
Suresh S Rao,





A smart and efficient irrigation system is being proposed which minimizes water consumption for commonly cultivated plants. The irrigation system has a wireless sensor network consisting of soilmoisture and temperature sensors, placed in the irrigated land. The system also has a wireless control unitthat will receive the sensor information from the wireless sensor network,send control signals to the relays on the water taps, and also wirelessly transmitssensor data to a web server. An algorithm is proposed to compute the exact amount of water needed for irrigation which uses the sensor data received from the wireless sensor network. The wireless control unit controls the water tap to release the amount of water needed for irrigation. The control unit also sends the sensor data to a web server using Wi-Fi and the Internet.A web application is used to read and inspect the sensor data from the server and for scheduling the irrigation through control commands. The system will be used for testing some commonly cultivated plants in a particular geographical location and is also intended to be used for other geographical locations. The software developed takes into account the plant and soil type, plant growth stages, plant evaporation data, soil conditions, and effective rainfall. This software will also determine the most suitable irrigation schedule for a particular crop.The system will be more useful in locations where water is scarce.


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