Azougagh Yassine,Benhida Khalid,Elfezazi Said,DOI NO:
Supply chain,Modelling,Colored Petri nets,Phosphate industry,Abstract
To evaluate the performance and dynamic of a supply chain and to better understand its behavior, it is necessary to start a modeling process. For this purpose, various tools and approaches are used. Among these tools, we can use the Petri nets. With this background, the scientific literature mentions some studies using Petri nets for modeling and performance analyzing of industrial systems such as production, procurement, distribution systems... However, taking into consideration all aspects of supply chain, there were a few studies focusing on this kind of tools in supply chains modelling. The aim of this investigation was to complement the existing works, by applying the Petri nets tool, specifically colored Petri nets, for modeling a real phosphate supply chain.Refference:
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