M. Pradeep,K. V. Subrahmanyam,P. Kamalakar,P. Rajesh,DOI NO:
Biometric,Finger Print,Multiplexer,Image Quality Assessment (IAQ),Multi Spectral Imaging (MSI) ,Abstract
In recent years the biometric system lacks in security due to fraudulent access. Old systems relayed on Multi-Spectral Imaging (MSI) for security which is found to be ineffective. The advanced technology in the biometric system to improve security is Image Quality Assessments (IAQ). In the previous system, the Multi-Spectral Imaging (MSI) was implemented in which the usual digital protection mechanisms and enhanced security systems are not effective. A novel software based biometric detection system is proposed here to detect the fraudulent biometric access attempts. It is used to enhance the security of biometric recognition systems. In this system from the original image, 30 image quality features are extracted, the same acquired for authentication purposes. Among various biometric recognition, finger recognition, iris recognition and face recognition are presented by using image quality assessment technique.Refference:
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