Manzoor Hussain,Zahid Hussain,Razia Sharif,Sahar Abbas,DOI NO:
Fuzzy sets,Entropy measure,Uncertainty,TOPSIS,Multicriteria decision making,Abstract
Fuzzy entropy is being used to measure the uncertainty with high precision and accuracy than classical crisp set theory. It plays a vital role in handling complex daily life problems involving uncertainty. In this manuscript, we first review several existing entropy measures and then propose novel entropy to measure the uncertainty of a fuzzy set. We also construct an axiomatic definition based on the proposed entropy measure. Numerical comparison analysis is carried out with existing entropies to show the reliability and practical applicability of our proposed entropy measure. Numerical results show that our suggested entropy is reasonable and appropriate in dealing with vague and uncertain information. Finally, we utilize our proposed entropy measure to construct fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Ordering Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method to manage Multicriteria decision-making problems related to daily life settings. The final results demonstrate the practical effectiveness and applicability of our proposed entropy measureRefference:
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