Journal Vol – 15 No -2, February 2020



Nuhad Salim Al-Mothafar, Ali Abd Alhussein Zyarah



Let R be a Γ-ring and G be an RΓ-module. An RΓ-submodule S of an RΓ-module G is called semi-primary RΓ-submodule if  is prime ideal of Γ-ring R. The purpose of this paper is to introduce interesting result semi-primary RΓ-submodule of RΓ-module which represent generalization semi-primary submodules.


Γ–Ring,RΓ-Modules,RΓ-Submodule ,Primary RΓ-Submodule,


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Partha Mitra, Angsuman Sarkar



Designing an efficient power distribution network is a major challenge in modern day system-on-chip. During manufacturing, the signal integrity problems such as resistive voltage drop, inductive noise at pad locations and electro-migration may result silicon failures. This paper deals with the analysis of supply noise using multiple power supply and use of decoupling capacitors for reduction of supply noise.  In this work flower pollination algorithm has been used for decap estimation so that the supply noise can be reduced significantly and various design parameters remains at its best. The purpose of this work is to reduce the supply noise with effecting the other design parameters of the chip.  In this work the supply noise has been reduced upto 70.2% with reduction of 81.6% in power consumption and 17.07 % increment in delay parameters. This approach can be used for any system-on-chip.


Decoupling capacitor,Flower Pollination Algorithm,Multiple Power Supply,Power Distribution Network,System-on-chip,


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Abbas Ahmed Hasan Al-Jaberi , Najim Abid Jassim



Due to significant demand on electrical energy on residence sector, especially those spend on space cooling for extreme hot summer countries in the middle east; moreover, the national electrical shortage supply issue in Iraq, it is a kind of interested and challenge at the same time to research for solution and utilize the redundancy of solar energy in such region. A test room was constructed 4.7*2.5*2.85m subjected to solar radiation all day time situated in Baghdad, a bunch of experimental testes were conducted for parametric study over summer season from April till October, the experiment testes were recurrent on monthly basis. The roof of test room was cooled by circulated water in pipes, the water is pre-cooled by evaporative cooler in separate system whilst the relatively cooled air is blew towards the A/C outdoor unit and other stream directed on back side of solar panels to minimize its average temperature for promoting performance aspects. Results indicated the energy save 33.53% over entire season when cooling the roof by water circulation and 9.01% energy saved due to A/C COP enhanced from cooling the condenser by cold air. Therefore COP was enhanced due to cold air effect from 2.90 to 3.39The solar panel temperature was minimized about 11°C that results to enhance the efficiency of PV panels from 12.1% to 12.8 %, solar system can handle the operation for 3hrs peak time when A/C is off as more energy was saved.


Space Cooling,Energy Saving,COP Enhancement,Solar Assistance,Water-Cooled Roof,PV panel Enhancement,


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Yogesh Sharma, B. Balamurugan



A blockchain technology is one of the types of decentralized technology and is based on distributed ledger technology. A blockchain technology is a tamper proof and secure technology which make the technology suitable for data store. However, there are some question from the critics with the issues related to technical challenges like the storage space of blockchain and some security issues but the technology has shown the benefit in multiple sectors. Electronic Health Records (EHR), Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Patient Health Record (PHR) are the patients record that are need to be monitored continuously after the patient get discharged from the hospital specially the patients with heart diseases or cancer. The electronic medical record proves to be a great help for the patient and for the concerned doctor as well. These medical records need more security and privacy against the leak or misuse by some other person. There have been some incidents where it has seen the security breach in the electronic medical records of a patient. In order to provide privacy to these records blockchain technology can be beneficial. In this paper, we will provide a comprehensive survey of different methods for preserving the privacy of EMR using the blockchain technology.


Blockchain,Decentralized Technology,Electronic Medical Record,Patient,Security,Privacy,


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Zohaib Hassanz, Manzoor Elahi, Hanif Ullah, Yaseen Mahmood



Water is not only necessary for life but it plays vital role in the social accompanied with economic growth of that specific country especially developing countries. Increasing population and rapid urbanization accompanied with climate change may reduce the supply of fresh water globally in twenty-first century. This study aims to understand current household water use and water use pattern in different five houses of different five places of KPK Pakistan for five months, to improve the efficiency of house hold water use, to encourage sustainable use and conservation of water resources. For the provision of new fresh water facilities. It’s necessary for water supply system planners to comprehend current water consumption behaviors of inhabitant, and how they use water of the new facility in future. The water consumption pattern is differs for the nations and societies and dependent on factors which may vary consumption on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. These factors are availability of water source, economic, cultural, seasonal, climatic, and approachability to these water sources.

Daily water consumption pattern for five different houses in different areas of KPK for five months were found by carefully examining the time taken by pump to fill the Household overhead tanks. But in order to increase reliability of the acquired data the pumps were allowed to fill the tank till water flow for one minute at overflow pipe of the water tank was not recorded. During the period of research (March 2018 to July 2018) it was concluded that the average consumption in Charsadda (urban), Charsadda (rural), Mardan (urban), Mardan (rural) and Kohat (urban) was 102.84, 61.81, 105.99, 66.44 and 100 litres per captia per day (LPCD) respectively. Interestingly it was also observed that the trends of water consumption were almost the same in urban and rural areas of different districts of KPK


Daily water Consumption Pattern,Peak factors,LPCD,Overflow pipe,Flow rate,


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Asep K. Supriatna, Asep Sholahuddin, Hennie Husniah



The simplest model of terrorist growth model consists of two subpopulations, namely the susceptible subpopulation (S) and the militant or infected and infectious subpopulation (I). The model is governed by a coupled of differential equation reflecting the growth of the susceptible and infected subpopulations. Assuming a constant human population, the system can be reduced to a logistic differential equation. In this paper  a fractional order delayed logistic equation is discussed and  the discretization  in the form of piecewise constant argument is used to find the solution. We use the first and the second order discretization method in the numerical scheme and investigate the effect of the fractional order in the growth of the underlying population modelled by the equation. We found that in general the discretization method can mimic the behavior of the original logistic equation for some parameters. However, destabilizing effect may occur depending on the combination of the values of related parameters, such as the fractional order, the intrinsic growth rate, and the piecewise constant argument parameter.


