Imtiaz Husain,Hassan Hashim,Syed Azeem Inam,Muhammad Ali,Asif Mehmood Awan,Syed Muhammad Hassan,Naila Rozi,DOI NO:
Logic Retaining Power,Time constraints,Genders difference,Undergrads university students,Abstract
Logic has a vital role throughout human history. It considers important for the mental development and performance of the student. The present study was conducted to evaluate the proficiency and logic retaining power and the effect of time constraints on undergraduate university students. Tests comprised of three categories Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry. Each section was comprised of 10 questions with four possible answers to respond within the 10 minutes duration. The test was divided into two different questionnaires. One hundred and seventy-five students both males and females took part in the survey and undergo mathematical logic tests. Scores, responding time and differences among the gender profound that males were more logical as compared to females to retain the mathematical logic and performed the assigned task in 23% less time and achieved 20% more scores. Whereas, the significant correlation found among the understanding level of logic, gender gap and the performance among the undergrad's university students (r = 0.963; P<0.05), which depend upon the factor of time constraints as well as the self-concept and concentration about the topic.Refference:
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