Abdullah Zain,Samad Baseer,Mehr-e-Munir,DOI NO:
Transmission line,encroachment,satellite images,google image,vegetation management,area of interes, right of way,Abstract
This paper presents a technique for the identification of the transmission line in improving the vegetation management for the maintenance of vegetation corridor along the transmission line. A satellite image is scanned pixel by pixel to identify the transmission tower in the image. After successful detection of towers, area of interest is interpolated in the image. This area of interest, only contain the right of way of transmission line in vegetation field. Timely vegetation management can reduce outages. Outages occur due to encroachment of trees. These encroachment cause substantial damages and become reason of electric outages for residential and Industrial areas. The objective of this paper is to enhance vegetation monitoring system based on satellite image. The final outcome is to reduce substantially the amount of information to be processed for vegetation management along the transmission line, especially for remote area where the co-ordinated information is difficult to obtain.Refference:
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Author(s): Abdullah Zain, Samad Baseer, Mehr-e- Munir View Download