Mohammed Zohdy Abdulhady,Loay E. George,DOI NO:
Call phones,Mobile network records,Mobility,Human's behavior,Zain,Abstract
Through the previous years, a large number of cell phones information has become in the hand for the analysis patterns of people movements. This information’s carry a massive assurance for realizing behavior of human on a very large scale, as well as with an accuracy and precision never happened before can be allowed with surveys, censuses or other available data selection techniques. There are a number of researches that has open key advance into analyzing mobility of human utilizing this available recent data source, as well as there have been multiple various calculations of mobility applied. Mobility of human, or motion over large or short distances for narrow or vast durations of time, is an essential until continuous study for occurrence in the sciences of demographic and social systems. Meanwhile there have been harmonious progresses in compassionate migration (consider continuous pattern of mobility) as well as its effect on people happiness, social organizations, economic, and political organization, progresses in researches of mobility have been embarrass by complexity in measuring and recording how people move on a second and in detailed range. In this paper, the ability of using mobile network records will been described for analyzing the mobility of people and society for various objectives such as monitoring the mobility in cities and builds the suitable infrastructure for them. The mobility of individuals will be very benefit for observation the behavior of peoples and their effect in security issues. In order to test the system performance, a set of tests was applied on Zain calls dataset. The results indicates for the society mobility has been exported for the Baghdad Karkh area peoples. The results have been exported for two phases, one phases when the number of people’s routes where only 10 movement and the second phase when the people routes where 3 routes.Refference:
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