∝> 0, 𝑥 > 0 , the transformation interval is the closed interval 􁉂 􀬵 ∝ , 1􁉃, and the range of its kernel 𝑙𝑛(∝ 𝑥) is the entire set of the real numbers (−∞ < 𝑙𝑛(∝ 𝑥) < ∞).
The wide range of the kernel for the proposed transformation giving it a wider usage from the other transformations such as Laplace transformation which its kernel is (𝑒􀬿􀰈􀯫 )and its range includes the natural numbers only ((𝑒􀬿􀰈􀯫) > 0).
The proposed integral transformation is called “the logarithmic integral transformation” based on the kernel of the transformation. Some properties and theorems are presented for this new transformation.


Boundary value, changing the measurement theorem,derivative transformation theorem, existence theorem, first transition theore,logarithmi integral transformation,

Enhanced Cyber security for Software Applications


Sivaram Rajeyyagari,



Every website developed with web technologies. Security is most widely
needed for every website. Cyber security is one of the important prevention for
websites. This will protect web applications from various attacks. Many attacks are
there such as server attacks, DOS attack, data attack and other types of attacks. This
will damage the server and social networking sites to disturb the user data. Various
drawbacks are addressed in providing security and privacy. To solve these issues,
enhanced cyber security is introduced and provided advanced cyber security for web
applications and also for servers. The performance of the proposed system is show in


Cyber security,cyber crime,cyber ethics,social media,

The Stable Envelope of Gamma Modules


Mehdi S.Abbas,Balsam M.Hamad,



Presume R represents commutative -ring with identity and each R
modules is worked on as unitary R modules. We expand in this paper the notion of
the stable extension from the modules theory to that of gamma modules. We have
studied the stable envelope S(M) of R – module M, and study the relation istween
stable envelope, injective envelope E(M) and quasi-injective envelope Q(M) in the
gamma modules, we obtain some results on S(M) where we have shown that S(M) is
equal to 􀵣𝑎𝑛𝑛􀯋􀳨𝐸(𝑀):􀯋 𝑎𝑛𝑛􀯋􀳨 (𝑁)􀵧M , in case M represents Г − multiplication
gamma modules.


injective gamma module,quasi-injective gamma module,fully stable gamma module,Г−multiplication Г−moduleI.Abbas.M. S, On fully stable module, Ph. D. thesis, University of Baghdad (1990). II. Balsam m. Hamad, Some remarks on fully stable gamma modules, to appear . III.Abbas .M. S,Saad .S. A, Shallal .E. A, Injective gamma module, Annals of pure and applied mathematics, vol.12, No.185-94, (2016). IV.Ameri .R, and R. Sudeghi, Gamma modules, Ration mathematica 20 (2010), 127-147. V.Abd Al-Hussain. H, Projective gamma modules and some related notions, Ph.D. Thesis ,Univ. of Mustansiriyah, (2017). VI.Barnes .W. E, On the ring of Nabusuwa, Pacin the case ofic J. math. 18 (1966)m 411-422. VII.Estaji.A. A, A. As. Estaji, A. S. Khorasani, S. Baghdari, On multiplication Γ – modules, Ratio mathematica 26 (2014), 21-38. VIII.X. Ma and J.zhan , Some characterizations of regular and semisimple -rings, kyungpook Math.j.,50(2010),pp.411-417. IX.Nobusuwa .N, on a generalization of the ring theory, Osaka J. Math, 1 (1964), 81-89. ,

The Usage of Chip Mental Arithmetic in The Topic of Addition and Subtraction for The Whole Number Combination in Year 1


R. N. Farah,K. Jayalakshmi,



This research is done to establish the usage of the Chip Mental Arithmetic for
the teaching of the addition and subtraction in the whole number combination for
Year 1 pupils. Besides that, it also to find out the level of efficiency in the usage of
this Chip together with its module based on the performance of the Year 1 pupilson
the topics mentioned above. The method used is inference analysis. After using the
Mental Arithmetic Number Chip together with its module, it showed the significant
differences in the Pre and Post test. The respondents of this project are Year 1 pupils
of a school in Selangor who were divided into two groups, the experimental and
experimental groups. The data were analyzed by using t-test to determine the
differences between pupils of the control group and the experimental group. The
findings showed a significant difference of 11.89 with the value [t = 2.084., p <0.05]
between the pre and post test for the control group and 51.32 with [t = 2.175, p
<0.05] between the pre test and post test for the experimental group. The findings of
this research should reflect the usage of this Chip Mental Arithmetic as teaching aids
and materials in the classroom, plays as an essential role in enhancing the
performance of year 1 pupils as they learn the


chip mental arithmetic,addition, subtraction, whole number, teaching tools,

Evaluation of Optimal Edge Detection Operator for Localization of License Plate of Vehicles with Different Orientations


ArbabWaseem Abbas,Khalid Saeed,Safdar Nawaz Khan Marwat,Sahibzada AbdurRehmanAbid,Muhammad Akbar Ali Khan,Sadiq Shah,



The research conducted in this paper proposes the digital image processing
approach for localization of license plate from entire image of vehicle with different
angles and evaluation of the best edge detection operator in extraction of license
plate. The license plate localization has vast applications in system automation,
recognition and security. In this research, firstly database is developed by
capturing/collecting images of 50 vehicle with different angles. Secondly in proposed
technique, different edge detection operators i.e. Sobel, Roberts, Prewitt and Canny
have been applied in boundary line based extraction. Thirdly results are evaluated,
which showed that in proposed model Sobel operator outperforms other edge
detection operators in localization of license plate and revealed the experimental
results of Sobel 90%, Prewitt 85%, Roberts 40% and Canny 10% for 50images.


Edge Detection Operators, License Plate Localization,Boundary Line Based Extraction.,

A Comprehensive Analysis of Cyber Security Attacks in Virtual Organizations with their Mitigation Plans


Khalid Saeed,Rohi Tariq, Wajeeha Khalil,Sheeraz Ahmed,Malik Taimur Ali, Farrukh Hassan, M.Naeem Khan Khattak,



Virtual Organization (VO) allows organizations to exchange and share
resources among each other as well as they can work in collaboration. Within the VO
the workers can be from different organizations and they can have different
affiliation. VO offers a different model of communication among enterprises. The
communication in VO is based on information and communication technology. The
workers of VO communicate and perform activities using the cyber infrastructure.
Since VO involves the use of cyber infrastructure which is vulnerable to different
possible security attacks and these security attacks can have different consequences.
This research identifies the possible vulnerabilities to VO, evaluates different security
attacks as well as their consequences and mitigation plan. Moreover at the end there
are some proposed guidelines to VO administrators and users to improve the security
of VOs. This research paper is the extension of our previous research work.


Virtual Organization,Vulnerabilities,Security Attacks,Security Issues,

Pairing-free Partially Blind Message Recovery Signature Scheme with Application To Online e-Cash Payment System


Salome James,P. Vasudeva Reddy,



Blind signature plays a significant role in practical applications such as ecash
and e-voting systems, where anonymity is of great importance. A partially blind
signature enables a signer to explicitly incorporate a pre-agreed common
information into a blind signature without the loss of blindness property. In recent
years, many cryptographic researchers have made substantial progress in the design
of blind signature schemes. In order to improve the efficiency, in this paper, we
propose a new pairing free partially blind signature scheme with message recovery in
the identity-based frame work. The proposed scheme is existentially unforgeable with
the assumption that the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) is hard.
We compare our scheme to the well known existing identity-based partially blind
signature schemes. With pairing free realization and the message recovery features,
the proposed scheme is more efficient in terms of computation and communication
point of view. Finally, we present an electronic-cash payment system based on our
PF-IDPBS-MR scheme.


Digital signatur,Partially Blind signatu,ECDL, ID-based Cryptography,Message Recovery,E-cash,

Comparison IFOC Scheme of Three Phase Optimal 63 Level Multilevel Inverter Connected Induction Motor using FLC and ANFIS


Mr. Bolla Madhusudana Reddy,Y.V.Siva Reddy ,M.Vijaya Kumar,



This paper proposes initially an optimal structured single phase 63 level
Multi level Inverter-(MLI) with Sinusoidal Pulse Modulation-(SPWM) and it can be
extended to three phase 63 level MLI which is built with three individual single phase
63 level MLIs connected in star form and later it is fed to three phase star winding
induction motor drive. The proposed MLI generates more number of levels with
minimum switches, DC sources, low switching losses and reduced THD while
compared with traditional MLIs. In the next subsequent case indirect field Oriented
Control (IFOC) method is implemented through fuzzy Logic Controller-((FLC) of
optimal 63 level MLI feeding induction motor(IM) drive for checking speed of motor,
sudden load variation, parameters changes. Later the same method of AC drive tested
with Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) which gives better performance
than AC drive with FLC. The proposed optimal MLI fed IM drive with IFOC gives
improved performance using ANFIS in view of its high-quality dynamic performance
and minimum THD.



Face Recognition using Deep Neural Networks


Amirhosein Dastgiri, Pouria Jafarinamin,Sami Kamarbaste,Mahdi Gholizade,



Face recognition is one of the most important issues in the machine vision,
which has many applications in the industry and other issues related to the vision of
the machine. There are many algorithms in the field of machine learning to detect
facial expressions. In recent years, deep neural networks are one of the areas of
research. Because of its excellent performance, this technique is widely used in face
recognition. Facial features are useful for a variety of tasks, and the application of
deep neural network is very fast. In this paper, a method for recognition of facial
expressions is presented using the features of the deep neural network. A deep neural
network is used to summarize images and classify them. The proposed model focuses
on identifying the faces of a person from a single image. The work algorithm is a
multilayer neural network with a deep learning concept. The results show that in
some cases, the recognition rate is very high.


face mode,deep neural network,deep learning,

Adopting Modern Energy Conservation Measures to Enhance Building Energy Efficiency


M. Yousaf Ali Khan, Imran Abbas,Shahid Atiq,Sheeraz Ahmed,AmadUd Din,Muhammad Fahad,



Energy efficiency has been an immense importance in worldwide particularly
in large educational institutes which are often left unnoticed as a contributor to
energy consumers in Pakistan. The institute budget for energy cost has assumed to be
the major costs and minimizing the energy bill in a large institute has become a big
challenge. The targeted actions can be used to minimize the electricity consumption.
The savings on energy provides a chance to reinvest it for the institute. In this work,
energy assessment of Government College of Technology (GCT) campus Bhakkar is
done to identify potential energy savings and to enhance the awareness,
responsiveness for energy conservation amongst the community of the campus. The
data about the installed load is collected by visiting each department. This work
explained in details of the power consumption of different electrical devices installed
in the institute and energy usage by those devices for a month is analysed. The work
showed that a significant energy savings up to 50 % is achieved if old electrical
devices are replaced with latest Energy conserving devices. Many facts
corresponding the ECM devices are also encoded in this work and payback time is
computed for the devices. Few basic ECMs are recommended to be followed by the
institute which is technically and economically more reasonable. The benefits of
implementing the energy efficiency measures in buildings are substantial both in
terms of energy savings and cost savings.


Energy Audit, Energy Conservation,Energy Conservation Measure(ECMs) ,

Fostering Conditions for Innovative Reforms in Public Sector Organizations and Their Response to Artificial Intelligence


Sayyed Khawar Abbas,Muhammad Aftab,



The paper is intended to investigate the foster effects of political instability,
leadership influence, experimentation and budget constraints responsible for poor
performance and feedback from public sector organizations. Keeping in view the
purpose of the study, the research framework for the study is descriptive. Firstly,
Primary data is collected through questionnaires from individuals engaged with
public sector organizations. Secondly, unstructured interviews conducted to explore
the effect of Artificial intelligence. Through research analysis, the empirical evidence
suggest that the innovation activity is intrigued with important conditions responsible
for the performance of public sector organization. Political instability suggested
negative significance while others have demonstrated positive significance
concerning innovation reforms. Artificial Intelligence also demonstrates a strong
scope for future public sector organizations. In the following research framework, the
data is based on the judgments of employees engaged with public sector
organizations. The responses are individual self-reported and not objective, so there
is a fair possibility that response would be biased. Furthermore, the responses are
from Pakistan’s main cities which cannot be generalized to various countries. This
study focuses on the performance of the public sector organization. A large amount
of literature has emerged on the likelihood of innovation reforms for private sector
firms over the course of time. This paper is widening the horizon to study the
likelihood of innovation reforms for public sector organizations by adhering the
innovation culture and identifying important factors which may influence. The paper
also provides a base for finding more dimensions to implement innovation reforms
and also guide policymakers to execute efficient policies. Furthermore, the study is
based on questions covering “what” and “how” dimensions. This type of quantitative
study lacks for “why” dimension. Therefore, semi-structured interviews and case
analysis could explain more regarding innovation reforms. The research framework
is the first attempt to examine the impact of different conditions on the
implementation of innovation and Artificial intelligence influence in public sector
organizations in Pakistan.


Public sector organizations, Innovation reforms, political instability,leadership influence, experimentation, budget constraints, OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, ICT (Information and communication technology),Artificial Intelligence,

VSM Based Models and Integration of Exact and Fuzzy Similarity For Improving Detection of External Textual Plagiarism


Nasreen J. Kadhim, Mohannad T. Mohammed,



A rapid growing has occurred for the act of plagiarism with the aid of
Internet explosive growth wherein a massive volume of information offered with
effortless use and access makes plagiarism − the process of taking someone else’s
work (represented by ideas, or even words) and representing it as his own work −
easy to be performed. For ensuring originality, detecting plagiarism has been
massively necessitated in various areas so that the people who aim to plagiarize
ought to offer considerable effort for introducing works centered on their research.
In this paper, a work has been proposed for detecting textual plagiarism
focused on proposing models for both candidate retrieval and detailed comparison
phases. Firstly, for the candidate retrieval, two models have been proposed
established on adopting the vector space method VSM as a retrieval model wherein
these models base on offering different representations for text documents. The first
model centers on representing documents as vectors consisting of average term
𝑡𝑓 − 𝑖𝑠𝑓 weights instead of representing them as vectors of term 𝑡𝑓 − 𝑖𝑑𝑓 weight.
Whereas, the second retrieval model assigns for each term constituting the document
a weight resulted from a weighted sum equation that sums this term 𝑡𝑓 − 𝑖𝑑𝑓 weight
with its average 𝑡𝑓 − 𝑖𝑠𝑓 weights and considers it as a query for retrieval. The
detailed comparison task comes as the second phase wherein a method has been
proposed that cores at the integration of two diverse similarity measures and the
introduction of one similarity measure involving them; Exact similarity and Fuzzy
Experiments have been conducted using PAN-PC-10 as an evaluation dataset
for evaluating the proposed system. As the problem statement in this paper is
restricted to detect extrinsic plagiarism and works on English documents,
experiments have been performed on the portion dedicated for extrinsic detection and
on documents in English language only. These documents have been randomly
separated into training and testing dataset. The training data has been used for parameters tuning whereas evaluating the performance of the proposed system and
comparing it against the existing methods have been performed using testing dataset.
For evaluating performance of the models proposed for the candidate retrieval
problem, Precision, Recall, and F-measure have been used as an evaluation metrics.
The overall performance of the proposed system has been assessed through the use of
the five PAN standard measures Precision, Recall, F-measure, Granularity and
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑑𝑒𝑡 . The experimental results has clarified that the proposed system either
comparable or outperforms the other state-of-the-art methods.


VSM,TF-IDF, TF-ISF, exact similarit, Jaccard similarity, fuzzy similarity,

A Robust and Efficient Finger Print Combination form Privacy Protection


Abdullah S. Alotaibi,



Now a day’s fingerprint techniques are widely used in authentication systems,
therefore its privacy protection becomes an important issue. Securing a stored
fingerprint template is very important because once fingerprints are compromised, it
cannot be easily revoked. So, we review here a new system for preserving fingerprint
confidentiality. In this system, the fingerprint privacy is maintained by combining two
special fingerprints keen on a original identity. In the enlistment phase, two fingerprints
need aid taken from two different fingers. We acquire the minutiae positions
about one fingerprint, the introduction from claiming another fingerprint, and the
reference focuses starting with both fingerprints. In view of those gotten information,
a joined minutiae format may be created Also saved previously, a database. In the
Confirmation phase, we utilize the fingerprints of the same fingers that need aid at
that point utilized within enlistment stage. For same 2 finger prints against a mutual
minutiae template, a two-stage fingerprint matching process is used. By storing the
combined minutiae template in the database, the complete minutiae characteristic of
a single fingerprint will not be compromised when the database is stolen by the attackers.
The joined minutiae format will be changed over under a real-look indistinguishable
joined together finger impression by utilizing existing finger impression
reproduction approach. These effects under another virtual character to those two
different fingerprints.


Fingerprint,Combination,Protection,Minutiae,Privacy ,

Protein sequence comparison under a new complex representation of amino acids based on their physio-chemical properties


Jayanta Pal,Soumen Ghosh,Bansibadan Maji ,Dilip Kumar Bhattacharya,



The paper first considers a new complex representation of amino acids of
which the real parts and imaginary parts are taken respectively from hydrophilic
properties and residue volumes of amino acids. Then it applies complex Fourier
transform on the represented sequence of complex numbers to obtain the spectrum in
the frequency domain. By using the method of ‘Inter coefficient distances’ on the
spectrum obtained, it constructs phylogenetic trees of different Protein sequences.
Finally on the basis of such phylogenetic trees pair wise comparison is made for such
Protein sequences. The paper also obtains pair wise comparison of the same protein
sequences following the same method but based on a known complex representation
of amino acids, where the real and imaginary parts refer to hydrophobicity properties
and residue volumes of the amino acids respectively. The results of the two methods
are now compared with those of the same sequences obtained earlier by other
methods. It is found that both the methods are workable, further the new complex
representation is better compared to the earlier one. This shows that the hydrophilic
property (polarity) is a better choice than hydrophobic property of amino acids
especially in protein sequence comparison.


omplex Representatio, DFT, Hydrophobicity Proper,Hydrophilicity (Polarity) Property,ICD; Phylogenetic Tree,Voss Representation,

Effect of Thin Layer on Bearing Capacity in Layered Profile Soil


Abdul Farhan,Farman Ullah,Fawad Ahmad,Mehr E Munir,



Bearing capacity is the main criteria for designing the foundation of a
structure. Several theories and experimental methods have been propounded by many
researchers for computing the bearing capacity parameters separately. Traditional
bearing capacity theories for determining the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow
foundations assume that the bearing stratum is homogenous and infinite. However
this is not true in all cases. Layered soils are mostly encountered in practice. It is
possible to encounter a rigid layer at shallow depth or the soil may be layered and
have different shear strength parameters. In such cases shear pattern gets distorted
and bearing capacity becomes dependent on the extent of the rupture surface in
weaker or stronger material. The best estimation of bearing capacity on layered soil
are possible only, if the pressure-settlement characteristics of the foundation-soil are
known for the size of the footing. From the review of literature, it may be noted that
the bearing capacity equations proposed for the homogenous soils by Terzaghi
(1943) and Meyerhof (1951) are not applicable to layered soils. Hence it is necessary
to develop an equation for predicting the bearing capacity of granular layered soils.
In present investigation, plate load test have been conducted in a large tank to
observe the load settlement behavior of plates of different sizes resting on layered
granular soils. Tests were conducted on two layers of soils. Fine gravel layer
overlain sand layer were tested using mild steel plates of square shapes. The effect of
the placement of layers on the bearing capacity characteristics of footing, has been
studied and an equation for predicting the bearing capacity of two layered granular
soils is developed based on the plate load test data.


Bearing capacity,plate load test,

Bin the Case Bifurcation and Chaos of Logistic Maps with Three Parameters and its Applications


Asia Ali Mohammed,Assistant Prof. Radhi A. Zaboon,



In this paper, the generalization of logistic discrete dynamic systems with
three parameters have been analyzed with the necessary mathematical requirements
and proofs. The dynamics and the qualitative properties of the fixed points and their
stability, the bin the case bifurcation diagram and chaos have proposed with


fixed point ,stability,bin the case bifurcation diagram,periodic point,

Peer Tutoring Activities To Support Active Learning In Mathematics: Review of The Effects on Student’s Thinking and Metacognitive Skills


Mohamad Ariffin Abu Bakar,Norulhuda Ismail,



Mastery of mathematics is an overview of the accuracy of mathematics
competency. It is a tremendous impact on well development and complete trained
metacognition skills and thinking skills. Therefore, to ensure that students can
understand mathematics well is through learning that can enhance and develop
metacognitive skills and thinking skills. In order to reduce the weakness of
mathematical mastery, one of the interventions is through active and meaningful
learning. Active learning focuses on student engagement, interactive, retention and
motivation to explore the learning. Through this review, peer tutoring is subject
matter to discuss the ability to support active learning and evaluate the effectiveness
of peer tutoring activities among students in developing metacognitive skills and
thinking skills. A review of previous research through search in database likes
Google Scholar, Science Direct, ERIC, Springer Link, Elsevier and several other
databases, based on keywords has been implemented. A number of articles and
journals have been systematically reviewed to answer questions in this literature
study. However, just 13 articles and journals published in 2012 until the current year
are selected for this review. Briefly, the constructs and themes in peer tutoring
contribute to forming active learning that can lead to increased student thinking and
metacognitive skills.


Peer Tutoring,Metacognitive Skil,Thinking Skil,Active Learning,Mathematics Mastery,

Using Increased Section Thickness to Gain Inherent Fire Protection in Single Span Portal Frames


Nasir Khan,Muhammad Hasnain, Shabbir Ahmad, Fawad Khan,Sharifullah khan,



All over the world, different designs are used for construction of any type of
structure. The Structure is design with mutual understanding of structure and
architecture engineer to make structure stable and having an attractive look for the
people. Beside this one of most essential component which must be installed in any
type of structure is fire protection. To enhance the stanchions thickness in single span
portal frame structures with fire boundary conditions cost analysis examine in this
study. More ever this study also investigates to gain an inherent fire protection for
fire resistance design periods. Using this method the cost is compared with common
techniques for fire protection such as applying intumescent coating to frame
members. In this study for conducting the analysis a portal type frame structure was
designed. Different tests are conduct on the design portal frame structure and it is
concluded that for fire resistance using the increase thickness of section is
economical of fire protection while the design period is up to 30 minutes. Using the
inherent protection method against the application intumescent coating for a period of
30 minutes more than 21% energy is saved. Significant cost of saving recorded in a
project having large scale construction.


Fire Protection, Fire boundary condition,intumescent coating,Porta frame structure,Stanchions thickness,

Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning based Mental Health Diagnosis Automation


F. Catherine Tamilarasi,J. Shanmugam,



Mental health of human being is more important parameter and any deficit or
issue needs faster diagnosis. In this aspect Medical Image Analysis and psychology
have become a promising application domain for Machine Learning (ML) which
facilitates an intelligent decision support system for diagnosis.


Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learnin, Neural Network, Machin learning,Working Memory,



Ch. Vinay Kumar Reddy,I. Rajasri,



There has actually been a considerable rise in air traffic quantity, especially over
the previous twenty years. In order to handle this boost popular, it has actually been
needed to raise the effectiveness of airplane engines. For many years, this has
actually been accomplished by minimizing the clearance in between blade tips and
also the engine casing. Consequently, of the minimized clearance, tip-rubbing often
takes place in the engine throughout the procedure. In this paper, a short intro to the
tip-rubbing occasion as well as associated prices to the sector, and also just how
abradable products are utilized to decrease the incident of tip-rubbing are pointed
out. The Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine and also the 2nd phase compressor area are
explained briefly.


tip-rubbing,Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine,Blade-Casing,

Real Time Power Quality Improvement Model for North West General Hospital (NWGH)


Faheem Ali,Muhammad Naeem Arbab,Sahibzada Muhammad Faheem,Mehr E Munir,



Hospitals, generally have sensitive medical equipment and other associated
machinery, have considerably low power factor. Low power factor results in lagging
VARs that needs immediate balancing to avoid surcharge and to keep the voltage in
permissible limits. This is only possible if power factor could be brought back to
unity. Static capacitors though an inexpensive solution results in high inrush
currents. Regulators upshots higher currents thus resulting in power losses. Also,
static capacitors can tackle the reactive VARs, but only is well defined steps. Thus, a
step-less process of sensing, controlling, and injection of is required. A real-time
solution is offered in this paper which would help in retaining high power factor.


Static VAR Compensator,Power Factor Improvement (PFI),Power Quality Improvement (PQI),Thyristor Switched Capacitors (TSC),Flexible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS),

Blockchain and its Applications in Various Fields – A Surve


Allin Geo Varghese,S.Amudha,



Automatic international has delivered efficiencies, new ingenious items, and close customer connections all round with the aid of the a success usage of transportable, IoT (net of factors), on-line life, exam and cloud innovation to create models for higher selections. Blockchain is as of late presented and altering the computerized global conveying some other point of view to security, flexibility and effectiveness of frameworks. at the same time as at the start promoted via Bitcoin, Blockchain is considerably greater than an established order for virtual foreign
money. It gives a secure technique to trade any sort of right, management, or change. Mechanical development regularly is based upon confided in organizations; but expanding manage, cybercrime and extortion are repressing extension. To cope with these difficulties, Blockchain will empower more mild-footed esteem chains, quicker
object improvements, nearer consumer connections, and swifter incorporation with the IoT and cloud innovation. Facilitate Blockchain furnishes a decrease price of trade with a believed contract checked without mediation from outsider.



Big Data confidentiality in Healthcare


S. Amudha,K. AnitaDavamani,



We exist these days in an overall release, anywhere protection is not really kept up, with the huge information getting included, it’s just deteriorating, since information is from this time forward all over and about everybody, we can’t generally educate who recognizes what concerning who, where the information is really depending, and what utilizes are through not in of it. Security however a vital angle that individuals dependably require in numerous areas, and it’s not less vital in the human services diligence, where data just gets much progressively close to home and touchy that any protection rupture turns into an issue of last chance. In this paper, we have focused on the benefits of giant data within the healthful services phase, even as a little of the principle challenges frequently intimate with. We’ve then centered on the Moroccan setting, incontestable the problems it’s and its specificities, thus on propose proposals to urge the leaders to require the approach of massive Data. Lastly, we’ve enlightened the safety problems in healthful services and also the gift ways won’t to guarantee the patient’s protection.


Moroccan setting,massive Data,

Online Examination Service Using Mobile Application in IOT


S. Srigowthem,V.Khanna,B.Sundarraj,



Day-to-day life has been changed a lot . Each and everything is held through internet and many institutions, companies works through internet. Most advantages or helpful by internet is, having exam through online (or) internet. So we can write or attend the exam anywhere anytime. To make this, we need cloud concept too. In
cloud, we create own cloud and store the data for exam, so a person can access data from cloud through internet anytime. And mobile application is also being trend now, so many applications of this is possible to make it out.


Exam,Online,Student,Database,Web Service,Administrator,

Collaborative Approach of Secrecy Regulation and Obstruction of Photo Theft on Social Platform


C. Anuradha,S .Pothumani,R. Vishwaa,



Nowadays, People are well-connected to one another in Social Networks. Usage of Internet and involvement in Online Social Platforms are increasing day by day. People sharing their personal information in these platforms. Even, they started Uploading their Photo in the Internet and it became very common among the Internet users. Without understanding the risk, user involved in sharing their personal details. Some fraudulent users uploading another user’s photo without their knowledge. They are getting photos of others in many ways such as by taking photos using their mobile cameras, collecting images from Social networks, stealing images from the theft mobile. They are posting the photos in the Social media applications which are stored enduringly in the database. This results in the misuse of photo and involved in many criminal activities. To overcome this security problem, a competent face recognition system is needed which identify the user in the photo. To handle this, a set of users, friends list and their private photographs. This system accomplished as an evidence of approach in social network on Facebook application.


Photo Theft,Internet Platform,Collaborative approach,Securing Image,

An Analysis of Computation Offloading Mechanisms for Computationally Intensive Mobile Applications


C. Anuradha,M. Ponnavaiko,



Smart phones are generally utilized in our everyday lives. We utilize computationally escalated versatile applications, for example, face location, enlarged reality, video preparing, video gaming and discourse acknowledgment. These
applications are perplexing as well as they request high figuring assets. These gadgets show a few constraints, for example, restricted calculation control, little memory estimate, erratic system availability, constrained battery lifetime, and so forth. Every one of these constraints can be survived if distributed computing can be coordinated with cell phones. Versatile distributed computing is the worldview which can be utilized to give boundless access of figuring assets to cell phones. Computational offloading is a ground-breaking system utilized in versatile distributed computing for improving reaction time and battery productivity of the cell phones which are considered as two basic factors in the ease of use of portable applications. By offloading computationally concentrated assignments to committed
processing framework, gadgets can diminish load alone assets while profiting by assets given by the devoted foundation. This paper gives a diagram of different foundation, structures and procedures for calculation offloading.


Mobile cloud computing,computation offloading,energy consumption,execution time,bandwidth,network connectivity,

Optical Character Recognition with Tesseract


C. Geetha,K. Anitha Davamani,V.V. Krishna Teja,S. Hema Sekhar,



Optical Character Recognition is the machine replication of human perusing. Electronic Conversion of examined pictures where picture can be type composed or printed content. It is executed utilizing Google’s open source Optical Character Recognition programming called Tesseract. The OCR accepts picture as the information, gets content from that picture and afterward changes over it into whatever other language that the client needed. This framework can be helpful in different applications like banking, legitimate industry, explorers’ different ventures, and home and office robotization. It for the most part intended for individuals who are unfit to peruse any sort of content archives and to diminish the weight of information passage occupations



System Failure Detection and Diagnosis by Analyzing Syslog and SNS Data: Applying Big Data Analysis to Network Operations


D. Vimala,I. MaryLinda,



We present two major information examination strategies for diagnosing the reasons for system disappointments and for identifying system disappointments early. Syslogs contain log information created by the framework. We dissected syslogs what’s more, prevailing with regards to distinguishing the reason for a system disappointment via consequently learning more than 100 million logs without
requiring any past learning of log information. Investigation of the information of an interpersonal interaction benefit (in particular, Twitter) empowered us to recognize conceivable system disappointments by extricating system disappointment related tweets, which represent under 1% of all tweets, continuously and with high exactness.


Big data,syslog,network failure detection,

Effective Security Mechanism for Cloud Storage using Biometric System


R. Kavitha,S.Pothumani,R. Ramya,



Biometric distinctive proof has clad to be more and more distinguished as
these days. With the development of distributed computing, information proprietors
are persuaded to re-appropriate the substantial size of biometric details and
distinctive evidential duty to the cloud to lose the pricey capability and computational
prices that anyway conveys potential dangers to clients’ security. During this paper,
we have a tendency to propose a productive and security safeguarding biometric ID
redistributing arrange. Particularly, the biometric information is encoded and
redistributed to the cloud server. To carry out biometric recognizable evidence, the
information proprietor encodes the question information and handover to the cloud.
The cloud discharge distinctive proof activities over the disorganized information
and gave the final outcome to the database proprietor. A thoroughgoing security
investigation shows the projected arrange is secure irrespective of whether or not
aggressors will manufacture recognizable proof demands and intrigue with the cloud.
Dissimilar and gone by customs, trial results demonstrate the projected plan fulfill a
superior outcome in each coming up with and distinctive proof methodology.


Cloud Storage,Biometric System,Identity Management System,

Cognitive Security in Software Define Network Layer


R. Kavitha,N.Priya,



The need for better security is always increasing in exponential demand with
the elevation of the security concerns created by the vulnerable code and software
being produced. A smart, self-healing and cognitive security network is the demand
of the generation. With machine learning capabilities and advanced deep learning,
we explore the possibility of architecting such a network build on a SDN network.
Software Defined Networking replaces the conventional way of traditional
networking with an application layer giving the programming capability to the
networks thus increasing the flexibility of the network in terms of adaptability.
Programming machine learning capability by introducing a learning element to the
SDN network. We deploy security and classification algorithm to identify and
classify traffic into potential attacks and intrusion. The results show improved
accuracy that can detect all possible attacks over the neural network based on our
pattern recognition algorithm for intrusion detection and recognition. The network
can also self-optimize itself to defend itself real-time.


SDN-Software Defined Networks,WAN,

Authenticated Online Fee Payment System


R. Kavitha,S.R. Srividhya,



The widespread use of online payments has been grown rapidly like for bill
and fee payments through android application or internet. But some of the
applications or websites are not authenticated. Some websites are accepting the
payments even we entered invalid information in particular fields. This project covers
the issues of authentication in online payments, and it will check whether the entered
fields are valid or not by using predefined format. If the entered information in
particular fields is valid then it will redirect to the payment gateway, if not it will
shows a message as invalid information.


Payment Authentication,Data Validation,

Program Identification in Wireless Sensor Networks


D. Jeyapriya,R.Velvizhi,



Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has accomplished enormous
development lately making it wind up plainly one of the best creating regions of the
low information limit correspondences framework. The critical issue in WSN is the
requirement on vitality and preparing assets capacity in bit which lessens down
potential usefulness of sensor hub. Likewise persistent utilization of a solitary briefest
course amongst source and sink brings about a shorter life expectancy of a sensor
hub which thusly debases the system execution. The imperative thought for the wide
scale WSN is the advance on control usage productivity. In this way bunching is
imperative vitality productive steering procedures for WSN. The proposed Spherical
Routing convention (SpRP) are planned and its execution measurements are assessed
as i.e. number of bundle transmitted, number of parcel got, rate in parcel
conveyance, throughput and normal lingering vitality and contrasted and the
execution measurements estimations of Modified LEACH (M-LEACH) grouping
Protocol. The conclusion from the investigation of results is that SpRP convention
accomplishes better streamlined execution difference to famous M-LEACH
convention. The anticipated work results from the execution measurements can
includes additional life time in a WSN to give unrivaled Quality of Service (QoS).


Data Capacity,Spherical Routing,M-LEACH,Life traverse,Quality of Service,

Multi Participant Chat Analysis


K. Anita Davamani,S.Amudha,



Human practices have dependably been of incredible enthusiasm to analysts
and researchers. Surmising positive and negative suppositions from discussion has
been something which humanity has dependably had enthusiasm from an earlier time.
With the appearance of web-based social networking channels, the measure of data
we are getting about people and their practices is enormous. Internet based life has
brought the discussions of individuals as content which can be handled, and
inductions can be made. At present there exists a ton of work in the field of slant
examination and there have been a couple of web administrations which use feeling
investigation for impact positioning and brand gathering figuring. In my project, my
research work is focused on analyzing massive group chats and dividing them
separately for every user by clustering them based on gap between them. It can be
very useful for societies, Business farms, National Security and in many other fields.
Because in today’s world where everybody is interested rely on the data harvesting
and What people are talking about. From a big cooperation to National Investigation
Agencies (NIA) rely on data about the conversation between people’s what they are
more commonly talking about and is there anything odd in those conversations. But a
big question arise as there are thousands of groups and they have hundreds of
members and thousand’s of messages out of them there few ones who participate
actively while there are many members who rarely send messages in those groups
and in those thousand’s of messages there is some particular words which are used
more commonly and while there are also words which get used rarely. So how to
classify all this information? Can we rely on manual classification? Or do we need
program to automatically do this work for us and presenting in form of


web-based social networking,measure of data,(NIA) rely on data,

A Novel Voice Authentication Using Hidden Markov Model (HMM)


K. Anita Davamani,Sangeetha.S,



Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a characteristic and profoundly hearty
measurable technique or programmed voice check. The ordinary sign dealing with
strategies envision that the sign ought to be stationary and are inadequate in
observing non stationary standard, for example, the voice signals. The voice check
framework consolidating the pre-accentuation, begin/end point identification, include
extraction and vector quantization. Gee is utilized both in preparing procedure and
check process. The info discourse sign is pre-underlined to wipe out the foundation
clamor and to improve higher recurrence parts. For this reason a first request high
pass FIR channel was utilized. Begin and end point identification of the ideal
discourse sign must be finished. For this reason decrease calculation is utilized. At
that point the Mel cepstrum is utilized to get an awesome voice check framework. The
Mel cepstral coefficients got from each must mapped to a solitary point. For this
reason vector quantization is utilized. This is used in HMMA Hidden Markov Model
is a Finite State Machine having a fixed number of states. It is a quantifiable
procedure for delineating the ghastly properties of the edges of a point of reference.
The verified weakness of the HMM is that the trade can be all around depicted as a
parametric energetic philosophy and that the parameters of the stochastic system can
be considered in a particularly outlined way. Gee is a doubly installed stochastic
procedure with a hidden stochastic procedure that isn’t straightforwardly
recognizable, yet can be watched distinctly through another arrangement of
stochastic procedures that produce the grouping of perceptions. The layout technique
for discourse acknowledgment experiences the time arrangement issue. DTW takes
care of this issue by utilizing Dynamic Programming. Nonetheless, the format
approach did not depend on factual sign displaying in an exacting sense.


HMM,wavelet transform,

Intelligent Surveillance System with Time Optimization


M. Ramamoorthy,N. Ayyanathan,M. Padma Usha,



Recent video surveillance system provides a path to continuously monitor any
place at any time. In addition IP based surveillance system helps to monitor the
place remotely through wide area network. Here the system is designed such that the
camera which captures the video act as the front end and the computer which helps
as to view the details acts as the client of the system. The main aim of this paper is to
increase the resolution of the video in the system and to reduce the transmission
time of the IP based video surveillance system. In this system we use IP camera to
capture the scene and a field programmable gate array (FPGA) is connected to the
local server through the IP network. The FPGA used here is programmed to process
the captured video and operates towards effective data transmission in IP network.
The algorithms like connected component labeling, background modeling is
analyzed along with High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) to enhance the quality
of the video captured. In future on updating the designed model Using WAP
structure the cell phones can be used for the client side of the system. As expected
due to the introduction of efficient video coding and IP networking the transmission
time is highly reduced in our proposed system.


HEVC,FPGA,Video Surveillance,Image Enhancement,

Relationship Identification & Prediction Of Diseases Association Using Micro-RNA Of Genomic Data


G. Michael,R. Kavitha,P. Abi Glory Treasa,



The current process of finding the relationship between the father and the
son and also predicting the diseases that is yet to occur is quite inaccurate because it
includes only the gene-id of the respected person. In order to handle or to make this
system more accurate, we propose this system by using the chromosome structure of
the person. This system takes the input of the chromosome structure of the son that
has been partitioned from the father’s chromosome structure. It initially preprocesses
the image of the son using the collaborative filtering for making it look different from
the input image to show the similarity between the father and the son. It then detects
the edge of the structure after preprocessing it using the SOBEL edge recognition
calculation. The SOBEL edge discovery calculation is that the inclination of the
picture is determined for every pixel position in the picture .After detecting the edges
of those input images, matching process starts between the input image and the list of
father chromosome images. Then the matched output appears. In order to predict the
diseases which is yet to come in future for the son is represented graphically by
dividing it into three colors, firstly green represents there is less possibility of the son
getting the disease, secondly yellow represents there may be any chance of son
getting the disease and finally red represents there is high possibility of son getting
the disease.


Image processing,Edge detection,Image matching,Graphical representation,

Forensic Investigation of data in cloud environment with virtual objects


Michael G,Sangeetha.S,Akilesh JS,



Virtualization is the heart of business nowadays as this holds the key
to the development of the world in terms of advancement in technology. It is
often noted as the medium through which the single physical device can be
used to emulate several virtual copies which can function as stateful entity.
These machines are capable of running on their own as in a physical machine
where the storage system is often encapsulated and not visible from the base
layer. As the technology matures, the crimes associated with it also mutates
which is not in the best intent of the innovators. To curb these crimes in cloud
environment, forensics investigation must be wellequipped.
An attempt has been made in this project to investigate the forensic
analysis of data in cloud environment specifically on Amazon Web Services
EC2 instances by leveraging the tools from ThreatResponse project.
Advanced cloud forensic capabilities help an organization to adapt to
challenges and result in improved overall security for the systems.


Cloud Computing,Cyber Crime,Digital Evidences,Forensics Solutions,

Applying New Cryptographic Methods in E-Banking security


N. Priya,C. Anuradha,



Electronic Banking that is furthermore define as E –Banking.It could be a
supply of getting information concerning bank and its various administrations by
means of web. E – Banking is at present the crucial substance of Banking
administrations. Information innovation has purchased real changes inside the
operational setting of the Banking sector. The creative strategies upheld by banks
square measure inside the kind of programmed teller machine Machines – ATM’s,
on-line Banking, phone Banking, Mobile Banking and so on,. the wellbeing and
protection of the learning is that the real concern on the whole web Banking
techniques. Additionally the web keeping money industries inclined to assaults
related with client validation. The objective of this paper is to discuss various
encoding systems upheld science advancements and audit various methods for
security in E-Banking


E-banking, Security,Encryption, Decryption,Cryptography,

Analysis of Block Chain based E-Procurement System –A Novel Approach


Priya N,Ponnavaikko M,Rex Aantonny,



In recent years everything is digitalized in the world. E-procurement is one of the
services used by the government in business sectors. Security is the main aspect of
this e-procurement method. In existing systems, various cryptographic mechanisms
are used. Recently block chain made a tremendous change in business and economic
activities. blockchain is a distributed ledger that stores the transactions in a secure
and immutable way. In this paper Blockchain mechanism is introduced in the
proposed system for a secure E-Procurement system. Hyper ledger composer
supporting e-procurement framework is designed. Few consensus algorithms in
blockchainare discussed to support the blockchain method.


E-Procurement,cryptography,security,block chain,consensus,hyper ledger composer.,

Execution increment of Classifiers using Combination of Clustering and examination Techniques


P. Nandhini,Sangeetha. S,

DOI NO: spl.2019.08.00019


Therapeutic masters require a solid guess thinking to separate
Diabetes. Information mining is the way toward isolating information from
trade viewpoints and spreading out it into noteworthy data. The basic
objective of information mining is to find new cases for the clients and to make
an understanding of the information cases to give basic and huge data to the
clients. Information mining is related with find vital cases to help in the basic
errands of therapeutic affirmation and treatment. In this paper, execution
examination of direct assembling figurings and joined packaging and course
of action calculations are done. It was discovered that the joined packaging
depiction procedure was superior to the essential social occasion approach.


KDD,Simple K-Means,Density Based Clustering,

Extended VEoT framework – Implemented in a Smart Boutique


S. Pothumani,C.Anuradha,A.Ashok Kumar,

DOI NO: spl.2019.08.00020


With advent of new technologies in communication and security in IoT and
advantages of Cloud computing, have multiplied, the opportunities in Smart homes,
Offices and Equipment’s. Augmented Reality (AR) adds another dimension to the
experience. The proposed system makes use of all these concepts including Edge
computing to design a Smart Boutique. A boutique is a unique store that sells stylish,
luxury and fashion clothing, jewelry, or other exquisite goods. Considering the
richness to be experienced by the Customers, the usage of these techniques would
amply complement their senses. VEoT or Virtual Environment of Things is a
framework for combining all these technologies to mix both real world objects and
Virtual Reality. It is very important to cater to the needs of customer in a unique way,
giving personal touch to the business. This would create repeat orders and would
attract more customer footfalls. The base paper gives a concrete architecture for
combining IoT and AR with the help of Edge server. We have tried to make the system
robust, including a kiosk touch screen to enable the customer to have more
information on Boutique and its articles. The goal of the system is to produce
renewed customer experience and create a Smart Boutique with technology.


Augmented Reality,Internet of Things (IoT),Kiosk,Virtual Environment of Things (VEoT),Cloud Server,

Analyzing Healthcare Data Using Bigdata Analytics in WAN


S. Pothumani,A.R.Arunachalam,



Late mechanical advances in sensors, low-quality included circuits, and wi-fi
comications have enabled the configuration of negligible exertion, littler than
anticipated, light-weight, and smart physiological sensor centers. These center
points, prepared for distinguishing, getting ready, and talking at least one critical
fundamental symptoms, may be impeccably included into wi-fi individual or
packaging frameworks (WPANs or WBANs) for wellbeing following. These systems
guarantee to alter human services by methods for allowing reasonable, nonobtrusive,
constant, walking wellness following almost continuous updates of logical
actualities through the Internet. In spite of the fact that various continuous
examinations endeavors are that have some expertise in different specialized, money
related, and social issues, numerous specialized obstacles by and by need to be
settled with the aim to have bendy, reliable, quiet, and vitality green WBANs fitting
for therapeutic bundles. The paper presents contraption structure and hardware and
programming business, similarly as the makers’ reactions for time synchronization,
control the officials, and on-chip banner getting ready.


Sensors,Wi-Fi comications,Intensity Power,Time synchronization,

Iris Recognition Using Hough Transform


C. Rajabhushanam,Swati D. Shirke,



In most iris identification systems, the complete image acquires constraints
are understood. These constraints include near-infrared (NIR) illumination to release
the co-occurrences of texture measures in the mirror plane of human iris, as well as
proximity in the scan lines of a device. In recent advances to different illumination
technologies introduced in images captured in the environment. This environment
includes a visible wavelength (VW) light source at-a-distance over the close distance
from the capturing device. For accurate Iris identification at-a-distance, eye images
require improvement of effective strategies, while setting the light source at a
distance from the planar view of the iris. Effectively performing feature extraction
technique for Near-Infrared and Visible wavelength images, that were collected in an
uncontrolled stage. The identification of iris accuracy on the publicly available
databases was then measured. This paper presents a preprocessing of Iris
Recognition using Hough Transform (HT) for Iris Area of interest (AOI) and rubbersheeting
the model captured using linear stretching and rotation for normalization.
The HT is used to filter and contrast stretch the iris regions from multispectral iris
images. A basic purpose of this research is to envelop a design and implement IRISrecognition
at a distance (IAAD) by adopting a frequency and wavelength-based
Hough transform for accurate feature selection. The proposed method is described as
follows: Initially, the input iris image will be subjected to pre-processing while
extracting features with differences from local extrema and maxima conditions, using
a regular shape filling Hough transform. The iris localization and detection consist of
a hill climbing segmentation approach that is based on geometric shape Hough
measure. Proposed in comparison to the contemporary.


