Robust Algorithm for Telugu Word Image Retrieval and Recognition


Kesana Mohana Lakshmi,Tummala Ranga Babu,



Telugu script,texture features,statistical properties,non-subsampled contourlet transform,statistical parameters,feature vector and hammingdistance metric,


The most challenging task is searching Telugu script from the database because of difficulty in differentiating the Characteristics of the Telugu word or scripts. In this, we introduced robust approach for Telugu script retrieval using transformation-based methodology. Non-subsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) is utilized for texture classification which will function based on Non-subsampled pyramid filter bank (NSPFB) and Non-subsampled directional filter bank (NSDFB). Spatial dependence matrix is utilized to extract the texture features. In addition, image statistics is computed to enhance the retrieval performance further. Finally, hamming similarity metric is calculated which calculates the distance between trained and test word templates, which an effective distance metric over conventional Euclidean distance. In order to test, missing segment, noisy, corrupted and occlusion effected words are used as an input and taken into consideration multi conjunct vowel consonant clustered word images for showing the robustness of presented algorithm. In the substantial simulation analysis gives the presented technique finds most similar word images from database although if it is under testing conditions. Our presented scheme has superior performance compared to the traditional approaches described in the literature with respect to mean Average Precision (mAP) and mean Average Recall (mAR).


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