Hariharan.R,Raja.R,Golden Renjith Nimal R J,DOI NO:
Ta (DC-100w),Zr (RF-100w),E19 steel,nitrogen,silicon wafer,morphology,tribology,Abstract
(Ta-Zr-N) films was deposited on E19 steel and silicon wafer substrates by RF/DC magnetron sputtering, using Ta(DC-100w), Zr(RF-100w),base.𝑝𝑟 = 4𝑥10 deposition 𝑝𝑟 = 2𝑥 Air rate of flow 15 sccm, 3 sccm Nitrogen flow. The films were examined by X-ray diffraction to search out that the content of bimetallic components (Ta and Zr) decreases with pressure, as indicated at completely different temperature levels (200˚c, 400˚c) respectively. Films were morphologically tribologically and mechanically characterized using SEM, AFM, Wear, Corrossion, and Nano Indentation.Refference:
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