Sallauddin Mohmmad,Ramesh Dadi,A.Harshavardhan,Syed Nawaz Pasha,Shabana,DOI NO:
Static gesture recognition,PCA,Euclidean Distance,MATLABsoftware,Abstract
Generally communication with people in our daily life is by speaking with voice but some communications can possible with body language,facial expressions and hand signs. Expect the voice also we can communicate with others. Apart from that hand gestures are playing very important role in communication. Here we developed a gesture identification system which interpretsthe American Sign Language .This system helps the people who are deficiency with deaf and dumb. This system lead them to understand communicate as like normal people.Lot of proposals is introduced on gestures specified with their languages like ASL, ISL, etc.Here we are introducing new static gestures using MATLAB on bases of existing systems. Our input captured from camera then system applies the preprocessing on captured image. The set of features are retrieved using PCA. Comparison of the features is done using Euclidean Distance with the help of training sets. Finally optimal gestures identify and produce the output inwards of text or voice.Refference:
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