AbdelsattarAbdelwahab Ayoub Othman,Abdelrahman Moawad Ali Tahawi,Elsayed Mohamed Salem Salem Elawadi,Ragab Ibrahim Ahmed Awad,Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary,DOI NO:
Electronic Archiving,Information systems,File Management,Recording Methods,Al-Mudzil,Abstract
It is extremely important for the participants to acquire the modern skills in the field of the main offices business, in addition to applying the latest behavioral and administrative skills, which must be available in the history of the VIPs and their writings. And in order to practice the process of knowledge and knowledge. The electronic archiving system is a system for storing important documents within an electronic system that saves time and effort in reviewing or requesting a document by searching for it via the document number or its history or anything that indicates it, whether the date it was preserved or the values that were preserved with it or anything that indicates to it such as The author, therefore the electronic archiving system is considered an advanced and very useful system not only for history but also for companies, institutions or government departments dispensaries or any entity that has documents and wants to convert them into electronic documents and deal with them within a program that archives paper documents and documents and disposal of papers and preservation traditional. by Abu Shamah a study and criticism.” This study aims to explore the method followed by Abu Shamah in his book “Al-Mudzil” ‘ala al-Raudhatain”, and to discuss the following features: History arranged based on yearly basis, scheduling historical events, and timely arrangements on a monthly basis in a year, connecting the past with the future of the historical events, proclamation of the mistakes of other people and corrections of these mistakes, considerations of figures, presentation on peculiar and miraculous events that he recorded, and explain the most important flaws on the recording method used by Abu Shamah. The most important result of this research is the explanation on the features of the method used by Abu Shamah in al-Mudzila’la al-Raudhatain together with evidences, and with that, readers are presented with an important historical article which demonstrate current social, economy, defence in accurate period of time in our Islamic history from 590-665 hijrah / 1194-1267 ce. The researcher recommends the study of Abu Syamah’s writings in history, Fiqh, Tafseer and language which its study and engagement shall give us many benefits and advantages that will contribute to knowledge and scholars and will uncover treasures and heritage of the original Arabs.Refference:
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