Hough Transform (HT),Iris Segmentation,Iris Normalization,Enhancement,

Activity Pattern Mining from Social Media for Healthcare Monitoring on Big data


S. Sadagopan,G.Michael,



Big data applications introduce novel openings for establishinginnovative
information and produce differentadvanced methods to improve the worth of
healthcare.In this paper, a novel activity pattern mining from social media for
healthcare to examine big data applications in different biomedical multi-disciplines
such as bioinformatics, medical imaging and community healthcare applications.Big
data analytical tools perform the key part in their task for extracting hidden
behavioural and expressive patterns frompersonal messages and their tweets. The
behavioural patterns of the users can realizetheir additional informations about their
concealed feelings and sentiments. Further, the neural network is modelled to predict
the psychological informations, such as nervousness, depression, behavioural
disorder and mental stress.This is also shows that integrating variety of sources of
data enables medical practitioner to show a novel investigation of patient care
processes, improvements in new mobile healthcare technological developments aid
real-time data collection, archiving and analysis of data in distributed environments.


Healthcare,Big data,Activity Patterns Likelihood,

Development of a Cloud Based Alert Notification for Analyzing the Banking Security


S. Sangeetha,R. Kavitha,



For the Banking security we can utilize Aadhar card is a Unique
Identification that gathers biometric information of the occupants. It’s helmed by
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), a main office of Indian
Government. Aadhar based distinguishing proof records the biometrics of an
individual with interestingly related 12-digit numerical. This bit of disengaged
singular information might be undermined whenever dealt with something else. This
stands as a major threat going frontward with the Aadhar card. To stay away from
the above said issues we present a cloud-based informing framework for the
individual protection. The paper is planning to build up an electronic web based
financial framework utilizing Short Message Service (SMS) just as email warning
innovation including Aadhar card confirmation procedure will improve greater
security for client. In this technique if any others attempting to abuse client accounts
the message notice will send to client by SMS or Mail and including bank following
framework. For access the private subtleties and confirm of banking status just as we
has an arrangement of following the TPA area through GPS


Cloud Storage,Identity Management System,TPA,GPS,

Efficient Traceable Authorization Security


S. Sangeetha, S. R. Srividhya,



This task manages the safe looking, stockpiling and recovery of client
information in the cloud framework. Different administrations of cloud, security
issues and security prerequisites of cloud information are talked about. Amid the
transfer procedure, get to arrangement of the proprietor ought to be determined. To
keep up information privacy and for secure capacity, different sorts of encryption
calculation are utilized for shielding data from unapproved divulgence.
Notwithstanding, looking over scrambled information was hard to accomplish. In this
way, watchword based looking has been presented where the ideal document is
recovered in the wake of scanning for it by giving the relating catchphrase. In this
manner, following and denying the pernicious client who misuses mystery key should
be fathomed quickly. On the off chance that any client attempts to give wrong key, he
will be considered as a malevolent client, so framework consequently deny the client.
This Project for the most part centers around confirmation of the client to improve
the security framework and shield touchy client’s information from unapproved



A Methodology to Detect Fraud Apps Using Sentiment Analysis


S. R. Srividhya,Sangeetha. S,



In Today’s world, smart phone are very important in our daily life. In today,s
Scenario everyone is using smart phone. Nowadays, there are numerous applications
out there on web due to that user cannot continuously get correct or true reviews
concerning the merchandise on web. There are so many fraud applications
on the internet.The growth of apps was increased by 1.6 million at App Store and Go
ogle Play. There are many apps fromwhich any app can be fraud, so the identificatio
n of true app is needed.Our fraud app detection application will help user to identify
which application is true. Our main target is todetect fraud app because there are hu
ge no of mobile apps. By analyzing admin declare app fraud app and alsobased on us
er comment evidence we give rating.


Mobile Apps,Google Play,Fraud apps,

Audit of Serious Games: By Decision Making And Machine Learning


S. R. SriVidhya,A. R.Arunachalam,



The computer games market has turned into a built up and regularly
developing worldwide industry. The soundness of the video and PC diversions
industry, together with the assortment of classifications and innovations
accessible, imply that video game concepts and projects are being connected
in various orders. One of these is the field known as serious amusements. The
primary objective of this article is to gather all the significant articles
distributed during the last decade and make a pattern examination about the
utilization of certain computerized reasoning calculations identified with basic
leadership and learning in the field of genuine recreations. An arrangement
system was structured and laid out to characterize the 129 papers that met the
consideration criteria. The creators utilized this order structure for reaching a
few determinations in regards to the real utilization of savvy genuine
diversions. The creators think about that over ongoing years enough
knowledge has been assembled to make new insightful genuine diversions to
consider the last point as well as the technologies and strategies used to
furnish players with an almost genuine encounter. Be that as it may,
specialists may need to improve their testing strategy for created genuine
recreations, in order to guarantee they meet their last purposes.


serious amusements,testing strategy,

Analyzing and Exploring Anamoly for Wireless Sensor Networks


S. Theivasigamani,D.Jeyapriya,



Observing individual areas with a possibly untrusted server presents
protection dangers to the checked people. To this end, we propose a security
protecting area observing framework for remote sensor systems. In our framework,
we plan two in system area anonymization calculations, to be specific, asset and
quality-mindful calculations, that intend to empower the framework to give top notch
area checking administrations for framework clients, while protecting individual
area security Both calculations depend on the settled k-obscurity security idea, that
is, an individual is undefined among k people, to empower believed sensor hubs to
give the total area data of observed people for our framework. The asset mindful
calculation plans to limit correspondence and computational expense, while the
quality-mindful calculation expects to augment the precision of the total areas by
limiting their checked territories. To use the total area data to give area observing
administrations, we utilize a spatial histogram approach that gauges the
dissemination of the checked people dependent on the assembled total area data. The
usage procedure, proposed frameworks and different perspectives are plainly talked
about in proposed frameworks.


WSN,in-network aggregation,IDM,IDSs,SMM,Authentication,

Detection of Severity of Chronic Cough in Elders and Children using Machine Learning





Hack is a typical indication of numerous respiratory ailments. The
assessment of its power and recurrence of event could give important clinical data in
the appraisal of patients with endless cough. The MEMS vibration sensor is put in
neck either as clumps or robes. The band-like sensor fix put on patient’s body. Sensor
is fueled by batteries which empowers versatility of the patient and is associated with
a cell phone gadget. Cell phone transmits information to a cloud-based wellbeing
stage which further conveys information and cautions restorative staff. The AI
calculations gather and investigate the sound of the hacks to customize it to the client
dependent on its pitch and sound profile, which is one of a kind to every individual
dependent on the size and limit of his or her lungs. When hacking shows an
approaching assault, the gadget transmits a message to the committed cloud-based
programming through the closest cell interchanges tower. An instant message is then
consequently dispatched to the cell phones of at least one guardians, cautioning them
that the patient is hinting at early an assault. On the off chance that there are
numerous overseers present, the first to react can utilize the cell phone to send an
answer instant message to the majority of the others, informing them that the person
is with or while in transit to the patient. The specialists could utilize chronicles of
hacking to help analyze an ailment. [II][I]


IoT,Machine Learning,Bio patches,Classification and Regression Tree,

Energy conservation in smart phones using Hadoop technology


R. Velvizhi,R.Kavitha,



In this day and age there is an expansion sought after of advanced mobile
phones and its applications like whatsapp, face book, twitter, yippee and a few
amusements application expend parcel of vitality and assets, in this manner to
discover the arrangement on this issues is troublesome. To discover the answer for
limiting the vitality utilization of the advanced mobile phones and makes an
accessible for proficient use. Telephones are associated with the batteries that are
restricted in size and limit so that overseeing vitality well is vital in advanced mobile
phones. In this advanced cell the procedure is acquaint a dynamic backdrop
illumination with upgrading for PDA application so utilizing this method we can
decrease the vitality utilization. In this model compute SSIM record by looking at the
two casings from video. The SSIM list use to take care of the battery issue and
demonstrate the optimality as far as vitality investment funds. At last, in light of the
SSIM record.


Smart phones,energy conservation,SSIM index (structural similarity index metric) index,dynamic backlight,minimize the energy,

Modeling and Simulation Capacity Analysis of MIMO Wireless Sensor Network





In conventional wireless conversation device the problematic of approximating
the parameters such as coherence time, coherence band width and so on. Continues to be
not correct. This problematic is especially owing to the circumstance that the mobile
receiver may be in movement and additionally obtained signals can attain alongside a
couple of pondered paths. In this paintings, the channel modeling, most efficient location
scatterers and reflectors with appreciate to the region of receiver and transmitter and the
surest valve of pointed range with the course of movement of the cell receiver are to be
travelled. The consequence of the multipath fading both over the years and frequency is
also to be careful. The algorithms and arrangements projected in this articles shall gain
within the (i) choicest location of scatterers everywhere a receiver transferring at an
adjustable velocity (ii) practical modeling of MIMO declining channels overwhelming the
conventional assumption that fading coefficients among exclusive transmit and get hold
of antennas are unbiased unsystematic variables.


Mobility models,Multipath fading,Channel uncertainty,MIMO fading channel,

Object Co-Segmentation Using Image Processing


Balaji. S,John Paul Praveen A,Mohanraj R,



Given a lot of pictures that contain objects from a typical classification, object
co-division goes for naturally finding and sectioning such regular articles from each
picture. In the proposed structure, we initially present the idea of association
foundation and use it to improve the power for smothering the picture foundations
contained by the given picture gatherings. At that point, we likewise debilitate the
necessity for the solid earlier learning by utilizing the foundation earlier. For the
feeble foundation earlier, the model which is called the MR-SGS model is utilized.
This is characterized as complex positioning with a self-learned diagram
can derive the reasonable chart structures as opposed to fixing diagram structures in
a given plan.


Picture division,Image co-division,managed learning,Interactive learning,PC vision,

IOT Based Industrial Air Pollution Control System Using Microcontroller


Sowmiya Manoj.M,Arulselvi.S,Hemalatha.B,Saravana.S,



Air contamination has critical impact on the grouping of constituents in the
climate prompting impacts like an unnatural weather change and corrosive
downpours. Due to the harmful industrial gases and To cancel such adverse un
equalences in the environment, an air pollution control system is mostly important.
This paper makes to form an effective main solution for industrial air pollution
controlling system by use of IOT on a real implemented time based scale named true
time wired less industrial air polluted control design. A less weighted and a web
( IOT ) communicate to see the real mechanical air contamination information as
counts, diagrams of proving grounds were created and accessible anyplace on the
web Other elements like temperature and mugginess likewise detected alongside gas
fixations to empower information investigation through information combination
systems. Experimentation completed utilizing the created remote modern air
contamination control framework under various physical conditions demonstrate that
the framework gathers dependable wellspring of continuous fine-grain contamination


IOT,Air Pollution,ARM GSM,GPRS,

Detecting and Disabling Digital Cameras using Image Processing Techniques


G. Angelo Virgin,Balaji S,K.Subbulakshmi,John Paul Praveen A,



In this paper, we discuss about the equipment has the ability to recognize
and disabling digital cameras. The camera is positioned and neutralized by the system
CCD is the image sensor available in every camera which is retro reflective and
transmits light back to its source at the same angle. Infrared light is emitted by the
device which is not visible to human eye at a distance of about 20 feet. Camcorder is
used to accumulate the video of reflection. Then the video of the reflections is
transmitted to a computer connected to the equipment , where it is sent through imageprocessing
algorithms that acquires infrared light bouncing back an invisible infrared
laser is projected into the camera’s lens once the camera is identified, thereby
overexposing the photo and providing it useless. Digital camera are neutralized by low
level IR lasers but are neither a health danger to homosapiens nor physical damage to
cameras. We review the simplified design of the device that can utilized in theatres to
block piracy. The research areas being covered here are optics and image processing.


Camcorder,CCD,LED,Retro reflector,Hough Transform,

Google Assistant Controlled Home Automation


B. Hemalatha,Balaji. S,Sowmiya manoj. M,Kanjula Hrushiekesh Reddy,



“The system is implemented using ordinary household appliances Natural
language voice commands are given to the Google Assistant and with the help of
IFTTT (If This Then That) application and the Blynk application the commands are
decoded and then sent to the microcontroller, the microcontroller in turn controls the
relays connected to it as required, turning the device connected to the respective relay
On or OFF as per the users request to the Google Assistant. The microcontroller used
is NodeMCU (ESP8266) and the communication between the microcontroller and the
application is established via Wi-Fi (Internet).”


NodeMCU ESP8266,IFTTT -If This Than That Application,(IoT),Google Assistant,Voice Control,Smartphone,

Data Deduplication in Wireless sensor network


M. Jasmin,S.Philomina,



In the data transmitting from node to node, increase the speed in the
development, rapid growth in the total number of the basestations, rate of utilization
of power in the vital growth of information technology the sponsor amount is large.
In the transition environment many companies are observing their information
storage, techniques thereby to optimize the power saving system. Data deduplication
strategy to limit the capacity framework can indispensable job in reduce data,
consequently improve settings use additionally limit heat reduces. Data
deduplication can decrease circles numbers utilized in the work to improve plate
control absorb rate. By breaking down the data deduplication procedure, produces,
and system for the further procedure lay the substation to the work.


Data Deduplication,Power rate,Disk number,power storage,

Gesture Controlled Quad copter Using RF Technology


John Paul Praveen A,Balaji. S,Mohanraj R,



Gesture recognition technologies are much growing in the world of today.
At this time there is much effective analysis in the terrain and limited in the way of
openly available implementations. Many techniques have been implemented for
sensing gestures and controlling quad copters. Glove based technique is a wellknown
methods of recognizing hand gestures. A Gesture Controlled quad copter is a
kind of quad copter which can be regulated by hand gestures and not the older way
by using remotes. The user needs to wear a glove on his hand which comprises a
sensor which is an Flex sensor in our case. Sensors convert physical movements into
electrical signals. Also sensor converts different gesture movements of hands into
electrical signals. Other commonly used transducers are Accelerometer and
Gyroscopes. The user need wear a gesture device which includes flex sensor. A flex
sensor is a sensor that measures the amount of bending. The sensor will document
the drive of hand in particular direction which will result in the movement of quadcopter


Quad-copter,Flex sensor,Motion capture system,UAV,

Health Care Monitoring UsingLi-Fi


John Paul Praveen A,Balaji. S,Mohanraj R,



Reliable checking of the patient’s health condition in the prosperity center is
either manual or remote unfaltering quality (Wi-Fi)- based structure. A Wi-Fi-based
system winds up lazy in pace as a result of exponentially copied versatility. In this
circumstance, delicate precision (Li-Fi) finds the spots wherever Wi-Fi is material to
various highlights of quick data compose. Beside the pace factor, Li-Fi is increasingly
critical fitting in sanatorium utility for watching the patient’s conditions despite repeat
impedance with the human body. This paper proposes an execution of Li-Fi social
order in the crisis center for controlling the patient’s essentials, for instance,
temperature, heartbeat, and respiratory conditions using specific sensors. The
gathered substances from the sensors are transmitted to the sink, and further, this
information has dealt with the usage of a microcontroller and sent to an introduction
unit as mechanized. Given the thinking of seen light correspondence, a model
mannequin is created with the microcontroller and essential sensors as peripherals
and attempted it is working. Thusly, the utilization of Li-Fi as health watching device
exhibited probably.


Social insurance checking,Light transmitting diode light,Medical hardware,Patient condition,Visible light correspondences,

WPAN Communication Using Rssi For Locomotives Prediction For Transferable Rostrum


G. Kanagavalli,Balaji.S,John Paul Praveen A,Mohanraj R,



By victimization embedded system we’ve got an inclination to face live about
to develop a high quality platform. Every time when the train arrives the
platform, mechanically it can open by intimating a warning to the
passengers those who live victimization the mobile platform. Using wireless
communication this may be done. All the train is connected with RF
transceiver, so that it send a knowledge of arrival before it reaches the platform
of the station. If the train leaves from the platform, then automatically the mobile
platform square measure visiting be bridged between a try of platforms to form a
path between them. This project is supposed with PIC18F45J11 Microcontroller.
The PIC18F45J11 Microcontroller will work of partaking the input from the
RSSI and it offers command to the motor to run therefore on tackle the
modification within theposition of the quality Rostrum.


PIC18F45J11 Microcontroller,MRF24J40 MiWi,RSSI,WPAN,

Implementation of Wind Mill Monitoring System Using IoT and Wi-Fi through GSM Protocol





This undertaking presents contemplations of utilizing remote sensor systems for
checking conditions inside wind ranches, enchanting into contemplations the particular
of such submissions. In these situations, which are planned to make a great deal of
progress or even work in troublesome radio conditions with solid lessening, the basic and
straight correspondence among source and goal isn’t constantly conceivable, because of
the separation confinement. To beat these actualities, we propose a framework which
constantly screens the parameters of the windmill framework and transmits those
information’s to the cloud utilizing IOT. This framework disposes of the Range compel for
passing these parameters to the checking framework.


Wireless sensor networks,attenuation,windmill system,Internet of Things,

Elimination of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise in Video through Modified Cascaded Filter


B. Karthik,T.Krishnakumar,M.Sundararajan,M.Sriram,



Video are degraded through Impulse Noise (salt and pepper noise- SPN). This
methodology that produces the noisy to noise free video frames. Median filters are
recognized for their ability to eliminate impulse noise and protects original type. This
system is to differentiate between noisy pixels and therefore the noisy free pixels. We
have projected an algorithm known as modified Cascaded filter (MCF) algorithm for the
restoration of color or gray scale video frames which could be significantly degraded by
using salt and pepper noise. This planned algorithmic rule indicates higher results than
few best algorithms. To verify the algorithmic rule with varied color video frames and it
offers higher outcome with high IEF and PSNR.


Noise Elimination,MCF,IEF,PSNR,

Enhancement of Digital Map using High Resolution Images





Geospatial data differ accurately and precisely in the attributes as well as their
temporal and spatial dimensions. The two approaches proposed for are road extraction
based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Fuzzy c means clustering.
Image-based and vector-based algorithms are integrated for conflation. Road
Intersections and Terminations of different types of are automatically detected by spatial
contextual measure extraction algorithm. Iterative Relaxation Algorithm (IRA) is
especially used point matching based at the comparative distance records in among the
points. The Vector Road Intersections that is coordinated to removed factor sets by way
of a Relaxation-Labeling Algorithm. A Rubber-sheeting Transformation is a
neighborhood affined ameliorations, which splits the map parts into small sections and
implemented nearby modifications on every piece, also preservative topology in the
route. At the end of Rubber-Sheeting Transform there can be misalignment that’s befell
inside the Road segments. In order to clear up this trouble an energetic Contour Model
(snake) that is used to address the outstanding dislocation mistakes. Road network
extraction is analyzed and compared based on NDVI and Fuzzy C means clustering .This
method can be extended for more information.


Normalized Difference vegetation index,Geographic information system,Fuzzy C means clustering,

Underwater Image Enhancement and Object Detection Using Edge Preserving and Multiscale Contextual Neural Network


M. Meenakumari,Balaji S,John Paul Praveen A,S. Ramya,



The submerged perception circumstances cause incredible difficulties to the
issue of article location from the low-goals submerged pictures. In this paper, we
acquaint an effective strategy with improve the pictures caught submerged and
corrupted in light of the medium dispersing and retention. It expands on the mixing
of 2 pictures that are legitimately gotten from a shading redressed and white-adjusted
adaptation of the first corrupted picture. In the wake of improving the submerged
picture, plans to identify object that present in the submerged by utilizing novel edge
saving and multiscale logical neural network. We concentrated for the most part on
discovery of an item in the submerged that they are utilized to isolate them an article
from the foundation by utilizing a mix of programmed difference extending pursued
by picture number-crunching task, worldwide edge, and least channel. Our system
could be a solitary picture approach that doesn’t need particular equipment or
information about the submerged conditions or scene structure. our upgraded
pictures are described by better exposedness of the dull area, improved worldwide
complexity and edge sharpness and our striking article recognition accomplishes
both clear identification limit and multi-scale logical vigor at the same time in this
manner accomplishes an enhanced presentation.


Underwater enhancement,Striking item revelation,edge safeguarding,multi-scale setting,RGB-D saliency identification,object cover,

Analogous Contradict Planning of a CMOS using domino sense


R.Mohanraj,Balaji.S,John Paul Praveen A,



The fundamental target of this paper comprises of the domino rationale way
and checking path. A fast wide range parallel contradicts that accomplishes high
working frequencies throughout an account pipeline segment demeanor utilizing just
three undemanding redundant CMOS-rationale module types. The three essential
module types are isolated by D flip failure. The three element types are set in an
exceedingly dull constitution in the tallying way and Domino Logic way.
Enthusiastic domino rationale circuits are broadly utilized in present day
computerized VLSI circuits. These dynamic circuits are utilized in superior
structures. Along these lines simultaneously refreshing the tally state with a
consistent deferral at all tallying way module regarding the clock edge. This
construction is versatile to self-assertive portion counter widths utilizing just the
three module types. The deferral counter is contained the underlying module
admittance times only, three-info AND-entryway delay and a D-type flip-flop. The
motivation behind the project is to diminish the Power utilization and CMOS
Technology in the counter way and Domino rationale way by utilizing DSCH in
Microwind Tool. The proposed Counter way is structured utilizing 0.10μm TSMC
Digital cell library and its expended 0.215mW.


CMOS Parallel counter design,Domino logic,Counter path,

Congestion Avoidance-Data replication in Mobile Adhoc Network


S. Philomina,M.Jasmin,



In the data transformation in networks, the fast increase in thedevelopment,
fast growth in the amount of the basestations, and power utilization in the rapid
growth ofinformation technology the spending expenditure is increasing. In the
network environment many organizations are viewing the data storage, techniques
thereby to optimizethe powersaving system. Data replicationtechnique to minimize
the storage system can vital role in minimizedata, thereby optimizepowerusage
alsominimizeheat loss. Data replication can reduce disks numbers used in the work to
optimize disk power usagerate. By analyzing the data replication strategy,processes,
and methodology for the further process lay the base of the work.


Data Replication,Power rate,Disk number,powerstorage,

Performance Analysis Of Efficient Carry Select Adder


M. Sangeetha,Balaji.S,John Paul Praveen A,Mohanraj R,



Carry Select Adder(CSA)has multiplexer and also Ripple Carry
Adder(RCA).Logical operation in traditional CSLA and BEC depends on CSLA is
used to analyze the dependence in data and logic operations which is redundant is
identified. Operation speed is an constraint which is obtained when multipliers are
designed. Electronic components require more battery backup. A proposed adder
speeds 40% to 90%. The reported work decreases the area and delay by the use of
2:1 mux. And implement the result by using FPGA.


