Mogaligunta Sankaraiah,S.Suresh Reddy,M.Vijaya Kumar,DOI NO:
Dispatchable distributed generation (DDG),,Voltage controlled devices (VCDs),switching operations (SOs),Grey wolf optimizer (GWO),Dynamic programming (DP),Abstract
A novel method proposed for the reduction of switching operations (SOs) of voltage controlled devices (VCDs) and system power loss in the presence of dispatchable distributed generation (DDG). In this method reactive power of DDG coordinated with voltage controlled devices (VCDs) like under load tap changers (ULTCs) and shunt capacitors (SCs) in order to curtail switching operations (SOs) of VCDs together with power loss. Reactive power coordination and power loss is formulated as a multi objective function (MOF), Grey wolf optimizer (GWO) algorithm is proposed for optimizing MOF with the aid of forecasted load one day in advance. Proposed method was tested on 10kv 16 nodes system in Matlab environment at different locations of DDG with different output profiles. The efficacy of proposed scheme is compared with conventional (CO) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) methods.Refference:
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