E Sudarshan,Seena Naik Korra,P. Pavan Kumar,S Venkatesulu,DOI NO:
Smartphone,Phishing,Mobile Security,GPU,Parallel avNNet,Smishing,Abstract
Smartphone with the Internet is the most common item today and it provides the best online platform for businesses to trade their goods. Customers are more comfortable with online shopping and banking transactions, which are enough for hackers to cheat. Phishing attacks are now very common for smart phones. These attacks come in a variety of ways to steal customer sensitive information and payment information through fake Short Message Service(SMS) or E-Mail or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) links or applications(APPs). Therefore, the end user needs to know a few precautions to avoid phishing attackers. This paper explicitly discusses phishing attacks by their behavior and proposes a parallel defending approach to classifying messages as harm or spams using the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) platform, which is achieved in logarithmic time of O(n log n) and also discusses the future scope.Refference:
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