Radial Vibration Of a Non-Homogeneous Anisotropic Elastic Spherical Shell With Inclusion


Sudipta Sengupta,Indrajit Roy,H.S. Chakraborty,




spherical shell,anisotropic elasti ,radial vibration ,elastic inclusion,


The aim of this paper is to study the radial vibration of a non-homogeneous sherically anisotroplc elastic spherical shell with an isotropic elastic inclusion as the core. The non-homogeneous of the material is characteised by taking linear vibration with radial distance of elastic parameters and mass density. This property of non-homogeneity is assumed to be satisfied by the entire shell of the sphere, while the core of the spherical shell behaves like an inclusion of isotropic homogeneouselastic mass. Satisfying the appropriate boundary conditions, the frequency of vibration of the composite solid sphere has been determined. results obtained by other authors may be deduced from our more general result as special cases.


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Sudipta Sengupta , Indrajit Roy, H.S Chakraborty View Download