


D. P. Kothari, Anshumaan Pathak



The green building design aims to minimize the need for the non-renewable energy of these resources, optimize their sustainability and maximize their conservation, recycling and usage. The use of effective building materials and construction techniques is maximized. Architectural bioclimatic technology will also optimize on-site usage of sources and sinks. It requires only minimum electricity to fuel itself and efficient appliances to meet its lighting, air-conditioning and other needs. Green buildings architecture optimizes the use of renewable energies and efficient waste and water management methods to create practical and hygienic working conditions for indoor environments. Materials such as chemical, physical and mechanical material properties and an appropriate specification are the fundamental elements of construction design and responsible for the mechanical strength of the design. The construction of green buildings is also the first step in choosing and utilizing eco-friendly materials with or better characteristics than traditional building materials. Based on the practical, technical and financial requirements, construction materials are usually selected. But, given that sustainable development has been a core issue in recent decades, building industry that is directly or indirectly responsible for a substantial share of annual environmental destruction, by pursuing environmentally sound constructions and buildings should take responsibility for contributing to sustainable growth. The quickest way for manufacturers to start integrating environmental design practices into buildings would be the diligent procurement of eco-friendly sustainable construction materials, including options for new material uses, recycling and reusing, organic product creation and green resource use. This paper aims to show how green building materials will help reduce the impact on the atmosphere and create a cleaner building that can be healthy for the occupant or our environment. In the sustainable progress of a nation, the choice of building materials that have reduced environmental burdens is helpful.  


Green Building,Materials selection,Construction Industry,Rat Bond,Cavity Wall,Thermal insulation,Eco-friendly wall,Green Roof & Greenhouse,


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Kamran Malik, Muhammad Mujtaba Shaikh, Kashif Memon, Muhammad Saleem Chandio, Abdul Wasim Shaikh



In this work, double integration cubature schemes of Trapezoid type have been focused. Recently, some derivative-based Trapezoid-type schemes have been proposed in literature incorporating derivatives at means of the limits of integration. We carry out the exhaustive performance evaluation of the existing closed Newton-Cotes Trapezoidal (CNCT) double integral scheme with its derivative-based variants in recent literature. The derivative-free and derivative-based rules are discussed in basic forms with local error terms and composite forms with global error terms. The performance of the rules on some double integrals in the form of observed order of accuracy, computational costs and error drops demonstrates the encouraging performance of the derivative-based trapezoidal variants over the derivative-free scheme performing numerical experiments.


Cubature,Double integrals,Derivative-based schemes,Order of accuracy,computational cost,errors,Trapezoid,


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Kashif Memon, Muhammad Mujtaba Shaikh, Kamran Malik, Muhammad Saleem Chandio, Abdul Wasim Shaikh



In this research paper, a new harmonic mean derivative-based Simpson’s 1/3 scheme has been presented for the Riemann-Stieltjes integral (RS-integral). The basic and composite forms of the proposed scheme with local and global error terms have been derived for the RS-integral. The proposed scheme has been reduced using g(t) = t for Riemann integral. Experimental work has been discussed to verify the theoretical results of the new proposed scheme against existing schemes using MATLAB. The order of accuracy, computational cost and average CPU time (in seconds) of the new proposed scheme have been computed. Finally, it is observed from computational results that the proposed scheme is better than existing schemes.


Quadrature rule,Riemann-Stieltjes,Harmonic Mean,Simpson’s 1/3 rule,Local error,Global error,Cost-effectiveness,Time-efficiency,


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Md. Hasanuzzaman, Md. Mosharrof Hossain, M.M. Ayub Hossain



In this paper, heat and mass transfer for liquid evaporation along a vertical plate covered with a thin porous layer has been investigated. The continuity, momentum, energy and mass balance equations, which are coupled nonlinear partial differential equations are reduced to a set of two nonlinear ordinary differential equations and solved analytically and numerically by using the shooting technique in MATLAB. The effect of various parameters like the Froude number, the porosity, the Darcy number, the Prandtl number, the Lewis number and the driving parameters on the temperature and concentration profiles are presented and discussed. It is viewed that the heat transfer performance is enhanced by the presence of a porous layer. The local Nusselt number and the local Sherwood numbers are computed and analyzed both numerically and graphically.


