Bura Vijay Kumar,Rajeshwar Rao Arabelli,Rajesh Mothe,D. Kothandaraman,K. Seena Naik,DOI NO:
Microcontroller,Raspberry-pi, RFID,Abstract
On the roads the vehicles have been increasing due to the increase in population and controlling of visitors is one of the hard tasks for the people who control the traffic. The regular traffic congestion at important junctions becomes more problems for the emergency vehicles and must wait until the green signal. These results theincrease in pollutant levels and wastage of time, pollution levels may increase to a huge scale. Previously the traffic manages strategies used like magnetic loop detectors, induction loop detectors are buried on the street aspect offer the confined traffic records, and necessitate separate monitoring systems for site visitors counting and for traffic surveillance. Here the assignment proposes to put in force an artificial density traffic control machine the usage of photograph processing and Raspberry pi.Refference:
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