Abdulkadir Taofeeq Sholagberu,Muhammad Raza Ul Mustafa,Khamaruzaman Wan Yusof,Ahmad Mustafa Hashim,DOI NO:
Sediment Yield,Spatial,Temporal,MWSWAT,Abstract
Erosion is globally identified as one of the most significant threats to land and water resources. An integrated approach therefore requires quantitative assessment for identification of sediment sources for efficient watershed management. This will be helpful to prioritize the critical erosion zones for implementation of best management strategies. The present study is aimed at examining the spatial and temporal sediment yield distribution potential and to identify the critical erosion prone zones within Cameron Highlands watershed, Malaysia using Soil and Water Assessment Tool interfaced in GIS. The results indicated that the average sediment yield from the watershed was 175.6 ton/ha/yr with critical erosional locations (sub-basins) spatially distributed in the western region of the study area. Temporally, sixty-four percent (64%) of sediment yield generated in the watershed occurs in the four months of February to May. The land-covers found in the watershed are predominantly Evergreen Broadleaf Forest occupying 60% of the whole area followed by 25% of irrigated cropland while soil types are predominately loamy-clay occupying about 55% of watershed area. Also, the model indicated that 65.8 % of the watershed area has their slopes above 10%. The results of this study will be helpful for the evaluation of temporal and spatial distribution of sediment yields within the watershed and to identify the critical zones for sustainable and cost effective management.Refference:
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