Aishwarya Banerjee,Soumyendu Bhattacharjee,Biswarup Neogi,DOI NO:
PID controller, Addition of pole,Z-N tuning rule,Op-Amp.,Abstract
The control system consisting different components mainly regulates, manages as well as senses the behavior of another system and gives the desired output. The properly tuned controllers are used widely in different industrial applications. This paper concentrates on the work based on the PID tuning by applying Z-N rule to get the optimized performance of control system based modeling of human cardiac muscle. The another aim of this paper is the addition of pole at origin in plant along with PID controller to increase the type of open loop transfer function of plant as steady state error for any input test signal reduces with the increment of type of a system. Due to addition of pole, transient part may get deteriorated as order increases with the increment of type of plant. To balance this fact, a proper PID controller has been introduced and designed by applying Z-N tuning rule to get an output with better dynamic and static performance of the total system. At the end of this work an OP-Amp based practical implementation of PID controller has been done to calculate the controller parameters in terms of resistance and capacitance for real life application.Refference:
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