
Aqeel Ali Al-Hilali,Dalal Abdulmohsin,Mustafa Bashar,Ali Ali Saber,Hussein Alaa Diame,



AODV,DSR,Opnet,OLSR,Routing protocols,


Mobile Ad-Hoc Network is a decentralized organization that operates without a foundation. Due to the Mobile Ad-Hoc Network's self-configurable and simple organizational component, many applications may be run. Because of this, various applications are available. If helpful guidelines are established, Mobile Ad-Hoc Network will become dependable. We shall research the organization's competent steering convention for hypertext transfer protocol traffic. We must reach this conclusion with accuracy since this will be the main focus of our inquiry. Latency and throughput were employed to achieve show research goals. For this work reenactment inquiry, your expectations must be based on the conventions it chose since they performed better on all four perspectives. After analyzing its needs, an organization may improve its operations by choosing better conventions. This may boost an organization's efficiency. This research examined AODV, DSR, and OLSR routing methods. This study used OPNET Modeler 14.5 to enhance ad-hoc network performance.


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