D. P. Kothari,Anshumaan Pathak,Utkarsh Pandey ,DOI NO:
Photo-voltaic cells,Power Enhancement,Partial Shading,series-parallel (SP),total cross-tied (TCT),total cross-tied (TCT),honeycomb (HC),Abstract
Growth of photovoltaic systems that require more and more productive alternatives, not only in micro-fabrication techniques but also in methods of energy extraction. In recent years, a large number of Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithms with various complexities over decades the ability to efficiently locate the global maximum under partial shading was followed by evolved. Partial Shading Conditions (PSC) play a major role in determining the energy and power productivity of a solar photovoltaic (SPV) system. Under PSC, the SPV panels receive varying levels of solar irradiance, resulting in a decrease in the power generation of the SPV system, and these losses in SPV panels can be minimized by adjusting the configuration of the array/module panels. The panels can be designed to increase production energy and power quality in several different configurations, such as Series(S), Parallel (P), Series-Parallel (SP), Complete Cross Tied (TCT), Bridge Linked (BL) and Honeycomb (HC). This work is aimed at presenting all the configurations already presented in the literature and referencing and evaluating the findings of PSC on SPV systems. In this paper, there are four 4-4 array configurations of solar photovoltaic panels to be addressed. Parallel series (SP), complete cross-linked (TCT), the bridge linked (BL) and honeycomb are four configurations (HC). To decide on the effect of shadow with 10 shading patterns, four simulated models were carried out. For the above-mentioned configuration, the simulated results indicate a power against voltage (PV) curve of 4 to 4 SPV array under PSC. This thesis will be a reference point for useful and important knowledge for researchers in the field of solar panels.Refference:
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