Vitaliy O. Chulkov,Ruben R. Kazaryan,Anastasya I. Shatrova,DOI NO:
Scientific and technical support ,erection and reconstruction ,exploitable roofs ,screeds ,TEFOND waterproofing system,Abstract
High-rise construction requires scientific and technical support, which the authors of the paper suggest to comprehend as a “Man-Technology-Environment” system. With reference to this system, it is expedient to adapt the models, methods and means of anthropo technics management. It can serve as an effective means of improving the quality of innovative process-organizational and technological solutions for high-rise construction, taking into account some specific conditions of the Russian Federation environment. One of the examples examines the problems and possibilities of arrangement (design, erection, reorganization, and in particular - building reconstruction) of different roof types. In the Russian Federation, there are significant amounts of construction of high-rise buildings with different number of floors, on the roofs of which it is possible to create architectural and landscape objects with lawns and greenery. Such roofs are called exploitable; they are also implemented as “green roofs” or “hanging gardens”. With the use of traditional building and roofing materials, traditional technologies and organizational solutions for waterproofing (so-called “screeds”), it is difficult, and sometimes practically impossible to prevent leaks and provide sustainable protection from the root systems of green plantations.A horizontal screed made of cement and sand, vertical screeds made of bricks, concrete blocks or flat asbestos-cement sheets are very laborious; when using them, “wet” processes are necessary, and asbestos-cement sheets fixing also reduces the reliability and water-resisting properties of the hydro insulation. An innovative solution to these problems is the TEFOND hydro-insulation (waterproofing) system based on a flexible polyethylene membrane. The system exhibits high density, strength, ductility and flexibility at negative temperatures, low water absorption and resistance to plant roots, reliability of roofing carpet underlay during service.Refference:
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