Yogesh Sharma,B. Balamurugan,DOI NO:
Blockchain,Decentralized Technology,Electronic Medical Record,Patient,Security,Privacy,Abstract
A blockchain technology is one of the types of decentralized technology and is based on distributed ledger technology. A blockchain technology is a tamper proof and secure technology which make the technology suitable for data store. However, there are some question from the critics with the issues related to technical challenges like the storage space of blockchain and some security issues but the technology has shown the benefit in multiple sectors. Electronic Health Records (EHR), Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Patient Health Record (PHR) are the patients record that are need to be monitored continuously after the patient get discharged from the hospital specially the patients with heart diseases or cancer. The electronic medical record proves to be a great help for the patient and for the concerned doctor as well. These medical records need more security and privacy against the leak or misuse by some other person. There have been some incidents where it has seen the security breach in the electronic medical records of a patient. In order to provide privacy to these records blockchain technology can be beneficial. In this paper, we will provide a comprehensive survey of different methods for preserving the privacy of EMR using the blockchain technology.Refference:
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