
P. Anjali,G. Navya jyothi,Yalabaka Srikanth,



RFID,DC motor,LCD,Relay,


Today, everything has been digitized, and the entire gasoline pump has a design that can display the task of controlling the pump, driving the display, quantifying the flow rate, and turning off the pump. To collect the cash, still someone is mandatory and there is a chance of many human errors. So, the main aim is to propose a system is to avoid human errors. My proposed system is petrol pump automation, which can deduct gasoline from the user card based on RFID technology without human intervention. Today, fluid supply systems are common in different places in our daily lives. Here, we will introduce the modern gasoline distribution system. To place petrol stations in remote areas is extremely precious to supply outstanding capacity to the clients. All these troubles can be solved by using this gasoline pump automation technology, which requires shorter operating time, higher efficiency and can be installed anywhere. This self-service gasoline pump device also provides customers with the protection of fueling at the gas station without any involvement of the service provider, so the risk of carrying money every time is minimized.


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