
Saib Thiab Alwan,




WDM system,Graphene-based carrier,Frequency spacing (FS),Quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK),Error vector magnitude (EVM),Eye diagram,


In this paper, carrier's generation-based graphene with applicability for wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems have been produced via an illumination of graphene by 980 nm. This technique allowed for servicing of a greater number of channels in a WDM system, and the carriers were able to travel in an optical channel with high data rate. Eight carriers, having a frequency spacing (FS) of 25 GHz and full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 500 MHz, were created. These generated carriers were separately modulated with eight optical quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) signals and subsequently optically multiplexed and transmitted to an optical fiber channel. At the receiver side, the received signal was demultiplexed, and the performance of the system was analyzed via calculating the error vector magnitude and constellation diagram of the entire system. Opti System version 17.1 and Matlab software are used for demonstration of WDM system and carrier generation.


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