Viktor V.Shepelev,DOI NO:
Phase change of water,interphase water transfer,water-exchange cycles,climatic cycle of water,Abstract
Water draws attention of researchers due to its ubiquity, the role it plays in natural, technological, social and other processes, and the not ultimately comprehended dynamics of its properties, structure, composition, resources, etc. The author, having systematized the literature data and the results of own research, analyzes the role of phase changes and interphase transfers of natural waters in forming water-exchange cycles.It is argued that natural waters are characterized by the effect of phases mixing, determining the unity of all natural waters and high intensity of interphase transfer.Based on this methodological approach, the author specified the scheme of climatic (hydrological) circulation of natural waters. Besides the well-known atmospheric (atmogenic)cycle, the author identified cryohydrogenic, atmolithogenic, glaciogenic and cryolithogenic cycles, calculated the amountof water annually participating in these cycles and the intensity of water exchange in them. This scheme will promote a more focused research of water resources and various water exchange cyclesRefference:
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