
Sarabjit Kaur,



Adoption of Technology,E-Learning,COVID-19,Models,Acceptance Model,TAM,


During COVID-19 education system is very suffered not only by students but also by teachers. All universities, colleges, and schools adopted the E-Learning system during COVID-19. During this pandemic, we used the E-learning tools by the digital tools Zoom, and Google Meet. This paper is based on how we use the different technology models for the adoption of the E-Learning tools and adoption of E-learning tools affected the students during COVID-19 and also students are agree to adopt these tools. Questionnaires are prepared based on the adoption of E-learning tools and filled by the collegiate students. Learning organizations like Schools, colleges, and universities in India are presently based on old-style learning procedures and shadow the conservative location of face-to-face communication/lectures in a classroom. Most of the theoretical models are used earlier for the adoption of the E-learning sector ongoing combined learning, still, most of them are constructed with old steps. The determination of this study was to measure students’ observations of the usefulness of the technology for the acceptance of the model in the adoption of E-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in rural areas in Punjab. The discoveries propose that the adapted TAM is a good predictor of consumer behavior in using the Internet. We initiate that attitude in the direction of using the Internet performances as a strong conjecturer of interactive purpose to practice, and definite technique of Internet technologies. Future researchers can use the subsequent implementation to test how customers adopt and accept Internet-based presentations.


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