An Efficient Approach for Secured E-Health Cloud System Using Identity Based Cryptography Techniques in Cloud Computing Environment


Shikha Mittal,Paramjeet Singh,Rahul Malhotra,



Cloud computing,EHR,Data Privacy,Key Management,


Nowadays, cloud computing is an interesting research area among the researchers. It is an internet-based pool of heterogeneous resources. Cloud environment is very much reliable to make availability of resources when required to online users. Reliable computing services can be handled without any own infrastructures, so it would be considered as an alternate cost effective technique. Most of the organizations utilized the technique of cloud computing to host their applications. The service of the health care unit is the most essential service for the people. There is a necessity to store the sensitive information related to the patient’s medical history in a secure way. Therefore, the research and development in the Personal Health records and Electronic Health records is negligible area. Thus the most robust encryption and decryption should be encountered. One among the advanced technology in cloud computing is the maintenance of Electronic Health Records (EHR). The main objective of this paper is to propose and implement a methodology to exchange the health information about a particular person in a secured cloud environment. The medical information about a patient from distributed manner is also maintained in EHR by cloud environment. The stored information of the user provides the facility of collecting, sharing, exchanging and organizing that information through users. Therefore, an efficient approach for securing e-health cloud system using identity based cryptography techniques is presented in this research study.


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Shikha Mittal, Paramjeet Singh, Rahul Malhotra View Download