Manuscript Preparation :
The manuscript must be submitted by one of the authors on behalf of all co-authors ( if any ). The authors must confirm that the manuscript is original. It is neither published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere. If any part of the manuscript, illustration, table, or structure that has already been published elsewhere must be reported to the Editorial Board.
Submission of a Manuscript:
Length of a paper:
Typing instruction :
- Font: Times New Roman
- Title of the paper Font: 14
- Heading Font: 12
- Other Lines Font: 11
- Body Lines Font: 11
- Space between two lines: 1 (One ) point
- Formulae should be numbered consecutively with numbers in bracket ( ) appearing in the right margin and numbered as (1), (2), (3), etc.
Page Margins :
- Top : 4.3 cm or 1.7″ inch
- Bottom : 4.3 cm or 1.7″ inch
- Left : 3.8 cm or 1.5″ inch
- Right : 3.8 cm or 1.5″ inch
Authors Name and Affiliation
The authors’ name should consist of first name, middle (if any ), last name. The authors’ affiliation should consist of the following in order :
- University or College or Institution or Company (with the name of the department, position hold, or Company division )
- Postal Address
- City, State, Zip Code
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- Telephone Number or Mobile Number
- Email Address
Corresponding Author
The corresponding author is the person responsible for correspondence with the Board of Editors. We ask for additional information from the corresponding author, so that we can ensure timely communication and make the program accurate. We will only Contact the author other than the corresponding author if we are unable to reach the corresponding author (e.g., because of a bad email address). Please notify us of any changes in names, affiliations, etc. in the corresponding author’s information. Note: If you have more than one email address, please put the second address under “Alternate Email”. We will only use that address if there is a problem with the primary email.
In case of a paper with more than one author correspondence concerning the paper will be sent to the first author if the name of the corresponding author’s name is not mentioned specifically.
- A concise abstract (maximum 250 words ) should open the paper.
- To give sufficient indication of the objective, scope, and results of the research paper to the Readers to determine whether they will go through the full text or not.
- To provide Keywords and phrases for indexing.
- The abstract must not be the summary of the whole paper in a few words.
Keywords and phrases :
- The introduction should contain a maximum of 600 words.
- Reference should be given in proper format in the introduction whenever it is necessary.
Main Text:
- The main text should contain a statement of the problem and its solution
- Headings, Figures, and Tables should be numbered sequentially.
- Results, Discussions, and Conclusions should be given at the end of the main text.
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest:
The serial number of References should be numbered in Capital Roman Numbers
Example of References are given below :
II. Brezis,H.(1968), Equations et Inequations Non Lineaires dans les EspacesVectorielsenDualite. Ann.Inst.Fourier,vol.18,pp. 115-175.
III. Dowson, Duncan (1997). History of Tribology, 2nd Edition. Wiley; 2 edition (March 6, 1998).
IV. J. L. Lions and G. Stampacchia.(1967), variational Inequalities, comm.on Pure and Applied Math., Vol XX, PP.493-519.
V. M. Chipotand G., Michaille, (1989), Uniqueness results and monotonicity properties for strongly nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities, AnnalidellaScuolaNormaleSuperiore di Pisa,4(16), pp. 137-166.
VI. Meriam, J. L, and L. G. Kraige. (2002), Engineering Mechanics (fifth ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
VII. R. C. Hibbele, (2007). Engineering Mechanics, (Eleventh ed.). Pearson, Prentice-Hall.
VIII. Ruina, Andy, and Rudra Pratap (2002). Introduction to Statics and Dynamics. Oxford university press.
IX. Stuart S. Antman,(1983),” The Influence of Elasticity in Analysis: Modern Developments”, American Mathematical Society 9 (3), pp 267-291.
X. Van Beek, Anton. “History of Science Friction”.