
Umm-e-Laila,Najeed Ahmed Khan,Asad Arfeen,Shahzad Hassan,



Open Source Software,Closed Source Software,Factors affecting adoption,Information Technology,


OSS (Open Source Software) is a leading-edge technology which has a profound impact on Information Technology.  It has been observed via extent research that there are substantial barriers associated with OSS that thwart the wide adoption of OSS especially in the domain of mission critical software. Critical IT infrastructure is the backbone of any country. Any nation's economy, security, and health are totally dependent on the critical infrastructure. Critical IT infrastructure demands mission critical software to run their day to day work properly and efficiently. It has been observed that critical organizations are operating with proprietary software and are willing to adopt Open source software (OSS). Proprietary software comes with many issues like vendor dependencies, license cost and maintenance cost. This paper investigates the current trends of Critical IT infrastructure and identifies the barriers in OSS adoption in Critical IT Infrastructure Industry.


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