A. Nagaraju,S.Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy,DOI NO:
Self-compacting concrete,binder content,Super plasticizer dosage,mix design,Abstract
The most incredible inventions in concrete is Self-Compacting Concrete, i.e. concrete will flow by its own weight. Self-compacting concrete can be achieved by high powder content and with combination of different mineral admixtures or secondary supplementary cementetious materials, high range water reducing super plasticizers and the performance of concrete will also enhanced. All above mentioned qualities make Self-compacting concrete as Special concrete. The more research works were going on to get the generalized mix code for SCC and effect of each ingredient of concrete also examine for SCC. In the present study, the effect super plasticize dosage and binder content on properties of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) had been studied. As a part of experimental study, the mix design was developed based on EFNARC guidelines. The SCC mixes were made with different proportion of binder content (450, 500, 550) at various dosages of super plasticize. Slump flow, V-funnel, l-box and J-ring tests were conducted for checking the properties of SCC. 3-days, 7-days, 28-days UPV test was conducted. The experimental results reveal that at higher binder content, at lower dosage, SCC was formed. The strength was achieved M45, M60 with 500 and 550 grades of cement respectively.Refference:
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