P. Jhansi Rani,Dr. M. Akkalakshmi,DOI NO:
Cloud computing,data security issues,UCDDES based data encryption,cloud network security,Abstract
Cloud computing is the evolving paradigm that provides the services in which cloud consumers can remotely save their data into the cloud and access the on-demand high-quality applications. In the existing technique explained an Extendable Access Control System procedure supposed that the authority is the trusted party, but in many cases, they may perform an illegal action which causes the data loss. The proposed work encrypted the data through Uncrackable Cipher Dynamic Double Encryption Standard (UCDDES). Generally, the UCDDES contains the key length of 32, 40 and 48. To randomly select the key length reduced the data security issues. After dynamically selecting the key length the data governor sent the key request to the authority. Then based on the obtained key length the data governor generated the partial secret key. It is further used to decrypt the data and stored in the cloud storage. The results improve the security of cloud and access control. It reduces the issue of unauthorized user/ hackers accessing data. It increases the cloud security and prevents from dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, collision attacks, and so on.Refference:
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P. Jhansi Rani, Dr. M. Akkalakshmi View Download