Mondru. Chiranjeevi,D.V.Ashok Kumar,R. Kiranmayi,DOI NO:
SOC,DOD,drive cycles,energy system,Li-Ion battery,power,batteries,ultra-capacitors,SFUDC,EUDC,life loss,Abstract
The most concentrating area is energy sustainability across the globe due to need of energy system for different applications. An energy system in Electrical Vehicular Technology (EVT) requires high power and energy densities for achieving the long drive and acceleration respectively. Now a day’s most preferable rechargeable battery is Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) battery, to achieving the long drive of EVT, it is use for conventional vehicles (battery electric vehicles) and hybrid electric vehicles. In this paper, KIA company EV+ car specifications such as Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM), vehicle design parameters, drive train, and Li-Ion battery is considering. In addition to the Li-Ion battery and an ultra-capacitor bank is connected in the proposed system. Hence, the combination of energy sources is proposing a Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) for EVT. In this system, the conventional and proposing energy system mathematical model is developing based on Depth of Discharge (DOD) of the vehicle by using MATLAB/Simulink. Compare the both energy systems results are such as State of Charge (SOC), Life Loss, and Power for United States Simplified Federal (SFUDC) and European Union (EUDC) urban drive cycles are observing and tabulate.Refference:
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