
Jeevan J Murthy,Irshad T Y,Harshit P S,Harshith M,Kavya A P,




Swarm Robotics,Social behaviour,Collective behaviour,Robots,


In nature many social animals follow a cooperative behaviour for the common good of their colony. Swarm robotics is a method in which a collection of similar or dissimilar robots follow an organized behaviour pattern to perform some specific tasks. The robots interact and follow simple rules to coordinate a large number of robots. Here we focus on the recent developments in swarm robotics as applied to real world problems. Swarm robotics deals with the defining the rules for the cooperative behaviour and designing, modelling, validating, operating and maintaining the robotics system. Swarm robotics can be classified as per the design and analysis or as per the collective behaviour. The limitations and the future research directions for swarm robotics is also discussed.


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