Nilanjan Byabarta,Abir Chattopadhyay, Swarup Kumar Mitra,DOI NO:
Sensors,Transducers,linearization,Analog Sensors,Digital Sensors,Sensor Linearization,Abstract
A comparative analysis of different linearization Techniques for sensor signals is presented. Several solutions in the analog, and digital domains are considered. The analysis will help designers to choose the linearization technique best suited for a given applicationRefference:
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XV. “Signal Conditioning and Linearization of RTD Sensors”, by Collin Wells of Texas Instruments. HPA Precision Linear Applications 9/24/11
XVI. “Some Investigations on Measurement Techniques for Process Instrumentation” – An Article published by 6. Saibal Pradhan, Jadavpur University.
XVII. “Signal Conditioning and Linearization of RTD 7. Sensors” by Collin Wells of Texas Instruments. HPA Precision Linear Applications 9/24/11