Nayyar Ahmed Khan,Rund Fareed Mahafdah,Omaia Mohammad Al-Omari,Samia Dardouri,Ahmed MasihUddinSiddiqi,Mohammad Ahmad Mohammad Nasimuddin,DOI NO:
IoT,e-learning,computational learning,System Adaption,Security,privacy,challenges,smart devices,sensors-based devices,Abstract
Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging trend in the field of technology, which has derived a lot of attention in the recent years. The ability of this technology for reducing the burden and strain on the education or academic system makes it possible for deriving a potential and raising the standards of academics. This study proposes a standard model for the educational system with the help of IoT. This paper gives an IoT based modal for the student engagement till the industry institute linkage plan. It gives a design in which the monitoring of RFID based data can be done and results could be discovered using the IoT techniques for the further selection criteria of industries. The results for any student shall be updated and made available based on the student data and business intelligence can be applied to the university system for giving the industry for best students. The study tries to relate various components which are later for the model generation, including the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for a wearable IoT university system. A lot of challenges are based by the field of academics and University’s as far as security and privacy is concerned. Future direction in the research can be derived from the existing proposed model in the study.Refference:
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