On the applicability of Initial Rise and Peak Shape methods for Thermoluminescence peaks recorded under hyperbolic heating profile for OTOR and IMTS models


SK. Azharuddin,B. Ghosh,Ananda Sarkar,Sukhamoy Bhattachryya,P. S. Majumdar,




Thermoluminescence (TL),One Trap One Recombination (OTOR),Interactive Multi Trap System (IMTS),Initial Rise(IR) method,Peak Shape (PS),


In the present paper we have studied the applicability of Initial rise (IR) and Peak shape(PS) methods for calculation of activation energy for saturated and unsaturated thermoluminescence peaks in the frame work of OTOR and IMTS models. This peaks correspond to hyperbolic heating profile. It is shown as in the linear heating scheme that both IR and PS methods tend to underestimate the activation energies for TL peaks resulting from OTOR and IMTS models with increasing filling ratio.


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SK. Azharuddin, B. Ghosh, Ananda Sarkar, Sukhamoy Bhattachryya, P. S. Majumdar View Download