Anurak Sawangwong,Jutamat Jintana,Poti Chaopaisarn,Sakgasem Ramingwong,DOI NO:
Supply chain,Supply Chain Performance,Thai industry,Abstract
The paper aims at exploring how Thai industry gives significance to supply chain performance based on supply chain strategic, tactical, and operational levels. Together, there are 40 indicators of interest. The questionnaire is designed and distributed to ask Thai manufacturing companies to assess the significance level of these supply chain performance indicators. The paper explores the result based on 223 companies in Thailand who responded to the survey. The investigations divided into two sections; (1) the identification of the most and the least significant supply chain performance of the Thai industry, and (2) the identification of the most and the least significant supply chain performance of 5 key industries in Thailand. The discussion is then made to reflect the different concerns on each industry type.Refference:
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