CSLA,delay performance,low power design,arithmetic unit,Area,

RF Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna For Effective Communication To Measure Heart Beat Rate Of The Person





Theoretical RF circularly enraptured patch radio wire for viable
correspondence to be plan utilizing Comsol multiphysics recreation programming and
it is reproduced under different scope of working frequencies (433 MHz, 1.6 GHz
and 2.45 GHz). Because of the reception apparatus’ adaptability, power and light
weight it can be effortlessly coordinated into garments. An impedance and radiation
design as elements of recurrence for a circularly energized patch radio wire with a
limited ground plane end a transmission line impedance 50 ohm coaxial food has
leeway of minimal effort, little size and better execution is likewise accomplished.
The trial results are to some degree better with the reenactment results gave by the
Comsol multiphysics programming. The structure of the single conductive layer is
basic and a solitary food to create roundabout polarization.
The primary point of the undertaking is to coordinate patch radio wire into
garments for medicinal application to screen the heart beats per minute. Photo
plethysmograph (PPG) sensor is utilized to break down the blood stream rate which
along these lines is used to gage the heart beat per minutes. The deliberate heart beats
per minutes is transmitted and got by utilizing patch radio wire. At that point they got
sign is send to portable through Global System for Mobile (GSM) modem. The heart
beat rate esteem got in the portable as a message. The worth demonstrates a man
heart beat rate is ordinary/basic.


Circular polarization,Comsol ultiphysics,textile antenna,single-feed,Photoplethysmograph,Global System for Mobile,

Robust Hand Gesture Recognition for Computer Application


S. Saravana,Balaji.S,S. Arul Selvi,M.Sowmiya manoj,



The undertaking exhibits a programmed motion acknowledgment utilizing
shape and surface investigation for human PC interface framework. The proposed
framework will be utilized for executing different ongoing applications, for example,
PC applications, robot control and auto controlling control through human motions.
Programmed motion recognizable proof is done utilizing picture handling
procedures, for example, Pre-preparing, Segmentation, Feature extraction and
Classification. At first the motion formats are made as a source of perspective
examples for programmed ID of info motion sort. At pre-handling stage, a procured
picture from web camera will be used into picture resizing and dimensionality
diminishment. After that, a picture division calculation called versatile thresholding
is utilized here to stifle the foundation for distinguishing closer view object. From the
divided item, composition and shape highlight are extricated to perceive the signal
sort with help of formats. Here, Discriminative nearby twofold example is utilized to
concentrate diverse article surface and edge shape highlight extraction process.
Separating boondocks or outskirt from the surface composition brings extra unfair
data in light of the fact that the limit contains the shape data. Alongside that,
geometrical elements are additionally separated utilizing associated segment


Discriminative local binary pattern,Camera,Computer interface system,surface texture,

Novel Broadband Antenna Design For RFID Tags


Sowmiya Manoj. M,Arulselvi. S,Saravana.S,Hemalatha. B,



The UHF RFID system removes the requirement for manual processes, by
improving inventory visibility performs workflows automation but these RFID tags
cannot perform well in the existence of metallic items. In this paper , a unique UHF
RFID tag antenna which can be suitable for metallic objects is put forward. The
micro strip antenna is composed of two substrates isolated by an air layer the upper
substrates is implemented with a folded dipole and two slots inserted at the end of the
dipole. Second substrate is double-faced, parallel bars and metal plane on upper and
lower face respectively. The printed parallel bar is to enlarge the bandwidth of the
antenna by employing multi resonant bands. The main aim of the proposed antenna is
to improve the antenna gain and to bring the return loss better than -10dB.


Antenna,UHF,RFID,Substrate,Metallic objects,gain,



K. Subbulakshmi,Balaji S,John Paul Praveen A,G. Angelo Virgin,



Waste management has turned into a challenge that is faced by the
developing, developed and precocious countries. The three main entities that
are involved from the overall waste management are users who generate
waste, who collects the waste& city administration, stakeholders. The main
aim is to set up an intelligent system to control the waste management that
helps to notify the waste status in-time to collect the waste. At the same time
the stakeholders knows about the type of waste in what quantity is coming up
at what particular time in a timely fashion. We see it many times in our city
trash cans or garbage cans placed in the public places are always overloaded.
This results in unhealthiest environment for people as well as leave the place
dirty. These situations can be avoided by implementing a project called smart
waste and IoT waste Collection containers .These holders are interfaced with
Microcontroller based framework with remote IR frameworks with focal
framework that indicates current condition of waste using Wi-Fi. So the state
will be refreshed on the html page. The majority of our own the task relies
upon the activity of Wi-Fi module; fundamental for its usage. The primary
target of this venture is to diminish assets and endeavours with progress of a
savvy city vision.


IoT waste collection containers,WiFi,Microcontroller Based Framework,Arduino UNO,

High Performance Matrix Multiplication based on Xilinx Virtex FPGA


S. Arulselvi,B. Karthik,M. Jasmin,Balaji S,



Concurrent data processing is used is used to rise the computational speed of
computer system in parallel processing. This is implemented by pipeline processing.
In this article we offered design of a Pipelined Matrix Multiplier and its results is
stored in matrix. We present design and stimulate a functional Pipelined Matrix
Multiplier Unit. By which we can learn about the working of Pipelined Matrix
Multiplier and how pipelining works. We also get the knowledge of clock timing and
learn to make a timing critical design. In this Pipelined Matrix Multiplier Unit design
we use design compiler, which is a module of Synopsys tools that uses lsi_10k library
and BCCOM method to synthesis the design and simulate the design through VCS


Parallel processing,Pipelining,Matrix multiplier,Clock timing,design area,

Generation Of Electricity Using Bladeless Wind Turbine


B. Hemalatha,Balaji. S,S.Saravana,M. Prudhvi Bharadwaja Reddy,



Wind power is considered one of the most reliable and sustainable
alternatives. By the combination of improved technology and diminishing prices, its
usage has increased in recent years. However, before wind can become the most
viable form of alternative energy, certain barriers need to be overcome. For
example, there are some indications that large-scale wind farms can cause high
levels of bird and bat mortality, large turbines and wind blades have been known to
have a negative impact on local aesthetics. The importance for switching to hasslefree
and easier convenient streams within wind energy, for example, like adopting
various principles, have affected to larger scale in the society.


Bladeless Wind Turbine,vortex Induced Vibration,Linear Alternator Method,

Runtime adaptive Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling technique for reducing the power consumption in Multi Processor System On Chip


M. Jasmin,S. Philomina,



In VLSI due to recent advancements , there is a need for integration of
multiple processors into a single chip. System on chip (Soc) and MPSoc consist of
many processors on a single dye. In Soc power dissipation is the most critical factor,
which has to be given more importance.Hence power optimization techniques have
been proposed.To have an effective analysis on Power optimization ,surveys on
various power optimization techniques have been presented. Power dissipation that
occurs in digital circuits is mainly due to the logic elements, clocks, memories and
other components. To minimize the power dissipation various techniques are
analysed to achieve an effective integration of all types of SOCs with increased
bandwidth and frequencies Network on chip (NoC) has been later evolved .But NoC
consumes more power due to high operating frequencies.So there is a need to reduce
power during compilation to increase the performance of the system. Power
optimization during run time compilation is alsoexplained.In NOC power is mainly
utilized during the data communication between various processing elements. Hence
power utilization due to the communication links in the digital circuits is discussed.
The methodologies to implement dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) in
digital design have been discussed. This paper mainly focuses on Various power
optimization techniques for reducing the power utilization in network .



Design of Barcode Method for the Protection of Web Content


G. Kanagavalli,Balaji. S,John Paul Praveen A,Mohanraj R,



Dynamic Phishing assaults, in which offenders bait Internet clients to sites
that farce real sites, are happening with expanding recurrence and are making
extensive mischief unfortunate casualties. Essentially, an aggressor (phisher) fools
individuals into unveiling touchy data by sending phony messages to countless clients
at irregular. Clueless clients who adhere to the guidance in the messages are
coordinated to well-fabricated satirize website pages and requested to give delicate
data, which the phisher then takes. This kind of extortion has developed into over
70% of phishing exercises are intended to take clients’ record names and passwords.
With such data, an assailant can recover progressively important data from the
traded off records. Measurements distributed by the counter phishing working
gathering (APWG) demonstrate that, toward the finish of Q2 in 2008, the quantity of
vindictive site pages intended to take clients’ passwords had expanded by 258% over
a similar period in 2007. Accordingly, shielding clients from phishing assaults is
critical. In a general sense, clients ought to be confirmed utilizing data that they can’t
promptly uncover to malevolent gatherings. Putting less dependence on the client
during the verification procedure will upgrade security and dispose of numerous
types of extortion. Numerous enemy of phishing arrangements have been grown, for
example, content investigation and HTML, to distinguish phony website pages. Be
that as it may, these procedures have flopped, as phishers are presently making
phishing pages with non-analyzable components, for example, pictures, formats and
glimmer questions and URL’s.


Phishing,Website page Protection,Triple DES,Barcode,

Real Concern to High Speed VLSI Design for Interconnect Scaling


B. Karthik,M. Jasmin,S. Arulselvi,M. Sriram,



Scaling the MOS interconnection line widths, improves the layout density, but the
intrinsic propagation delays along maximum length lines are becoming significant and
that the coupling between adjacent lines due to ever shrinking separation is also
increasing to a noticeable level. In this paper we show the effects of the classical scaling
on the effective delay and the coupling capacitance.


MOS,High Speed VLSI,Interconnect Scaling,

In Position Dampness Extent of Hydrogen Energy Chamber Car Using MEMS Feeler


R. Mohanraj,Balaji. S,John Paul Praveen A,



In today’s world, with increasing price of fuels, depletion of natural resources
and pollution levels mounting up, an eco friendly and cheap alternative fuel in
automobiles can be implemented. A hydrogen fuel cell makes it possible by converting the
hydrogen to electricity that powers the vehicle. The proposed green fuel is hydrogen
which is combined with oxygen inside the fuel cell. The byproduct is water which can be
used for purposes like irrigation, domestic and industrial uses after treatment. The fuel
cell efficiency is dependent on its moisture content and so a MEMS based humidity sensor
is proposed for measuring the humidity.


Fuel cell,MEMS,humidity,COMSOL,

Fault Diagnosis in Mixed-Mode Circuit by Using Artificial Neural Network Approach


S. Ramya,Balaji . S,John Paul Praveen A,M.Meenakumari,



In these work it is said that artificial systems are connected to finding of
calamitous imperfections in the advanced piece of a nonlinear blended mode circuit.
The methodology is exhibited on the case of a moderately mind boggling sigma-delta
modulator. A lot of shortcomings are chosen first. At that point, issue lexicon is
made, by reproduction, utilizing the reaction of the loop path to an info incline flag.
This spoken to type of a carry-into table. Counterfeit neural system is then prepared
for displaying (retaining) the look-into table. The conclusion is carried out so the
artificial neural network is energized by broken reactions so as to introduce the
deficiency codes at its yield. There were no blunders in recognizing the shortcomings
amid conclusion.


Around 4 catchphrases or expressions in sequential request,isolated by commas,

Rain and Snow Detection Removal ina Real Time Video


Sidharth Raj. R.S,B. Karthik,M. Sundararajan,S. P. Vijayaragavan,



Downpour streaks disable permeability of partner degree video and present
unwanted obstruction that may seriously affect presentation picture investigation.
Rain streak expulsion calculations attempt and recuperate a downpour Rain streak
scene. we will in general location drawback {the matter} of downpour streak
expulsion from one video by defining it as a layer deterioration issue, with a
downpour streak layer too mandatory on a foundation layer containing fact scene
content. Existing deterioration systems utilize either slim dictionary learning
methodologies or force an incidental position structure on the vibes of the downpour
streaks. Though these systems will improve the general permeability, their
presentation partner degree more often than not be unsatisfactory, for they tend to
either over-smooth the foundation pictures or create pictures that likewise contain
perceptible downpour streaks. To manage the issues, we keep an eye on the
proposition approach that forces priors for each the foundation and downpour streak
layers. These priors zone unit upheld mathematician blend models learned on little
fixes that may oblige a spread of foundation looks comparable because the presence
of the downpour streaks.


Rain streak,downpour streak,blend models,



K. Subbulakshmi,Balaji S,John Paul Praveen A,G. Angelo Virgin,



Two top tier and flexible voice-based affirmation and language affirmation
systems are portrayed in this paper. While the confirmation systems engage secure
access to the media focus at home and the language affirmation structure can be
utilized as a past development to normally unravel and saw substance is
deciphered from its one of a kind language into another. The essential ideal
position of the made system is that they can continue running on a simplicity
embedded contraption, for instance, a Raspberry Pi (RPi) and using simply opensource
adventures, which makes it conceivable to mimic (or) consolidate into
various structures. to plan English language affirmation is predominantly


Speaker acknowledgment,Language acknowledgment,I-vectors,installed gadgets,open-source devices,

Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Tilt Sensor Based Convey Expression Identification


M. Meenaakumari,Balaji.S,John Paul Praveen A,S. RAMYA,



This paper demonstrates a micro electromechanical systems tilt sensor generally
subject to explanation recognizing evidence. It includes machines is a triaxialmicro
electro mechanical structures tilt sensor, microcontroller, and remote show
correspondence system for watch and assembling expanding speeds of banner way. This
hardware module will be utilized by the Customers to record numbers, starting in cutting
edge kind by impacting 4 to pass on banner. The expanding paces of hand developments
evaluated by the tilt sensor are transmitted remotely to a laptop for way recognizing
verification. Along these lines, by changing the circumstance (littler scale electro
mechanical systems) it is prepared to exhibit all hidden letters and data’s inside the
Personal Computer.


Micro Electro Mechanical framework tilt sensor,flag,written by hand recognizable proof,signal, handwritten identification,path algorithm,

Development of an Efficient On-Board Charger for Series Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles


Anitha Sampthkumar,S. Prakash,S. P. Vijayaragavan,



An electric vehicle is known for movable storage batteries, and emerging
technology. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) can extract strength from either
chemical fuels or stored electricity, wherein the latter is normally regenerated by using
plugging into the electrical grid. PHEV era presents an effective answer for
accomplishing better gasoline economy, higher performance, and decrease emissions,
compared with traditional automobiles. In PHEV system, on-board charger plays a
major role in new trend of fast charging technique. This can be achieved with
participating the charger with the converter or assimilating the charger with the motor
drive. Integration of driving/charging modes by various controlling converter were
This paper deals with series plug in hybrid vehicle controlled by closed-loop
control which is being used in switched reluctance motor (SRM). SRM has mounting
interest in electrified automobiles due to fantastic overall performance and has been
regarded as a low-value system. It has focused windings on the stator and no magnetic
foundation at the rotor. Owed to the higher torque-production competence with decrease
undulation in torque, an SRM with a higher quantity of stator and rotor poles is an
ability applicant for purchase packages in plug-in hybrid electric powered automobiles.
In this proposed gadget, the electrical strength drift in the drivetrain is meticulous by
means of an electricity electronic converter with less power substituting devices and the
operation of the machines levels is unbiased. It lets in the preferred power
adaptationamongthe SR motor,the engine generator, and the batteryunder distinctive
operation modes. The paper focuses on the layout and implementation of 3 phase
switched disinclination motor force with combined charging characteristic all through
riding mode of plug in hybrid electric automobile. During driving mode, the excitation
interval, driving interval and charging interval were obtained by varying commutation
angle with reference to rotor position. For this operation new energy efficient converter
is derived to reduce voltage across each phase windings were analyzed and simulated.

Simulation consequences primarily based on MATLAB or Simulink demonstrate the
efficiency of the motor drive for automobile application and also enhance the market
adoption of PHEV.


Hybrid-Electric vehicle,PHEV,SRM,On-Board Charger,

Design and Control of Tie Line Connected Renewable Energy Sources





In this article investigates the new novel technique to extract maximum
output power from hybrid power generations. In this interconnected solar and wind
to reach the power demand. To obtain maximum power from solar power employed
incremental conductance MPPT algorithm and for maximum wind production
adopted DFIG. The PID controller for source side and rotor side works very well
compare to the existing control strategies. An acceptable MATLAB simulation result,
output performance is achieved.



Transmission Line Fault Detection and Indicating System for Safety Life


G. Hemavathi,P. Bhuvaneswari,



With the appearance of smart grid, the power framework task, checking and
controls are ending up for further astute & PC helped. In-accordance with fundamental
goal what’s more, perspective of the smart system, transmission line fault pattern
acknowledgment, fault elimination must be done out more insightfully, sensibly and
naturally, with less administrator interruption. In-accordance with the fundamental goal
and perspective of smart power lattices, transmission line fault example acknowledgment
and fault leeway must be ample out more shrewdly, sensibly and consequently, with less
administrator interruption. Ordinarily we read in daily papers that Humans and Animals
pass on because of electrical stun in remote zones or in farming regions as contact with
broken and hanging live supply wires. Safety hardware of Distribution Company is
lacking and because of this line stays live with broken wires. Here we portray an
adjustment to existing force dispersion framework for wire break identification and a
power supply breaking instrument.


Smart Grid,transmission line fault,framework,break identification,

Comparison of VSIAnd Matrix Converter Fed Induction Motor Drive Systems


R. Lavanya,V.Jayalakshmi,S.Prakash,



This paper deals with comparison of VSI fed and matrix converter(MC) fed
induction motor drive system. These systems are designed, modelled and simulated in
Matlab/simulink. This drive system has benefits like reduced THD, reduced losses and
low heating of induction motor. The THD content of current of VSI fed drive system is
compared with that of MC fed drive system.


VSI,Matrix converter,Induction Motor,

Sliding Mode Controlled PV System under Partial Shading


S. Sherine,S. Prakash,



Due to the rapid interest in renewable energy sources, the exploitation of solar
energy becomes more. PV systems are responsible for extracting the maximum power
from the incident solar irradiation irrespective to temperature and surface of the panel.
Our proposed work mainly focus on effective utilization of Photovoltaic (PV) systems
even under partial shading. This objective is achieved by using a SMC-controlled
PVBBCI systems. This work also manages examination amongst FOPID and SMCPVBBCI
method. The Open-loop-PVBBCI-system, closed-loop-FOPID-controlled-
PVBBCI and SMC-based-PVBBCI-system are simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Finally, with the MATLAB simulation results, SMC-PVBBCI technique has more
preferences than the FOPID-controlled-PVBBCI systems with respect to improved
efficiency, dynamic response and in maintaining constant voltage of PVBBCI system
during partial shading conditions.


Photo-voltaic-system ‘(P-V),,‘Fractional-Order-PID-Controller’ (FOPID),‘Maximum-power-point-tracking’(MPPT).,PV Buck Boost-Converter with inverter - PVBBCI,

Fault Tolerant Control System for 230 KV Substation to Avoid Dark- Out Condition


T. R. Rangaswamy,S. Prakash,V. Jayalakshmi,C. Ramachandran,



As the requirement of smart grid network for reliability and operational
flexibility, enhancing, development and change of the distribution network have
turned out to be consistent. At any cost the interruption of supply should not be there.
It should be avoided by implementing the various innovations through practical
experiences. The impact of fault in any one of the feeders in 230 KV substations
should not affect other feeders irrespective of radial and tie. A fault tolerant logic has
been developed and implemented in a prototype experimental setup


Smart Grid,230 KV substation,fault tolerant control,darkout,

Automatic Demand Management System (ADMS) Using Reserved Hydro Generationwith Multiple Feeders Tripping


S.P.Vijayaragavan,K.R.Mohan Kumar,B.Karthik,



Network recurrence is a basic part of intensity framework task. Programmed
Automatic Demand Management System (ADMS) executed for all the State Distribution
System by the Transmission Utility of the considerable number of States in India, at
whatever point Grid indicates swaying the recurrence (i.e.., freq<=49.85) or else there is
deviation of yield source is more noteworthy than 250MW, at that point the heap is cutoff
and furthermore re-establishes the equivalent consequently on clearing the overdraw
conditions. This gives control misfortune to each feeder in the influence station. This
makes a downside the framework. So we propose an idea, where a programmed Reserved
Hydro age demand will be raised inside 5 minutes to the Grid to repay low Frequency
and High Deviation brought about by the absence of intensity supply from the power
station or over Load of customer which may dodge the open circuit to the feeders. For
venture reason we give this system utilizing microcontroller and electronic parts.


Cut-Off,Power Loss,Hydro-generation,Frequency,

Reactive Energy Compensation Predicated On P-Q Theory


S.P.Vijayaragavan,Anitha Sampathkumar,B.Karthik,



The paper that occurs a detail by detail account of a push to the part actionbound
energy device for making fluid clean with a control system on the basis of the p
q concept, and studies it is doing a play through simulation outcomes got with
various kinds of quantities. It’s accounted for, in an application that is brief the p-q
concept and its particular application into the control of a push to the side action-bound
energy device in making fluid clean. MATLAB/SIMULINK had been the simulation
means, utilized in the work-room, development, and doing a play placed value of the
push towards the general part action-bound energy come through gradually
controller. The simulations had been deed for various quantities, of experiencing a result
corresponding to the input and letter kinds being on-linear. The push to the side actionbound
energy device for making fluid clean let us balancing harmonic currents,
unbalanced lots, reactive energy, and zero-sequence currents, presenting an excellent
force complete and steady-state doing a play, as they can be made findings within the
simulation results.


Energy Quality Improvement,Shunt Active Filter,Harmonics Compensation,Computer Simulation, p-q Theory,

Identification of Bio Active Compounds and Antimicrobial Effects of Couropita Guinensis.


S. Selvakumar,S.Gangatharan,



Aim: The Identification of bio active compounds or secondary metabolites
and their antimicrobial activities of the chloroform extract of Couropita guianensis
were studied on certain selected human pathogens. Materials and Methods: The
phytocompounds of chloroform extract of a Couropita guinensis were analysed by
HPLC the biological activities such as antibacterial efficacy were also analysed by
the disc diffusion method. Results: The present investigation reveals the presence of
phytocompounds and their role on antimicrobial efficacy against certain clinically
important human bacterial pathogens such as E.coli, S.typhi, B.cereus, S.flexneri,
P.aeroginosa and K.pneumoniae were studied. Conclusion: The present study focuses
the presence of various phytocompounds and their crucial role on certain selected
human pathogens.


Antimicrobials,Couropita guianensis,HPLC analysis,medicinal agents,Phytoconstituents,






In general, the graphical properties are studied mainly to apply them for
network and computing applications. To reach such a state, researchers in graph
labeling discipline made rich contributions. In that line here existence of Lucky edge
labeling of Fire cracker , Twig ,and Spider graphs has been established.


Lucky edge graph,Fire cracker graph,Twig graph,Spider graph,

A Survey on Solid Waste Management in Tamilnadu by Using Sampling Techniques


R. Deepa,T.Surendiran,V.Sankar,



With rapid growth of population and avaricious attitude of industries
and residents are generated huge amount of solid and E-wastages which
causes an Environment and lands at high level. Due to these solid wastages,
the health issues of people are uncontrolled and it become a big task to the
government.. In this paper, we analyze the generation of solid wastages in and
around Tamil nadu by using sampling techniques.


