
Yerrolla Chanti,Seena Naik Korra,Nagendar Yamsani,





GI-FI or gigabit remote alludes to a faraway correspondence at a facts tempo of multiple billion bits (gigabit) each second. GI-FI will assist with pushing remote correspondences to quicker drive. For a long time links administered the world. Optical strands assumed a predominant job for its higher piece rates and quicker transmission. In any case, the establishment of links made a more prominent trouble and along these lines drove remote access. The first of this is Bluetooth which can cover 9-10mts. Wi-Fi tailed it having an inclusion zone of 91mts.Almost as clearly, presentation of Wi-Fi remote structures has established a progressive solution for "closing mile" trouble. GI-FI is a remote innovation, which guarantees rapid short range information moves with velocities of up to 5 Gbps inside a scope of 10 meters. The GI-FI works of the 60GHz recurrence band. This recurrence band is as of now for the most part unused. It is fabricated utilizing (CMOS) innovation. This remote innovation named as GI-FI. The advantages and highlights of this new innovation can be useful for use being developed by the up and coming age of gadgets and spots. Right now, the examinationis performed between GI-FI and some of existing advances with fast enormous records moves inside seconds it is relied upon that GI-FI to be the favored remote innovation utilized in the home and office of the future.


I. Aditya Hegde1, Ashwini Hegde2 1, 2 Electronics and Instrumentation, BMS College” Review of GI-Fi Technology, ” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887Volume 5 Issue X, October 2017- Available at
II . Bura Vijay Kumar, YerrollaChanti, NagenderYamsani, Srinivas Aluvala, Bandi Bhaskar “Design a Cost Optimum for 5g Mobile Cellular Network Footing on NFV and SDN”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S3, July 2019.
III. GI-FI technology “Wikipedia”
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VIII. Marzieh yazdanipour, Mina Yazdanipour, Afsaneh Yazdanipour, Amin Mehdipour,” Evaluation of Gi-Fi Technology for Short-Range, High-Rate Wireless Communication” UACEE International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and its Security- Volume 2: Issue 3 [ISSN 2250 – 3757].
IX. NagendarYamsani, Bura Vijay Kumar, Srinivas Aluvala, Mahesh Dandugudum, G. Sunil Reddy, “An Improved Load Balancing in MANET Using on-Demand Multipath Routing Protocol”, International Journal of Engineering &Technology, 7 (1.8) (2018) pp.222-225.
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XI. P.Kumara Swamy, Dr.C.V.Guru Rao, Dr.V.Janaki, “Functioning of secure key authentication scheme in” in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathemat, Volume 118, Issue 14, Page No(s) 27 – 32, MAR. 2018, [ISSN(Print):1314-3395]
XII. Srinivas Aluvala, K. Raja Sekar,, Deepika Vodnala, “A Novel Technique for Node Authentication in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks” in Elsevier – Perspectives in Science, Volume 8, Issue 1, Page No(s) 680 -682, SEP. 2016, [ISSN(Print):2213-0209]

XIII. YerrollaChanti, Kothanda Raman, K. Seenanaik, Dandugudum Mahesh, B.Bhaskar” An Enhanced on Bidirectional LI-FI Attocell Access Point Slicing and Virtualization using Das2 Conspire” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S3, July 2019
XIV. YerrollaChanti, Dr. K. Seena Naik, Rajesh Mothe, NagendarYamsani, Swathi Balija,“A modified Elliptic Curve Cryptography Technique for Securing Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Engineering &Technology”, 2018.
XV. YerrollaChanti, Bandi Bhaskar, NagendarYamsani, “LI-FITECHNOLOGY UTILIZED IN LEVERAGED TO POWER IN AVIATION SYSTEM ENTERTAINMENT THROUGH WIRELESS COMMUNICATION”, J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-6, June (2020) pp 405-412.

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