Identity-Based Directed Signature Scheme without Bilinear Pairings


R. R. V. Krishna Rao,N. B. Gayathri,P. Vasudeva Reddy,



Digital signature,Directed Signature,Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem,Identity-based Framework,Random Oracle Model,


P. Vasudeva ReddyThe most important contribution of modern cryptography is the invention of digital signatures. Digital signature schemes have been extended to meet the specific requirements for real world applications. A directed signature scheme is a kind of signature scheme intended to protect the privacy of the signature verifier. In directed signature schemes, a signer signs the document/message for a designated verifier so that only the designated verifier can verify the validity of the signature and others cannot do. Thus the restriction of verification is controlled by the signer. Such directed signature schemes are applicable in many situations where the signed message is sensitive to the receiver such as signature on medical records, tax information etc. However all the existing directed signature schemes in ID based setting uses bilinear pairings over elliptic curves. Due to the heavy computational cost of pairing operations, these existing ID based directed signature schemes are not much efficient in practice. In order to improve the efficiency, in this paper, we present an efficient Identity-based directed signature scheme without pairings. The proposed scheme is proven secure under the assumption of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem is hard. In addition, this scheme improves the efficiency than the existing directed signature schemes in terms of computational cost.


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R. R. V. Krishna Rao, N. B. Gayathri, P. Vasudeva Reddy View Download