Zulfiqar Ali Shahani ,Muhammad Mujtaba Shaikh,Ashfaque Ahmed Hashmani,DOI NO:
Eigenvalue,Steady-state,Power system,Nonlinear model,Synchronous machine,Abstract
Electrical power system without interruption is the need of every consumer. Therefore, supplying electrical power which must be efficient, reliable and secure from any disturbance is the priority of power supply companies. But, due to changes in weather conditions and continuous load variations, small disturbances arise which may lead to severe disturbance. All electrical generating stations are interconnected, so a failure in any one unit can affect other generating units, therefore analysis is compulsory to solve the problem in the least time, and avoid a further big loss. Analysis of steady-state stability or transient stability plays a key role in a power system which helps to understand the behavior of a dynamic system. The stability problem is concerned with the behavior of the generating station when the system puts on either small or large disturbance. In this work, the steady-state stability (SSS) analysis of the Jamshoro thermal power plant (JTPP) is analyzed by using the eigenvalue method and linearization technique at four different reheat gain values. We develop a nonlinear mathematical model of JTPP and discuss its linearized form, and examine the behavior of the system stability using eigenvalues. The eigenvalue method analyzes the behavior of synchronous machine when system load varies continually. Numerical values of eigenvalues consist of either real part or real as well as imaginary parts. These eigenvalues help to understand the stability of the system, as to whether the system is stable or not.Refference:
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