Chi-square test,solid wastages,sampling techniques,

On Square Sum Labeling Of Cycle Related Graphs


K. Manimekalai,S. Manisha,P. Jagadeeswari,



A (p ,q)-graph G(V,E) is said to be square sum if their exist a bijection g:
V→{0, 1, 2, …, p -1} such that the induced map g*: E→N defined by g*(xy) = [g(x)]2
+[g(y)]2 for every xyE is one to one. The H-graph H(r) = (V,E) is 3-reqular graph
with V= {vi,j: i =1, 2, 3; j = 1, 2, …,2r}and E = ,
k E where E1={𝑣􀯜,􀯝𝑣􀯜,􀯝􀬾􀬵
|i =1,3
& 1j 2r-1}, E2 ={𝑣􀬶,􀯝𝑣􀬶,􀯝􀬾􀬵|1j 2r-1 & j odd}, E3 =
{𝑣􀬵,􀬵𝑣􀬵,􀬶􀯥,𝑣􀬷,􀬵𝑣􀬷,􀬶􀯥 },
E4={𝑣􀯜,􀯝𝑣􀯜􀬾􀬵,􀯝 |i=1,2 & 1j 2r}. Here we examine the square
sum labeling of Cycle of Cycle graphs Ct(Cn) for t,n≥3 and H(r).


Square sum labeling,Cycle of Cycle graphs and H(r),

Square Difference Labeling of Cycle, Path and Tree Related Graphs


P. Jagadeeswari,K. Manimekalai,K. Bhuvaneswari,



In this paper, we prove that the duplication of each vertex of a path by an
edge, the duplication of a pendant vertex by an edge of CnʘK1, 2-tuple graph of K1,n ,
the switching of a pendant vertex in path admit square difference labeling(SDL).


Square difference graph,duplication,switching of vertex,2-tuple graph,

Presentation On Choice Number Of Integer Distance Graph





We have various properties of the finite integer distance graph and
arithmetical sequences as distance set are presented. Here analogous the edge
coloring and total coloring of integer distance graph and upper bound of choice
number established. Integer distance graph relative to the choice number and total
choice number, choice index and total choice index discussed and various
connectivity questions are also investigated. It is well known that with every
nonempty ordinary graph G there is associated a graph L(G), called the line graph of
G such that the edge chromatic of G is equal to the vertex chromatic number of L(G).
We find it convenient to associate with every ordinary graph G called the total


Euclidean space,Choice number,Integer distance graph,



J. Pavi,Silviya,



Assume we are given a Grothendieck, pseudo trivial, trivially Po´lya–
Germain curve k. In [h], the main result was the classification of invertible, pairwise
elliptic, prime equations. We show that Kummer’s conjecture is false in the context of
Hilbert elements. Moreover, unfortunately, we cannot assume that F(X) > Ξ. Thus this
could shed important light on a conjecture of Eratosthenes.


Null Homeomorphisms,conjecture of Eratosthenes,



KL Rajashree,



Batch Activity Monitor System provides an easier way to monitor the
transaction records within a warehouse and monitor the associated transactions. This
system enables the administrator to isolate the transaction records that fails to
process, thereby minimizing the time and cost overheads. It also helps the
administrator to view the processing and arriving trend of all the transaction records
in any particular batch. These trends can be monitored for any particular time
interval. The deviation in any specific record can be viewed with a pictorial graph
and the amendments to the deviating record could be rectified.


Batch Activity Monitor System,pictorial graph,

Experimental Investigation of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine By Diesel – Citrullus Vulgaris With n-Butanol And Its Blends


R. Sabarish,M. PremJeyaKumar,



Everyday a need for energy sources and fossil fuel is growing high. Also that
this type of fossil fuel is not an eco-friendly. So it is necessary to look forward for
alternate fuel for vehicles. The best and most suitable alternate source of fuel is
Biodiesel. Because Biodiesel contain long chain alkyl esters. Also that it is prepared
from renewable sources and it is bio-degradable. In this project citrullus vulgaris oil
is used as a biodiesel. It is used due to its low cost and high availability. This
biodiesel is prepared by using the process of transesterification process.
Experimental investigation of diesel engine is carried away to find out the
performance characteristics and Emission analysis of the CI (compression ignition)
diesel engine, when using n-Butyl alcohol (n-butanol) as an additive with neat diesel
and Biodiesel blends. This experiment consists of mixing of Biodiesel and Diesel with
additive n-butyl alcohol (commonly known as n-butanol) in 80% of diesel, remaining
20% of Biodiesel and additives in mass basis. The final results yields that
performance and emission characteristics of the single cylinder diesel engine can be
improved slightly by using Biodiesel blend than neat diesel and it is compare with
standard diesel. The performance characteristics were carried out the BTE, SFC,
TFC, and at the same time the emission analysis and result getting the HC, CO, CO2
and NOx.


Performance,Emission analysis,n-butanol,Biodiesel,Diesel Engine,Transesterification,



M. Sucharitha,B.Ravisankar,



The extending global demands for advanced methods and environmental
protection have encouraged manufactures to develop light weight components. There
is a challenge to join the lightweight materials. Friction stir welding has many
advantages when welding Mg alloys which has a many potential application in road
transportation, aerospace, ship building, automotive and manufacturing industry
field to join a magnesium alloy that are difficult to join by high temperature welding
process. Friction stir welding is a not liquid stage joining process which has proper
promising method for joining of soft materials like Zinc, Aluminium, Copper,
Magnesium etc. In this work we are going to perform weld bed mechanical testing’s
(Tensile test, Hardness test, Micro structure) on welded base metals. These results
will explain about all the above mentioned testing parameters which helps in
deciding about the efficiency of welding joint of dissimilar metal.


Aluminum metal matrix composites (AMMC),AA6061,Magnesium AZ31B,

Temperature dependence of composition in Ta-Zr-N thin film Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering


Hariharan.R,Raja.R,Golden Renjith Nimal R J,



(Ta-Zr-N) films was deposited on E19 steel and silicon wafer substrates by
RF/DC magnetron sputtering, using Ta(DC-100w), Zr(RF-100w),base.𝑝𝑟 = 4𝑥10􀬿􀬺 deposition 𝑝𝑟 = 2𝑥10􀬿􀬷 Air rate of flow 15 sccm, 3 sccm Nitrogen
flow. The films were examined by X-ray diffraction to search out that the content of
bimetallic components (Ta and Zr) decreases with pressure, as indicated at completely
different temperature levels (200˚c, 400˚c) respectively. Films were morphologically
tribologically and mechanically characterized using SEM, AFM, Wear, Corrossion,
and Nano Indentation.


Ta (DC-100w),Zr (RF-100w),E19 steel,nitrogen,silicon wafer,morphology,tribology,



V. Jose Ananth Vino,Joseph,



Because of the accessibility of recoverable petroleum product holds and the
natural issues brought about by the utilization of these non-renewable energy
sources, much consideration has been given to the creation of biodiesel as a
substitute for oil diesel. The two most normal kinds of biofuels are ethanol and
biodiesel. Be that as it may since biodiesel comprises of vegetable oils and creature
fats, it is to be expected that biodiesel crude materials can contend with long haul
nourishment supplies. In this way, consideration has concentrated on oilseeds that
produce non-eatable oil as a wellspring of biodiesel generation. In this undertaking,
the citronella of plant species (Cymbopogon flexuous) is portrayed as another
wellspring of unrefined petroleum for biodiesel generation. Lemongrass is local to
India and tropical Asia. In India, it develops along the western ghats (Maharashtra,
Kerala), Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, alongside the lower regions of the Arunachal
Pradesh and Sikkim slopes. This investigation analyzes the exhibition of citronella oil
and its blends as fills for pressure start motors. The information in this way got was
contrasted and the information got utilizing diesel. The motor worked very well
without burning issues. We prescribe the utilization of citronella oil and its blends as
elective powers for diesel motors. In any case, since biodiesel comprises of vegetable
oils and creature fats, it is to be expected that biodiesel crude materials can contend
with long haul nourishment supplies. Along these lines, consideration has
concentrated on oilseeds that produce non-palatable oil as a wellspring of biodiesel
generation. In this way, the commitment of non-sustenance oils as non-nourishment
wellsprings of vegetable oils to biodiesel generation would be significant.


non-renewable energy,citronella of plant species,vegetable oils,

Microstructural Analysis of Magnesium Alloys Friction Stir Welding


J . Manikandan,M. Sucharitha,D. Surya Ramanjaneyulu,



Welding friction, an eco-friendly powerful state bonding method for
bonding magnesium alloys, particularly as it is a light metal that is hard to
bond using standard techniques. The impact of the tool velocity on the
magnesium alloy takes place at distinct speeds Stir welding process during the
friction. Further microstructure analyzes are carried out on the welded joint,
resulting in the evolution of the microstructure, welding defects and welding
tool properties.


Friction stir welding,SS Tool,HSS Tool,Magnesium alloy (AZ31B),



Mr. J .Manikandan,A. Anji babu,



In the present day’s alcohol-attributable accidents are increasing rapidly
where the concern as alcohol is a factor in many categories of injury. Every year it is
reported about 2.3 million premature deaths due to harmful consumption of alcohol
[1]. In this article, we have proposed improved alcohol detection for use in an
automotive ignition lock system using Arduino. Use a temperature sensor to measure
the temperature of the exhalation sample to match the human exhalation temperature.
A sensor is used for the specific volume of the breath sample used to measure the
alcohol content. Using a microcontroller, convert the output to readings that
represent the breath alcohol content of the breath sample. This analysis is used as
part of a car-wide ignition lock system that prevents the car from starting when the
driver is poisoned. The system also requires rolling retests to ensure that the driver is
still cool.


Arduino,Temperature sensor,Micro controller,Ignition locking,

Advanced Engineering Methods for Design, Fabrication and Analysis of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Small HAWT Blade


C.M.Meenakshi,A. Krishnamoorthy,Chapatti Venkateshwar Reddy,



The bio-composites are the materials for future which will render
sustainable solution to issues and challenges in using conventional materials.
This research work focus on introducing sisal, flax and kenaf natural fibers in
small wind turbine blade manufacturing along with glass fibers and
comparing the performance of the blades, also demonstrates the percentage of
natural fibers in the development of hybrid wind turbine blades for domestic
and forming purpose. The manufacturing method used is Vacuum Assisted
Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM) which is an advanced method of laminate
composite manufacturing. This work also presents the comparative results
obtained in the ANSYS software for small hybrid wind turbine blades which is
designed using different compositions of reinforcements and matrix. The
results show that hybrid fiber blades are performing well in terms of less
weight, and static performances.


Hybrid wind turbine blade,Reinforced bio-composites,3D printing,VARTM,FEA,

FEA and Mechanical Analysis of Magnesium AZ 80 Alloy and Aluminum 7075 Alloy using Diffusion Bonding


Golden Renjith Nimal R J,Sivakumar.M,Esakkimuthu.G,



The major problem in combining magnesium alloy (Mg) and aluminum alloy
(Al) is that fragile oxide and inter metallic films are formed in the bond’s region. The
diffusion bond, however, is used to be a component of these alloys, although there are
not many problems. In this study, it was attempted to analyze Mechanical
characteristics such as shear strength roundness, Ram tensile strength, and different
micro hardness diffusion bonding materials of AZ80 (Mg) and AA7075 (Al). The
evaluation of the microstructure verified the bond value of the joints. This work aims
to better understand and characterize the Bonding diffusion of comparable and
different metals. In addition, optimum parameters for diffusion bonding of the
aluminum coating to magnesium alloy with aluminum alloy should be obtained. This
work seeks to better explain and characterize the bonding of comparable and
different metals with diffusion..It also aimed to obtain optimum parameters for
diffusion bonding of aluminum coating over magnesium alloy with aluminum alloy.
These two metals are jointed inside the die after finishing surface treatment.


magnesium alloy (Mg),aluminium alloy (Al),diffusion bonding,diffusion bonding,

Analysis Of Flow Of Nozzle By Using ANSYS


N. Lenin Rakesh,K. Rambalaji,



Here the analysis of flow of nozzles is done by using CFD. In this case
theoretically the equations for nozzle are formulated and hence forth the final result
is been validated for the simulation using CFD software ANSYS fluent of high speed
jet the small vortices remains stable. It means it can travel longer distances then on
to longer distances which remains unstable when smaller is the size of the vortex
efficiency is higher. The results are theoretical which has been checked with the aid
of simulation software


flow of nozzles,simulation,ANSYS,

Development and Investigation on Fiber Metal Laminates for Automobile Application


R. sharavanan,N.Ramanan,



Metal fiber laminates (FML) are sheet materials based on stacked aluminium
alloy layers and fiber strengthened plastic (GRP) layers. They demonstrated excellent
potential for applications in the aerospace industry and enhanced mechanical
characteristics, finishing the new type of aramid/glass/ carbon fibre laminate. In this
work, aramid/glass fibres with Al 2024, Epoxy resin laminates were prepared and their
impact response, stress-strain behaviour Experiments and numerical simulations were
explored The 5-3/2 laminates of size 300×300 mm2 with thickness 3mm were prepared by
using Hand lay-up Method, the specimens were prepared by using water jet machining as
per standards for impact, Flexural, Hardness, shear and tensile test. Impact responses
were taken from Charpy testing machine and tensile, Flexural stress-strain responses
were done using 10 ton capacity, servo ball screw mechanism UTM. Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to study tensile, flexural and effect surfaces of
fracture specimens.


FML,Fracture Surface,ballistic Analysis,FEA Simulation,

Structural Tribological Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Zr-N Coating Deposited By RF/DC Magnetron Sputtering


Hariharan.R,Raja.R,Golden Renjith,Nimal R J,



Ti-Zr-N film was formed by the E19 RF / DC steel vapor deposition magnetron
sputtering method (100 W). The composition of the elements and the phases, the
nanoureza were examined by SEM, XRD, AFM, corrosion or microhardness. Ti (DC-
100W) and Zr (RF-100W), camera pr = 3 x 10, evaporated pr = 2 x 10, air
flow 15 sccm, nitrogen flow 3 sc cm manufactured by splash DC magnetron Much
interest has been observed in the characterization of thin films of (Ti-Zr) N. We produce
(Ti-Zr) N thin films and in this and in the mechanical, tribological and morphological
studies presented. The thin film was prepared by the PVD (physical vapor deposition)
method by spraying with an RF / DC magnetron using a titanium-zirconium lens with a
purity of 99.99%. A mixture of argon and nitrogen was found for the discharge. The XRD
analysis discovered that the Ti-Zr-N coating has high hardness compared to binary nitric
acid TiN and ZrN. a rise in hardness is determined by increasing the Zr content. once
tempering, however, it absolutely was found that the coating preserved higher hardness
stability by reducing the Zr content. The TiN / ZrN multilayer microhardness augmented
to 314 GPA at 200 ° C. Exploratory outcomes have demonstrated Improved coating (Ti,
Zr) N the consumption opposition of the E19 substrate. The improved erosion obstruction
is a result of the nanocomposite structure (Ti-Zr-N), that highlights a thick columnar
microstructure that is tight to destructive fluids. Covering coatings (Ti, Zr) N have higher
consumption obstruction than higher quality for both temperature levels.


RF/DC magnetron sputtering,tribology,corrosion resistance,TiN/ZrN,



Shaik Shaheen,Undamatla L N M Venkata Surya Prakash,Abhishek Kumar,Mohammad Arif,S.Thirumavalavan,



Sol gel technique is used in the preparation of titanium dioxide
nanoparticles. 10ml of TTIP (Titanium tetra iso-propoxide) is mixed with
Isopropyl alcohol and further vaccinated at 450oC for 3 hours. Various techniques
are employed to determine the crystalline phase, Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectroscopy (FTIR) for the identification of functional group, Scanning Electron
Micoscopy (SEM) for the partial size and surface morphology identification, Raman
analysis to identify the polymorphism and local crystallinity. The other properties like
optical properties of titanium dioxide nanoparticles are determined by Ultraviolet
(UV) analysis. TGA (Thermo gravimetric analysis) to determine the thermal
properties of titanium dioxide nanoparticles.


Titanium dioxide nanoparticles,Spectroscopy,Crystalline,

Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloys with Different Pin Profiles


M. Sucharitha,B.Ravisankar,



Frictions stir welding having the power to be used as various packages. But,
It is very compulsory to conquer little demanding situations for its more-unfold
utilization. Device physical appearance and choice of the methods parameters are
vital troubles in the utilization of this method. Three specific device pin geometries
(cylindrical threaded, Conical Threaded, MX-Trivex) and two distinctive manner
changebles, i.e. rotational speeds and welding speeds had been decided on for the
extended research. The welded specimens had been experimented for mechanical
characteristics. It became located that rectangular pin profile gave better weld fine
than the opposite profiles.


FSW,Aluminum Alloy,Tool pin profile,Mechanical properties,

Canonical Equations of Singular Mechanical Systems in Terms of Quasi-coordinates


Zheng Mingliang,



The constrained mechanical systems by quasi-coordinates are more universal than by generalized coordinates. In this paper, the motion equations of nonconservative singular mechanical systems by quasi-coordinates in phase space are studied. The regularization forms of Boltzmann-Hamel equations for general holonomic and nonholonomic singular mechanical systems are derived. The results show that the canonical equations expressed by quasi-coordinates and quasivelocities have a completely single structure, which do not depend on the constraints or not. The nonholonomic singular mechanical system is a natural extension of the general holonomic singular mechanical system.


Quasi coordinates,Singular mechanical systems,Canonical Equaitons,

Use Dimensionality Reduction and SVM Methods to Increase the Penetration Rate of Computer Networks


Amir Moradibaad,Ramin Jalilian Mashhoud,



In the world today computer networks have a very important position and most of the urban and national infrastructure as well as organizations are managed by computer networks, therefore, the security of these systems against the planned attacks is of great importance. Therefore, researchers have been trying to find these vulnerabilities so that after identifying ways to penetrate the system, they will provide system protection through preventive or countermeasures. SVM is considered as one of the major algorithms for intrusion detection. One of the major problems is the time of training and the need to improve its efficiency when it comes to work with large
dimensions. In this research, we try to study a variety of malware and methods of intrusion detection, provide an efficient method for detecting attacks and utilizing dimension reduction. Thus, we will be able to detect attacks by carefully combining these two algorithms and pre-processes that are performed before the two on the
input data. The main question raised in this study is how we can identify attacks on computer networks with the above-mentioned method. In anomalies diagnostic method, by identifying behavior as a normal behavior for the user, the host, or the whole system, any deviation from this behavior is considered as an abnormal behavior, which can be a potential occurrence of an attack. In this research, the network intrusion detection system is used by anomaly detection method that uses the SVM algorithm for classification and SVD to reduce the size. The various steps of the proposed method include pre-processing of the data set, feature selection, support vector machine, and evaluation. The NSL-KDD data set has been used to teach and test the proposed model. In this study, we inferred the intrusion detection using the SVM algorithm for classification and SVD for diminishing dimensions with no
classification algorithm. And also the KNN algorithm has been compared in situations with and without diminishing dimensions and the results have shown that the proposed method has a better performance than comparable methods.


intrusion detection rate,computer networks,SVM,

An Efficient Statistical Feature Selection Based Classification


K. Laxmi Narayanamma,R. V. Krishnaiah,P. Sammulal,



Initial identification about pancreatic cancer (PC) will be a very challenging task due to particular symptoms of cancer happens only at an advanced phase & a dependable screening device to detect high danger patients. To know this challenge, a new method for decreasing the features might have been developed, tested & trained with the use of the health information of 800,114 defendants caught in the “national health interview survey (NHIS)”& Pancreatic, Colorectal, Lung, & “PLCO (ovarian cancer)” datasets, together risk of cancer might have been evaluated at a distinct level by including 18 characteristics under the recommended. The recognized “hybrid feature selection method” attained a true positive rate of 87.3 & 80.7% a true negative rate 0.86 & 0.85 for the training and testing associates, individually.


American Cancer Society (ACS),Machine learning (ML),Feature selection (FS),Feature extraction (FE),pancreatic cancer (PC),

Finite Element Simulation of Thermal Behavior of Dry Friction Clutch System during the Slipping Period


Jenan S. Sherza,Ihsan Y. Hussain,Oday I. Abdullah,



Most of failures in the friction clutches occur due to the excessive heat generated due to friction between various parts, and this heat causes high temperatures leading to high thermal stresses. In the present research paper,
numerical simulation had been developed using finite element method to simulate the thermal behavior of the dry friction clutch. Three-dimensional finite element model was made and analyzed using ANSYS/Workbench sofware18. The friction clutch system was firstly modeled mathematically and solved numerically to determine the transient thermal response of the clutch disc. The two fundamental methods of uniform wear and uniform pressure are assumed. The applied torque during the sliding period was constant. The temperature and heat generated were estimated for each clutch part (pressure plate, clutch disc and flywheel) using heat partition ratio. The assumptions that are inherent in the derivation of the governing equations are presented which followed up by the appropriate boundary conditions. The results show that the maximum temperature values for uniform pressure condition are
greater than those for uniform wear condition. Also, the temperature value increased with time and approximately reaches the highest value at the middle of the sliding period when the applied torque is constant with time and then decreased to the final values at the end of slipping period.


Dry friction clutch,thermal analysis,3D FEM,

Solar Penetration Analysis Techniques for Photovoltaic Energy and Smart Grid Management


Zahoor Ahmed,Junaid Zaffar,Rashid Aleem,Ehtasham-ul-Haq,Nurali Pyarali,Mehr E Munir,



As the world thrives for power in order to strengthen its industrial demands
and economy, traditional power sources are becoming more and more difficult to
fulfill the rising demands. Renewable energy demand in the world whether third
world countries or leading ones of the era, has seen a boost in recent decades.
Photovoltaic and solar energy is an ongoing trend in power system designers,
researchers and companies. As sun is the free source of energy, the world now a days
achieves 30% of its total energy from it. Solar power is sporadic and is not constant,
as solar source at the ground level is extremely reliant on clouds density,
atmospheric conditions with other restrictions. These limitations become a
challenging task for engineers and energy managers to focus the energy constraints
and came up with managing plan in order to produce and manage energy efficiently
in smart grids. This paper focuses on energy constraints of both solar resource and
PV power alongside smart grid energy management.


Solar energy,PV cells, energy forecast,smart grid management,

α -ideals in a 0-distributive lattice


R. M. Hafizur Rahman,



In this paper we have studied the α -ideals in a 0-distributive lattice. We
have described the α -ideals by two definition and proved that these are equivalent.
We have given several characterizations. They have proved that a lattice L is
disjunctive if and only if each ideal is an α -ideals. We have also included a prime
separation theorem for α -ideals. At the end we have studied the α -ideals in a
sectionally quasi-complemented lattice.


α -ideals,0-distributive lattice,separation theorem,quasicomplemented lattice,

Investigating the behavior of steel structures with honeycomb damper against blast and earthquake loads


Navid Farrokhnia,Seyed Mojtaba Movahedifar,



Earthquake is one of the most important natural phenomena and humans
have always been trying to control its adverse effects. In the past century, the
development of cities and the high investment in them and many financial and life
losses caused by earthquake and, on the other hand, the ever-increasing advances in
science and technology that allow for more accurate knowledge of the factors causing
the earthquake and how to control it have made humans reduce its financial and life
losses by making suitable and earthquake resistant structures. Today, due to the
increasing growth of terrorist activities, the risk of structures facing blast loads has
also increased. The occurrence of various terrorist incidents in relation to important
structures around the world has caused that in recent years, blast loads become the
focus of special attention. This article examines the connection of steel structures
with honeycomb damper by applying blast and earthquake loads in Abaqus finite
element software. Three frame models with 6, 9 and 13 floors have been considered
for the study. For air blast, 10 Kg of TNT have been used. To apply earthquake
records, seven pairs of accelerograms have been employed. By examining the results
of numerical modeling in Abaqus finite element software, it can be observed that as a
result of applying blast load, the damper could not react. But due to applying
earthquake records, the damper’s behavior was very good so that at the beamcolumn
joint, the highest amount of stress was created in the damper. Considering
that applying the blast loading occurs in less than a few milliseconds and the
structure does not have enough time to react to this load, blast load failure has been
local and sectional.


