K. Madhan Gopal,G.Sreenivasulu,C.Sashidhar,DOI NO:
Wood ash,Strength Parameters,Abstract
In this research, wood ash collected from the uncontrolled burning of saw dust and examine for its suitability as a partial replacement of cement into normal concrete. Saw dust has been collected from a wood polishing unit. Chemical and physical properties of wood ash are presented. The mechanical parameters (Compressive Strength, Split tensile strength and Flexural strength) of concrete with blended wood ash cement are investigated and studied. Water to binder ratio 0.4 and seven different percentages of wood ash as partial replacements as been taken i.e., (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, &12%). Results of compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength showed that that strength parameter was increased at 4% partial replacement and decreased by increasing the wood ash. From this study concluded that wood ash can also used as partial replacement material.Refference:
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