
Rakesh Uppuluri,Sivajee Vavilapalli,



Human Resource Management Practices ,HRM,SWOT,training programs,Training,Performance Appraisal,Team Work,Employee Participation,


In the current era of a highly trained business environment in banking, organizations encounter transpiring challenges in form of optimization and acquisition of human resources. Being valuable and scarce capabilities, human resourcesareconsideredasasourceoftenablevyingmastery.Thesuccessofabanking organization depends upon several factors; however, one of the most crucial factors that influence the organization's performance is its employee. The HRM practices like Training, Team Work, Performance Appraisal, and Compensation has an imperative impact on the banks. Human resources play an integral role in achieving aninnovative and high-quality service/ product. The present study through the SWOT evaluation attempts to examine and analyze the impact of all these factors and the role of training anddevelopmentofprivatesectorbankingemployeesinIndia.Alsotoassessthepresent statusoftheemployeeeffectivenessindischargingtherolesandresponsibilitiesintune with the objectives of the bank. The effectiveness of the various facets of training i.e. employee’s attitude towards the application of practice; training inputs; quality of training programs and training inputs to the actualjob.


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