Blast,honeycomb damper,Abaqus,moment frame,

Comparison between Alcoholic and Control Subjects in EEG signals Using Classification Methods


Shaymaa Adnan Abdulrahman,



Alcoholism could be identified through analyzing electroencephalogram (EEG)
signals. Yet, it is difficult to analyze with multi-channel EEG signal since it is
frequently needing long time for execution and complex calculations. The presented
paper proposed 13 optimal channel to feature extraction. Firstly, 1200 recordings
of biomedical signals will be presented for extracting the sample entropy. Statistical
analysis approach will be utilized for the purpose of choosing the best channels for
identifying abnormalities in alcoholics. Secondly four classifiers are applied at the
decision level, Naïve Bayes, SVM, Logistic Regression, KNN, the accuracy was
80.1%,92.5%, 73.7% and 90.3%Respectively, in this study the SVM classifier is more
accuracy .


EEG signal,optimal channel,abnormalities in alcoholics,SVM classifier,

Synthesis and Characterization of PMMA Nanofibers for Filtration of Drinking Water


Bilal Ahmad,Ameer Hamza,Sheeraz Ahmed,Zeeshan Najam,Atif Ishtiaq,



Currently, hundreds of consumer products in cludelarge-scale nanoparticles;
this enhances the possibility of such particles to be released into water and in result
causesenvironmental and human health issues. In this research, asynthesis of
PolyMethylMethAcrylate (PMMA) nano-membrane for the filtration of nanoparticles
from natural water is demonstrated. Electrospinning technique is deployed for the
synthesis of PMMA nanofibers. The synthesized nanofibers are further optimized by
adding Di-Methyl Formamide (DMF) and acetone that provides elasticity and
increases the exterior area of the nano-membranes. The resultant membrane is
tendbal and instinctivelyrobust enough to resist filtration under high stress. The
synthesized nanofibers are further analyzed and characterized by using spectroscopy
(UV-Vis), Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning Electron
Microscope(SEM).The SEM, UV-vis and FTIR result shows the filtration rate of the
fabricated membrane could capably exclude nanoparticles with different sizes (from
10 to 100 nm in diameter) from a feed solution.


Electrospinning,Fiber diameter,FTIR,SEM,Water filtration,

How the Higgs Field Effects the Wave Propagation of Waves as Wavy Resembles a Sine Wave. Why Astronomical Particles have Relationship between Shape (Elliptical) and Orbit (Elliptical).


Prasenjit Debnath,



The space is filled with Higgs fields. As other fields like electric fields or
magnetic fields, Higgs fields are of elliptical shape. Higgs fields are small individual
fields represent a tiny part of space. Every adjacent Higgs Fields have opposite
rotations, the repulsive force makes them to have unique identity for themselves
which makes free space highly stable. Opposite rotation is the reason that any two
Higgs fields do not mingle with each other to form larger field in free space, but
under the influence of ordinary matter like Earth, Higgs fields change their
orientations to be unidirectional to form a larger field called gravity. The larger the
mass, the higher the number of Higgs fields to have unidirectional orientations. The
force carrying particle Higgs Boson is responsible for Higgs field and the force
carrying particle graviton is responsible for gravitational force. The unidirectional
orientations of many small oval shaped Higgs Boson yields the graviton which has
oval shape too. Thus, Higgs Boson and graviton are same force carrying particle
acting differently at different situations. For example, stationary charge gives electric
field where as moving charge gives magnetic field. The phenomenon of both is
basically the same but looks different due to movement. Maxwell realized that the
phenomenon of both is the same with the same force carrying particle but act
differently at different situations. In this paper we will find, why wave propagations of
waves are wavy. We will also find why the shape and orbit of astronomical objects
are of similar pattern – elliptical or oval shape.


Astronomical Objects,Higgs Field,Graviton,Higgs Boson,Force Carrying Particle,

The Constructive Implementation of New Applications of Fuzzy Languages and Fuzzy Automata Ƒ * – Pure Semi groups for Generating Theorems


M. Suresh Babu,E. Keshava Reddy,



Introducing the idea of Ƒ* – pure semi group and shows that a semi group ‘S
‘is regular and Ƒ* – pure iff ‘ S ′ is a semi lattice of groups. Also shows with the
purpose of a semi group’ S ′ be Ƒ* – pure iff S3 is a semi lattice of groups.
Additionally, learning the group congruence’s as well as semi lattice congruence’s
on such a semi group and give a number of properties of fuzzy congruence’s on Ƒ* –
pure semi groups. A nonempty set X, a fuzzy subset of X is, by definition, an arbitrary
mapping A: X → [0,1], where [0,1] is the usual interval of real numbers. The
important concept of fuzzy automata set position onwards by Zadeh [I]. Has opened
up keen insights and applications in a wide range of scientific fields. It offers tools
and a new approach to model imprecision and uncertainty present in phenomena that
do not have sharp boundaries. Since then, a series of research on fuzzy automata sets
has come out expounding the importance of the concept and its applications to logic,
set theory, algebra theory, real analysis, topology, etc. [III]. Fleck A. C. used the
notion of a fuzzy subsets of a set to introduce the notion of fuzzy group of a group,
Rosenfeld’s paper motivated the development of fuzzy algebras [X]. Following the
formulation of fuzzy subgroups by Rosenfeld, Dib introduced the concept of a fuzzy
automata space as a replacement for the concept of universal set in the ordinary
case. Recently, some basic concepts of fuzzy algebras such as fuzzy homomorphism’s
were introduced and discussed by using the new approach of fuzzy space and fuzzy
automata groups introduced. In this paper we introduce concepts of fuzzy automata
inverse semi groups and redefine fuzzy automata inverse sub-semi groups using the
concept of fuzzy spaces introduced by K. A. Dib [II].


Ƒ* - pure semi groups,Sequences,Group fuzzy congruence’s,Lattice Groups and fuzzy sub groups,

Impact of Jelly Fish Attackonthe Performance of DSR Routing Protocol in MANETs


Muhammad Sajjad,Khalid Saeed,Tariq Hussain,ArbabWaseem Abbas,Irshad Khalil,Iqtidar Ali,Nida Gul,



Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) could be setup frequently without the
need of pre-established infrastructure. The nodes in MANETs are free to move and
they can join as well as leave the network. Due to the dynamic nature of nodes in
MANETs, routing protocols in MANET are extremely vulnerable to different security
attacks. Like other different security attacks, Jellyfish attack is one of the most
dangerous attacks in MANETs environment and it degrades the overall performance.
In such type of attack, the packets reached its destination but take more time and
hence it is difficult to detect such attack. In this research paper, we have analyzed the
performance of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) routing protocol in the presence of
Jellyfish attack. To evaluate the performance we have created different scenarios
having various number of Jellyfish attacks in MANETs environment. From the
simulation result, it has been observed that Jellyfish attack significantly degrades the
performance of DSR protocol in terms of end to end delay, throughput and packet
delivery ratio. Moreover it has also been observed that when the number of Jellyfish
attacks increases in the network then the performance is further degraded. In this
research OPNET Modeler 14.5 simulator has been used in order to assess the
performance of Jellyfish attack in MANETs environment.


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,Dynamic Source Routing,Jellyfish Attack,Security Issues,

Performance Evaluation of All-Optical OFDM System- Based Optical Frequency Comb Source


Yousif Ibrahim Hammadi,TahreerSafa’a Mansour,



In this paper, design and investigation of all-opticalorthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (AO-OFMD) system using an optical frequency comb (OFC)
source is presented. AnOFC source by cascading a frequency modulator (FM) and
two intensity modulators is used as a multi-carrier’s generator to provide optically
OFDM subcarriers. This OFC source can be provided a maximum comb lines
number of 61 lines spaced by 25 GHz. The AO-OFDM scheme employed 31 and 51
comb lines can transmit a signal at a data rate of 1.55 and 2.55 Tbit/s, respectively.
Numerical results are carried out using VPI transmission Maker® commercial


All-optical OFDM,Terabit per second (Tbit/s),Opticalfrequency comb source,Error vector magnitude (EVM),Eye diagram,

A Survey on Facial Recognition System


Morooj K. Luiabi,Faisel Gh. Mohammed,



Facial recognition stands for an imperative area of interest to serve various
applications such as security, verification of bank identities, identification of wanted
persons at airports, etc. Therefore, it is employed for real time application.
Consequently, reliability stands for significant matter for security. Facial recognition
system is deal with two different application scenarios, one of which is called
“identification” and the other of which is called “verification” anew face can be
classifying either “known” or “unknown”, after comparing it with stored identified
persons. The complete process of facial recognition system done in three phase,
detection the face, extraction the features of the face and recognition to recognize this
face. Various techniques are then required for these three phases. Also these
techniques differ from different other surrounding factors for example, face
orientation, expression, illumination and background. In this review also highpoints
the most frequently databases that existing as a standard to be utilized for facial
recognition investigations like, AR Database, ORL, FERET, and Yale Database.


Face detection,Features extraction,Face recognition,Face Database,

Medical Image Fusion based on Hybrid Algorithms for Neuro cysticercosis and Neoplastic Disease Analysis


B. Rajalingam,R. Priya,R. Bhavani,



A Neuro cysticercosis is avoidable parasitic infection caused by larval cysts
of the pork tapeworm. The larval cysts can affect different parts of the human organs
causing a condition known as cysticercosis which can direct to seizures it is called
neuro cysticercosis. A neoplasm is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain, also
known as a tumor which causes growth of tumor triggered by DNA mutations within
your cells. The neoplastic disease causes two types of tumor growth. The benign
tumors usually grow which grow slowly and cannot spread to other tissues are called
as noncancerous growth. The Malignant brain tumors grow quickly and spread to
multiple tissues, organs are known as cancerous growth. In spite of huge progresses,
still there is no single modality which can represent all aspects of the human body. In
this paper a novel method has been proposed for Dual tree complex wavelet
Transform (DTCWT) with Non-subsampled shearlet transform (NSST) hybrid fusion
algorithm. The developed fusion algorithm is experienced on the pilot study datasets
of patients affected with Neurocysticercosis and neoplastic diseases. The fused image
conveys the superior description of the information than the source images.
Experimental results are evaluated by the number of well-known performance
evaluation metrics.


Multimodality medical image,Neoplastic,Neurocyticercosis,CT,MRI,SPECT,DTCWT and NSST,

Active Coplanar Wave guide Fed Switchable Multimode Antenna Design and Analysis


Amulya Boyina,Praveen Kumar Kancherla,



This article presents the design of reconfigurable multiband antenna
fed by coplanar waveguide feeding using commercially available pin diodes.
The designed antenna covers S-band, Wi-MAX C-Band, X-band applications.
A detail study was performed to characterize the switching operation by
considering the wire bound effects. By loading the TSIR (T-shaped stepped
impedance resonator) and PSLR (parallel stub loaded resonator) in the
circular ring, resonating characteristics are observed. The resonating
frequencies of the antenna are 3.26 GHz, 4.16 GHz, 8.04 GHz and 8.9 GHz
respectively. The current antenna shows the maximum gain of 5.94 dB at 8.04
GHz. The proposed antenna shows good impedance characteristics, low
profile and compact size, which is suitable for wireless communication


TSIR (T-shaped Stepped impedance resonator),PSLR (Parallel Stub loaded resonator),

Numerical Simulation of the effect of simple and T-shaped dikes on turbulent flow field and sediment scour/deposition around diversion intakes


Sepehr Mortazavi Farsani,Najaf Hedayat,Nelia sadeghi Khoveigani,



The interaction of flow patterns with the movements of live bed of natural
channels is a complex 3D process which requires precise investigation in different
scenarios to be fully understood. This study effort to investigate the flow patterns and
its effect on the formation of scour holes and deposition stacks in the vicinity of a
diversion channel entrance considering the presence of a single dike with various
lengths normal to flow and different simple and T-shaped models. Results indicated
that Dike shape and its length normal to flow significantly affects the ratio of diverted
discharge, volume of sediment transport into the diversion channel, and volume and
depth of the scour holes as well as the shape, height and location of the formation of
the deposition stack. Increasing the length of wing for the T-shaped dikes could
decrease the depth and span of the scour holes efficiently as well reducing the
dimensions of deposition stack to form out of the diversion channel.


T-shaped dikes,turbulent flow field,sediment scour,diversion intakes,

Applications of Fractal and Quasi Fractal Geometries in Slot Antenna Design: A Review


Seevan F. Abdulkareem,Yaqeen S. Mezaal,



Fractals stand for unique geometries that can be nice-looking for microwave
circuit scholars. Latest expansions in wireless communication systems have been
caused different experiments to manufacture high-grade diminished components.
These experiments motivate microwave circuits and antennas engineers to look for
solutions by examining diverse fractal structures. Nonetheless, there are several
relevant limits of fractal antennas involving geometric restrictions, low gain, fractal
orders and design complexity. These limits are feasibly solved by restructuring
methods as in fractal reconfiguration and like pre-fractal structures. These methods
have been known as semi or quasi-fractals that can be applied to antenna design
without endless scale. Accordingly, quasi-fractal geometry with limited orders or
iterations can be exploited for a specific dual/multiband antenna based on a
particular fractal iteration.
In this study, the unique properties of fractal geometries will be presented
together with the most commonly used fractal geometries applied in the slot antenna
design. In this respect, the application of fractal geometries in the slot antenna design
can be classified into two categories. In the first category, the fractal geometry is
applied directly such that it constitutes the whole slot structure, while in the second
one; the fractal geometry is applied indirectly. In this case, there is a slot structure
with Euclidean shape, such as triangle, square…etc., and fractal geometry has to
replace each line segment in this structure. In addition, slotting processes by fractal
or semi fractals in the ground plane of antenna substrates to produce dual or
multiband or even wideband response have been discussed in this review paper.


fractal geometries,slot antenna design,slot structure,wideband response,

Active Quad band Antenna Design for Wireless Medical and Satellite Communication Applications


Kumaraswamy Gajula,Amulya Boyina,Praveen Kumar Kancherla3,



In this article, CPW fed circular slotted frequency reconfigurable antenna of
32mmx24mm applicable to multiband operations is designed and presented. It covers
Medical wireless communication WiMAX (3.03-3.8GHz), (5.1-5.5GHz) WLAN, Cband
(6.5-7.16GHz) and X-band (9.4-12.5GHz) for radio astronomy, space research
and satellite applications. Resonating characteristics are realized by loading the two
stage T-shaped stepped impedance resonator (TS-TSIR) in the circular ring and cross
strip on the feed line. Frequency reconfiguration is achieved by switching action four
PIN diodes placing at the circular slot. Maximum gain of 6.39dB at 10.7GHz is


TS-TSIR (two-stage T-shaped Stepped impedance resonator),CPW (coplanar waveguide),Cross strip,

Intelligent Home Automation System Using BitVoicer


Muhammad Aamir Aman,Muhammad Nauman Naeem,Ali Shahab,Fazl e Jamil,Mehr E Munir,



Home automation system (HAS) finds its applications and become popular
worldwide now a days. It makes the life easier and flexible and also guarantees a
security to the user. HAS has the capability to control the home appliances such as
fans, light etc. That is operated at 230 V A.C. These appliances can be controlled
through a simple voice command. HAS gives the feedback to the user and hence a
virtual environment has been created between them. This virtual environment feels to
the user and he is talking to the other person. This concept is not popular in
developing nations as compared to the developed because of its cost. This is decision
based interative system so these are heavily coded. The proposed methodology gives
the VCHAS based on ZigBee and Wi-Fi network both are incorporated through a
joint gateway. The attempt to control the appliances without any physical efforts by
the user makes the approach more dependable, friendly and interactive, makes it
more authentic and realistic in nature.


Home Automation,BitVoicer,Zigbee,Wifi,Home appliances,

If Space and Time are the Necessary Conditions for Sustaining the Universe, then, Mass and Energy are the Sufficient Conditions for the Universe. One Condition can be Smoothly Transformed into the Other Conditions and Vice Versa


Prasenjit Debnath,



Space and time are the necessary conditions for sustaining the Universe
whereas mass and energy are the sufficient conditions for sustaining the Universe. All
conditions are in almost balanced state but not in absolute balanced state. Little
imbalance is maintained by the Universe to sustain the Universe as the way it is now.
That is why, the Universe is almost peaceful, but not absolute peaceful. Only we can
attain an absolute peaceful Universe by stopping the time in the forward direction
(positive direction, the way it is now). The rate of change of anything in time is called
evolution. If time stops running, everything will be at absolute rest without any
evolution. This is a theoretical abstract idea only because it has no practicality or
feasibility in the present state of the Universe. Speed is a function of space and time.
It can be easily shown that time is a sinusoid and it loses its frequency of oscillations
with the interaction with mass which increases time period, which can be termed as
time dilation. The time period is extremely large of time, and the peak of the temporal
magnitude is extremely low. Thus, frequency is extremely low. This is the reason,
there are hardly any differences of time on Earth compare to free space. Even the
astronomical body has very negligible effect on the time period or frequency of time.
But time period gets larger with effect of mass, thus, time slows down (due to time
dilation), which implies that frequency decreases little bit due to the effect of mass on
time. Due to the slight variation in magnitude in a very low frequency sinusoid (time),
time runs in the forward direction, as it is now in the present Universe. Thus, space
and time are the necessary conditions for sustaining the Universe whereas mass and
energy are only sufficient conditions for sustaining the Universe, the way it is now.
All these four entities are the key for the Universe to get the present shape, the way it
is now. Any change in one condition can lead the Universe to entire different shape
with compare to the present shape. Thus, the Universe is at knife edge accuracy but
not at absolute accuracy. Any one condition can be smoothly transformed into the
others and vice versa.


The space and time,The mass and energy,Time dilation,Low frequency sinusoid,The necessary and sufficient conditions,The knife edge accuracy,

Generalized Jordan Right Derivations on Prime and Semiprime 𝚪-Rings


Omar Faruk,Md. Mizanor Rahman,



In this paper, we analyzed the basic properties and related theorems of
generalized Jordan right derivations on prime and semiprime 𝛤-rings with their
mathematical simulation. We mainly focused on the characterizations of 2 free prime and
semiprime 𝛤-rings by using Jordan Right Derivations. Important propositions and
theorems related to generalized Jordan right derivation on prime and semiprime 𝛤-ring
have been derived here with sufficient calculations. Our main objective is to prove the
theorem that if 𝑀 be a 2-torsion free 𝛤-ring having a commutator right non-Zero divisor
which satisfies the condition 𝑎𝛼𝑏𝛽𝑐 = 𝑎𝛽𝑏𝛼𝑐 for all 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 ∈ 𝑀 and 𝛼, 𝛽 ∈ 𝛤and
if𝐷: 𝑀 → 𝑀 be a generalized Jordan right derivation and 𝑑: 𝑀 → 𝑀 be its associated
Jordan right derivation then 𝐷 is a generalized right derivation on 𝑀.


Γ-Rings,Prime Γ-Rings,Semiprime Γ-Rings,Generalized Derivation,Generalized right derivation,Generalized Jordan Right Derivation,

Corrosion Protect of Brass Tubes Heat Exchanger by using CuO Nanocoating with Thermal Pyrolysis Techniques


Hussein Y. Mahmood,Khalid A. Sukkar,Wasan K. Mikhelf,



In this paper, thermal pyrolysis nanocoating technique was used to coat the brass
alloy (grade B-111) of heat exchanger that used in Midland Refineries Company-
Iraq. The nanocoating specifications and surface characterization have been made by
using many measuring techniques; Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). From AFM results, it was
observed that the particle size of nanocoated brass substrate was 70 nm. From XRD
results it was showed high crystalline thin films. On the other hand, the SEM results
showed good smooth surface morphology films. The corrosion behavior of with and
without nanocoated brass tubes achieved by study the open circuit potential,
corrosion current density and corrosion potential which are used to determine the
corrosion rates in 3.5M of sodium chloride solution. The results indicated that
nanocoated substrate showed insignificant weight losses in comparison to that of
uncoated substrate. So minimum weight loss with CuO nanocoating with thermal
pyrolysis technique at 0.04M was 2.5*10-2 mm/year.


Heat exchangers,Petroleum refinery,corrosion,Nano-coating,

On Robustness of Kernel Principal Component Analysis using Fast HCS


Lekaa Ali Muhamed,Hayder Yahya mohammed,



When dealing with multivariate data with higher dimensions, we often use
principal component analysis (PCA) to lessen the dimensions, but in the case of
nonlinear data it is not possible to deal with classic estimated because of obtaining
misleading results and therefore using kernel methods , when data contain outliers
the results of the kernel pca (KPCA) for correlation matrix or variance covariance
matrix are inaccurate. The aim of this research is to employ Robust KPCA (RKPCA)
to solve nonlinear data using kernel function and outlier observation using Robust
method termed as FastHCS (High-dimensional Congruent Subsets) that stands for a
robust PCA algorithm appropriate for high-dimensional appliances to know the most
effect variables on the phenomenon.


High-dimensional data,outlier detection,kernel principal component analysis(KPCA),FastHCS (High-dimensional Congruent Subsets),

Internet of Things – IOT Interoperability and Challenges


Muhammad Jawad Hamid Mughal,Mohammad Faisal,Mehr E Munir,



Internet of things is a concept that associate world with tech-systems to
communicate in a manner that is easy and automated. Over past decade the idea
became true focus for researchers and industrial domains. IOT is a technology of
future that is rapidly growing every day with perceptions, providing humans control
and update of things. The awareness of devices interaction and communication is
coming from years but still struggling to be accepted by industries and organization
due to lack of standardization. This study addresses IOT platforms limitations and
interoperability challenges through reviewing scholarly papers. Also internet of
things history and cloud computing role in IOT are briefly described.


Internet of Things,Interoperability,Cross domain,Framework,RFID,



D. Subba Rao,S. Priyanka,Hyma durga,Jaidul islam,



Wireless communication is simply data communication without the use of
landlines. This may include cell phone, two-way radio, fixed remote (broadband
remote), laser (free space optics) or satellite correspondences. Portable remote
innovations are going to go about as paste towards uniting the wired and remote to
share and appropriate data consistently over one another’s territories of reference.
The paper right off the bat presents the remote correspondences and after that
changes to fourth era in remote interchanges. The paper at that point talks about
High Altitude Airships, the “STRATELLITES” which are really unmanned Kelvar
inflatables loaded up with helium which are utilized rather than towers for remote
correspondence, every one of which supplant several towers and decrease the
expense of remote interchanges. They likewise conquer the detriment of
straightforward towers which couldn’t give appropriate inclusion in the bumpy zones.