Similarity solution,evaporation,vertical plate,liquid film,porous layer,


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Muhammad Junaid Iqbal, Akhtar Gul, Yasir Irfan Badrashi, Syed Azmat Ali Shah, Eid Badshah, Zohaib Hassan, Wisal Ahmed



This research work aims at the development of a material model for concrete block masonry used in the load-bearing wall as well as masonry infill. To accomplish this, various tests were performed on concrete block (solid) units and concrete block masonry assemblage. A concrete block having a size of 12 x 8 x 6 inches, were fabricated in a mortar ratio of 1:4, 1:2:2, 1:8 and 1:4:4. The compressive strength of concrete block prisms having size 24.36 x 8.04 x 18.72 inches, was also determined by conducting the compressive strength test. The shear strength of square prisms, having size 26.76 x 8.04 x 25.20 inches, was found by applying diagonal loading. To investigate the bond shear strength of concrete block masonry, triplet tests were carried out on block masonry prisms. Before conduct, a test on block assemblage specimens, the constituent materials of block assemblage i.e. block and mortar were also tested for different properties. The average compressive strength of concrete block (12”x8”x6”) was 302.25 psi and the average unit weight was 119.83 lb/ft3. The compressive strength of mortars of 1:4, 1:2:2, 1:8 and 1:4:4 was 2367, 1752,815 and 1332 psi respectively.


Concrete Solid Blocks,Cement,sand and khaka mortar,Compressive Strength,Shear Strength,bond Shear strength,


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Sanaullah Jamali, Zubair Ahmed Kalhoro, Abdul Wasim Shaikh, Muhammad Saleem Chandio



Its most important task in numerical analysis to find roots of nonlinear equations, several methods already exist in literature to find roots but in this paper, we introduce a unique idea by using the interpolation technique. The proposed method derived from the newton backward interpolation technique and the convergence of the proposed method is quadratic, all types of problems (taken from literature) have been solved by this method and compared their results with another existing method (bisection method (BM), regula falsi method (RFM), secant method (SM) and newton raphson method (NRM)) it's observed that the proposed method have fast convergence. MATLAB/C++ software is used to solve problems by different methods. 


Nonlinear equation,Interpolation,convergence,number of iteration,Accuracy ,


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Anwar Parviz, Muhammad Noman



Since water scarcity is an emerging problem in Pakistan; Water Resources Preservation is a matter of substantial importance. When excess water is used for agricultural purposes, it may damage the crops. Manual control and management of water for agricultural purposes take a lot of effort and time. This research work is an effort to propose and implement a fully automated solar irrigation system that may solve the problem of excessive usage of water for agricultural purposes. This proposed system, after sensing various indicators such as wind, temperature, soil, and rain, turns the water motor on and off accordingly and thus ensures calculated and wise usage of water. Moreover, our proposed system has a covering mechanism that covers the model during the rain and when needed.


Crops,solar irrigation system,water scarcity,motor,


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Imtiaz Husain, Hassan Hashim, Syed Azeem Inam, Muhammad Ali, Asif Mehmood Awan, Syed Muhammad Hassan, Naila Rozi



Logic has a vital role throughout human history. It considers important for the mental development and performance of the student. The present study was conducted to evaluate the proficiency and logic retaining power and the effect of time constraints on undergraduate university students. Tests comprised of three categories Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry. Each section was comprised of 10 questions with four possible answers to respond within the 10 minutes duration. The test was divided into two different questionnaires. One hundred and seventy-five students both males and females took part in the survey and undergo mathematical logic tests. Scores, responding time and differences among the gender profound that males were more logical as compared to females to retain the mathematical logic and performed the assigned task in 23% less time and achieved 20% more scores. Whereas, the significant correlation found among the understanding level of logic, gender gap and the performance among the undergrad's university students (r = 0.963; P<0.05), which depend upon the factor of time constraints as well as the self-concept and concentration about the topic.


Logic Retaining Power,Time constraints,Genders difference,Undergrads university students,


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