


Suresh S Rao



Smart health care devices are slowly gaining popularity because of their many advantages over conventional health care system. In the conventional approach, a patient approaches a doctor either in the clinic or hospital. Much of time is spent in patients travel and wait period before he gets approval to meet the doctor. This is much worse for a patient who lives far away and has to spend lots of time in travelling. In general, when a patient first meets the doctor for treatment, he needs to register and then get diagnosed followed by some prescription. After that the patient routinely meets the doctor again leading to travel and wait periods. This will build up lots of stress in the patient especially if he has become weak and if the patient is quite old. The doctor maintains a record of diagnosis and prescription for each patient and this record gets updated on every visit by patient. It may also happen that the doctor may not be available for consultation on certain days due to some emergency or other reasons. This paper suggests a method of handling these issues faced by patient by developing a device and a web portal. The device consists of microcontroller connected to some bio-medical sensors like Temperature, Pulse-Oximeter, ECG, etc. This device can be used to read the patient’s health data on a regular basis and then send it to the Web Server via Wi-Fi module.A Web Portal is also being developed for viewing patient’s data regularly.




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Prakash Mohan, Manikandan Sundaram



Machine Fault Diagnosis is an important domain in Mechanical Engineering which concerns about finding fault in the machine parts. Among many techniques to identify and classify the faults, this paper concerns about using machine learning algorithms to distinguish healthy machines fro mtheun healthy machines. Inordertodistinguishthestateofamachine,classificationalgorithmshas to beused.The accuracy of an algorithm depends upon the pattern, that the data set follows. The suitability of the five most commonly used classification algorithm has been discussed. Various transforms can be applied to such sensor data. Here various algorithms have been tested for wave let packet transform. Thea ccuracy of the fit has been measured for all the five algorithms. Hyper-parametertuning has been done to make the fitbetter.


Principal Component Analysis,Support Vector Machine,Fault Prognosis,Air Compressor,


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Rudra Prasad Chatterjee, Kaustuv Deb, Sonali Banerjee, Atanu Das, Rajib Bag



User latency plays a significant role in e-commerce. This latency can be minimized by a priori predicting and fetching probable web pages for web users to run the e-commerce activities. Those prediction techniques are normally supported by clustering, classification and some association rules based on the data set of web logs of navigations, searching and attached web links with the e-commerce web pages. This paper proposes an integrated web page prediction technique by analyzing web users’ previous navigational behavior. K-means clustering and latest substring association rule are considered for developing the proposed method of ecommerce web page prediction. The proposed method is evaluated by analyzing the precisions values of the output clusters using the proposed prediction technique.


Web page prediction,K-Means Clustering,Latest Substring Association Rule,Subsequence Association Rule,Substring Association Rule,


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The concepts of q-analysis has numerous applications in different subfields of science such as optimal control, ordinary fractional calculus, geometric function theory, qintegral and q-difference equations. In this paper we define certain subclasses of harmonic univalent functions in the open unit disk U  {zC : | z |  1} by utilizingqdifferential operator and obtain coefficient bounds and extreme points for the functions in this class.


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P. Pramod Kumar, K Sagar



Everyone around the globe would like to be linked flawlessly anytime, anywhere through the best network. The 4G network must have the capability to offer high information move rates, a premium of services and also smooth movement. In 4G, there is a sizable range of heterogeneous networks. The users for a variety of treatments would like to use different networks on the manner of their desires like a living, higher schedule and higher transmission capacity. When relationships need to shift in between various systems for performance as well as more top accessibility causes, the seamless vertical handoff is essential. To provide a systematic comparison, lately released VHD formulas have been categorized right into four significant classes depending upon the vital handover decision standard made use of, i.e. RSS located protocols, bandwidth located methods, cost feature-based algorithms, as well as the combination algorithms.


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Naresh Kumar Sripada, Mohammed Ismail. B



GANs have been commonly examined as a result of their massive prospect for uses, including picture and also perspective computer, speech and language handling, etc. In this particular assessment report, our company recap the highly developed of GANs as well as look into the future. The aim of this specific paper is actually to deliver a review of GANs for the signal handling neighborhood, making use of familiar examples and principles where possible. In addition to determining different procedures for instruction as well as constructing GANs, we also point to remaining obstacles in their theory and treatment. This paper offers a working attribute of Gan's and even short contrast of gan variants.


Gan,Gan variants,generative modeling,


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Prasenjit Debnath



An ideal free space or an absolute free space is devoid of any mass and / or energy. According to scientific discovery on astronomy, an ideal free space or an absolute free space does not exist, thus, it is a theoretical abstraction only, can be taken as reference condition (an ideal condition) for evaluation of the nature of space – time. This paper focuses on the evaluation of space – time; space – time is linear (straight horizontal line at absolute free space) in space – time plane. Space – time is non – linear (a curvature) in space – time plane. A general space – time equation is proposed and its simulation results are analyzed with proper reasoning and conclusion is derived based on the theory proposed and simulation results outcome.


Absolute free space,Astronomy,Space – time plane,Linear and Non – linear,Simulation,


I. Roger Penrose, “Cycles of Time”, Vintage Books, London, pp. 50-56.
II. Stephen Hawking, “The Beginning of Time”, A Lecture.
III. Stephen Hawking, “A Briefer History of Time”, Bantam Books, London, pp.
IV. Stephen Hawking, “Black holes and Baby Universes and other essays”,
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V. Stephen Hawking, “The Grand Design”, Bantam Books, London 2011
VI. Stephen Hawking, “A Brief History of Time”, Bantam Books, London 2011,
pp. 156-157. ISBN-978-0-553-10953-5
VII. Stephen Hawking, “The Universe in a Nutshell”, Bantam Press, London
2013, pp. 58-61, 63, 82-85, 90-94, 99, 196. ISBN 0-553-80202-X
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Mohamad Ariffin Abu Bakar, Norulhuda Ismail



Metacognitive skills are the driving force behind mathematical learning. It is an element that supports the learning process and improves mathematics problemsolving skills. Metacognitive skills developments will ensure students manage their learning well. However, due to technological advancements and the need for expertise and skillful, transformations of teaching are essential to address the industrial needs. The creating and development of metacognitive skills are seen to be more significant through integrated technology teaching. This review paper will discuss teaching practices based on metacognitive strategies that can integrate with technology as an element of intervention and injection in enhancing students' understanding, mastery and achievement. Studies around 2000 and up to date have been explored based on approaches, methods, techniques, and practices of metacognitive strategies implemented. A total of 15 articles were selected through a search of databases such as Google Scholar, Eric, Science direct, Elsevier, Springer Link and more. Snowball methods are also implemented to improve article search. It can be concluded that technology elements will be excellent mediators for improving metacognitive skills while also producing meaningful learning. Thus, stakeholders should ensure that in developing a quality teaching and learning approach, metacognitive strategies cannot be overlooked and significantly integrated with technology that will further enhance student learning and achievement especially in critical subjects likes mathematics.


Metacognitive Skill,Integrated Technology,Metacognitive Strategies,Student’s Mastery,Mathematic Learning,


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B. Swathi, S. Shoban Babu, Monelli Ayyavaraiah



The term intelligence refers to the ability to acquire and apply different skills and knowledge to solve a given problem. The current wave of technological change based on advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) has created widespread fear of job losses and further rises in inequality. Artificial intelligence in the last two decades has greatly improved performance of the manufacturing and service systems. Study in the area of artificial intelligence has given rise to the rapidly growing technology known as expert system. This paper will explore the future predictions for artificial intelligence and based on which potential solution will be recommended to solve it within next decades.




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