Wireless communication,Stratellite,

The Role of Electronic Currencies in Money Laundering


Teba Majed Hameed,



This study investigates money laund erring due to electronic currencies like
bitcoin. Currently, electronic currency is a new methodofoutgoings and
eachcountryadopts in a different way how to apportion with it. Nonetheless, new
technologies offer us new likelihoodsinour life for unspecifieddealings as payments
for online shopping andcertainlythey canbeusedinillicit actions as in money
launderingand terrorism financing. Moreover, unrecognizability is the foremost
characteristics of electronic currency which aids to disappear the income source.
This is the problematic issue for developed and developing countries for the reason
that they should fight such at hreatas money legalizing and terrorism financing.
Consequently, this paper reviews and surveys the methods of these doubtful
operations that can be used for money laundering by bitcoins and how to overcome
or restrict these unlawful operations technical issues.


Virtual Money Laundry,Bitcoin,Transaction,Financial Monitoring,

A new model of the universe based on the transition along a straight line


Hassan fallah,



Cosmological observations show that the cosmos has almost flat space
geometry and is located in a spatial expansion phase. The accelerated expansion of
the cosmology has been proven by the observable data. In the framework of standard
cosmology, such expansion requires the presence of an unknown dominant energy
component called dark energy. Dark energy is responsible for the accelerated
expansion of the cosmos and has anti-graphetic effects. The discovery of the nature of
dark energy in modern cosmology and the physical theory in the past decade has
been a major challenge. Despite the theoretical problems in recognizing dark energy,
there are many very strong and independent observational reasons for its presence.
In view of the existence of a parallel universe, infinity is bounded infinitely to the
infinite direction of the sphere. In general, it can be concluded that the factor of
momentum is the momentum moving in the dimension of space. Another result of the
existence of parallel universes is the equivalence of the three dimensions of space,
and not only from the far side, we can imagine a three dimensional object two
dimensional, or even one-dimensional, or even a point, but in reality it is the same. A
new model of the universe that justifies the transition of the entire cosmos along a
straight line. This transition movement has begun since the start of the Big Bang and
has continued along with the expansionary and infinite expansion of the universe. The
straight line is the height of a cone to the inside of the x-axis and to move this
transition inside this cone from the x-axis to its base.


Big Bang,Modern cosmology theory,Inflation,Transition,

Medium term electric load forecasting using Lancsoz Bidiagonalization with singular value decomposition


Ghufran Ullah,Muhammad Aamir Aman,Kamran Khan,Izhar ulHaq,Mehr E Munir,



The term forecast stands for predictions of future events and conditions. The
process of making such predictions is called forecasting. The main purpose of
forecasting is to meet future requirements, reduce unexpected cost and provide a
potential input to decision making regarding electrical power production and
dispatch. In operating a power system, the mission of the utility/company, from the
forecasting point of view, is to match demand for electric energy with available
supply. This leads to the fact that a major objective of any power company is
accurately predicting future loads. In this research, medium term electrical load
forecasting for Peshawar region is studied using Lanczos Bidiagonalization with
Singular Value Decomposition. Here, electrical hourly loads are processed in three
steps. A polynomial fit is performed to access the non-linear trend of the hourly loads
of each year. This is followed by applying the SVD method to the difference between
the hourly loads and their trend. SVD serves to extract both the cyclic and the
random components of the numerical data. Finally, prediction is done using matrix
completion via Lanczos Bidiagonalization.


electrical load forecasting,Lanczos Bidiagonalization,SVD method,

Design of Over-burden CDMA Crossbar for Network-On-Chip


Sudhakar Alluri,Mamatha Boini,



On-chip interconnects are the exhibition bottleneck in current framework onchips.
Code-division numerous entrance (CDMA) has been proposed to actualize onchip
crossbars because of its fixed inertness, decreased intervention overhead, and
higher data transfer capacity. In this paper, we advance over-burden CDMA
interconnect (OCI) to improve the limit of CDMA arrange on-chip (NoC) crossbars
by expanding the quantity of usable spreading codes. Sequential OCI and P-OCI
design variations are introduced to cling to various region, postponement, and power
necessities. Contrasted and the customary CDMA crossbar, on a Xilinx Artix-7
AC701 FPGA pack, the sequential OCI crossbar accomplishes 100% higher transfer
speed, 31% less asset usage, and 45% power sparing, while the parallel OCI
crossbar accomplishes N times higher data transmission contrasted and the
sequential OCI crossbar to the detriment of expanded zone and power utilization.
Further to build the speed of OCI crossbar we are actualizing Han Carlson viper
instead of parallel snake engineering. This sort of augmentation brings about High
speed P-OCI and sequential OCI contrast with proposed P-OCI and sequential OCI
models individually.


Highspeed,Delay,Code division multipleaxes interconnect Network on chip (NOC) NOC Physical,

Multiband slotted Elliptical printed Antenna Design and Analysis


B. Venkateswar Rao,Praveen Kumar Kancherla,Sunita Panda,



This paper presents the design of elliptical slot antenna for multiband
applications. The suggested antenna covers L-band, WIMAX, WLAN and X band. By
placing inverted T-shaped stub and three reverse U-shape stubs, the resonating
characteristics of the antenna are observed. The resonating frequencies are 1.95,
4.14, 5.05, 5.89 and 9.15 GHz respectively. The designed antenna shows good return
loss(S11<-10dB) and compact size which is relevant for most of the wireless
applications. Antenna possessing maximum gain of 3.35 dB with efficiency more than
82% in the operating bands. H-plane showing omni-directional radiation pattern and
E-plane exhibiting bi-directional radiation pattern. The performance of antenna is
analyzed by using HFSS tool.


Microstrip Antenna,Multi band,T-slot,U-slot,

On Reliability Estimation of Stress-Strength (S-S)Modified Exponentiated Lomax Distribution


Bareq B. Selman,Alaa M. Hamad,Adel Abdulkadhim Hussein,



This paper deals with estimation ofthe stress-strength reliability for modified
exponentiated Lomax distribution the suggested approach biased on using different
estimation methods such as, Maximum likelihood method, Moment method, Least
square method and Shrinkage methods, numerical study via MATLAB software, has
been done and comparison between the obtained results has been carried out
according to mean square error, the results showed that the effectiveness of these
estimators which evaluated using Monte-Carlo simulation study.


Modified Exponentiated Lomax Distribution,Stress-Strength (S-S),Shrinkage Estimation,Least Square,Maximum likelihood estimation,

Proposed Workflow and Conceptual Implementation for Logistics Automation Using Block Chain Technology


Muhammad Jawad Hamid Mughal,M.Nawaz Brohi,



Digital currency a well-known term in past few years that grabbed the
attention all over specially in financial sectors. Bit coin is a modern name use for
digital currency in today’s world. Many names can be found in the market but Bit
coin was first to show trust in digital currency and adopting it as a legal currency.
Transactions made using block chain are well secure and transparent to user for
monitoring. All signatures are stored in a distributed ledger that keeps the record for
transactions happened. Decentralized network is use in block chain technology that
connects all the nodes in a network. In this paper, the concept of block chain
technology has been incorporated to improve the logistics process using secure
digital currency and automate the payment process using bit coins and eliminating
third parties interactions. Proposed workflow and conceptual model will help the
supply chain management for secure and monitored delivery of goods to end
customers. Model will provide advantages for logistics department that includes
tracking, transactions updates, transparency, less documentation, on time delivery
etc. SHA 256 is used in hashing for data encryption. Customer can also monitor their
ordered material status. Proposed conceptual model can be used for all kind of
shipment methods i.e. by air, by road, by sea. Paper includes comparison table that
will highlight importance of block chain technology.


Bit coin,Distributed Ledger,Logistics,Signatures,Hash,

Towards Detection of Bus Driver Fatigue based on Robust Visual Analysis of Eye State


Md. Ashraf Shubana khan,vagdevi,Vasudha,santoshilaxmi,



This venture manages the immediate method for estimating driver weakness
is estimating the condition of the driver for example sluggishness. So it is imperative
to recognize the laziness of the driver to spare life and property. This undertaking is
pointed towards building up a model of tiredness identification framework. This
framework is a constant framework which catches picture consistently and measures
the condition of the eye as indicated by the predetermined calculation and gives
cautioning whenever required. . For executing this framework a few OpenCv
libraries are utilized including Haar-course. The whole framework is actualized
utilizing Raspberry-Pi.


Raspberry Pi,Open Cv,Camera,python IDLE,

The Use of Gated Recurrent Unit with First Order Probability for Sentiment Analysis


Samar Khudair Abbas,Loay E. George,



Sentiment analysis is one of the recent important subjects in classification
filed that recently growing using deep learning. With the spread use of internet, many
rising social media, known forums, survey sites, as well as a lot of bloggers produce
massive amount of information in shape of customer sentimental assessments, feelings,
point of view, debate, opinion around various social news, products, trademark, and
protocols, videos etc. Text analysis is an important subject for any system that deals
with strings to extract the useful data. In this paper, the effective methods of deep
learning will been applied for job with sentiment analysis to get rid of the text
analyzing problems and applied some solutions to these problems, by using recurrent
neural network (Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)). In addition, noisy words will been
removed to reduce the search space. In order to test the system performance, a set of
tests was applied on three datasets. The first and second datasets are collected data
from IMDB that consist of movie reviews expressed through long sentences of English,
and the third dataset is collection of twitter using the Twitter Search API to collect
these tweets by using keyword search, these tweets in English words with short
sentences. The conducted tests on the developed system gave accuracy that range 88%
– 68%, and the time will been reduced with percentage about 89% when compared
with the results of other newly published works. Experimental results on Datasets
demonstrate that our proposed models can learn effective features and obtain superior
performance over the baseline models.


Gated recurrent unit,Deep Learning,Recurrent neural network,Sentiment analysis,

Thermal-Aware Real-Time Task Schedulabilty test for Energy and Power System Optimization using Homogeneous Cache Hierarchy of Multi-core Systems


Hamayun Khan,Muhammad Rehan usman,Bilal Ahmed,M. Usman Hashmi,ZeeshanNajam,Sheeraz Ahmad,



Microprocessors design consist of many micro level chips that reaches to a
state where thermal upsurge occurs due to rapid processing of data and effect
(reduce) their efficiency in many different aspects. That production of heat can cause
disintegration which makes the chips disable of doing many function they are assign
to perform. Embedded devices are designed to combine hardware and software,
software integration can insert to hardware to perform some specific function.
Multicore embedded devices are in different shapes and dimension. It has various
applications on larger scale in networking and nuclear powerhouses to small
multimedia players printers, automobiles, cameras mobile handset due to higher
demand of power the energy becomes the major concern of the multicore devices for
this a thermal aware scheduling algorithm has been proposed that consider the
migration of load from higher state to that of lower state and considers all type of
tasks and forecast them according to the priority by maintaining the previous history.
The proposed technique also considers various thermal values by consulting the
previous priorities of task on multicore systems. Migration policy is used to share
load from one core to another the algorithm efficiently decreases almost 3℃
temperatures at 40% utilization and the energy utilization is 221.3 J which is 3.12 %
improved as compare to the global EDF.


Storm,Dynamic Power Management,Multicore Devices,Real-time systems,

Structure of Intensity and Zone Effective Inexact Multipliers


Sudhakar Alluri,Katla Prathyusha,



In this paper, we will in general propose an incorrect multiplier factor that is
quick at any rate essentialness proficient. The projected approximate multiplier
factor is to around the operands to the closest exponent of 2. By doing this it
improves the speed. The arranged technique is appropriate to each marked and
unsigned increases. It’s higher precision in contrast with existing multipliers. The
brief rough multiplier factor is considered in 2 picture procedure applications i.e.,
picture honing and smoothing, that outcomes in decreases in power utilization,
postponement and semiconductor check contrasted and an unequivocal multiplier


Approximate computing,accuracy,multipliers,high speed,DSP,

Effect of Infilled Frame on Seismic Performance of Concrete Moment-Resisting Frame Buildings


Mohammad Khaki,



The infilled frame in the construction industry is divided into two types of
structural and non-structural ones. Masonry infilled frames are used because of the
architecture performance or the structural performance. Building frames in the
peripheral and intermediates sections of the building are filled with masonry walls as
a separator or sound and thermal insulation, which causes the difference in the
behavior of these frames with the empty frames. This type of walls is called the
infilled frame and the mechanism consists of a frame and infilled frame is called an
infilled reinforced frame. Infilled frames, especially in the event of moderate and
severe earthquakes, collide with their environment frame, and the interaction created
between them changes the behavior of the concrete frame. In this study, using the
ABAQUS software, an analytical study was carried out on the effect of masonry
infilled frame and its impact on the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete frames
with moderate height. After modeling the 4-story building frame and defining the
plastic range for its materials, the structure under the dynamic load of the earthquake
is mapped with accelerometer and horizontal and vertical load of earthquakes.
According to the results, the structure energy has increased significantly after
applying the infilled frame effect, which is due to the increasing the stiffness of the
frame and the absorption of more force from the earthquake. Also, the final strain in
the middle of the wall is due to an increase in the displacement of the structure with
increasing the height, and the other reason is due to the lower wall stiffness in a
vertical direction along it.


The Effect of Infilled Frames,Concrete Building,Moment-Resisting Frame,Building,

SOC IP Interfaces-A Hybrid Approach-Implementation using Open Core Protocol


N. Malathi,B. Srinivas,K. Sainath,J. Hemanth Kumar,



System on chip design enables more and more IP core integration to meet
demands of era of multimillion gate chips. The new levels of integration present
significant challenges to provide compatible STD interfaces and flexible bus
architectures. IP cores which are constituents of SOCs are designed with many
different interfaces and common protocols. In paper proposing well define standard
interface, the open core protocol for a hybrid method of AHB bus based architecture.
The hybrid approach of AHB bus architecture defines a set of bus interface to make
easy basic and rupture read/write transactions.AHS as well define inner shared bus
architecture with multiplexers which can accommodate a small number of IP cores
facilitating multi master, multi slave operation s simultaneously. OPC-has been
selected since it is release to the public and OCP-IP features cross bar/partial cross
bar based inter connect and realizes various techniques. The tradeoffs for using OCP
interface with AHB bus architecture are concluded in terms of orthogonality,
performance, power and bandwidth. Each memory sub system achieved its maximum
bandwidth because of OCP-interface.


Pipe line transaction,lock transaction,single transaction,and burst transaction,SoC,

The Use of Non-Parametric Methods to Estimate Density Functions of Copulas


Munaf Yousif Hmood,Zainab Falih Hamza,



Copulas distinguish the dependence among random vectors components as
opposed to marginal and joint distributions, which can be directly observed, thus,so
the copulas are considered as a hidden dependence among random vectors.
Hence , the copulas could be defined as a structure that connects the joint
distribution with the marginal distribution based on the non-parametric estimation
with the use of the kernel function by the existence of the copula as it is considered as
a tool hugely used in the modern statistics and more used in the non-parametric
estimations; besides indicating the general characteristics of the estimator and
selecting the appropriate bandwidth through the simulation process. A comparison
was carried out between transformation estimator and Beta estimator and local
likelihood transformation(LLTE) estimator in the estimation of the probability
density function , using bimodel normal distribution. The results of simulation showed
, according to the measurement of comparison used , that the best method is the
method of (LLTE), where V. good estimations and easily to be implemented have
been obtained while reducing boundary effect problems.


Copula functions,Transformation kernel,Beta kernel,LocalLikelihood transformation Estimator,

Performance analysis of carbon nanotubes forfuture highspeed VLSI on-chip interconnect applications


Ch. Praveen Kumar,E. Sreenivasa Rao,P. Chandrasekhar,



In VLSI, while we pass into a sub-micron stage, power dissipation and
propagation delay problems occur mainly due to the interconnect parasitic. This
motivates the designing of low power interconnects with less propagation delay. This
work analyzed the crosstalk induce delay of on-chip interconnects such as copper,
SWCNT, and MWCNT with resistive, CMOS and CNTFETdrivers to improve the
performance metrics.A two-line driver-interconnect-load (DIL) system is used to
analyze the crosstalk induced delay for different interconnect lengths by calculating
the equivalent R, L and C parameters of copper and CNT based interconnects. From
the simulations, it has been observed that MWCNT interconnects given better
performance than conventional copper and SWCNT interconnects when driving
through CNTFET driver in terms of power and delay. It is almost given more than
50% lesser delay and power consumption in comparison with others. Additionally, we
have performed the crosstalk peak voltage analysis for different interconnect lengths
and it is evident that crosstalk can be reduced by changing the coupling and load
capacitances. Moreover the MWCNTs have given a 55% lesser noise peaks than the
conventional copper interconnects.


Carbon nanotube FETs (CNFETs),CMOS,Single walled carbon nantube (SWCNT),Multi walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT),interconnects,

Solving The Beam Deflection Problem Using Al-Tememe Transforms


Emad Kuffi,Elaf Sabah Abbas,Sarah Faleh Maktoof,



In this paper, an enhancement to the beam deflection problem is performed
through the substitution of 𝑞(𝑥)by 1/x4, this substitution is performed to reduce the
beam load intensity, also the enhanced beam deflection problem is solved using two
new transforms, which are complex AL-Tememe and AL-Tememetransforms. the
results (solutions) from complex AL-Tememe and AL-Tememe transforms are
compares to each other, both transforms have the ability to solve the enhanced
problem of the beam deflection.


Complex AL-Tememe transform,AL-Tememe transform,deflection of the beam,differential equations,famous function,Inverse of AL-Tememe transform,Inverse of complex AL-Tememe transform,uniform distributed load,

Applying An Extension AL-Zughair Transform on Radioactive Decay Equation


Emad A. kuffi,Ali Hassan M,Ameer Q. Majde,



An extension Al-Zughair transform is a new integral transform that is
recently emerged , as a result be its modernity , it has not exploited property
in many applications . In this paper the first order ordinary differential
equation of radioactive decay equation has been solved using an extension Al-
Zughair integral transform .


An extension Al-Zughair transform,ordinary differential equation nuclear physics,radioactive decay,

A Special Quintic Spline for (0,1,4) Lacunary Interpolation and Cauchy Initial Value Problem


Kulbhushan Singh,



In the present paper a special lacunary interpolation problem is solved in
which function value, first derivatives and fourth derivatives are prescribed at
nodes of the unit interval I = [0, 1].
A special spline function is obtained for it. Then the theorem of unique existence
and convergence for this spline function are proved. In our next communication
we will show that this special function can be used to solve Cauchy’s Initial value


Cauchy Initial Value Problem,Lacunary Interpolation,Spline function,

Some Fractional Calculus Results Based on Extended Gauss Hypergeometric Functions and Integral Transform


Sunil Kumar Sharma,Ashok Singh Shekhawat,



Extensions of number of well-known special function such as Beta and Gauss
hypergeometric and their properties have been investigated recently by several
authors. Our approach is based on the use of Generalized Fractional Calculus
(GFC) operators. We aim to investigate the MSM (Marichev-Saigo-Maeda)
fractional calculus operator, Caputo-type MSM-fractional differential operator and
pathway fractional integral operator of the extended generalized Gauss
hypergeometric function. Furthermore, by employing some integral transform on the
resulting formulas, we presented some more image formulas. All the results derived
here are of general character and can yield a number of (known and new) results in
theory of special functions.


Gamma function,Extended generalized beta functions,Generalized hypergeometric functions,Extended generalized hypergeometric functions,Fractional integral operators,Integral transforms,Pathway fractional integral operator,

Similar imageretrieval based on texture feature vector using Local Octal and Local Hexadecimal Pattern and comparison with Local Binary Pattern


Nitin Arora,Alaknanda Ashok,Shamik Tiwari,



Local binary patterns (LBP) is a very powerful texture feature of an image.
Many variants of LBP models are available and almost all of the derived models are
based on the idea to calculate the difference of each central pixel in the 3×3
neighborhood matrix. Based on this difference is positive or negative, we replace
neighborhood pixel intensity with 1 or 0 respectively and then convert obtained 0 and
1 pattern into a decimal value. In this paper, we propose modification of this idea,
instead of using local binary pattern, local octal and local hexadecimal pattern is
used. Local octal pattern (LOP) and the local hexadecimal pattern(LHP) is further
tested on two different datasets of 100 images each of sizes 150 x 150 and the
obtained results are compared with the state-of-art local binary pattern. For
similarity measure, Euclidian distance and Manhattan distance is used. Results show
that local octal pattern is superior over local hexadecimal pattern and the local
binary pattern is superior over both local octal pattern and local hexadecimal


Feature extraction,local binary pattern,texture feature,content based image retrieval,pixel,pixel intensity,

Harmonic Filtering in PV connected AC loads


Ehtasham UlHaq,Jawad Ali,Waleed Jan,Muhammad AamirAman,Mehr E Munir,



It is a known fact the power crisis has literally crippled many nations and
slowed them down from keeping up with the technological reforms in every field in
order to solve he power issue, different renewable energy system are being analyzed
and implemented that can be contributed to the power shortage. Since most of the
industrial and residential electrical equipment using AC power to operate, these
renewable energy systems must have a converter to transform DC power to AC power
in attempt of doing, the system is subjected to high frequency harmonics due to
converters, which can be degrade system performance. This research intends to find
out an effective solution to reduce the high frequency harmonics by designing and
implementing filters in solar cell driven AC loads.


Harmonics,AC loads,Filters,Frequency,Renewable Energy,Solar PV,

Factors affecting Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Churn in Pakistan Telecommunication Services Market


Yasser Khan,Shahryar Shafiq,Sheeraz Ahmed,Nadeem Safwan,Mehr-e-Munir,Alamgir Khan,



Telecommunication quality of service and customer satisfaction are the
importantdecisive factors responsible for shifting of loyalties and increase
profitability to the face the fierce competition in Pakistan telecommunication market
comprised of 154 million cellular subscribers with 73.85% Teledensity. This paper
intend to determine relationship among these variables and their impact on customer
switching to another operator which has also become global phenomena. The
analysis is conducted on primary data collected that is randomly sampled. The results
clearly indicate the strong positive relations of value added services on service
quality & customer satisfaction and strongly negative relationship with customer
propensity to churn in Pakistan Telecom Environment. Resultantly, the customer
churn can easily be controlled by providing enhance quality of voice, robust and
reliable connectivity, better complaint management, customer care, and value added
services with adequate features.