SI-terrorist model,logistic differential equation,fractional order,piecewise constant argument,


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Kausik Bhattacharyya, Manabendra Maiti , Salil Kumar Biswas, Md Anoarul Islam, Ayan Kanti Pradhan, Pradip Kumar Ghosh, Judhajit Sanyal



Prediction of rainfall is important in terms of the impact of a rain event on various systems such as communication systems. Traditional approaches used to predict rain events are often sensitive to fluctuations in the datasets on which the predictions are made. The present paper therefore develops a robust machine learning based technique for accurate short term rain forecasting, based on experimentally collected data. Ground based microwave radiometer allows continuous monitoring of ambient temperature, water vapour and liquid water, and other hydrometeors through measurement of radiometric brightness temperature at different frequencies in clear and cloudy weather conditions. The radiometric brightness temperature outputs at 23.834 and 30 GHz are used to establish a relation where data trends which are precursors to rain events can be identified using this parameter. Spline equations are modeled by partitioning the dataset. The predictability of the occurrence of precipitation and the rainfall intensity has been studied based on the rise of brightness temperature from clear to cloudy weather conditions. The rise of brightness temperature at 23.834 and 30 GHz show that the precursory variations of this parameter preceding rain events are observable from 29 to 47 minutes prior to precipitation depending upon the nature of rainfall patterns. The data collected empirically displays trends that are used in this paper to provide a clear forecast of short term precipitation. Spline regression based machine learning models incorporating monthly trends, proposed in this paper improve the accuracy of prediction of short term rain events.


Radiometer,brightness temperature,microwave,propagation,rain,weather forecasting,


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Ibrahim H. Al-Kharsan, Ali. F. Marhoon, Jawad Radhi Mahmood



The significant spread of the single-phase loads in the consumer homes make the distribution network suffering from many dangerous problems like the load unbalancing. This problem comes because the single-phase devices continuously plugged in and out to different phases each time. This paper cared about this problem and solved it efficiently by the new meta-heuristic algorithm called GWO that applied for the first time to solve the load balancing issue. The algorithm has the ability based on the smart meter included swapping mechanism to disconnects the appropriate home phases from their initial connection to specific feeders and reconnected again to other feeders for satisfying the balancing in the secondary distribution network. The algorithm adapted to reaching the balancing with a minimal number of swaps and take care of the online PVs if the consumer likes to buy energy to the national utility. It distributed all the PVs in a manner that not cause a balancing problem or lead to a stability issue. The proposed method has been applied to some unbalanced areas with random data generated in MATLAB to confirm the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.


Load balancing,Gray Wolf algorithm,phase swapping, solar energy,swapping factor,unbalanced feeders,


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Shaik Akbar, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy



Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the eye diseases that results in vision loss if not diagnosed earlier. The automated computer aided models on the DR images help in accurate treatment disease prevention. Microaneurysms (MA) and red spots are the indicators of DR for disease diagnosis. Many DR classification approaches have been proposed in the literature with deep learning framework and non-linear functionality. Also, these models are not applicable to large feature space due to high true negative rate. To optimize these problems, a hybrid feature selection based deep learning classifier is used to detect the MA and red spots disease severity on the large image dataset. In this paper, a new feature extraction approach is implemented to find the essential positive bag features to the deep learning framework. A hybrid SVM classification model is used to classify the disease patterns with high true positive rate. Experimental results are simulated on different DR image class labels; results show that the hybrid deep learning classification model is better than the traditional models under various statistical metrics on large dataset.


Diabetic Retinopathy,Deep learning,Feature Extraction,Classification,


I. B. Dashtbozorg, J. Zhang, F. Huang, and B. M. ter Haar Romeny, “Retinal Microaneurysms Detection Using Local Convergence Index Features,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 3300–3315, Jul. 2018.
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XIV. Seoud, T. Hurtut, J. Chelbi, F. Cheriet, and J. M. P. Langlois, “Red Lesion Detection Using Dynamic Shape Features for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 1116–1126, Apr. 2016.
XV. W. Cao, N. Czarnek, J. Shan, and L. Li, “Microaneurysm Detection Using Principal Component Analysis and Machine Learning Methods,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 191–198, Jul. 2018.
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Ramalakshmi K, T. Jemima Jebaseeli, Venkatesan R



Gender recognition is a process of recognizing a person’s gender from their facial image using deep learning. The posed variation, illumination, and occlusion are some of the factors that affect in recognizing faces. These are reduced by increasing the accuracy of prediction. The network used for training the system is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). For improving accuracy, the faces are detected and cropped from the image. Face detection is done using Open CV which detects the face by the frontal features of the face. This is done during training the network. The dataset used for training has cropped images. The proposed system predicts the person’s gender without compromising accuracy.


Gender recognition,convolutional neural network,VGGNet,


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