Fazal E Rahim Afridi,Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad,DOI NO:
risk management,construction industries,uncertainties,Abstract
In this study, the authors try to compute the importance of risk management in construction industries and try to validate that risk management is a vital tool to manage the project for this purpose about 150 questionnaires were distributed to stakeholders a response rate of 66% thereby achieved acceptable for the construction industry. 86 % of respondents were over 30 years of age. While 67 % of respondents were having experience of over 10 years in construction. Maximum of the respondents were at the key positions in their organizations. Results of the survey have vividly shown that the construction industry faces many challenges and uncertainties. The trends are that as the business environment grows more complex and dynamic, the risks and uncertainties which construction organizations face also get complex and significant.Refference:
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