Service quality,Customer Satisfaction,Customer Churn,Customer Loyalty,

Techno-economic planning with different topologies of Fiber to the Home access networks with Gigabit Passive Optical Network technologies


Abid Naeem,Shahryar Shafique,Sheeraz Ahmad,Nadeem Safwan,Sabir Awan,Fahim Khan,



The Optical Network is considered an important asset to any telecom
operator. One of the most critical issues to the operators is how they can minimize
the deployment cost and maximize the Return of Investments (ROI) by optimizing the
operational costs in the optical network. Deployment of future-proof access networks
requires new infrastructure and new equipment and, on top of it, raises many
questions regarding the costs and risks associated with the technology,
telecommunications market, and legal regulations of these networks. This paper
presents the techno-economic analysis of the planning of FTTH access network
topologies with GPON technologies that includes a series of scenarios in
combination with tree, eye and tree topologies of eye and architectures Home-Run
and GPON. In order to get realistic results, the techno-economic study has been
applied to different urban areas in the city of Peshawar, capital of KPK. Cost/benefit
analysis is performed in order to determine the most influential parameters and give
general guidelines for the deployment of new-generation optical access networks in
different environments. Analysis also shows that the price for new services that a
customer needs to pay is competitive in the market today. Today, the service
providers seek penetrate the telecommunications market with more advanced plans
and complex network designs to reach a greater number of users and expand the
range of services that offer. This is where FTTH networks along with technology
GPON play an important role, as they meet this challenge. In this work, we present a
FTTH network with GPON technology, the parameters related to the main conduit
and network Elements (NE) connected to the Splice points (SP), among other aspects.
Combining these topologies with their respective architectures would help the
network planners to reduce the planning time of this type of networks and investment


Fiber to the Home,Access Network Topologies,Home-Run and Gigabit Passive Optical Network architectures,

An Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling using BAT Algorithm for Cloud Computing


Arif Ullah,Umeriqbal,Ijaz Ali Shoukat,Abdul Rauf,O Y Usman,Sheeraz Ahmed,Zeeshan Najam,



Cloud computing is new style of technology the demand of end user increase day
by day it cases more energy consumption.Energy consumption directly connected with
the utilization of resource .Batter resource management reduce energy system in the
network for that reason in this paper BATalgorithm implement for load balancing
technique with different parameter it result compare with ABC algorithm. By
implementing BAT algorithm in VM policy it reduces 3% of energy consumption in the
network. This result can be achieved by implementing proper load balancing technique
due to that it can reduce energy management system in cloud computing.


Cloud computing,Energy Management System,Virtualmachine,loadbalancing,Energy Consumption,

Analysis and Prediction of Heart Attacks Based on Design of Intelligent Systems


Sozan Sulaiman Maghdid,Tarik Ahmed Rashid,Sheeraz Ahmed,Khalid Zaman,M.Khalid Rabbani,



Nowadays, artificial intelligence systems become actively used for the identification
of different diseases using their medical data. Most of existing traditional medical
systems are based on the knowledge of experts-doctors. In this thesis, the application of
soft computing elements is considered to automate the process of diagnosing diseases, in
particularly diagnosing of a heart attack. The research work will offer probable help to
the medical practitioners and healthcare sector in making instantaneous resolution during
the diagnosis of the diseases. The intelligent system will predict heart attacks from the
patient dataset utilizing algorithms and help doctors in making diagnose of these
illnesses. In this study, three techniques such as a neural network (back propagation),
Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and Adaptative Neuro-Fuzzy System (ANFIS) are
considered for the design of the prediction system. The systems are designed using data
sets. The data sets contain 1319 samples that includes 8 input attributes and one output.
The output refers presence of a heart attack in the patient. For comparative analysis, the
simulation results of the ANFIS model is compared with the simulation results of the
neural network-based prediction model. The ANFIS model has shown better performance
and outperformed NN based model. The obtained simulation results demonstrate the
efficiency of using ANFIS model in the identification of heart attacks.


Artificial neural network,adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system,fuzzy inference System (FIS),neural network (back propagation),heart attack,

Modeling and Comparative Analysis of the Conventional and Hybrid Energy Storage Systems used in Electric Vehicular Technology


Mondru. Chiranjeevi,D.V.Ashok Kumar,R. Kiranmayi,



The most concentrating area is energy sustainability across the globe due to
need of energy system for different applications. An energy system in Electrical
Vehicular Technology (EVT) requires high power and energy densities for achieving
the long drive and acceleration respectively. Now a day’s most preferable
rechargeable battery is Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) battery, to achieving the long drive of
EVT, it is use for conventional vehicles (battery electric vehicles) and hybrid electric
vehicles. In this paper, KIA company EV+ car specifications such as Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM), vehicle design parameters, drive train, and
Li-Ion battery is considering. In addition to the Li-Ion battery and an ultra-capacitor
bank is connected in the proposed system. Hence, the combination of energy sources
is proposing a Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) for EVT. In this system, the
conventional and proposing energy system mathematical model is developing based
on Depth of Discharge (DOD) of the vehicle by using MATLAB/Simulink. Compare
the both energy systems results are such as State of Charge (SOC), Life Loss, and
Power for United States Simplified Federal (SFUDC) and European Union (EUDC)
urban drive cycles are observing and tabulate.


SOC,DOD,drive cycles,energy system,Li-Ion battery,power,batteries,ultra-capacitors,SFUDC,EUDC,life loss,



M. Indrasena Reddy,A.P Siva Kumar,



In the internet along with other network applications, the requirement for
security is increasing each day due to its wide usage. There are loads of algorithms
which were established for the safe transmission of data. This paper offers a fresh
approach for the generation of the key using the ‘Advanced Encryption Standard’
(AES) algorithm along with the Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA). This
combination is termed as Modified AES (MAES). Initially, a plain text of 128 bits is
the input to this algorithm. This text is transmuted to a cipher text. The key generation
is important for the generation of the ‘S-Box’ (substitution box). The key generation
on the proposed work is done utilizing the FPA. This step is done to make the keys in
such a manner that the complexities of the S-Box enhance. This ameliorates the
security of the proposed work for data transmission on a network. Then encryption is
done. This is followed by decryption. Finally, the 128bit plain text is retrieved at the
receiver’s side. The MAES algorithm was compared with other traditional
cryptographic algorithms. The proposed MAES algorithm yielded exceptional results.


Modified Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm,Flower Pollination Algorithm,Security,Encryption,Decryption,Key,

Fuzzy logic determining multi-paths in Gray hole attack for improving the energy efficiency of sensor Networks


Sybi Cynthia J,Sheryl Radley,L Mary Gladence,



A Gray Hole Attack (GHA) in dynamic wireless sensor networks (Dynamic
WSN) is an attack that specifically drops or conveys occasion packets as the traded
off hub moves. In such an attack, it is hard to recognize the traded off hub contrasted
and the sending attack happening in the remote sensor arrange on the grounds that
all sensor hubs move. To distinguish sending attacks in Dynamic WSN, a haze
figuring based framework for a Gray hole recognition plot known as Fuzzy logic
determining multi-paths in Gray hole attack (FL-MP-GHA) has been proposed. In
any case, since the proposed recognition conspire utilizes a solitary way, the vitality
utilization of the sensor hub for course revelation when the sensor hub moves is
substantial. To take care of this issue, the manuscript utilizes fluffy rationale to
decide the quantity of multi-ways expected to improve the vitality effectiveness of
sensor systems. Trial results demonstrate that the vitality productivity of the sensor
organize is improved.


Gray hole attack (GHA),dynamic wireless sensor networks (Dynamic WSN),Fuzzy logic determining multi-paths in Gray hole attack (FL-MP-GHA),

Impact of feature selection techniques in Text Classification: An Experimental study


S. Rahamat Basha,J.Keziya Rani,JJC Prasad Yadav,G.Ravi Kumar,



This work is a study of comparing different feature selection techniques on
the accuracy of text classification. Text Mining or Document Categorization is a
supervised learning (an Information Retrieval task which learns from labeled train
data) technique where it uses labeled (set of instances with predefine labels) train
instances or data to learn the categorization job and then it categorize the test text
instances automatically using the system that is learnt. In the field of IR and
management tasks, classification plays an important lead. The text categorization
procedure includes the steps text pre-processing (cleaning, stop word removal and
stemming), feature extraction or feature reduction or feature selection and then
categorization. In this work, two machine learning algorithm/classifiers (Naïve Bayes
and K-Nearest Neighbor) are used for classification. The analyzed experimental
results show that Naïve Bayes algorithm gives more accuracy in many cases i.e. with
many feature selection techniques and K-Nearest Neighbor classifier works well only
in the cases, when the feature selection techniques either Information Gain (IG) or
Mutual Information (MI). The results of experiments reported here were generated
while Self-made corpus used for training and Reuters-21578 corpus used for testing.


Stop word removal,stemming,feature weighting and selection,K-NN,Naïve Bayesian,

Novel Scalar PWM Techniques for Vector Control based Induction Motor Drives to Reduce Common Mode Voltage


P. Rama Mohan,K. Niteesh Kumar,G. Bala Subbarayudu,A. Suresh Kumar,D Lenine,



This paper presents novel and simple scalar Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques for vector control based Induction Motor (IM) drives to reduce the common mode voltage (CMV). These PWM techniques don’t require information of angle and sector. So, there is less complexity. In the proposed approach, a generalized offset time expression is derived. The modulating signals of various PWM techniques were derived by varying a constant. With these PWM techniques, 33.33% of CMV is reduced. Also, these techniques are simple to implement because, reference vector calculation and sector identification is not required. The experimental set up of v/f control based IM drive is developed. The vector control based IM drive is simulated and the proposed scalar PWM techniques are evaluated.


Common Mode Voltage,Vector Control,Induction Motor Drive,Active Zero State,Near State,

Optimization of chemical plant layout and pilot study on implementation of Industry 4.0


S. Aravind Raj,H.Abdul Zubar,Abdulrahman M Basahel,



In the current era, the manufacturing sector plays a vital role in the
industrial growth and economy. The limited availability of resources such as land
make efficient resource allocation and utilization highly necessary. Optimization of
the new as well as existing facility layouts is carried out to reduce connection costs
and thereby increase profits. The optimization algorithm must consider the equipment
dimensions, orientation and the connection costs between each equipment. The
outcome of such an algorithm would be a set of coordinates of each equipment and
the floor on which the base of the equipment is to be placed. Mapping this data into a
2D layout will provide a visual understanding of the optimized plant design. In
addition to this, with the development of innovative concepts such as the Industry 4.0
in the markets, companies upgrading their levels of technology. In developing
countries such as India, not all plants have a huge capital. So, they need to devise a
systematic plan to implement the new Industry 4.0 model and its supporting
technologies. A successful conjunction between Industry 4.0 and lean concepts is the
most viable option. This study aims to achieve both these targets – to devise an
algorithm that optimizes the location of each equipment and a method that
determines the possible upgrades in technology that are feasible for a firm.


Layout,Optimization,Industry 4.0,Plant design,

A Novel PWM Technique for Multilevel VSI fed Vector Controlled Drives based on Universal Offset Time Expression


P. Rama Mohan,Neeli Mallikarjuna,Puli Obulesu,A. Suresh Kumar,D Lenine,



This paper presents a novel generalized scalar Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM) technique based on universal offset time expression for Multilevel Voltage
Source Inverter (VSI) fed Vector Controlled Drives In this technique, by varying a
constant between 0 and 1, various PWM techniques have been derived. These PWM
techniques don’t require information of angle and sector. Also, these techniques are
simple to implement because, reference vector calculation and sector identification is
not required. So, there is less complexity. The Multilevel inverter uses level shifting
carrier signals. The proposed concept is simulated and evaluated.


PWM Algorithm,Vector Control,Induction Motor Drive,Multilevel Inverter,Voltage Source Inverter,

Analysis of Medium Scale Solar PV System Performance on Grid tied single-stage Conversion System


G. Sreenivasa Reddy,T. Bramhananda Reddy,M. Vijaya Kumar,



Grid-connected PV systems (GPV) with one stage of conversion method, high
performance and effectiveness can be caused by some control objectives. Objectives
like current control, output current harmonics, maximum power tracking algorithm
with synchronized grid connections. These objectives are merely controlled in one
stage GPV systems with two-level inverter topology. The proposed paper, a medium
scale variable PV single stage 3-ɸ power is associated with the grid is presented. The
basic Perturb and Obseve type of MPPT tracking technique is used to abstract
tremendous energy of PV system. This can be done by using a novel technique called
Voltage Oriented Control (VOC). To validate the proposed method, solar irradiation
and temperature of a solar PV cell are considered as input for the simulation process.
The VOC based GPV system performance can be evaluated with the simulation
results, the percentage THD estimations of electrical parameters like voltage and
currents are verified at the point of common coupling. The presented results will
identify that the VOC based GPV gives the better and high dynamic performance of
the system at various irradiation conditions.


Perturb and observe MPPT,VOC,Grid-Connected PV system,VSI,

Mechanical Properties of Teak Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites


Vatti Chandra Sekhar,Ravipati Bapaiah Choudary,GajulaNarender,MallavarapuUmamahesh,



The use of composite materials is increasing day by day due to their less
weight and high strength. Some of the natural fiber reinforced composites are
competing with the artificial fiber reinforced composites. The most significant
parameters that affect properties of composites are fiber loading, fiber length, fiber
orientation, method of fabrication, etc. In the present research work, an attempt has
been made to produce composite materials reinforced with teak fiber in epoxy resin
(Araldite LY556). In this investigation, fiber lengths of10mm, 30mm and 50 mm and
fiber loading of 2%, 3% and 4% w/w were used. The composite specimens were
fabricated by hand layup technique. Experiments were scheduled as per L9
orthogonal array using Taguchi’s design of experiments. The effect of fiber loading
and fiber length on tensile and flexural strengths has been analyzed.


Teak fiber,Epoxy composites,Tensile strength,Flexural strength,

Chaotic Algorithm for Standard Image Encryption


Surya Bhupal Rao,S.Rahamat Basha,



In this paper, proposes Image Encryption using chaotic crypto algorithm for
improving the cyber security levels of Images and videos, the inherent characteristics
and Properties of digital images, enormously using all properties of chaos being the
natural superiorities of chaotic systems in secret transmissions and information
encryption, able to provide the way to solve major issues of cyber security.


Image Encryption,Chaotic crypto,Cyber Security,Image Decryption,

Modeling of Single Phase Single Stage Grid Integrated Photovoltaic System


D. Lenine,ChSai Babu,J Surya Kumari,Shaik Shabeena,Shaik Nayab Rasool,



Photovoltaic (PV) systems are most commonly used renewable energy source
to obtain electrical energy economically as photovoltaic systems are simple, precise
and economical but it effects with temperature and irradiance which means that the
photovoltaic system is a non-linear source. It is possible to supply photovoltaic power
to the utility grid while the power demand increases. Grid integrated photovoltaic
system has the advantage of effective utilization of generated power.This paper
presents an overview of single phase single stage grid integrated photovoltaic system
with maximum power point tracking. The proposed system embraces a PV array,
MPPT controller, DC/AC inverter, LCL filter, and electrical grid. In this paper, grid
synchronization is provided through phase locked loop which improves the quality of
power supplied to the grid. The proposed system is validated through MATLAB/


Photovoltaic Systems,Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT),Grid integrated,Phase Locked Loop (PLL),Grid Synchronization,

Increasing OEE of an assembly line using the Industrial Internet of Things


Ahmed A.Bakhsh,S.Aravind Raj,



The study focuses the Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE), one of the tools
which is used by an organisation to measure that how efficiently the equipment is
working in comparison to its installed capacity and the benchmark set by the
organisation. OEE could easily be calculated by the organisation if the collected data
is accurate. The data accuracy could be increased by using the Industrial Internet of
Things (IIoT) tools. Operators tend to make a mistake sub-consciously which results
in invalid data and inaccurate solutions. To overcome the problems, it is required to
use some devices to record all the data. The OEE monitored by deploying the IIoT
tools gives a better result. This work shows a possible way to implement IIoT tools
and a pathway towards Industry 4.0 in manufacturing plant. The primary objective
and goal of this study is to increase the current state OEE to the World Class OEE as
up to 85%, and after achieving it, increasing the production and sustaining it.


Industrial Internet of Things,Overall Equipment Efficiency,Total Productive Maintenance,Lean Manufacturing,Minor Losses,Industry 4.0,






Transport system in now a day’s play a major role in our day to day life. In
today’s world, road and transport has become an integral part of every human being.
In India, for every 4 minutes one person is died on the road accidents. Locating the
points in the road network that are particularly dangerous and where more accidents
occur is called as accident prone area or Black spot.
This survey is conducted on SH-27 from Nandyal to Koilakuntla. The accident data
has been collected from near by police station available for consequent 3 years from
2015 to 2017. Preliminary analysis reveals that there are 5 blackspots in the given
corridor line. The detailed analysis been carried out on these 5 locations in order to
study accidents at this locations. Based on the analysis the improvement measures
have been recommended. The identified blackspots are outskirts of Koilakuntla,
Kaanala village, Julepalli village, Joladharasi village, and Rythunagar.The
important factors considered for analysis includes the classification of accidents,
types of vehicles involved in the accident, type of collision occurred, month wise
distribution of accidents, time wise distribution of accidents, analysis of data based
on Accident Severity Index method.


Transport system,fatalities,Black spots,accident severity index Introduction,

Evaluate the Performance of the Clustering Algorithms by Using Data Discrepancy Factor


S Govinda Rao,N V Ganapathi Raju,A Sai Hanuman,P Varaprasada Rao,



DDF is the most valuable measure among various cluster performance
techniques to evaluate the perfectness of any cluster mechanism. Normally, best
clusters are evaluated by computing the number of data points within a cluster. When
this count is equivalent to the number of required data points then this cluster is
considered to be perfect. The excellence of the cluster methodology is essential not
only to find the data count inside a cluster but also to examine it by totaling the data
points these are (i) present within a cluster where it should not be and vice versa and
(ii) not clustered i.e. outliers (OL). The main functionality of DDF is that all cluster
points can be grouped in similar clusters without outliers, the present paper
highlights on how compared to DDF more efficient Clusters can be formed through
the Modern DDF. Further, we evaluate the performance of some clustering
algorithms, K-Means. Recently we developed the Modified K-Means Algorithm and
Hierarchical Algorithm by using the Data Discrepancy Factor (DDF).


K-Means,Modified K-Means,Hierarchical Clustering,DDF,Modern DDF,

Tensile Properties of Hardwickia Binata and Banana Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composites


K. Sudha Madhuri,B. Chandra Mohan Reddy,



Natural fibers taken from the bark of ligno-cellulosic fibers are now a day’s
using as reinforcement in composite materials, also used as an alternative for
synthetic fibers. These are environmentally friendly materials used in many
applications like engineering, space, construction, sports etc. In the present study, a
new ligno-cellulosic fiber extracted from Hardwickia Binata fiber hybridized with
banana fiber was reinforced with epoxy for fabricating hybrid composite material.
Studies on mechanical, degradation temperatures and features of the uniaxial
cellulosic alkali treated Hardwickia Binata banana fibers were carried out. HBF and
banana fibers reinforced hybrid epoxy samples were prepared varying fiber loading
(10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%). Tensile strength variation with respect to the banana fiber
loading is analyzed. The removal of the amorphous cellulose on alkali treatment may
be the reason for the improved properties.


Natural fiber,Hardwickia Binata,Banana,epoxy,hybrid,Tensile,

Improved Performance of Unified Power Quality Conditioner Involving Various Power Quality Issues using Soft Computing


S. Shamshul Haq,D. Lenine,S.V.N.L. Lalitha,



This paper proposes elevated performances of control technique in UPQC,
Which increases the toughness against parametric perturbation of supply voltage and
load and increases the tracking performances of compensating reference signal. In
this paper three phase four wires Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) with
four leg shunt Active Power Filter (APF) is used to compensate load voltage and
supply current against distortions. A Synchronous Reference Frame theory (SRF) is
used for generation of reference signal for both shunt and series converters. To
improve the performances of UPQC, a fuzzy logic controller, a principal component
of soft computing is used to regulate the capacitor voltage. To achieve symbolic
mitigation with excellent accuracy and very quick response fuzzy adaptive hysteresis
controller is designed for PWM signal generation for both series and shunt
converters of UPQC. To validate the proposed controllers, different power quality
issues like distorted utility voltage, voltage sag/swell, current harmonics, neutral
current compensation, transient load and unbalanced load conditions are considered.
From the simulation results it is proved that the proposed controllers give better
compensation and fast response than conventional controllers.


Voltage Sag/Swell,Harmonics,Power Quality,Fuzzy Controller,

Performance enhancement of Uninterruptible Power Supply inverter through Neural Network control strategy


Mr.Vijaya kumar.S,D.V.Ashok Kumar,Ch.Sai Babu,



This paper proposes to investigate the performance of UPS inverter under
linear and non-linear loading conditions. It has been observed that the inverter’s
output voltage distorts particularly under non-linear loading conditions.
Conventional way of improving the quality of inverter output is through multiple
feedback schemes. These conventional schemes also been developed in
MatlabSimulink in order to estimate their performance both under linear and nonlinear
loading conditions. Though they perform better under linear loading
conditions, there seems to be a droop in their performance under non-linear loading
conditions. Hence, the proposed neural network controller for the inverter has been
designed and tested for the performance enhancement of the UPS inverter both under
linear and non-linear conditions. Load variations and reference voltage variation
methodologies have been followed for testing the proposed topology under closed
loop for improving the performance of UPS inverter.


UPS Inverter,Neural Network Controller for the inverter,THD,

Investigating the effect of chirality, oxide thickness, temperature and channel length variation on a threshold voltage of MOSFET, GNRFET, and CNTFET


C.Venkataiah,V.N.V. Satya Prakash,Kethepalli Mallikarjuna,T. Jayachandra Prasad,



Scaling down of CMOS in Nano meter range has many difficulties such as
high leakage current, smaller gate control, high power consumption, high density, a
wide range of interconnect net. Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET)
and Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET) are the promising and
effective technologies for advanced circuit design and implementation to overcome
the difficulties faced in CMOS technology. In this work, analyzed the different device
physical structure such as MOSFET, GNRFET, and CNTFET by varying different
device parameters like chirality, oxide thickness, channel length, and temperature.
Effect of a threshold voltage and device performance has been observed by varying
all these device parameters. The simulation shows that advanced GNRFET and
CNTFET can work effectively for nano dimensions due to the little variation of a
threshold voltage. These devices may also consume less power due to the less leakage
current and operating with higher speed due to the ballistic transport of electrons
compared to the MOSFET device. All the simulation has done with HSPICE at 32nm
technology node.


MOSFET,CNTFET,GNRFET,Temperature,Oxide Thickness,Chirality,Channel Length,

Selective Feature Coding for Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection through ECG Signal Analysis


Gopisetty Ramesh,Donthi Satyanarayana,Maruvada Sailaja,



Detection of abnormalities in the ECG signal to achieve an automatic
diagnosis of several heart related diseases has become an increased research aspect.
This paper focused to develop an automatic detection system to detect abnormalities
in ECG. These abnormalities results in different cardiac arrhythmias. Towards the
detection of different cardiac arrhythmias, this paper analyzed the ECG signal
through Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT) as a feature extraction
technique and further proposed a new selective band coding technique to extract only
the informative features from the sub bands obtained from DTCWT. The novelty of
this proposed system is to remove the redundant information, thereby achieving a fast
and accurate detection results. Multi-Class Support Vector Machine (MC-SVM) is
used for classification purpose. Extensive simulations are carried out for the MITBIH
database and the performance is measured through the performance metrics
such as Accuracy, Precision, Recall, False Positive Rate, F-Measure and overall
computational time. The proposed method is also compared with conventional
approaches to alleviate the performance enhancement in the detection of Cardiac
Arrhythmias (CAs) with less time span.


Accuracy,Cardiac Arrhythmia,Detection Rate,DTCWT,ECG,MCSVM,SA,

Intrusion Detection using An Ensemble of Support Vector Machines


G Kishor Kumar,R Raja Kumar,M Suleman Basha,K Nageswara Reddy,



This paper “an ensemble of Support Vector Machines (SVM)” for networkbased
intrusion detection. Bootstrapping is applied to derive various training sets
from the given training set. Then a SVM is derived for each training set. The
decisions of all SVMs is taken and majority voting is considered to