
Inna M. Derbeko,



Magmatism,subduction, Mesozoic,geochemistry,isotopic data,Mongol–Okhotsk orogenic belt,, Pacific folded belt.,


The aim of this study is to examine the changes in the petrogenetic model of Late Mesozoic magmatism and the geodynamic evolution of the eastern edge of the Mongol-Okhotsk sector of the Pacific fold belt. The paper presents new Sr-Nd isotope and geochemical data, which were integrated with previously obtained results. It was found that magmatic events experienced three stages: Late Jurassic to 120 Ma; 105–101 Ma; and 95–90 Ma. All rocks are impoverished in Ta, Nb, Sr, Zr. Rocks of the first stage differ from later formations by low concentrations of Rb, Th, U. The isotope characteristics vary within the following values: (87Sr/86Sr)t = 0.7064–0.7089; (143Nd/144Nd)t = 0.5123–0.5126.The model age is T(DM-2) ~1.25 Ga. The sequence of magmatic rock formation in the Mongol-Okhotsk sector of the Pacific folded belt is proposed, and sources of igneous melts are identified. It is shown that the Mongol-Okhotsk sector had subduction setting in the Late Mesozoic.


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