Mohammad Hassan Ghasemian Bejestani,Nader Sargolzai,DOI NO:
Multi Objective Modeling,Power generation,CCHP Heating Unit,Combined Systems,Abstract
This paper presents a multi-objective optimization model to optimize the performance of the Combined cooling, heat & power (CCHP) strategy in different climates based on cost, energy consumption and carbon gas production. In order to ensure the reliability of the CCHP's performance strategy and potential load power, potential constraints are added to the contingency model and the impact of increasing the level of reliability on contingency constraints on cost, energy consumption and carbon gas production is analyzed. To develop the proposed multi-objective analysis, a model is proposed to reduce primary energy consumption and carbon emissions, and for different atmospheric conditions, values of energy consumption and carbon gas production are determined. Finally, the proposed problem was applied to the cities of San Francisco, Boston, Miami, Minneapolis and Columbus and coded in the GAMS optimization software environment. Then, based on the numerical results, the capabilities of the proposed scheme in support of optimal CCHP performance planning are evaluated.Refference:
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