Irina I. Kosinova,Svetlana I. Fonova,Gennadii V. Zibrov,Vadim P. Zakusilov,DOI NO:
Heavy metals (HM),aerosol pollution,roadside area.,Abstract
The urgency of the problem under consideration in modern conditions is determined by the leading influence of road transport in polluting the components of the surrounding environment. Previous scientific developments focus mainly on the assessment of the effect of gaseous emissions; an estimate of the intensity of heavy metal contamination in the form of aerosols is practically absent. The article is aimed at developing a method for assessing the contamination of roadside areas with heavy metals contained in emissions and waste from moving vehicles. The leading method in the study of this problem was the mathematical model and methodology for estimating the aerosol contamination of the atmosphere by heavy metals on the basis of experimental studies of atmospheric pollution and pollution of soils at 240 locations along the profiles on the M-4 autoroute. The total number of samples analyzed was 840 units. The mathematical model took into account the meteorological indicators and the integral indicator of soil contamination atthe depth of 1m. It was revealed that the main pollution is observed at a distance of up to 10 m from the roadway edge, which confirms the developed model and methodology. Copper, lead, zinc, and cadmium were singled out as the main pollutants.The scale of the index of environmental risk categories based on the specified total contamination index of the roadside area was developed. Based on the research results it was recommended to locate economic activities at distances more than 25 m from the roadway edge. The materials of the article can be useful for scientists in the field of environmental protection, as well as for environmental organizations that make decisions on the feasibility of practical and economic development of first-order highway roadside areasRefference:
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