Aleksander M. Mezhuev,Ivan I. Pasechnikov,Aleksandr S. Nazarov,Dmitry V. Rybakov,DOI NO:
Telecommunication network,multi-loop adaptation,integrated approach,information efficiency,performance coefficient,bandwidth,Abstract
This paper discusses the multi-loop adaptation of a telecommunication network and shows how this problem can solved in the network’s variable operation conditions by applying generalized indices of information exchange efficiency evaluation (information efficiency indices), tensor methodology, spectral theory of graphs, and coherent models and considering accepted assumptions. The model representation of multi-loop adaptation is structured by levels, proceeding from the commonality of the problems being solved. The elaborated generalized algorithm and tensor orthogonal and imitative models for the telecommunication network of various topologies allow deriving information efficiency functions and evaluate this efficiency on the basis of generalized indices, including information transmission performance coefficient, inflow bandwidth, and band efficiency angle tangent. The modeling results confirm the feasibility and functionality of the suggested methodological tools for organization adaptation on the basis of the integral approach and the system of generalized indices in the context of inflow changes and under destabilizing influences.Refference:
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